rdlc skip hidden rows on condition - rdlc

I know this may sound trivial but I just can't find an answer to it.
I have a rdlc report in which I like to alternate row background color and for this I've used the following formula:
=iif(RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2, "#e5e5e5", "White")
I also need to hide some rows and for this I use the following formula:
= Fields!MeanAeb.Value <> ""
where MeanAeb is a field in my report. My problem is that rowNumber also counts the hidden rows, so my table may have two consecutive rows with the same background. is there a way to take only visible rows into account?

So if anyone has the same problem, I have an answer;
in the Code section of your ReportProperties add the following
Dim customRowNumber as Integer = 0
Dim previousRowNumber as integer = 0
Function CustomRowCounter(conditionToTest as Boolean, rowNumbner as Integer) as Integer
if(conditionToTest and rowNumbner <> previousRowNumber)
customRowNumber = customRowNumber + 1
previousRowNumber = rowNumbner
end if
return customRowNumber
End Function
then on the background field in your column properties add this condition:
=iif(Code.CustomRowCounter(Fields!MeanAeb.Value="",RowNumber(nothing)) Mod 2, "#e5e5e5", "White")
this is nice because you can add any condition you like in place of Fields!MeanAeb.Value="". Just remember to use the inverse of the condition in your rowVisibility field, otherwise you may cause strange effects.
Oh and if you want a chess board look to your report just drop the previousRowNumber :)


Alternating row color expression in SSRS matrix not working correctly

In the only row group I am trying to get a alternate row color with the following expression:
Expression for background color : =IIf( RunningValue (Fields!SP.Value, CountDistinct, Nothing) MOD 2, "White", "blue")
SQL code:
,datepart(dw,datadate) SSRSDateFilter
,sum(TMI) as TotalCI
from table
where DataDate>GETDATE()-20
group by DataDate,SP
order by 1, 2
The result is the picture below, what's wrong in the expression listed above?
The missing dates in your data is causing the issues with the background row color not working correctly.
You can waste lots of time trying to make your query work.
Or you could just use the Alternating Row Color function.
Private bOddRow As Boolean
' -- Display green-bar type color banding in detail rows
' -- Call from BackGroundColor property of all detail row textboxes
' -- Set Toggle True for first item, False for others.
Function AlternateColor(ByVal OddColor As String, _
ByVal EvenColor As String, ByVal Toggle As Boolean) As String
If Toggle Then bOddRow = Not bOddRow
If bOddRow Then
Return OddColor
Return EvenColor
End If
End Function
For the first column that controls the color:
=Code.AlternateColor("AliceBlue", "White", True)
For the remaining columns, don't toggle with the third argument:
=Code.AlternateColor("AliceBlue", "White", False)
You may need to switch the colors in the first column in a matrix.
SSRS Alternating row color issues when some rows are not visible
This has occurred for me where I don't have an intersection between my row groups and column groups.
- I have stored procedures 1 and 2
On 1/1, both 1 and 2 ran, so I record them
On 1/2, only 1 need to run, so I only record 1
On 1/3, they both ran again, so I recorded both
I'm going to have a messed up looking cell on 1/2 for sp 2 (the color won't change) because SSRS can't calculate a new value for the running total (it's still 1). On 3, it recognizes a value and gets that the running value is now 3, so coloring resumes as expected.
To solve this, you could perform a cross apply to get the cartesian product of all dates and SPs so that every distinct date has a row for every distinct date and store this in a temp table. Store your current query in a temp table or CSV and join onto your cross apply based query. This will ensure no missed cells. Note, this will have a performance impact so test accordingly (it is most likely negligible).
Let me know if you need help writing the queries.

