Why does IF (query) take over an hour, when query takes less than a second? - sql

I have the following SQL:
SomeTable T1
SomeField = 1
AND SomeOtherField = 1
AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM SomeOtherTable T2 WHERE T2.KeyField = T1.KeyField)
RAISERROR ('Blech.', 16, 1)
The SomeTable table has around 200,000 rows, and the SomeOtherTable table has about the same.
If I execute the inner SQL (the SELECT), it executes in sub-second time, returning no rows. But, if I execute the entire script (IF...RAISERROR) then it takes well over an hour. Why?
Now, obviously, the execution plan is different - I can see that in Enterprise Manager - but again, why?
I could probably do something like SELECT #num = COUNT(*) WHERE ... and then IF #num > 0 RAISERROR but... I think that's missing the point somewhat. You can only code around a bug (and it sure looks like a bug to me) if you know that it exists.
I should mention that I already tried re-jigging the query into an OUTER JOIN as per #Bohemian's answer, but this made no difference to the execution time.
I've attached the query plan for the inner SELECT statement:
... and the query plan for the whole IF...RAISERROR block:
Obviously these show the real table/field names, but apart from that the query is exactly as shown above.

The IF does not magically turn off optimizations or damage the plan. The optimizer just noticed that EXISTS only needs one row at most (like a TOP 1). This is called a "row goal" and it normally happens when you do paging. But also with EXISTS, IN, NOT IN and such things.
My guess: if you write TOP 1 to the original query you get the same (bad) plan.
The optimizer tries to be smart here and only produce the first row using much cheaper operations. Unfortunately, it misestimates cardinality. It guesses that the query will produce lots of rows although in reality it produces none. If it estimated correctly you'd just get a more efficient plan, or it would not do the transformation at all.
I suggest the following steps:
fix the plan by reviewing indexes and statistics
if this didn't help, change the query to IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ...) > 0 which will give the original plan because the optimizer does not have a row goal.

It's probably because the optimizer can figure out how to turn your query into a more efficient query, but somehow the IF prevents that. Only an EXPLAIN will tell you why the query is taking so long, but I can tell you how to make this whole thing more efficient... Indtead of using a correlated subquery, which is incredibly inefficient - you get "n" subqueries run for "n" rows in the main table - use a JOIN.
Try this:
FROM SomeTable T1
LEFT JOIN SomeOtherTable T2 ON T2.KeyField = T1.KeyField
WHERE SomeField = 1
AND SomeOtherField = 1
) RAISERROR ('Blech.', 16, 1)
The "trick" here is to use s LEFT JOIN and filter out all joined rows by testing for a null in the WHERE clause, which is executed after the join is made.

Please try SELECT TOP 1 KeyField. Using primary key will work faster in my guess.
NOTE: I posted this as answer as I couldn't comment.


SQL EXISTS Why does selecting rownum cause inefficient execution plan?

