Nested grid in ExtJS 4.1 using Row Expander - extjs4.1

On the front-end I have a Calls grid. Each Call may have one or more Notes associated with it, so I want to add the ability to drill down into each Calls grid row and display related Notes.
On the back-end I am using Ruby on Rails, and the Calls controller returns a Calls json recordset, with nested Notes in each row. This is done using to_json(:include => blah), in case you're wondering.
So the question is: how do I add a sub-grid (or just a div) that gets displayed when a user double-clicks or expands a row in the parent grid? How do I bind nested Notes data to it?
I found some answers out there that got me part of the way where I needed to go. Thanks to those who helped me take it from there.

I'll jump straight into posting code, without much explanation. Just keep in mind that my json recordset has nested Notes records. On the client it means that each Calls record has a nested notesStore, which contains the related Notes. Also, I'm only displaying one Notes column - content - for simplicity.
Ext.define('MyApp.view.calls.Grid', {
alias: 'widget.callsgrid',
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
initComponent: function(){
var me = this;
var config = {
listeners: {
afterrender: function (grid) {
function (rowNode, record, expandbody) {
var targetId = 'CallsGridRow-' + record.get('id');
if (Ext.getCmp(targetId + "_grid") == null) {
var notesGrid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
forceFit: true,
renderTo: targetId,
id: targetId + "_grid",
store: record.notesStore,
columns: [
{ text: 'Note', dataIndex: 'content', flex: 0 }
rowNode.grid = notesGrid;
notesGrid.getEl().swallowEvent(['mouseover', 'mousedown', 'click', 'dblclick', 'onRowFocus']);
notesGrid.fireEvent("bind", notesGrid, { id: record.get('id') });
Ext.apply(me, Ext.apply(me.initialConfig, config));
plugins: [{
ptype: 'rowexpander',
pluginId: 'abc',
rowBodyTpl: [
'<div id="CallsGridRow-{id}" ></div>'


Datatable export generic data outside table

I'm trying to add aditional rows during exportation(plz, see attached image), i don't find the right way to do it, please someone tell me whether or not its possible, since many reports carry parent data that not necesarily appears inside the table. I need the Pdf output with the same format. I'm using yajra datatables for laravel.
buttons :[
extend: 'pdfHtml5',
pageSize: 'letter',
title: "Informe Asistencia",
exportOptions: {
columns: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ]
calling the function and drawing table
$.get('{{ url("informes/get_informe_asistencia") }}',
'fecha_inicio': fecha_inicio,
'fecha_fin' : fecha_fin,
'numero' : numero
missing data
you can export manually.
text: 'PDF',//title
titleAttr: 'Exportar PDF',
exportOptions: {
action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
var table = this;
dt.rows.add("YOUR DATA").draw();
$, e, dt, node, config);
So you need modify your data from with dt.rows().data().toArray(),dt.settings().init().columns.

