three.js - How to change background using WebGLDeferredRenderer - background

Can't seem to find how to change a background color when using WebGLDeferredRenderer.
renderer.clearColor = 0xff0000; doesn't work.

WebGLDeferredRenderer is just a wrapper for WebGLRenderer, you can access the functions of WebGLRenderer via WebGLDeferredRenderer.renderer e.g.:


Amcharts : How to change the color of the map?

I am using amcharts mapchart. I am trying to change the color of the map which is by default grey.
Can someone help me with this?
Mapchart created with amcharts
To change the color of a series of mapPolygons use this:
NameOfYourMapPolygonTemplate.fill = am4core.color("#ffee00")

How to change cardview background color Programmatically in Kotlin

I try to do this:
but I have this message: The function 'invoke()' is not found.
Any idea?
Did you tried using
or create any color from a reference like below
val color = ContextCompat.getColor(this#SplashActivity, R.color.colorPrimary)
I found it, I forgot the set
Everything works fine now, the background of my cardview change.

How to switch mapboxgl language in DeckGL

I'm currently playing around with
Taking the UK accident example (3d-heatmap). How can I change the language used to display the POI in mapboxGL?
Where should I put the mapboxGL equivalent of:
map.setLayoutProperty('country-label-lg', 'text-field', '{name_fr}');
This is mostly related to the usage of react-map-gl rather than, given that's what the example is using.
You can grab the mapbox map instance using the getMap() method of the < MapGL> component, and call the method to change the layout property:
<MapGL ... ref='map' />
const map =
map.setLayoutProperty('country-label-lg', 'text-field', '{name_fr}')

Need to lighten a color within the variables passed in a LESS mixin

I am currently updating the bootstrap source less files for a project and I have to modify the hover state for the buttons. The end goal is something along these lines:
.btn-primary {
.buttonBackground(#btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight, #btnPrimaryBackground);
&.hover {
.buttonBackground( lighten(#btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight, %20), lighten(#btnPrimaryBackground, %20));
However, that returns a compile error. Any thoughts on this issue? I'm sure it's something simple, but I'm at a loss. Thanks in advance.
P.S. - I will also be using the :hover pseudo-class, but for sake of example I'm using a simple class.
Put the percent sign after the number (20% instead of %20)

Compass - Get width and height of generated sprite-map

I'm building a Sencha Touch mobile application and are using the functionality to create image-sprite-maps with Compass.
Is there any way to calculate the size of the image-map (width and height) and put it as a variable in your SCSS file?
In Compass, image-height and image-width are the functions to get image dimensions. Using them with your sprite map would look something like this (warning, untested):
// Assuming $my-sprites is your sprite map variable
$map-path: sprite-path($my-sprites);
$map-height: image-height($map-path);
$map-width: image-width($map-path);
In the latest version of Sass (3.4) sprite-path() returns the full filesystem path while image-width() expects a path relative to the images directory. But there is a simple solution:
You can get a unit value by using the magical dimension functions <map>-sprite-height and <map>-sprite-width.
// Note: "my-icons" represents the folder name that contains your sprites.
#import "my-icons/*.png";
$box-padding: 5px;
$height: my-icons-sprite-height(some_icon);
$width: my-icons-sprite-width(some_icon);
.somediv {
height:$height + $box-padding;
width:$width + $box-padding;
Check the official documentation for more details.
Ext.getBody().getSize() gets you height and width of the screen but i dont think you can write this in SASS