Getting repeated rows for where with or condition - sql

I am trying find employees that worked during a specific time period and the hours they worked during that time period. My query has to join the employee table that has employee id as pk and uses effective_date and expiration_date as time measures for the employee's position to the timekeeping table that has a pay period id number as pk and also uses effective and expiration dates.
The problem with the expiration date in the employee table is that if the employee is currently employed then the date is '12/31/9999'. I am looking for employees that worked in a certain year and current employees as well as the hours they worked separated by pay periods.
When I take this condition in account in the where with an OR statement, I get duplicates that is employees that have worked the time period I am looking for and beyond as well as duplicate records for the '12/31/9999' and the valid employee in that time period.
This is the query I am using:
,(SELECT NVL(SUM(((to_number(SUBSTR(TI.DAY_1, 1
,INSTR(TI.DAY_1, ':', 1, 1)-1),99))*60)+
,INSTR(TI.DAY_1,':', -1, 1)+1),99))),0)
) "DAY1"
J.EMPL_ID='some id number' --for test purposes, will need to break down to depts-
J.EFF_DT >=TO_DATE('1/1/2012','MM/DD/YYYY')
J.EXP_DT=TO_DATE('12/31/9999','MM/DD/YYYY') --I think the problem might be here???
I'm pretty sure I'm missing something simple but at this point I can't see the forest for the trees. Can anyone out there point me in the right direction?
an example of the duplicate records:
for employee 1 for the year of 2012:
Empl_ID Dept Unit Last First Title Eff Date Exp Date PPRD ID Empl_ID
00001 04 012 Babbage Charles Somejob 4/1/2012 10/15/2012 0407123 00001
Exp Date_1 Eff Date_1
4/15/2012 4/1/2012
this record repeats 3 times and goes past the pay periods in 2012 to the current pay period in 2013
the subquery I use to convert time to be able to add hrs and mins together to compare down the line.

I'm going to take a wild guess and see if this is what you want, remember I could not test so there may be typos.
If this is and especially if it is not, you should read in the FAQ about how to ask good questions. If this is what you were trying to understand your question should have been answered within about 10 mins. Because it was not clear what you were asking no one could answer your question.
You should include inputs and outputs and EXPECTED output in your question. The data you gave was not the output of the select statement (it did not have the DAY1 column).
-- ,TM1.EXP_DT Can't have these if you are summing accross multiple records.
-- ,TM1.EFF_DT
,NVL(SUM(((to_number(SUBSTR(TM1.DAY_1, 1,INSTR(TM1.DAY_1, ':', 1, 1)-1),99))*60)+
(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(TM1.DAY_1,INSTR(TM1.DAY_1,':', -1, 1)+1),99))),0)
J.EMPL_ID='some id number' --for test purposes, will need to break down to depts-
AND J.EFF_DT >=TO_DATE('1/1/2012','MM/DD/YYYY')
AND(J.EXP_DT<=TO_DATE('12/31/2012','MM/DD/YYYY') OR J.EXP_DT=TO_DATE('12/31/9999','MM/DD/YYYY'))


How can I express a SUM condition using SWITCH or nested IIF?

I have a request with a SQL code which calculates working days of each of these activities: Interstaff, Mission, ``Congés` using a defined VBA Function.
When there are two activities on the same day, it counts 1 day for each activity, I want the Sum function to ignore this day, and go to the next one.
I would like to modify my SQL code to add this condition:
"When calculating mission, if there is a Congés within the same period, ignore this day (and give priority to only count it in congés)"
I read that there is a SWITCH or a nested IIF conditions, but I couldn't translate that within my actual code...
Please do consider that I am still a beginner, on his way to learning!
Sum(IIf([Activité]="(2) Interstaff",WorkingDaysInDateRange([maxBegin],[minEnd])*Planning_Consultants.Time_Allocated,0)) AS NonBillable,
Sum(IIf([Activité]="(1) Mission",WorkingDaysInDateRange([maxBegin],[minEnd])*Planning_Consultants.Time_Allocated,0)) AS Billable,
Sum(IIf([Activité]="(3) Congés/Arrêt",WorkingDaysInDateRange([maxBegin],[minEnd])*Planning_Consultants.Time_Allocated,0)) AS Absent,
For example Mr A got a mission from 03/06/2019 to 07/06/2019. With a day off (congé) on 06/06/2019. I expect the output to be Mission 4 days and congé 1 day, in my case I will have mission 5 days, and congé 1 day,
Here's an example of a Dataset :
Activity BegDate EndDate Time_Allocated
(1)Mission 01/01/2019 31/12/2019 100%
(3)congé 02/04/2019 05/04/2019 100%
For April for example, I would like to have 18 working days and 4 congé, instead of 22 working days and 4 congé
This is the sort of query that should work for you. I've built this in sql server rather than access so you might have to make some mods, but it will give you the idea. It will give you the actual days for the activity, plus the total leave days that cover the activity. The rest I will leave up to you.
select t1.Activity, t1.Time_Allocated,
WorkingDaysInDateRange(t1.BegDate, t1.EndDate) as days,
case when t2.BegDate<T1.BegDate then T1.BegDate else t2.BegDate end,
case when t2.EndDate>T1.EndDate then T1.EndDate else t2.EndDate end))
as LeaveDays
from times t1
left join times t2 on t2.BegDate<=t1.Enddate and t2.EndDate>=t1.BegDate
and t2.Activity='(3)congé'
and t1.Activity!='(3)congé'
group by t1.Activity, t1.Time_Allocated, t1.BegDate, t1.EndDate