I'm trying to understand why what seems like a minor difference in these two Oracle Syntax Update queries is causing a radically different execution plan.
Query 1:
UPDATE sales s
SET status = 'DONE', trandate = sysdate
FROM tempTable tmp
WHERE s.key1 = tmp.key1
AND s.key2 = tmp.key2
AND s.key3 = tmp.key3)
Query 2:
UPDATE sales s
SET status = 'DONE', trandate = sysdate
WHERE EXISTS (Select rownum
FROM tempTable tmp
WHERE s.key1 = tmp.key1
AND s.key2 = tmp.key2
AND s.key3 = tmp.key3)
As you can see the only difference between the two is that the subquery in Query 2 returns a rownum instead of the values of every row.
The execution plans for these two couldn't be more different:
Query1 - Pulls the total results from both tables and uses a sort and a hashjoin to return the results. This peforms well with a favorable 2,346 cost (despite the use of the EXISTS clause and the cohesive subquery).
Query2 - Pulls both table results as well but uses a count and a filter to accomplish the same task and returns an execution plan with an astonishing 77,789,696 cost! I should note that his query just hangs on me so I'm not actually positive this returns the same results (though I believe it should).
From my understanding of the Exists clause it is just a simple boolean check that runs per line of the main table. It doesn't matter if a single row is returned in my EXISTS condition or 100,000 rows... if any results are returned for the row that it is being run, then you've passed the exist check. So why would it matter what my subquery SELECT statement returns?
Per request, below are the execution plans I'm running in TOAD... please note I edited the table names in my example above for ease - In these plans ALSS_SALES2 = sales above and SALESEXT_TMP = tempTABLE above.
Also should have mentioned but neither of the two tables has indices at this point.. I haven't yet added them to my tempTable and I'm testing with a cheap copy of the sales table which only contains the fields and data but no indices, constraints or security.
Thanks for the assistance everyone!
Query 1 Execution Plan
Query 2 Execution Plan
1) Why did the call for rownum cause the execution plan to change?
2) What is it about the Filter that is so incredibally inefficient?
3) Am I missing something fundamental with the way the Exists clause works that is causing this change?
Posting the actual query plans would be quite helpful.
In general, though, when the optimizer sees a subquery with rownum, that radically limits its ability to transform the query and merge the results from the subquery with the main query because doing so potentially affects the results. That can be a quick way to force Oracle to materialize a subquery if that happens to be more efficient than the plan chosen by the optimizer. In this case, though, it is probably causing the optimizer to forego a transform step that makes the query more efficient.
Occasionally, you'll see someone take a query like
FROM (SELECT <<columns>>
FROM driving_table
WHERE <<conditions>>) a,
WHERE a.id = b.id
and tack on a rownum to the a subquery
FROM (SELECT <<columns>>, rownum
FROM driving_table
WHERE <<conditions>>) a,
WHERE a.id = b.id
in order to force the optimizer to evaluate the a subquery before executing the join. Normally, of course, the optimizer should do this by default if it is more efficient. But if the optimizer makes a mistake, adding rownum can be quicker than figuring out the right set of hints to force a plan or digging in to the underlying problem to figure out the right solution.
Of course, in the particular case that you have a subquery in a WHERE EXISTS where the only use of rownum comes in the SELECT list, we humans can detect that the rownum shouldn't prevent any query transform step that the optimizer would care to use. The optimizer, though, is probably using a more general rule that says that subqueries that reference a function like rownum must be completely executed (this may depend on the exact Oracle version and/or the optimizer settings). So the optimizer is realistically doing a bunch of extra work because it's not smart enough to recognize that the rownum you added cannot possibly affect the results of the query.
Just a question, what's the execution plan for this query:
UPDATE sales s
SET status = 'DONE', trandate = sysdate
FROM tempTable tmp
WHERE s.key1 = tmp.key1
AND s.key2 = tmp.key2
AND s.key3 = tmp.key3);
It visualize what is needed in an EXISTS (...) expression - actually nothing! As already stated Oracle just have to check if anything is returned, not what is returned in Sub-Query.

Can this SQL Query be optimized to run faster?

