How to upload to a specific YouTube channel with Oauth2 and YouTube API v3 - api

I'm following YouTube's API V3 guide to uploading a video using Oauth2:
However, it's not clear to me how to upload to a specific user's channel. The guide allows for a place to specify client id, client secret id, and I have both.
I also have both an access and refresh token to that authorizes uploads to a specific channel, but I don't see where I include my access token.
Please shed some light ;)
Thanks in advance!

The YouTube API Documentation lists two ways that you can send the Access Token:
The API supports the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol. You can
provide an OAuth 2.0 token in either of the following ways:
Use the access_token query parameter like this: ?access_token=oauth2-token
Use the HTTP Authorization header like this: Authorization: Bearer oauth2-token
Complete instructions for implementing OAuth 2.0 authentication in
your application can be found in the the authentication guide.

I asked myself the same thing earlier this month, and the answer I found is that you don't need to add the channel in your request.
Indeed, when you ask OAuth2 credentials, you are prompted to select a channel, and this channel is linked to the credentials you obtain. Therefore when you upload your video, the channel will be determined by the access token you are using.
Therefore, if you wanted to use a different channel, you would need to get credentials for that other channel, but there is no option to specify it as parameter. If ever you need to switch between channels, this article is very interesting.
I hope this will light your way ;-)


Can RestSharp obtain an oauth2 access token from IdentityServer/DuendeServer for a user programmatically if given username/password?

We have Duende server for our UI and users provide their username and password and obtain an access token that is then used by our SPA app to call api's with the access token issued by our identity server.
I'm in a situation where I need to call the same API from a script and was wondering if RestSharp has some capability to obtain an access token if provided certain information (perhaps the users email/password etc that are typically entered into an interactive website) ?
I see that the RestSharp has some OAuth related "authenticators" but the documentation is unclear exactly what they achieve. I also dont see it mentioning anything about an email address and password.
I'm wondering if theres an option that is different than me generating a JWT elsewhere and supplying it directly to restsharp. I'd love if there was a programmatic way to generate the token directly from the IDP.
RestSharp documentation doesn't make it secret about how authenticators work. Both OAuth2 authenticators only add the necessary header or query string using the token you provide, but they don't request the token.
Duende server documentation explains in detail how to get a token based on the password grant (which is using the username and password).
Although the OAuth2 spec is stable, each API vendor has its own limitations. For example, Twitter API v2 only supports the client_credentials grant type. Therefore, it's not easy to create a generic OAuth2 client.
Still, it's quite easy to amend the Twitter authenticator sample from the docs and extend both request and response models to support the Duende server token request endpoint.

React Native OAuth2 and REST API authentication flow

I'm having a bit trouble understanding this predicament a REST API supporting React Native (Mobile App) with OAuth2 authentication.
I've managed to setup the OAuth2 flow and can login via OAuth2 provider. This communication is still just between the Mobile App and the 3rd party OAuth2 provider. How can I use those tokens I've obtained (and actually trust the request) to create an account in my REST API so that the server can actually generate a JWT token that will be used for future requests?
Can't seem to find an answer to this question. Would love some help with this one
Ok, I've managed to figure this one out.
To achieve what I want the Client (in this case mobile app) does the authentication flow and will receive an access_token and a refresh_token along with an id_token. The last one (id_token) contains the info about the user which the app should send to my REST API. Once the server receives it it will make an HTTP request to Google (my OAuth2 Provider) to verify that this token is in fact a valid one and issued by them.
After that I just create an account and issue my own token in response to the Mobile's App request.
It's explained here in Google Docs
Most likely all the major identity providers would follow along this path. Or, at least I'm hoping they do.

How does OAuth work API to API without interactive users?

I have a background task that runs periodically which needs to connect to a customer's Apigee OAuth2 protected API. From my understanding of OAuth2, a user must go to a sign in page on Apigee, and it will redirect to a return Url with a token. This is the way I have used previously on website projects. But in this scenario, there are no users, no website, and no return Url, it is just some code making a http request.
Is the above possible to do? Every google search I make is all about users logging in manually and getting a token to a return url.
I found some mention of 'Flows' and maybe there is some other 'Flow'? but its really hard to get a clear understanding of how it works because guides are focused on user interactive websites.
OAUTH 2.0 is an industry-standard for authorization. OAUTH 2.0 supports many authorization grant types, namely they are;
Authorization Code
Resource Owner Password Credentials
Client Credentials
[Note that you may come up with your own custom grants as well if you are building or extending your authorization server - however it is beyond the scope of this question]
In the example you have provided, you are using the Authorization code grant type where you redirect to APIGEE and getting an authorization code. The APIGE server acts as the "intermediary between the client and resource owner" in OAUTH 2.0 terms.
For your new requirement, you should consider using the client-credentials grant type where the client is provided a client key and a secret. The client has the responsibility of calling the authorization server (like APIGEE in your previous example or anything else) and getting a token and then using that token in the subsequent requests.
I recommend you to read the ietf standard for oauth 2.0 to get a better understanding - Refer
Make sure to read on "Roles" in this link well before diving onto the content of this document.
Good luck!

Authentication for new Twitter API 1.1

I have an application that needs to display number of followers and following (users/show.json) for a random user on a public page (authentication is not required).
With the Twitter API 1.0 it was quite easy as authentication is not needed for the request. With the new Twitter API 1.1 is no more possible, so I need to authenticate the request (via OAuth).
Is it possible only "authenticate" the application and not the user too?
I mean: can I avoid to ask user to login and only authenticate with application key/secret? Or everytime I need to create a token with user credentials too, creating callback, etc.?
Yes, it is possible! If your application doesn't need to do things like post statuses or send direct messages on behalf of a user, you should be able to retrieve all of a user's public information with a single hardcoded set of Twitter OAuth credentials, and not require the user to authenticate.
Login to Twitter and go to the developer dashboard at
Register a new application; after the application is registered, view the application details. You'll see an "OAuth Tool" tab, where you'll find all the relevant OAuth values for that application: Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret.
Using these credentials, you'll be able to make requests to the new Twitter API.
If you're not comfortable using the Twitter API directly, there are a number of good API wrappers out there for various languages -- among others, the Temboo SDK, which will give you code snippets for calling various methods (and also gives you a place to securely store your Twitter credentials, so you don't need to bake them into your application).
Take a look at:
(Full disclosure: I work at Temboo.)
The easiest way to do what you're asking is to use Twitter API 1.1's 'application-only authentication' feature, which works for much of the API. See Application-only authentication. You can see a Python example of it in
Once you have a bearer token, you only need to include that in your request authorization header - signing is not necessary.

Instapaper API Access (Full API) - Problem with xAuth

i was playing around with the instapaper full api and im having some trouble with the OAuth api.
MUST i have a token for using the full api or is this optional?
To play with the simple API you need only a user//password
But for the full API you need:
- a OAuth consumer key
- OAuth consumer secret
Those you will obtain after making a request on: Register New OAuth Application
You will need also to have a superscription that cost 1$/month
More info here or go in your Instapaper account detail.
I hope this will help you.