Glassfish will not start - glassfish

I am installing Glassfish 3.1.2 on a vps server running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and a I am not being able to start glassfish.
As X are not installed and I am connecting via ssh I am using the manual unzip method to install Glassfish.
Inside Glassfish bin directory with the glassfish user I do ./asadmin start-domain and nothing happens. It seems to hang. I cannot even stop it with ctrl+c. I need to kill the java process from another console.
The server.log file in the domain does not show any error. Last two lines are:
mar 23, 2013 1:12:03 AM com.sun.enterprise.admin.launcher.GFLauncherLogger info
INFO: Se ha iniciado correctamente en 7 mseg.
Thank you very much for your help.

I had the same problem when I was installing glassfish. I fixed this problem by running Glassfish on an old version of jre. I was trying to install with version 1.8 and ended up using an old installation of jre6. Server started fine after I installed Glassfish using version 1.6.

It looks like a bug with the log levels. GFFileHandler logging level might be set to "OFF".
Try this:
asadmin start-domain
asadmin set-log-levels com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.GFFileHandler=ALL
asadmin restart-domain


Glassfish with install javamail module problem

I have a Debian linux server with glassfish 6.1 and JDK 11.
When configure the javamail session the server answer with a error javamail module not found.
I have installed the javamail with apt-get install, but it is not working.
How to configure the javamail module inside glassfish system ?
Thank you.

Cannot install weblogic

I am trying to install weblogic on one of my local environment.
But when trying to install the weblogic application, it said java.exe or javaw.exe has stopped working
and the program crashes. Any idea on how to fix above issue?
Below is the java path in Weblogic folder
Weblogic server does not support Java 13.
You must use Java 8 (or 7) with WebLogic server 12c.

How to run/make open the Glassfish Server outside of IDE's

I have download Glassfish 5.0 zip file(there was only zip file) for windows. I was able to install glassfish on intellij but i wanna start/run glassfish server outside of the ides. Glassfish becomes only running when i click "run" in ide
How can i do that?
To start GlassFish in Windows, you will need to open a cmd prompt at the directory where you unzipped GlassFish.
Once there, you should see a directory structure which includes bin, glassfish, javadb and mq.
Run the following command:
bin\asadmin.bat start-domain
GlassFish will start in the background. To stop GlassFish, run the following command from the same directory:
bin\asadmin.bat stop-domain
Pay attention to the output when GlassFish starts because it will tell you the location of the server.log file and other details.

Error: "httpd.conf: module auth_basic_module is built-in and can't be loaded" apache ubuntu on ec2 instance"

I have an ec2 instance with ubuntu 12.04 installed. I am trying to upload a running server application on this instance. The application requires JBoss 4.0.4 and apache 2.2.3 to run. The application is old, therefore I can not use the latest JBoss and Apache 2. I installed JBoss 4.0.4 and apache 2 but ran into difficulty configuring it. So I uninstalled Apache 2, downloaded apache 2.2.3 and installed when i try to run the command "/etc/apache2/bin/apachectl start" (old version of apache is installed in apache2) to start apache i get this error "httpd.conf: module auth_basic_module is built-in and can't be loaded" apache ubuntu on ec2 instance".
Sounds like Apache was built by including modules in the code its self rather than having them loaded during startup.
Comment out the line in httpd.confwhere it is trying load this module(s)
You might try httpd -M to see a list of already compiled in modules.

glassfish starts only from the netbeans IDE and not from the command prompt

i have installed the netbeans version 6.8 with glassfish version 3 on a redhat machine.
the thing is that when i try starting/stopping the glassfish via the netbeans, it works fine, BUT when i try starting the glassfish via:
./asadmin stop-domain domain1
i get the error
"GlassFish requires Java SE version 6. Your JDK is version 4"
i have got only one JDK instance installed
rpm -qa | grep jdk
will return "jdk-1.6.0_18-fcs"
any ideas ?
Set the environment variable AS_JAVA to point to your 1.6 JDK. (asadmin will use bin/java within that directory). AS_JAVA must be set in glassfish/config/asenv.conf