Find the timestamp of a unique ticket number

I have a table that looks like this:
**ActivityNumber -- TimeStamp -- PreviousActivityNumber -- Team**
1234-4 -- 01/01/2017 14:12 -- 1234-3 -- Team A
There are 400,000 rows.
The ActivityNumber is a unique ticket number with the activity count attached. There are 4 teams.
Each activitynumber is in the table.
I need to calculate the average time taken between updates for each team, for each month (to see how each team is improving over time).
I produced a query which counts the number of activities per team per month - so I'm part way there.
I'm unable to find the timestamp for the previousActivityNumber so I can subtract it from the current Activity number. If I could get this, I could run an average on it.
select a1.Team,
a2.Timestamp as PrevTime,
datediff('n',a1.Timestamp, a2.timestamp) as WorkMinutes
from MyTable a1
left join MyTable a2
on ((a1.Team = a2.Team)
and (a1.PreviousActivityNumber = a2.ActivityNumber )

Oracle - Count the same value used on consecutive days

Date jm Text
-------- ---- ----
6/3/2015 ne Good
6/4/2015 ne Good
6/5/2015 ne Same
6/8/2015 ne Same
I want to count how often the "same" value occurs in a set of consecutive days.
I dont want to count the value for the whole database. Now on the current date it is 2 (above example).
It is very important for me that "Same" never occurs...
The query has to ignore the weekend (6 and 7 june).
Date jm Text
-------- ---- ----
6/3/2015 ne Same
6/4/2015 ne Same
6/5/2015 ne Good
6/8/2015 ne Good
In this example the count is zero
Okay, I'm starting to get the picture, although at first I thought you wanted to count by jm, and now it seems you want to count by Text = 'Same'. Anyway, that's what this query should do. It gets the row for the current date. Is connects all previous rows and counts them. Also, it shows whether the current text (and that of the connected rows).
So the query will return one row (if there is one for today), which will show the date, jm and Text of the current date, the number of consecutive days for which the Text has been the same (just in case you want to know how many days it is 'Good'), and the number of days (either 0 or the same as the other count) for which the Text has been 'Same'.
I hope this query is right, or at least it gives you an idea of how to solve the problem using CONNECT BY. I should mention I based the 'Friday-detection' on this question.
Also, I don't have Oracle at hand, so please forgive me for any minor syntax errors.
( SELECT t.*
FROM YourTable t
START WITH -- Start with the row for today
t.Date = trunc(sysdate)
CONNECT BY -- Connect to previous row that have a lower date.
-- Note that PRIOR refers to the prior record, which is
-- actually the NEXT day. :)
t.Date = PRIOR t.Date +
CASE MOD(TO_CHAR(t.Date, 'J'), 7) + 1
WHEN 5 THEN 3 -- Friday, so add 3
ELSE 1 -- Other days, so add one
-- And the Text also has to match to the one of the next day.
AND t.Text = PRIOR t.Text)
SELECT s.Date,,
MAX(Text) AS CurrentText, -- Not really MAX, they are actually all the same
COUNT(*) AS ConsecutiveDays,
COUNT(CASE WHEN Text = 'Same' THEN 1 END) as SameCount
GROUP BY s.Date,
This recursive query (available from Oracle version 11g) might be useful:
with s(tcode, tdate) as (
select tcode, tdate from test where tdate = date '2015-06-08'
union all
select t.tcode, t.tdate from test t, s
where s.tcode = t.tcode
and t.tdate = s.tdate - decode(s.tdate-trunc(s.tdate, 'iw'), 0, 3, 1) )
select count(1) cnt from s
I prepared sample data according to your original question, without further edits, you can see them in attached SQLFiddle. Additional conditions for column 'Text'
are very simple, just add something like ... and Text ='Same' in where clauses.
In current version query counts number of previous days starting from given date (change it in line 2) where dates are consecutive (excluding weekend days) and values in column tcode is the same for all days.
Part: decode(s.tdate-trunc(s.tdate, 'iw'), 0, 3, 1) is for substracting days depending if it's Monday or other day, and should work independently from NLS settings.

