Windows Azure Console for Worker Role Cloud Service - wcf

I have a worker role cloud service that I have recently developed on my local machine. The service exposes a WCF interface that receives a file as a byte array, recompiles the file, converts it to the appropriate format, then stores it in Azure Storage. I managed to get everything working using the Azure Compute Emulator on my machine and published the service to Azure and... nothing. Running it on my machine again, it works as expected. When I was working on it on my computer, the Azure Compute Emulator's console output was essential in getting the application running.
Is there a similar functionality that can be tapped into on the Cloud Service via RDP? Such as starting/restarting the role at the command prompt or in power shell? If not, what is the best way to debug/log what the worker role is doing (without using Intellitrace)? I have diagnostics enabled in the project, but it doesn't seem to be giving me the same level of detail as the Computer Emulator console. I've rerun the role and corresponding .NET application again on localhost and was unable to find any possible errors in the console.
Edit: The Next Best Thing
Falling back to manual logging, I implemented a class that would feed text files into my Azure Storage account. Here's the code:
public class EventLogger
public static void Log(string message)
CloudBlobContainer cbc;
cbc = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("StorageClientAccount"))
cbc.GetBlobReference(string.Format("event-{0}-{1}.txt", RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.Id, DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks)).UploadText(message);
Calling ErrorLogger.Log() will create a new text file and record whatever message you put in there. I found an example in the answer below.

There is no console for worker roles that I'm aware of. If diagnostics isn't giving you any help, then you need to get a little hacky. Try tracing out messages and errors to blob storage yourself. Steve Marx has a good example of this here
As he notes in the article, this is not for production, just to help you find your problem.


ASP.NET Core Data Protection Key stored to ContentRootPath does not work on different machines

I have Setup a Database for developing that is available in the local network.
I implemented the Dataprotection Api to encrypt some of the sensitive information of my models(Entity Framework), before saving it to the database.
In Startup I configured it like this:
var keysfolder = Path.Combine(Environment.ContentRootPath, "Keys");
.PersistKeysToFileSystem(new DirectoryInfo(keysfolder));
The Key is in the folder,not protected and shared in the repository because it is only for Test Data.
I can access the data in my app on 2 different Linux machines but on one Windows PC I get a Invalid Payload exception.
They share the same commit and use the same purpose strings.
So I must have failed to understand it. I thought that I can backup the keys and the database in production and redeploy, if necesarry on a different machine without loosing the data.
Can anybody explain why I canĀ“t use the key on the Windows PC?
I have a solution to this problem.
I found the answer here:
You have to call SetApplicationName when registering DataProtection:
.PersistKeysToFileSystem(new DirectoryInfo(keysfolder))

internal server error connecting to Aurora

In VS 2017 I created a AWS Serverless Application (.NET Core - C#). I have a RDS (Aurora) with data in it.
I added MySql.Data to the project using NuGet.
Created a new controller to get the data out of the DB.
Created a method and model to Get data.
Built the project and ran it locally in VS.
I was able to use Postman to Get data from the API. GREAT!
Right clicked the project and selected Publish to AWS Lambda. Everything published and got the new URL.
when using the url/api/method. I get a 500 return. Tried another Controller that just returns values with no DB queries and that works. Any ideas?
First thing you should do is check the CloudWatch logs for your function for the source of the error (as 500 indicates an Internal Server Error i.e. your code throws an exception). Add logging into your function as needed if you don't get anything useful there.
Access control is one likely candidate. Is your database accessible from your lambda and does the deployed function correctly receive the database credentials?

NServiceBus endpoint is not starting on Azure Service Fabric local cluster

I have a .NetCore stateless WebAPI service running inside Service Fabric local cluster.
return Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
When I'm trying to start NServiceBus endpoint, I'm getting this exception :
Access to the path 'C:\SfDevCluster\Data_App_Node_0\AppType_App10\App.APIPkg.Code.1.0.0.diagnostics' is denied.
How can it be solved ? VS is running under administrator.
The issue you are having is because the folder you are trying to write to is not supposed to be written by your application.
The package folder is used to store you application binaries and can be recreated dynamically whenever an application is hosted in the node.
Also, the binaries are reused by multiple service instances running on same node, so it might compete to use the files by different instances.
You should instead instruct your application to write to the WorkFolder,
public Stateless1(StatelessServiceContext context): base(context)
string workdir = context.CodePackageActivationContext.WorkDirectory;
The code above will give you a path like this:
This folder is dynamic, will change depending on the node or instance of your application is running, when created, your application should already have permission to write to it.
For more info, see:
Open folder properties Security tab
Select ServiceFabricAllowedUsers
Add Write permission

Read-only web console access in ActiveMQ

I'm using ActiveMQ 5.10 and would like to create a user that has read-only access through the web console.
Red Hat published this article, mentioning that it's not really read only due to a bug in ActiveMQ.
According to the bug report AMQ-4567, the bug is fixed as of ActiveMQ 5.9. However, I'm not seeing it work appropriately.
I have tried a number of different configurations, with the most recent being two separate JAAS implementations, one for Jetty and one for ActiveMQ. The relevant property files are excerpted below.
I can mostly log in to the web console using the "system" user. But the guest user doesn't work at all. The application user (appuser) doesn't need access to the web console at all.
My authN/authZ needs are pretty trivial: one admin user, one application account, and one read-only monitoring account.
Is there any good way to get this working with a recent version of ActiveMQ (>= 5.9.0)?
system={password redacted}
system: MD5:46cf1b5451345f5176cd70713e0c9e07,user,admin
guest: guest,guest
As an aside, I used the Jetty tutorial and the Rundeck instructions to figure out the file and chapter 6 of ActiveMQ in Action to work out the ActiveMQ JAAS.
I was finally able to get to what I wanted by deploying the web console to an external Tomcat instance. I assume that when it runs out of process, it can't bypass security and so has to use whatever credentials you provide. In this case, I gave the Tomcat instance the read-only JMX user credentials.
It's not great, as there is no security trimmed UI. You can still attempt to create new destinations, delete destinations, etc. When you try with a read-only user, you get an error. That gets a "D" for UX, but a "B" for security.

Want to deploy WCF web service on Azure platform

I want to deploy my WCF web Service on Azure plateform.
I have created a Storage account for my website, and also created a cloud Service and uploaded my package file and config file to the staging site.
But while uploading, The message displays
'Your staging deployment is starting. Hang on, the page will refresh once the deployment begins.'
I am waiting sice 2-3 hours and not getting the desired output.
Am I doing correctly? Or is there anything that I forgot?
Please Help...!
Most likely there is a problem in your code or the packaging that is causing the role to continuously restart. This is a fairly common problem, but there are a lot of possible causes (missing an assembly reference, an uncaught exception, the Run() method is exiting, a Startup Task is failing, or many other things). You need to gather more information to know exactly what the problem is and how to fix it.
There are many threads here on SO about this topic. There's also a Microsoft post discussing how to diagnose this type of issue. Those are good places to start.