Couchbase scopes and collections names are case sensitive
While Couchbase, the company, does not force or hint of register use,
is there something on Internet or good / wellknown projects example like Apache project.
For example, I think like scope.Collection,
that is using low case, but only 1st letter of scope as Capital.
But as Couchbase 7.x is moving to be more SQLish,
can it be problem later on?
Secondly, there is question about using plural, like om.Orders::<>
Reason: reason in the project there is currently mixture of cases.
It is worth recommending to use all small letters for bucket, scopes and collection names.
That is exactly how Couchbase documentation is
and so are the provided sample buckets.
For example travel-sample.inventory.airline
Even all documents atributes are in small letters, even those that are abbreviation like iata for IATA, icao for ICAO.
I am working for classified section of my organization where I need to fetch cities available for this section. Classified cities are the subset of the cities. So, for fetching the cities I created the following API path.
Then I realize since the classified cities are the subset of cities the URL can be
which one of the above path should I use according to REST principals?
If you are aiming for REST principles, REST does not really have any principles how a URI might look like (as long as it identifies a "real" resource!). It does however say that it should be linked instead of hardcoded into the clients. This is why some people say URIs do not matter. They do not matter because clients should "discover" URIs instead of knowing them beforehand.
So why don't we all pick URIs like "/45ttfdfg/34tkfjdldf23wedkdfjsd"? That, again is up to personal preference really. It is nice if the URI is "readable" by humans. There are some (badly written) tools that assume some structure. There are some "REST" libraries (server and client ones) that also assume a bunch of stuff, for example the concept of "subresources" (which also does not come from REST).
To sum up: If you follow REST (you don't have to of course!), then clients should discover URIs. If that is the case, then it comes down to personal preference and maybe some technical restrictions with libraries/clients. So pick one which you prefer, don't worry about it! They can be modified later if needed anyway, since the server has control over its URIs.
Theoretically the subset should follow the parent set (so the first solution doesn't look too good).
One third approach would be through query parameters:
I've got a bunch of CFCs that I'm trying to organise into folders so it's easier to know what CFC does what, rather than relying on just the file name.
So now the folder that a CFC is in makes it understandable as to what it does. For example:
So here we have a duplicate name of page.cfc which are two different CFCs doing different things. One interacts with the user's page, the other interacts with the security page. This is just an example, of course.
The other alternative I can think of is to have all CFCs in a folder and prefix them with what application area they affect, e.g.:
These are poor names but hopefully you get the gist of it.
What's the best way to go about this? Class names (therefore CFCs) should be nouns and both ways of doing it adheres to that. But which one is better practice or is there an entirely better way of doing this?
I would say put files in related folders. It will make it easier to find the files based on its function.
When you use them you can specify the path to them. createObject("component", "cfc.securit.user")
The path to a CFC includes its directory name, mysite/cfc/security/page.cfc and mysite/cfc/users/page.cfc are not considered the same. So it doesn't matter you have two files called page.cfc.
Of course if you don't path your CFC references then there's ambiguity, but you should always either fully path them or import the package dir before referencing them anyhow.
Does the name of a directory title 'the container' or the 'contents'? This question nags at me because if the name of a directory semantically titles 'the container' then the name should be singular. (By analogy: When referring to an actual physical bag that contains your groceries - one would probably refer to it as a 'grocery' bag and not the 'groceries' bag.) Conversely if one were to assert that the name of the directory titles the contents of the directory then it would make more sense to use a plural form.
I understand that there are common-sense and even usability concerns associated with this question; however, although I would like to hear the practical results of these two options I am more concerned with semantics.
So in summary: does the name of a directory serve as a title for the container or the contents?
A directory on its own needs no name as a directory without any content is useless. Directories exist to group a set of files together. Even if a directory is currently empty, it represents such a group, just that there are currently no files in this group and that's why it is empty. So the name of a directory should always describe what you can find within that directory.
Assume you have a drawer with boxes and you use these boxes to group physical objects together. To know what is inside each box without having to first open it and look inside, you label the boxes. How would you label these boxes?
If a box contains pencils, you'd label it Pencils and not Pencil, correct? If a box contains paper clips, you'd label it Paper Clips and not Paper Clip, wouldn't you? That's because in these cases the label only describes the kind of item to be found within the box. Same goes for directories. A directories containing pictures should most likely be named Pictures, so you know that the files you can find inside it are of type picture.
