GNU Make Error 126, C:\Program is a directory - permissions

GNU make gives me a strange error message, which I do not understand.
gao#L8470-130213 ~
$ make
echo Test
C:\Program: C:\Program: is a directory
make: *** [test] Error 126
This is what I thought of verifying:
gao#L8470-130213 ~
$ less makefile
echo Test
gao#L8470-130213 ~
$ which make
gao#L8470-130213 ~
$ /c/Progra~2/GnuWin32/bin/make.exe test
echo Test
C:\Program: C:\Program: is a directory
make: *** [test] Error 126
gao#L8470-130213 ~
$ make --version
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
This program built for i386-pc-mingw32
It feels like some other program is trying to run at the end, and that its path includes some spaces. In that case, what program could it be, and how can I prevent it from running?
I have seen this thread and tried to disable my antivirus, which did not help.
I have also looked into permissions, but I am not sure if makefile needs execution rights. I can't seem to be able to change that anyway (running in bash on windows. makefile is not read-only when I check in explorer):
gao#L8470-130213 ~
$ ls -l makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 gao Administ 21 Apr 15 14:53 makefile
gao#L8470-130213 ~
$ chmod +x makefile
gao#L8470-130213 ~
$ ls -l makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 gao Administ 21 Apr 15 14:53 makefile
What is going on with make, what can I do?

It's not "some other program" that's trying to run, it's the echo command. Make prints the command to be run, echo test, but you never see the output (test) so that means it failed trying to find the echo program. Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with the vagaries of running GNU make on Windows: there are lots of different options. One possibility would be to get a newer version of GNU make; 3.81 is very old. 3.82 is now available and might work better for you.
Good info you added above about your environment re: using bash; that wasn't clear from the original question and on Windows there are many different ways to do things. You're using the mingw version of make; that version (as I understand it) does NOT use bash as the shell to run commands in: it's supposed to be used with native Windows environments which do not, certainly, have bash available. I believe that the version of make you have is invoking commands directly, and/or using Certainly not a UNIX shell like bash.
If you want to use bash you should set the SHELL make variable to the path of your bash.exe program. If you're using a Cygwin environment you can use the GNU make that comes with Cygwin which behaves more like a traditional make + shell.
Otherwise you'll need to write your commands using Windows statements.
Again, I don't use Windows so this is mostly hearsay.
PS. The makefile does not need to be executable.

What is going on is that make doesn't like file names or directory names with spaces in them, such as Program Files. Neither do most of the utilities that makefiles typically rely on, such as the shell to execute commands with.
I create a junction from Program Files to ProgramFiles and use the latter whenever I encounter cases like this.


view command before build code in Cmake [duplicate]

I'm trying to debug a compilation problem, but I cannot seem to get GCC (or maybe it is make??) to show me the actual compiler and linker commands it is executing.
Here is the output I am seeing:
CCLD libvirt_parthelper
libvirt_parthelper-parthelper.o: In function `main':
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:102: undefined reference to `ped_device_get'
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:116: undefined reference to `ped_disk_new'
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:122: undefined reference to `ped_disk_next_partition'
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:172: undefined reference to `ped_disk_next_partition'
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:172: undefined reference to `ped_disk_next_partition'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [libvirt_parthelper] Error 1
What I want to see should be similar to this:
$ make
gcc -Wall -c -o main.o main.c
gcc -Wall -c -o hello_fn.o hello_fn.c
gcc main.o hello_fn.o -o main
Notice how this example has the complete gcc command displayed. The above example merely shows things like "CCLD libvirt_parthelper". I'm not sure how to control this behavior.
To invoke a dry run:
make -n
This will show what make is attempting to do.
Build system independent method
make SHELL='sh -x'
is another option. Sample Makefile:
#echo a
+ echo a
This sets the special SHELL variable for make, and -x tells sh to print the expanded line before executing it.
One advantage over -n is that is actually runs the commands. I have found that for some projects (e.g. Linux kernel) that -n may stop running much earlier than usual probably because of dependency problems.
One downside of this method is that you have to ensure that the shell that will be used is sh, which is the default one used by Make as they are POSIX, but could be changed with the SHELL make variable.
Doing sh -v would be cool as well, but Dash 0.5.7 (Ubuntu 14.04 sh) ignores for -c commands (which seems to be how make uses it) so it doesn't do anything.
make -p will also interest you, which prints the values of set variables.
CMake generated Makefiles always support VERBOSE=1
As in:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make VERBOSE=1
Dedicated question at: Using CMake with GNU Make: How can I see the exact commands?
Library makefiles, which are generated by autotools (the ./configure you have to issue) often have a verbose option, so basically, using make VERBOSE=1 or make V=1 should give you the full commands.
But this depends on how the makefile was generated.
The -d option might help, but it will give you an extremely long output.
Since GNU Make version 4.0, the --trace argument is a nice way to tell what and why a makefile do, outputing lines like:
makefile:8: target 'foo.o' does not exist
makefile:12: update target 'foo' due to: bar
Use make V=1
Other suggestions here:
make VERBOSE=1 - did not work at least from my trials.
make -n - displays only logical operation, not command line being executed. E.g. CC source.cpp
make --debug=j - works as well, but might also enable multi threaded building, causing extra output.
I like to use:
make --debug=j
Print debugging information in addition to normal processing. If the FLAGS are omitted, then the behavior is the same as if -d was specified. FLAGS may be a for all debugging output (same as using -d), b for basic debugging, v for more verbose basic debugging, i for showing implicit rules, j for details on invocation of commands, and m for debugging while remaking makefiles.
Depending on your automake version, you can also use this:
Note: I added this answer since V=1 did not work for me.
In case you want to see all commands (including the compiled ones) of the default target run:
make --always-make --dry-run
make -Bn
show commands executed the next run of make:
make --dry-run
make -n
You are free to choose a target other than the default in this example.