I have an SQL Query (For SQL Server 2008 R2) that takes a very long time to complete. I was wondering if there was a better way of doing it?
SELECT #count = COUNT(Name)
FROM Table1 t
WHERE t.Name = #name AND t.Code NOT IN (SELECT Code FROM ExcludedCodes)
Table1 has around 90Million rows in it and is indexed by Name and Code.
ExcludedCodes only has around 30 rows in it.
This query is in a stored procedure and gets called around 40k times, the total time it takes the procedure to finish is 27 minutes.. I believe this is my biggest bottleneck because of the massive amount of rows it queries against and the number of times it does it.
So if you know of a good way to optimize this it would be greatly appreciated! If it cannot be optimized then I guess im stuck with 27 min...
I changed the NOT IN to NOT EXISTS and it cut the time down to 10:59, so that alone is a massive gain on my part. I am still going to attempt to do the group by statement as suggested below but that will require a complete rewrite of the stored procedure and might take some time... (as I said before, im not the best at SQL but it is starting to grow on me. ^^)
In addition to workarounds to get the query itself to respond faster, have you considered maintaining a column in the table that tells whether it is in this set or not? It requires a lot of maintenance but if the ExcludedCodes table does not change often, it might be better to do that maintenance. For example you could add a BIT column:
ALTER TABLE dbo.Table1 ADD IsExcluded BIT;
Make it NOT NULL and default to 0. Then you could create a filtered index:
CREATE INDEX n ON dbo.Table1(name)
WHERE IsExcluded = 0;
Now you just have to update the table once:
SET IsExcluded = 1
FROM dbo.Table1 AS t
INNER JOIN dbo.ExcludedCodes AS x
ON t.Code = x.Code;
And ongoing you'd have to maintain this with triggers on both tables. With this in place, your query becomes:
SELECT #Count = COUNT(Name)
FROM dbo.Table1 WHERE IsExcluded = 0;
As for "NOT IN being slower than LEFT JOIN" here is a simple test I performed on only a few thousand rows:
I'm not sure why this query wouldn't do what you're after, and be far more efficient than your 40K loop:
SELECT src.Name, COUNT(src.*)
FROM dbo.Table1 AS src
INNER JOIN #temptable AS t
ON src.Name = t.Name
WHERE src.Code NOT IN (SELECT Code FROM dbo.ExcludedCodes)
GROUP BY src.Name;
Or the LEFT JOIN equivalent:
SELECT src.Name, COUNT(src.*)
FROM dbo.Table1 AS src
INNER JOIN #temptable AS t
ON src.Name = t.Name
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ExcludedCodes AS x
ON src.Code = x.Code
GROUP BY src.Name;
I would put money on either of those queries taking less than 27 minutes. I would even suggest that running both queries sequentially will be far faster than your one query that takes 27 minutes.
Finally, you might consider an indexed view. I don't know your table structure and whether your violate any of the restrictions but it is worth investigating IMHO.
You say this gets called around 40K times. WHy? Is it in a cursor? If so do you really need a cursor. Couldn't you put the values you want for #name in a temp table and index it and then join to it?
select t.name, count(t.name)
from table t
join #name n on t.name = n.name
where NOT EXISTS (SELECT Code FROM ExcludedCodes WHERE Code = t.code)
group by t.name
That might get you all your results in one query and is almost certainly faster than 40K separate queries. Of course if you need the count of all the names, it's even simpleer
select t.name, count(t.name)
from table t
NOT EXISTS (SELECT Code FROM ExcludedCodes WHERE Code = t
group by t.name
NOT EXISTS typically performs better than NOT IN, but you should test it on your system.
SELECT #count = COUNT(Name)
FROM Table1 t
WHERE t.Name = #name AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ExcludedCodes e WHERE e.Code = t.Code)
Without knowing more about your query it's tough to supply concrete optimization suggestions (i.e. code suitable for copy/paste). Does it really need to run 40,000 times? Sounds like your stored procedure needs reworking, if that's feasible. You could exec the above once at the start of the proc and insert the results in a temp table, which can keep the indexes from Table1, and then join on that instead of running this query.
This particular bit might not even be the bottleneck that makes your query run 27 minutes. For example, are you using a cursor over those 90 million rows, or scalar valued UDFs in your WHERE clauses?
Have you thought about doing the query once and populating the data in a table variable or temp table? Something like
insert into #temp (name, Namecount)
values Name, Count(name)
from table1
where name not in(select code from excludedcodes)
group by name
And don't forget that you could possibly use a filtered index as long as the excluded codes table is somewhat static.
Start evaluating the execution plan. Which is the heaviest part to compute?
Regarding the relation between the two tables, use a JOIN on indexed columns: indexes will optimize query execution.

Why is an IN statement with a list of items faster than an IN statement with a subquery?

I'm having the following situation:
I've got a quite complex view from which I've to select a couple of records.
WHERE VW_Test.id IN (1000,1001,1002,1003,1004,[etc])
This returns a result practically instantly (currently with 25 items in that IN statement). However when I use the following query it slows down really fast.
With 25 records in the TBL_Test this query takes about 5 seconds. I've got an index on that id in the TBL_Test.
Anyone got an idea why this happens and how to get performance up?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that this subquery
returns a result instantly as well.
Well, when using a subquery the database engine will first have to generate the results for the subquery before it can do anything else, which takes time. If you have a predefined list, this will not need to happen and the engine can simply use those values 'as is'. At least, this is how I understand it.
How to improve performance: do away with the subquery. I don't think you even need the IN clause in this case. The INNER JOIN should suffice.