But sometimes you group items together, not because they are of the same kind but because they belong to the same "entity". E.g. if you have a large box that contains all items related to your trip to Japan in 2012, you would label it "Trip to Japan, 2012" or maybe just "Japan, 2012". Actually you could label it "Trip to Japan in 2012 Items" but "Items" is redundant, as it is obvious you will find items inside. The same way it is redundant to add "Files" to a directory name. So if you are not grouping files because the files itself have something in common but because they belong to a common "entity", you usually name the directory after that entity and since is only one such entity, it would be singular.
A directory with the pictures of Peter's Birthday would most likely be named Pictures/Peter's Birthday. On the other hand, if you keep pictures of every birthday of Peter, year after year, you would rather use a structure like Pictures/Peter's Birthdays/2016. Note how it suddenly became "Birthdays" as now the directory name again describes the kind of items found inside and not an individual event/purpose.
As a general rule of the thumb: Always name directories in such a way that the reader of the directory name has a very good idea of what kind of files and other directories they can expect to find inside that directory, so they can decide whether it's interesting to "go there" or not by just having read the directory name.
If you name a directory Recipe, what will the reader expect to find inside? I would expect to find one or more files, all belonging to a single recipe, e.g. a short ingredient list, a longer instruction text and maybe some supporting photos. Contrary, if you name the directory Recipes, what will the reader expect to find there? I would expect several recipes, either multiple files and every file contains one recipe or multiple sub-directories and each one contains the files that belong to one recipe. As you can clearly see by this simple example, whether you choose plural or not has an effect on the expectation of the reader.
My first impulse is to say that you name a generic container based on its contents. But I'll dig a little deeper just for the fun of it. (Scroll to the end if you just want the summarised conclusion.)
Firstly, I don't think Tum's car and cake examples help us very much. Sure, they are made from simpler components, but only for the purpose of creating new and self-contained objects. The grocery bag is a collection of molecules—so what. The more meaningful thing to ask is: is the object's fundamental purpose to hold other objects? In other words, is it a generic container, like the folder in a file system? You would definitely answer no to the cake. You would probably answer no to the car (even though it does, admittedly, hold people). You would certainly answer yes to the grocery bag.
In your grocery bag example, you said we would refer to it as a grocery bag and not the groceries bag. Sure. The following sentences are all grammatically correct and natural sounding:
Would you help me bring the bags in?
Would you help me bring the grocery bags in?
Would you help me bring the groceries in?
Would you help me bring the shopping in?’
The first sentence is only meaningful if the listener knows we just went shopping and can infer the contents of said bags without us telling them. Without that information, the bags might, for all we know, contain venomous snakes. The second sentence is the most descriptive, but includes redundant information. Anyone familiar with groceries and the process of buying them can reasonably infer that they will be contained in bags. The third sentence tells us all we need to know in the most succinct manner.
The forth sentence takes a different approach entirely, labelling the singular activity that produced the groceries. But it doesn't tell us what kind of product we shopped for, so it’s not as descriptive. (Sometimes this approach is the best option as will be seen in other examples.)
If you look at the user's home folder on any new Windows PC or Mac, you'll find it pre-populated with folders like Documents, Downloads, and Pictures. A folder labelled 'Pictures' tells us all we need to know. You could choose to suffix all your directory names with 'dir', 'folder' or something similarly redundant, but it adds nothing meaningful. (I'm old enough to remember seeing Mac users of yesteryear add the 'ƒ' character—generated by pressing Option-F—to the end of folder names. Crazy times.)
Ah, but there are exceptions! On my Mac, Apple (in its infinite wisdom, of course) chose singular names for three subfolders: Desktop, Library and Public. The rationale, one suspects, is that no one knows what the Desktop contains—not even the user oftentimes! Similarly, the Public folder might contain anything. To get all scholarly, we would call it a heterogeneous collection. It’s like that big box of stuff you pull out at Christmas time, which contains a hotchpotch of stuff like tinsel, baubles, stockings, wrapping paper and fake snow—easier to just label it ‘Christmas’, according to its purpose and theme.
The Library folder is an interesting one—not so much because Apple didn't name it according to its contents, but because it gives us an interesting real-world example. Is the purpose of a library to hold other objects, or is it a functional object in its own right? I'd say it's somewhere in the middle. Let’s say we decide to label a real-world library based on contents. We could call it ‘Books’. (Most libraries contain more than books, but to keep it simple we'll imagine that our library only contains books.) A library could hang a big sign out front that just said 'Books'—but then you might assume the books were for sale, rather than free to borrow. You'd probably assume this because you live in a capitalist society where most big signs are trying to peddle something. So the question of semantics is also one of context.