rally iteration combobox returns empty

I'm new to rally app SDK and trying to do the tutorials (from Youtube and from rally site)
when I'm trying to create an iterationComboBox the object is created but with no values ("There are no Iterations defined").
i tried to run both the video tutorial code from github (session_4_interactive_grid)
// Custom Rally App that displays Defects in a grid and filter by Iteration and/or Severity.
// Note: various console debugging messages intentionally kept in the code for learning purposes
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: '', // The parent class manages the app 'lifecycle' and calls launch() when ready
componentCls: 'app', // CSS styles found in app.css
defectStore: undefined, // app level references to the store and grid for easy access in various methods
defectGrid: undefined,
// Entry Point to App
launch: function() {
console.log('our second app'); // see console api:
this.pulldownContainer = Ext.create('Ext.container.Container', { // this container lets us control the layout of the pulldowns; they'll be added below
id: 'pulldown-container-id',
layout: {
type: 'hbox', // 'horizontal' layout
align: 'stretch'
this.add(this.pulldownContainer); // must add the pulldown container to the app to be part of the rendering lifecycle, even though it's empty at the moment
// create iteration pulldown and load iterations
_loadIterations: function() {
this.iterComboBox = Ext.create('Rally.ui.combobox.IterationComboBox', {
fieldLabel: 'Iteration',
labelAlign: 'right',
width: 300,
listeners: {
ready: function(combobox) { // on ready: during initialization of the app, once Iterations are loaded, lets go get Defect Severities
select: function(combobox, records) { // on select: after the app has fully loaded, when the user 'select's an iteration, lets just relaod the data
scope: this
this.pulldownContainer.add(this.iterComboBox); // add the iteration list to the pulldown container so it lays out horiz, not the app!
// create defect severity pulldown then load data
_loadSeverities: function() {
this.severityComboBox = Ext.create('Rally.ui.combobox.FieldValueComboBox', {
model: 'Defect',
field: 'Severity',
fieldLabel: 'Severity',
labelAlign: 'right',
listeners: {
ready: function(combobox) { // this is the last 'data' pulldown we're loading so both events go to just load the actual defect data
select: function(combobox, records) {
scope: this // <--- don't for get to pass the 'app' level scope into the combo box so the async event functions can call app-level func's!
this.pulldownContainer.add(this.severityComboBox); // add the severity list to the pulldown container so it lays out horiz, not the app!
// Get data from Rally
_loadData: function() {
var selectedIterRef = this.iterComboBox.getRecord().get('_ref'); // the _ref is unique, unlike the iteration name that can change; lets query on it instead!
var selectedSeverityValue = this.severityComboBox.getRecord().get('value'); // remember to console log the record to see the raw data and relize what you can pluck out
console.log('selected iter', selectedIterRef);
console.log('selected severity', selectedSeverityValue);
var myFilters = [ // in this format, these are AND'ed together; use to create programatic AND/OR constructs
property: 'Iteration',
operation: '=',
value: selectedIterRef
property: 'Severity',
operation: '=',
value: selectedSeverityValue
// if store exists, just load new data
if (this.defectStore) {
console.log('store exists');
// create store
} else {
console.log('creating store');
this.defectStore = Ext.create('', { // create defectStore on the App (via this) so the code above can test for it's existence!
model: 'Defect',
autoLoad: true, // <----- Don't forget to set this to true! heh
filters: myFilters,
listeners: {
load: function(myStore, myData, success) {
console.log('got data!', myStore, myData);
if (!this.defectGrid) { // only create a grid if it does NOT already exist
this._createGrid(myStore); // if we did NOT pass scope:this below, this line would be incorrectly trying to call _createGrid() on the store which does not exist.
scope: this // This tells the wsapi data store to forward pass along the app-level context into ALL listener functions
fetch: ['FormattedID', 'Name', 'Severity', 'Iteration'] // Look in the WSAPI docs online to see all fields available!
// Create and Show a Grid of given defect
_createGrid: function(myDefectStore) {
this.defectGrid = Ext.create('Rally.ui.grid.Grid', {
store: myDefectStore,
columnCfgs: [ // Columns to display; must be the same names specified in the fetch: above in the wsapi data store
'FormattedID', 'Name', 'Severity', 'Iteration'
this.add(this.defectGrid); // add the grid Component to the app-level Container (by doing this.add, it uses the app container)
and the code from Rally site (!/guide/first_app).
// Custom Rally App that displays Defects in a grid and filter by Iteration and/or Severity.
// Note: various console debugging messages intentionally kept in the code for learning purposes
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: '', // The parent class manages the app 'lifecycle' and calls launch() when ready
componentCls: 'app', // CSS styles found in app.css
launch: function() {
this.iterationCombobox = this.add({
xtype: 'rallyiterationcombobox',
listeners: {
change: this._onIterationComboboxChanged,
ready: this._onIterationComboboxLoad,
scope: this
_onIterationComboboxLoad: function() {
var addNewConfig = {
xtype: 'rallyaddnew',
recordTypes: ['User Story', 'Defect'],
ignoredRequiredFields: ['Name', 'ScheduleState', 'Project'],
showAddWithDetails: false,
listeners: {
beforecreate: this._onBeforeCreate,
scope: this
this.addNew = this.add(addNewConfig);
var cardBoardConfig = {
xtype: 'rallycardboard',
types: ['Defect', 'User Story'],
attribute: 'ScheduleState',
storeConfig: {
filters: [this.iterationCombobox.getQueryFromSelected()]
this.cardBoard = this.add(cardBoardConfig);
_onBeforeCreate: function(addNewComponent, record) {
record.set('Iteration', this.iterationCombobox.getValue());
_onIterationComboboxChanged: function() {
var config = {
storeConfig: {
filters: [this.iterationCombobox.getQueryFromSelected()]
both give me an empty iteration box.
i'm getting user stories data when running code from session 3 on the video,by creating a store of user stories. I googled it and searched here for duplicates but with no successso far, so what can be the issue?
I copied the code you posted, both apps, without making any changes, ran the apps and the iteration box was populated in both cases. It's not the code.
Maybe if you are getting "There are no Iterations defined" there are no iterations in your project?
The second code you posted which you copied from the example in the documentation has a bug in it and even though the iteration combobox is populated, the cards do not show on a board. DevTools console has error: "Cannot read property 'refresh' of undefined".
I have a working version of this app in this github repo.