From CMake setup 'make' to use '-j' option by default

I want my CMake project to be built by make -j N, whenever I call make from the terminal. I don't want to set -j option manually every time.
For that, I set CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM variable to the specific command line. I use the ProcessorCount() function, which gives the number of procesors to perform build in parallel.
When I do make, I do not see any speed up. However if I do make -j N, then it is built definitely faster.
Would you please help me on this issue? (I am developing this on Linux.)
Here is the snippet of the code that I use in CMakeList.txt:
message("number of processors: " ${N})
set(ctest_test_args ${ctest_test_args} PARALLEL_LEVEL ${N})
message("cmake make program" ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM})
Thank you very much.
In case you want to speed up the build you can run multiple make processes in parallel but not cmake.
To perform every build with predefined number of parallel processes you can define this in MAKEFLAGS.
Set MAKEFLAGS in your environment script, e.g. ~/.bashrc as you want:
export MAKEFLAGS=-j8
On Linux the following sets MAKEFLAGS to the number of CPUs - 1: (Keep one CPU free for other tasks while build) and is useful in environments with dynamic ressources, e.g. VMware:
export MAKEFLAGS=-j$(($(grep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo) - 1))
New from cmake v3.12 on:
The command line has a new option --parallel <JOBS>.
cmake --build build_arm --parallel 4 --target all
Example with number of CPUs- 1 using nproc:
cmake --build build_arm --parallel $(($(nproc) - 1)) --target all
Via setting the CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM variable you want to affect the build process. But:
This variable affects only the build via cmake --build, not on native tool (make) call:
The CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM variable is set for use by project code. The value is also used by the cmake(1) --build and ctest(1) --build-and-test tools to launch the native build process.
This variable should be a CACHEd one. It is used in such way by make-like generators:
These generators store CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM in the CMake cache so that it may be edited by the user.
That is, you need to set this variable with
set(CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM <program> CACHE PATH "Path to build tool" FORCE)
This variable should refer to the executable itself, not to a program with arguments:
The value may be the full path to an executable or just the tool name if it is expected to be in the PATH.
That is, value "make -j 2" cannot be used for that variable (splitting arguments as list
set(CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM make -j 2 CACHE PATH "Path to build tool" FORCE)
wouldn't help either).
In summary, you may redefine the behavior of cmake --build calls with setting the CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM variable to the script, which calls make with parallel options. But you may not affect the behavior of direct make calls.
You may set the env variable MAKEFLAGS using this command
export MAKEFLAGS=-j$(nproc)
My solution is to have a small script which will run make include all sorts of other features, not just the number of CPUs.
I call my script mk and I do a chmod 755 mk so I can run it with ./mk in the root of my project. I also have a few flags to be able to run various things with a simple command line. For example, while working on the code and I get many errors, I like to pipe the output to less. I can do that with ./mk -l without having to retype all the heavy duty Unix stuff...
As you can see, I have the -j4 in a couple of places where it makes sense. For the -l option, I don't want it because in this case it would eventually cause multiple errors to be printed at the same time (I tried that before!)
#!/bin/sh -e
# Execute make
case "$1" in
make -C ../BUILD/Debug 2>&1 | less -R
make -j4 -C ../BUILD/Release
rm -rf ../BUILD/Debug/doc/lpp-doc-?.*.tar.gz \
make -C ../BUILD/Debug
make -C ../BUILD/Debug
../BUILD/Debug/src/lpp tests/suite/syntax-print.logo
g++ -std=c++14 -I rt l.cpp rt/*.cpp
make -j4 -C ../BUILD/Debug
# From the project
With CMake, it wouldn't work unless, as Tsyvarev mentioned, you create your own script. But I personally don't think it's sensible to call make from your make script. Plus it could break a build process which would not expect that strange script. Finally, my script, as I mentioned, allows me to vary the options depending on the situation.
I usually use alias in linux to set cm equal to cmake .. && make -j12. Or write a shell to specify make and clean progress ...
alias cm='cmake .. && make -j12'
Then use cm to make in a single command.