count occurrences for each week using db2

I am looking for some general advice rather than a solution. My problem is that I have a list of dates per person where due to administrative procedures, a person may have multiple records stored for this one instance, yet the date recorded is when the data was entered in as this person is passed through the paper trail. I understand this is quite difficult to explain so I'll give an example:
Person Date Audit
------ ---- -----
1 2000-01-01 A
1 2000-01-01 B
1 2000-01-02 C
1 2003-04-01 A
1 2003-04-03 A
where I want to know how many valid records a person has by removing annoying audits that have recorded the date as the day the data was entered, rather than the date the person first arrives in the dataset. So for the above person I am only interested in:
Person Date Audit
------ ---- -----
1 2000-01-01 A
1 2003-04-01 A
what makes this problem difficult is that I do not have the luxury of an audit column (the audit column here is just to present how to data is collected). I merely have dates. So one way where I could crudely count real events (and remove repeat audit data) is to look at individual weeks within a persons' history and if a record(s) exists for a given week, add 1 to my counter. This way even though there are multiple records split over a few days, I am only counting the succession of dates as one record (which after all I am counting by date).
So does anyone know of any db2 functions that could help me solve this problem?
If you can live with standard weeks it's pretty simple:
person, year(dt), week(dt), min(dt), min(audit)
group by
person, year(dt), week(dt)
If you need seven-day ranges starting with the first date you'd need to generate your own week numbers, a calendar of sorts, e.g. like so:
with minmax(mindt, maxdt) as ( -- date range of the "calendar"
select min(dt), max(dt)
from blah
cal(dt,i) as ( -- fill the range with every date, count days
select mindt, 0
from minmax
union all
select dt+1 day , i+1
from cal
where dt < (select maxdt from minmax) and i < 100000
person, year(blah.dt), wk, min(blah.dt), min(audit)
(select dt, int(i/7)+1 as wk from cal) t -- generate week numbers
inner join
on t.dt = blah.dt
group by person, year(blah.dt), wk

Join to Calendar Table - 5 Business Days

So this is somewhat of a common question on here but I haven't found an answer that really suits my specific needs. I have 2 tables. One has a list of ProjectClosedDates. The other table is a calendar table that goes through like 2025 which has columns for if the row date is a weekend day and also another column for is the date a holiday.
My end goal is to find out based on the ProjectClosedDate, what date is 5 business days post that date. My idea was that I was going to use the Calendar table and join it to itself so I could then insert a column into the calendar table that was 5 Business days away from the row-date. Then I was going to join the Project table to that table based on ProjectClosedDate = RowDate.
If I was just going to check the actual business-date table for one record, I could use this:
SELECT actual_date from
SELECT actual_date, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY actual_date) AS Row
FROM DateTable
WHERE is_holiday= 0 and actual_date > '2013-12-01'
ORDER BY actual_date
) X
WHERE row = 65
from here:
sql working days holidays
However, this is just one date and I need a column of dates based off of each row. Any thoughts of what the best way to do this would be? I'm using SQL-Server Management Studio.
Completely untested and not thought through:
If the concept of "business days" is common and important in your system, you could add a column "Business Day Sequence" to your table. The column would be a simple unique sequence, incremented by one for every business day and null for every day not counting as a business day.
The data would look something like this:
========== ========
2014-03-03 1
2014-03-04 2
2014-03-05 3
2014-03-06 4
2014-03-07 5
2014-03-10 6
Now it's a simple task to find the N:th business day from any date.
You simply do a self join with the calendar table, adding the offset in the join condition.
select a.actual_date
,b.actual_date as nth_bussines_day
from DateTable a
join DateTable b on(
b.bday_seq = a.bday_seq + 5