Manually adding columns to rallycardboard component

I am creating a rallycardboard where each column represents a release, and the cards are Features to be scheduled into those releases. The default mechanics of the component render all available releases as columns on the board. For our particular application this is unreasonable, since there are thousands of Releases in our workspace.
I was able to overwrite the addColumn method to only include a column if it is a Release which at least one Feature from the group is assigned to. The next step is to make it so that a user can manually add a Release column that doesn't currently have any assigned work. To do this, I stored all the excluded columns from the first step and created a combo box with those values. I would like it so that when the user selects a Release from the combo box, that Release column is added to the board.
I was able to reconfigure my addColumn method to allow for manual override (as apposed to trying to match with an existing Feature's Release). I verified that the column was added to the boards columns by calling board.getColumns() and the configurations look the same for both the existing and added columns. However, I get an error message when calling board.renderColumns() which appears to be the result of trying to write to a container that doesn't yet exist (the column isn't created yet).
Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way. Is there another way I can more easily decide which columns to include, and which to exclude, on the rallycardboard component?
Here is an example where the board columns are based on releases that have features scheduled. To add a columns for releases that have no features currently scheduled select releases from the mulitpicker.
The app is available in this github repo.
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: '',
componentCls: 'app',
_releasesWithFeatures: [],
_uniqueColumns: [],
_additionalColumns: [],
_updatedColumns: [],
_cardBoard: null,
launch: function() {
var that = this;
this._releasePicker = Ext.create('Rally.ui.picker.MultiObjectPicker', {
fieldLabel: 'Choose a Release',
modelType: 'Release'
xtype: 'rallybutton',
id: 'getReleases',
text: 'Add Selected Releases',
handler: function(){
Ext.create('', {
model: 'PortfolioItem/Feature',
fetch: ['FormattedID','Name','Release'],
pageSize: 100,
autoLoad: true,
filters: [
property: 'Release',
operator: '!=',
value: null
listeners: {
load: this._onScheduledFeaturesLoaded,
scope: this
_onScheduledFeaturesLoaded: function(store, data){
var that = this;
if (data.length !==0) {
_.each(data, function(feature){
console.log('feature ', feature.get('FormattedID'), 'scheduled for ', feature.get('Release')._refObjectName, feature.get('Release')._ref);
console.log('there are no features scheduled for a release')
_makeBoard: function(){
if (this._cardBoard) {
var columns = [];
_.each(this._releasesWithFeatures, function(rel){
columns.push({value: rel._ref, columnHeaderConfig: {headerTpl: '{release}', headerData: {release: rel._refObjectName}}});
this._uniqueColumns = _.uniq(columns, 'value');
var cardBoard = {
xtype: 'rallycardboard',
itemId: 'piboard',
types: ['PortfolioItem/Feature'],
attribute: 'Release',
fieldToDisplay: 'Release',
columns: this._uniqueColumns
this._cardBoard = this.add(cardBoard);
_getSelectedReleases: function(){
var that = this;
var expandedColumns = [];
var selectedReleases = this._releasePicker._getRecordValue();
if (selectedReleases.length > 0) {
_.each(selectedReleases, function(rel) {
var releaseName = rel.get('Name');
var releaseRef = rel.get('_ref');
that._additionalColumns.push({value: releaseRef, columnHeaderConfig: {headerTpl: '{release}', headerData: {release: releaseName}}});
expandedColumns = _.union(that._uniqueColumns, that._additionalColumns);
this._updatedColumns = _.uniq(expandedColumns, 'value');
_updateBoard: function(){
var that = this;
if (this._cardBoard) {
var cardBoard = {
xtype: 'rallycardboard',
types: ['PortfolioItem/Feature'],
attribute: 'Release',
fieldToDisplay: 'Release',
columns: that._updatedColumns,
this._cardBoard = this.add(cardBoard);