gmake environment variables missing

I am writing a Makefile and need to access the HOSTNAME environment variable.
None of the environment variables are available. Here's the Makefile:
echo $(HOSTNAME) "b"
The output is:
echo "b"
I am running on ubuntu 14.04 in a VM. gmake version:
make -v
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
This program built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
And yes, the HOSTNAME environment variable is set:
/tmp$ echo $HOSTNAME
This Makefile works in cygwin.
Do you know why this is not working?
HOSTNAME is set by Bash, but when Make runs a shell, it calls sh; even if this is a symlink to Bash on your system, it runs in POSIX mode, which disables many Bash-specific behaviors.
Workaround 0; always call make with Bash with HOSTNAME exported.
alias make='export HOSTNAME; make'
Workaround 1; use Bash instead of sh explicitly.
HOSTNAME=$(shell echo "$$HOSTNAME")
Workaround 2; call Bash explicitly.
HOSTNAME=$(shell bash -c 'echo $$HOSTNAME')
Workaround 3; run an external command.
HOSTNAME=$(shell uname -n)
Out of these, the last one is probably the least obscure as well as the most efficient.

run nm | grep commands with cmake execute_process? [duplicate]

I am wondering if it is possible for CMake to run tests like one might run with a configure script. Specifically I want to test if the system I am compiling on has support for the rdtscp instruction.
I am using Linux and if I were using a configure script I could do something like:
cat /proc/cpuinfo | head -n 19 | tail -1 | grep -c rdtscp
which would give me 0 if the rdtscp feature was not present or a 1 if it were. I could then use this to determine whether to #define RDTSCP. I'm wondering if it's possible to do something similar with CMake even if it's not completely portable (I'm only running under Linux I'm not using Visual Studio, etc.).
execute_process(COMMAND cat /proc/cpuinfo
COMMAND head -n 19
COMMAND tail -1
COMMAND grep -c rdtscp
Selecting line 19 exactly makes this brittle. On my desktop (Linux 4.20 on i7-6700k), that line is
wp : yes
Instead use grep's pattern-matching ability to check for the flags\t\t: line.
grep -l '^flags[[:space:]]*:.*rdtscp' /proc/cpuinfo prints the filename and exits with success after the first match. Or prints nothing and exists with failure status if it doesn't find a match.
I don't know CMake, but based on the other answer presumably you'd use
execute_process(COMMAND grep -l '^flags[[:space:]]*:.*rdtscp' /proc/cpuinfo
The simpler version of this is just grep -l rdtscp /proc/cpuinfo, but requiring a match in the flags : line will prevent any possible false-positive. (To be even more belt-and-suspenders, you could require space or end of line before/after, maybe with PCREgrep for zero-width assertions. In case some future feature flag like XYZrdtscpABC that can be present without RDTSCP support becomes a thing in the future. Or like broken_rdtscp). Or we could just assume that rdtscp is never at the end of the a line and look for ^flags.*:.* rdtscp.
Using -l gets grep to exit after the first match, in case you were using head/tail as an optimization to avoid processing more lines on massively multi-core systems like Xeon Phi? It will still read the whole file if there's no match for rdtscp, but probably any massively-multi-core system will have RDTSCP. And grep is very fast anyway.

Custom error handling in makefile

I need to build a C program which requires a particular Linux package. I set a variable, PACKAGENOTIFICATION, to a shell command which is supposed to check if the package is installed for Ubuntu and print a notification if not:
PACKAGENOTIFICATION := if cat /etc/issue | grep Ubuntu -c >>/dev/null; then if ! dpkg -l | grep libx11-dev -c >>/dev/null; then echo "<insert notification here>"; fi; fi
maintarget: dependencies
Unfortunately, while making the dependencies, it runs into the files which need the package, and errors out before executing my PACKAGENOTIFICATION. An alternative formulation is to make a separate target whose only purpose is to run the notification:
maintarget: notify other_dependencies
However, since this phantom dependency always needs to be executed, make never reports that the program is up to date.
What's the best way to have make always report as up to date, but also execute my notification before it dies?
If your version of Make supports "order-only" prerequisites, this will do it:
# Note the pipe
maintarget: other_dependencies | notify
# This should be an order-only preq of any target that needs the package
If not, there are other approaches.