Excel If Cell Is Highlighted on VLOOKUP

I have two sheets in excel, one is an order form the other is a production sheet based off the order form.
I am using VLOOKUP to query the order form for the quantity of a given item ordered.
However, sometimes this quantity is highlighted on the order form, indicating that the item in question actually gets produced 2 extra amounts (for free samples).
So for example, in the production form I have:
In the order form I have:
I use VLOOKUP to get the match, and this works, but if a cell in QUANTITY TO ORDER is highlighted yellow, then I need the VLOOKUP value to be added by two.
How can I do this? Is there a way to do this automatically, without a macro? My client doesn't want to be manually activating things, they just expect the sheet to work.
Thank you.
VLOOKUP can't do that. What you need to do, is treat a cell's background color as data... and a cell's background color isn't data.
But... this link explains how to do that and what the implications are.
Create a workbook-scoped name (Ctrl+F3) called BackColor referring to =GET.CELL(63,OFFSET(INDIRECT("RC",FALSE),0,-1)), and then add a column immediately to the right of the column where the user highlights cells, and make that column have a formula such as =BackColor<>0 so that it contains TRUE for any highlighted cell in the column immediately to its left.
Hard-coding the extra 2 units into your formula isn't going to be maintenance-friendly, so enter that 2 in a cell somewhere and define a name called ExtraUnits for it.
Then modify your formula to
=[the original VLOOKUP]+IF([lookup the BackColor Boolean], ExtraUnits, 0)
This will add ExtraUnits to the looked up units, for all highlighted cells.
The only drawback is that, as I said above, a cell's background color isn't data as far as Excel is concerned, so your user must trigger a recalculation - just changing cells' background color will not do that, but pressing F9 will.
The below code was found at http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/215415-formula-check-if-cell-highlighted.html
Function CellColorIndex(InRange As Range, Optional _
OfText As Boolean = False) As Integer
' This function returns the ColorIndex value of a the Interior
' (background) of a cell, or, if OfText is true, of the Font in the cell.
Application.Volatile True
If OfText = True Then
CellColorIndex = InRange(1,1).Font.ColorIndex
CellColorIndex = InRange(1,1).Interior.ColorIndex
End If
End Function
To use the function:
This lets you check the color of the cell , or the text. But you will need to use the Index-match code found here http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/447723-vlookup-returns-cell-address.html in order to match it up.
Also, like the above answer states, highlighting a cell doesn't count as a data change, so even though you can get this info without a macro, if someone updates the cell's highlight status, it will not update the cells using this formula unless automatically.
Sounds like you may need to rethink the Highlighting being the trigger of the +2 samples. I'm with the above answer that recommends adding a column maybe True/False or Yes/No that is checked to see if they get samples.
What I did is this:
I created a user defined function:
Function getRGB3(rcell As Range, Optional opt As Integer) As Long
Dim C As Long
Dim R As Long
Dim G As Long
Dim B As Long
C = rcell.Interior.Color
R = C Mod 256
G = C \ 256 Mod 256
B = C \ 65536 Mod 256
If opt = 1 Then
getRGB3 = R
ElseIf opt = 2 Then
getRGB3 = G
ElseIf opt = 3 Then
If B <> 0 Then
B = -2
End If
getRGB3 = B + 2
getRGB3 = C
End If
End Function
This made it so all the highlighted cells (in yellow) got a value of 2 when referred to, so on the order form it goes like ITEM|QUANTITY TO ORDER|CUSTOM FUNCTION VALUE| and the third column (custom function) is 2 for each corresponding yellow cell next to it, if not, it is just zero.
Then I do a second VLOOKUP to add the CUSTOM FUNCTION VALUE to the original, and then I have added two. :)