There's one more question of context that you didn't supply in your question. Where are these directories stored? Are they on your personal computer, or are they on a web server? Why does it matter? Well, on your PC, you're probably viewing each folder in a GUI, where the label is attached to an individual icon. But if the directories are part of a website structure, it's more likely that users will only ever see the names as part of a file path (if they notice them at all). The question here is, do you care, and if so, do you want the file path to read like a sentence? This is best illustrated by an example:
While each category could be plural, the path reads more like an English sentence by using singular directory names. While this seems a bit forced perhaps, you do see this approach on some websites.
TL;DR: When the function or theme of a container is more descriptive than its contents, a singular label (e.g. Library, Desktop, Christmas) can work best. The more heterogeneous a collection, the more likely this approach will make sense. But in most cases, labelling the plural contents (e.g. Documents, Downloads, Pictures) of the collection is easier and more descriptive.
Interesting question.
If you look at a class as a substitute for a tag name (something you would do when using a <div> or a <span>, which have no semantic meaning), your class would have to describe the contents of the element.
But at the same time, the element it self is the content. If you look at a car you say 'this is a car', you don't say 'these are car parts'. Or, if you eat a cake you call it 'cake' and not 'ingredients'.
So I guess a semantic class name would be singular and not plural, because it is always only one element. This might result in using a lot of 'wrapper' in your class names, because finding a fitting name for your element is not always that easy.
I hope this answers your question, if not you might want to read this:
The convention proposed by user Mecki is coherent, but I wonder whether it is really useful in the context of file organization.
In my experience, a very useful convention is to see file path components as a collection of searchable tags. This aids in classifying and finding files, which, for me is the main purpose of establishing a convention for directory and file names.
For example, one file could be named camera-MODEL-manual.pdf (where MODEL is the concrete model). There could be also a directory that contains various manuals. Or perhaps there are multiple manuals for a particular device. In that case, they could be kept in manual/DEVICE/.... Naming directories that contain manuals with the tag "manual" in singular helps searches for manuals.
Within this convention, one can search for file paths containing "birthday" and "peter" without having to remember whether the directory is "2022-birthday-peter" or "birthday/peter/2022". Or one can search for all PDF files whose path contains "car" to find some car-related document.
While in English most plural forms are simply created by adding an "s" suffix, so that a search for "birthday" may bring up "birthdays", this is not true in many other languages. And even in English, it may be preferable to search for whole words, such that a search for "birth" does not bring up "brithday".
Files and directories could have different namespaces, and still be used to identify specific files, because a file and directory with the same name can be distinguished by being different kinds of things.
Primitive field and reference fields could also have different namespaces (in Java), because if a primitive and a reference field had the same name, they could be identified by being different kinds of things.
Separate namespaces are used elsewhere like this. For example, in Java, you can have a method exampleName() and a field exampleName, and though they have the same name, they are distinguished by being different kinds of things.
First, this question is language specific. In pure OOP languages there's no distinction between atomic and compound elements. Everything is an object. By a similar reason in a pure functional language you can't have function and variable named the same.
Second, if you have polymorphic operations, there's no way to tell which variable did you refer to. For example, you can't have different namespaces for files and directories, because of the polymorphic operations, like
cp foo bar
The cp works on files and dirs, and if you have different namespaces, there's no way to tell what did you mean.
I do not believe that this would be a good idea. I imagine that the reasons involve things like performance and simplicity of the filesystem code. If a directory listing had to go down 2 or 3 or more different paths depending on how many different namespaces you think you should have, this would probably complicate the code.
Additionally, consider the end user confusion that might arise. Currently we have a kind of namespacing available in filesystems by using file extensions. You can have file.txt and file.dll and file.exe all existant in the same directory. What happens when these files are present simultaneously is a matter of concern - this has been one method for virus writers to use a form of social engineering to get you to click on the wrong file. Imagine if you could confuse a directory with a file of the same name as well?
Directories and files aren't necessarily so different. They are both entries in their parent directory, just with a flag to indicate if an entry is a directory or not. You can open a directory and read it just as if it was a file, just that certain other operations are possible on it- symbolic links work the same way. (This description is biased towards the Unix filesystem view, but I think the DOS/Windows view works much the same way). Within any directory, there is a set of names of members, and the filesystem enforces the uniqueness constraint that a directory can only have one member with a given name.
Thinking about Java method names compared to field names--- back in C, you couldn't have a global function and global variable with the same name, because all the symbols in the object file are in a single namespace. But you could with C++, because a function "void foo()" was mapped to mangled symbol name ("foo__vv" or something). So it's not so much that they have a separate namespace, as that the key into the namespace is different for a field "foo" vs a method "foo()". Given that you can't get key clashes, they look like separate namespaces, but is that really how it's implemented?