How To Get Time Since Like 1972 in Objective-C - objective-c

I know in python that you can get the time in milliseconds since 1972 or some time around there. I wanted to know if there was a similar feature in Objective-C or if I need to make something to calculate it.

Well, there's [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970], which give the time (in seconds) since midnight on January 1, 1970.
[NSDate date] returns the current time; you can get the seconds-since-epoch relative to any time that you have an NSDate object for.

From the sound of it, you don’t care about the particular start date, just an elapsed-time number you can get milliseconds from. CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() will give you a double-precision value for the current system time.

If it doesn't have to be Objective-C:
long timeSinceEpoch = time(NULL);


timeIntervalSinceDate in past?

I'm creating a NSDate in the past (1 hour in the past) and that looks to be setting correct, only thing is I want to then use that to determine if an even has happened or not. Because I set to be in the past, when I do the check it should definitely think the even has happened, but timeIntervalSinceDate seems to only give a positive result?
This is the code I'm using with timeIntervalSinceDate
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
NSTimeInterval secondsSincePlantingInterval = [now timeIntervalSinceDate:plantingDate];
Which is giving 68 seconds, but it should be -68 seconds, or does it not return negative values?
This is perfectly normal, documented behavior
The documentation states :
- (NSTimeInterval)timeIntervalSinceDate:(NSDate *)anotherDate
Return Value
The interval between the receiver and anotherDate. If the receiver is earlier than anotherDate, the return value is negative.
Since plantingDate is in the past, the receiver is not earlier than it. Therefore the value is positive.
Moreover ; this is plain english
[now timeIntervalSinceDate:plantingDate];
So, the time interval since the plantingDate up to now is positive.
It does return negative values, yes. But if plantingDate is in the past then I'd expect secondsSincePlantingInterval to be positive.
If you think about it, that line is reading:
Tell me the number of seconds now is since plantingDate.
Just like Tuesday 2nd is one day since Monday 1st, now is +ve seconds since plantingDate.
You want:
NSTimeInterval secondsSincePlantingInterval = [plantingDate timeIntervalSinceNow];

Is there a way to get timeIntervalSince1970 without using NSDate?

I'm trying to avoid creating an NSDate object since my code is heavy in needing the 'current time'. I end up calling [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] a lot. Is there any way to get the time interval without instantiating the object?
CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent gives you similar accuracy - no object required.
CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent uses a different base (or reference date), so you will have to initially determine the offset or the bases if you need to use another reference date (e.g. relative to some time in 1970).
NSTimeInterval interval = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
you deleted your comment regarding an option with more accuracy than CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent: try gettimeofday

Calculating time 90 minutes prior to due date/time in Objective C (iPhone app)

This is a completely noobish question, but I spent 2 hours yesterday trying to make it work, and I'm obviously missing something very basic.
What I need to do is take input from user of date/time and count back 90 minutes for an alert.
Could someone please post an example calculation, where you have a var that holds user input and a new var that receives the result of this computation? (all done in Objective C for use in an iPhone app) Thank you!
I suspect you could do something like:
NSDate *alertDate = [userDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:-5400.0];
I think this should work:
NSDate * alarmDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeInterval:5400 sinceDate:userDefinedDate];
NSDate * now = [NSDate date];
NSTimeInterval wait = [now timeIntervalSinceDate:alarmDate];
[self performSelector:#selector(callAlarm) withObject:nil afterDelay:fabs(wait)];
Although I do agree with Nick too, adding your work its much more productive..
Assuming you have a UIDatePicker, your target date will already be in an NSDate object. If it's coming from another source, you're probably ending up with it in an NSDate object, either from a string via an NSDateFormatter or by some other means.
From an NSDate object, you can get an NSTimeInterval relative to some absolute date. That's a C primitive type (it's a double in practice, but obviously don't code to depend on that) that you can do arithmetic directly on. So you can subtract 90 minutes directly from that. There are then various + dateWithTimeInterval... class methods on NSDate that will allow you to get a date from the result.

Unix timestamp is not getting converted correctly to NSDate

I have parsed an api which returns a unixtimestamp for last updated value. I am trying to convert it into NSDate. The code is below
NSDate *date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[[[feedCount objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"firstitemmsec"] intValue]];
NSLog(#"%#", date);
When I NSLog the date, I am getting date like this:
2038-01-19 03:14:07 +0000
The above date is obviously wrong
What is the mistake in the above code?
EDIT: my unixtimestamp is
This value is obviously bigger for int. So how best can I handle this situation
Unix timestamps are in seconds, the value you have looks like a number of milliseconds since 1st January 1970. If you divide by 1000, you get 1264396813, which according to this converter is:
Mon, 25 Jan 2010 05:20:13 GMT
Check the value of [[[feedCount objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"firstitemmsec"] intValue]--odds seem good that it's not a valid UNIX timestamp (okay, it is since any int value is on iOS, but obviously it's not the right value.)
I think there's another to do. Erase the "500" at the end of your number wich is an error code from the server and you have a right unix time ;)
There was probably an error or a bug on your server... ???

Converting JSON date(ticks) to NSDate

Does anyone know how to convert a JSON date(ticks) to an NSDate in Objective-C? Can someone post some code?
I'm guessing here but your JSON value is the number of milliseconds since 1970, right? You can use NSDate's dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: method to return an NSDate object with the correct time. Just make sure to convert the JSON milliseconds number to seconds before passing it to NSDate-- Cocoa uses NSTimeInterval in most places, which represents an interval in seconds.
It goes roughly like this:
// Input string is something like: "/Date(1292851800000+0100)/" where
// 1292851800000 is milliseconds since 1970 and +0100 is the timezone
NSString *inputString = [item objectForKey:#"DateTimeSession"];
// This will tell number of seconds to add according to your default timezone
// Note: if you don't care about timezone changes, just delete/comment it out
NSInteger offset = [[NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone] secondsFromGMT];
// A range of NSMakeRange(6, 10) will generate "1292851800" from "/Date(1292851800000+0100)/"
// as in example above. We crop additional three zeros, because "dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:"
// wants seconds, not milliseconds; since 1 second is equal to 1000 milliseconds, this will work.
// Note: if you don't care about timezone changes, just chop out "dateByAddingTimeInterval:offset" part
NSDate *date = [[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:
[[inputString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(6, 10)] intValue]]
You'd have to detect the client's locale in order to be able to do that, and unless your client knows how to do that, there's probably not much point.
NSDate's descriptionWithLocale: would be the way you format it for another locale. And timeIntervalSince1970 will go back to the (seconds) since 1970, which you could multiply by 1000 to get ms to return to the client. It's all in the NSDate documentation.
According to this page: ticks begin on Jan 1, 0001 so dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: is not automatically setup to work with ticks. You can still use this method but should adjust for the difference.