Sencha Touch List refresh from store

I have a simple List inside a container that I would like to see refreshed with new items when it is activated.
In my controller, I have an event for this:
onActivate: function() {
var that = this;
var store = this.getApprovalRequestsStore();
store.getProxy().setUrl(''+ Global.approvalsListUri +;
callback: function (records, model) {
And in my list, I have a tpl for the items that come back from the store (verified I have items coming back from store at break point above), yet no items are shown:
Ext.define('Approvals.view.approvals.List', {
extend: 'Ext.List',
xtype: 'approvalsList',
config: {
itemId: 'ApprovalsList',
store: 'ApprovalRequests',
itemHeight: 70,
variableHeights: false,
pressedDelay: 0,
emptyText: "<div>No Approvals Found</div>",
loadingText: "Loading...",
onItemDisclosure: false,
itemTpl: '<div class="listView">Request For: {requestedFor}</div>',...
Is there something flawed in my approach?
It was a problem with the reader. Once I set totalProperty and successProperty to values being returned from the service it worked. WTHO.

Sencha : can't call method "update" of undefined

Here, i'm registering my app:
App = new Ext.Application({
name: "App",
launch: function() {
this.views.viewport = new this.views.Viewport();
This is the way i register new panels and components. I put each of them into seperate js files.
App.views.Viewport = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, {
fullscreen: true,
tabBar: {
dock: 'bottom',
layout: {
pack: 'center'
items: [
xtype: 'cPanel'
xtype: 'anotherPanel'
// register this new extended type
Ext.reg('App.views.viewport', App.views.Viewport);
I added the other components in the same manner.
In one my components which is a list view, I want to change the container panel's activeItem with another panel when tappen on an item, like this: ( Viewport contains this container panel)
App.views.ListApp = Ext.extend(Ext.List, {
itemTpl: "...",
onItemDisclosure: function(record) {
listeners: {
itemtap: function(view, index, item, e) {
var rec = view.getStore().getAt(index);
App.views.cPanel.setActiveItem("detailPanel", {type:"slide", direction: "left"});
But it says: can't call method "update" of undefined
I tried different variations on that line, like:
and i tried to give detailPanel and cPanel ids, where they were added to their container panel, and tried to reach them with Ext.get(), but none of these worked.
What is the problem here?
And any other advices would be appreciated.
The lazy way: give the panels ids and use:
The recommended way: Assign itemId to your panel and use:
This will allow you to have more than one instance of the same component at aby given time, the first example is not valid cause you can only have a singular id in the DOM tree.
Also getComponent only works for components stored in the items collection.