WHERE and JOIN order of operation

My question is similar to this SQL order of operations but with a little twist, so I think it's fair to ask.
I'm using Teradata. And I have 2 tables: table1, table2.
table1 has only an id column.
table2 has the following columns: id, val
I might be wrong but I think these two statements give the same results.
Statement 1.
SELECT table1.id, table2.val
FROM table1
ON table1.id = table2.id
WHERE table2.val<100
Statement 2.
SELECT table1.id, table3.val
FROM table1
FROM table2
WHERE val<100
) table3
ON table1.id=table3.id
My questions is, will the query optimizer be smart enough to
- execute the WHERE clause first then JOIN later in Statement 1
- know that table 3 isn't actually needed in Statement 2
I'm pretty new to SQL, so please educate me if I'm misunderstanding anything.
this would depend on many many things (table size, index, key distribution, etc), you should just check the execution plan:
you don't say which database, but here are some ways:
what is explain in teradata?
Teradata Capture and compare plans faster with Visual Explain and XML plan logging
Depending on the availability of statistics and indexes for the tables in question the query rewrite mechanism in the optimizer will may or may not opt to scan Table2 for records where val < 100 before scanning Table1.
In certain situations, based on data demographics, joins, indexing and statistics you may find that the optimizer is not eliminating records in the query plan when you feel that it should. Even if you have a derived table such as the one in your example. You can force the optimizer to process a derived table by simply placing a GROUP BY in your derived table. The optimizer is then obligated to resolve the GROUP BY aggregate before it can consider resolving the join between the two tables in your example.
SELECT table1.id, table3.val
FROM table1
SELECT table2.id, tabl2.val
FROM table2
WHERE val<100
) table3
ON table1.id=table3.id
This is not to say that your standard approach should be to run with this through out your code. This is typically one of my last resorts when I have a query plan that simply doesn't eliminate extraneous records earlier enough in the plan and results in too much data being scanned and carried around through the various SPOOL files. This is simply a technique you can put in your toolkit to when you encounter such a situation.
The query rewrite mechanism is continually being updated from one release to the next and the details about how it works can be found in the SQL Transaction Processing Manual for Teradata 13.0.
Unless I'm missing something, Why do you even need Table1??
Just query Table2
Select id, val
From table2
WHERE val<100
or are you using the rows in table1 as a filter? i.e., Does table1 only copntain a subset of the Ids in Table2??
If so, then this will work as well ...
Select id, val
From table2
Where val<100
And id In (Select id
From table1)
But to answer your question, Yes the query optimizer should be intelligent enough to figure out the best order in which to execute the steps necessary to translate your logical instructions into a physical result. It uses the strored statistics that the database maintains on each table to determine what to do (what type of join logic to use for example), as wekll as what order to perform the operations in in order to minimize Disk IOs and processing costs.
Q1. execute the WHERE clause first then JOIN later in Statement 1
The thing is, if you switch the order of inner join, i.e. table2 INNER JOIN table1, then I guess WHERE clause can be processed before JOIN operation, during the preparation phase. However, I guess even if you don't change the original query, the optimizer should be able to switch their order, if it thinks the join operation will be too expensive with fetching the whole row, so it will apply WHERE first. Just my guess.
Q2. know that table 3 isn't actually needed in Statement 2
Teradata will interpret your second query in such way that the derived table is necessary, so it will keep processing table 3 involved operation.

Is derived table executed once or three times?

Every time you make use of a derived table, that query is going to be executed. When using a CTE, that result set is pulled back once and only once within a single query.
Does the quote suggest that the following query will cause derived table to be executed three times ( once for each aggregate function’s call ):
v.[Name] AS VendorName,
COUNT(*) AS OrdersPlaced
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader AS poh
INNER JOIN Purchasing.Vendor AS v ON poh.VendorID = v.VendorID
GROUP BY v.VendorID, v.[Name]
) AS x
No that should be one pass, take a look at the execution plan
here is an example where something will run for every row in table table2
select *,(select COUNT(*) from table1 t1 where t1.id <= t2.id) as Bla
from table2 t2
Stuff like this with a running counts will fire for each row in the table2 table
CTE or a nested (uncorrelated) subquery will generally have no different execution plan. Whether a CTE or a subquery is used has never had an effect on my intermediate queries being spooled.
With regard to the Tony Rogerson link - the explicit temp table performs better than the self-join to the CTE because it's indexed better - many times when you go beyond declarative SQL and start to anticipate the work process for the engine, you can get better results.
Sometimes, the benefit of a simpler and more maintainable query with many layered CTEs instead of a complex multi-temp-table process outweighs the performance benefits of a multi-table process. A CTE-based approach is a single SQL statement, which cannot be as quietly broken by a step being accidentally commented out or a schema changing.
Probably not, but it may spool the derived results so it only needs to access it once.
In this case, there should be no difference between a CTE and derived table.
Where is the quote from?