legend on each point with pylab.plot - matplotlib

I would like to have each exact value as a legend above each point representing that value on my graph. Any idea of how I can do it? Thanks
enter code here

Use the annotate method of matplotlib. If you provide some example code, I'll show you how you could use it. Otherwise, the documentation and the examples of matplotlib are quite nice.


ChartJS ignores 'chartOptions'

I can't find out how to set the "chartOptions", neither with the help of the documentation (https://vue-chartjs.org/), nor other tools.
For this I built a simple sandbox environment on codesandbox.io, so you can have a closer look.
There you can find two bar charts in the folder "components". Both have a different approach and both ignore e.g. the "min" and "max" value when scaling the chart. Just like the chart title is ignored, too. In the meantime I don't know what I can or should do. In the meantime I have tried everything possible and I just can't find a solution.
I need to define the options externally, or at least be able to override them before rendering. The second option would be even much better!
I would be very happy if someone could help me.

Data point on Y-Axis

I am using WinRTXamlToolkit and creating a LineChart. By default the chart does not allow data points ON the axes. But I want to populate the starting data point/coordinate on the y-axis e.g. (0, 20).
How can this be done? I have yet to discover a way. Any suggestion will be helpful.
Answer is posted in the comment above by Filip who made the library.

.mesh file "ref" var explanation

I am trying to understand the .mesh files, usually generated for mesh visualization with Medit.
The documentation is here, but it is in french.
The thing I understand is that after every line describing and object in the file (vertex, triangle, tetrahedra, etc.) it comes a ref variable, that in the examples files I have, they usually are 0,1,2,3 and I don't understand what is their purpose.
Can somebody please explain this?
You can get an .mesh example here.
Each reference corresponds to a color in Medit. The colors are arbitrary, and can be changed in Medit (using the GUI or changing a configuration file).
The reference values in the Mesh file refers to a color index. Maybe the program uses this to display the vertices, triangles and tetrahedra with certain colors. You can ignore this value for all practical purposes.

Example for custom Range in Gtkmm

I am working on a Potentiometer style widget in Gtkmm and I'd like to use Range as the baseclass.
Does anyone know of a proper example for doing this?
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking for. I know that there is a simple example of using the range widget here. It does handle the creation of the Adjustment object that you'll need. You'll need to define an abstract potentiometer class, then create your vertical and/or horizontal potentiometers separately for flexibility.
The closest thing that I could find to an example of what you'd need to override in order to make your own custom range-like widget is on Old Nabble.
I wish that I could give you more help with this, but I'm rather new to Gtkmm.

Draw a Route between starting point to end point in google mapview

I am developing a Demo project in Xcode to draw a route between two places.
For example, from a particular starting place to end place according to latitude and longitude. However, I could not understand how to do it? With the help of google api or from any other process?
To draw a line between the starting point and ending point the best place to start is the Apple Source Code Here, it does everything and more: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/Breadcrumb/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40010048-Intro-DontLinkElementID_2
You need to make a request to http://maps.google.com/maps?dirflg=w&output=dragdir&saddr=lat,lng&daddr=lat,lng ( more information on parameters can be found here: http://mapki.com/wiki/Google_Map_Parameters#Directions )
It will return points in encoded format, decode them using code from http://fkn1337.com/decode-google-maps-polylines-objective-c/
Construct MKPolyline object from this points and add it to the map.
If you want to draw route between two points in map view it is better to use Regexkitlite framework classes which will describe clearly how to achieve this.For reference and sample code go through this link.