Dropbox API: detect file updates, and get a URL to a file? - dropbox

I want to detect updates to files, as well as retrieve a URL to them.
Can that all be done through the Sync API? Or do I have to use both the Sync and the Core APIs? (Is that even possible?)

You can use the following method to observe to changes all files in a folder
-[DBFilesystem addObserver:forPathAndChildren:]

The Sync API doesn't currently support getting a public URL for a file (like the /shares endpoint in the REST API), but that feature will be coming in a future version.


Dropbox API - Add Folder Overviews when creating folder

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to add a custom folder overview using Dropbox's API is this possible or not?
No, the Dropbox API doesn't currently expose the ability to set folder overviews programmatically, but I'll pass this along as a feature request. I can't promise if or when that might be implemented though.

Is there a callback in Dropbox API when file upload (sync) starts?

I am creating a web service that mashes up Dropbox, Soundcloud and Wordpress.
I need a callback when user places a file in his Dropbox folder so that I can update the browser user interface. Since it is possible to ask for a download link locally before a file is completely synced, I naturally expect it to be possible to get a callback when file sync has started on a file-by-file basis.
However according to what I experienced /delta only shows files that have finished syncing.
Is there a way to know when file sync starts? If it is not possible via Core API, could it be possible with a small client applet (java or something)?
The Dropbox API doesn't currently expose any notion of a pending upload or file sync status. It can only return information about files that have finished uploading.
Likewise, even with a client app running on the same OS, there currently isn't an interface for communicating with the official Dropbox desktop client to get this information.

DropBox core API how to get GPS metadata for each image?

I am using Core Api from drop box to upload and download file. The upload and download take place from my device. So the image is stored locally and then uploaded. And when downloaded they store on device and I pull them from their locations.
I am able to access the metaData dropBox provides via the restClient LoadedMetaData method. However that method doesn't provide support for the GPS. In this blog Post from dropBox https://www.dropbox.com/developers/blog/86/new-additional-information-about-photo-and-video-files
it has an update to access this. But it is done using a GET HTTP request. Can I do this from inside xcode? I tried accessing the request directly and it gives an error of "NO AUTH" so I cant grab the JSON file. But we should already be authorized from signing in directly with the api.
Any help would be so appreciated.
I believe that in the Core SDK, you can just call [client loadMetadata:path withParams:#{#"include_media_info": #"true"}];
(Caveat: I haven't tested it myself. Please let me know if it works.)

Retrieve all image files using Dropbox Core API

I am working on Dropbox Core API with Google App Engine (python). There seems to be some problems with Dropbox-python-sdk on GAE. Therefore, I have choose to use the Core APIs directly.
My app is trying to retrieve all image files from a user's dropbox (with file type permission). But I couldn't find a way to get all files without specifying the root/path (all the APIs stated here requires a specific file path)
Any idea?
EDIT Dropbox actually recommends not automatically recursing via /metadata calls. (See https://www.dropbox.com/developers/core/bestpractices.)
There's no method to get a recursive list of files, so you would need to use /search to find files or /delta with no cursor to get the full list of files.
Could the Chooser be an option here (if you're just trying to let the user pick individual files)?

Dropbox Application; Is it possible to check when a folder or a file is created or modified?

Is it possible to check when a folder or a file is created or modified in my Dropbox Application's folder?
All right, I found the answer.. Developers who want to get information of changes user did in application can use dropbox Delta API or REST API Delta URL..
"https://api.dropbox.com/1/delta" URL in REST API returns last changes as a Json Object.