How can i get a large number of text boxs to subtract from each other

I'm trying to make a program where a user inputs numbers into a subtraction equation and the program tells them if they are right or wrong and what the correct answer is in a label. There are 20 different equations with 3 text boxes each. The first two text boxes are for the two numbers that are being subtracted and the third text box is the answer. I declared them into a array but I can't figure out how make them subtract. The code i have so far is:
Dim i As Integer
Dim txtNumber1() As TextBox = {txt1Number1, txt2Number1, txt3Number1, txt4Number1, txt5Number1, txt6Number1, txt7Number1, txt8Number1, txt9Number1, txt10Number1, txt11Number1, txt12Number1, txt13Number1, txt14Number1, txt15Number1, txt16Number1, txt17Number1, txt18Number1, txt19Number1, txt20Number1}
Dim txtNumber2() As TextBox = {txt1Number2, txt2Number2, txt3Number2, txt4Number2, txt5Number2, txt6Number2, txt7Number2, txt8Number2, txt9Number2, txt10Number2, txt11Number2, txt12Number2, txt13Number2, txt14Number2, txt15Number2, txt16Number2, txt17Number2, txt18Number2, txt19Number2, txt20Number2}
Dim txtAnswer() As TextBox = {txt1Answer, txt2Answer, txt3Answer, txt4Answer, txt5Answer, txt6Answer, txt7Answer, txt8Answer, txt9Answer, txt10Answer, txt11Answer, txt12Answer, txt13Answer, txt14Answer, txt15Answer, txt16Answer, txt17Answer, txt18Answer, txt19Answer, txt20Answer}
Dim intAnswer() As Integer
For i = 0 To txtNumber1.Length - 1
intAnswer(i) = txtNumber1(i) - txtNumber2(i)
I also can't figure out how i would make each answer display into a label. I think it would be some like
If intAnswer(0) = txtAnswer(0) Then
Me.lblAnswer1.Text = "Correct:" & intAnswer(0)
Me.lblAnswer1.Text = "Incorrect:" & intAnswer(0)
End If
But I'm not sure how i would loop that to make it do all 20 labels, or would i just need to have it 20 different times, one for each label.
Thanks for the help.
Best to create a user control with 3 labels and 3 textboxes on each. Then you only need to code this much, and wrap this logic in a loop to repeat as many times as you want. Basically, narrow down your problem to "I only have 1 equation", solve it using this approach, the rest is as easy as using adding a loop to your code.

Is there a way to check for duplicate values in Excel WITHOUT using the CountIf function?

A lot of the solutions here on SO involve using CountIf to find duplicates. When I have a list of 100,000+ values however, it will often take minutes for CountIf to search for duplicates.
Is there a quicker way to search for duplicates within an Excel column WITHOUT using CountIf?
EDIT #1:
After reading the comments and replies I realize I need to go into greater detail. Let's pretend I'm a birdwatcher, and after I return from a birdwatching trip I input anywhere from 1 to 25 or 50 new birds that I saw on my trip into my "Master List of Birds Seen". This is really a dynamically growing list, and with each addition I want to make sure I'm not duplicating something that already exists in my list.
So, in column A of my file are the names of the birds. Column B-M might contain other attributes of the birds. I want to know if a bird that I just added in column A after my latest birdwatching trip ALREADY exists somewhere ELSE in my list. And, if it does, I would manually merge the data of the 2 entries and throw away some and keep some after careful review. I clearly don't want to have duplicate entries of the same bird in my database.
So, ultimately I want some indication that there is or isn't a duplicate somewhere else, and if there is duplicate please tell me what row to look in (or highlight or color both of the duplicates).
The fastest way that I know of (in case you are using Excel 2007/2010/2011) is to use Data (In Ribbon) | Remove Duplicates to find the total number of duplicates OR to remove duplicates. You might want to move data to a temp sheet before you test this.
The 2nd fastest way is to use Countif. Now Countif can be used in many ways to find duplicates. Here are two main ways.
1) Inserting a New Column next to the data and putting the formula and simply copying it down.
2) Using Countif in Conditional formatting to highlight cells which are duplicates. For more details, please see this link.
suggestions for a macro to find duplicates in a SINGLE column
My Apologies :)
Countif is the 3rd fastest way!
The 2nd fastest way is to use Pivot Tables ;)
What exactly is your main purpose of finding duplicates? Do you want to delete them? Or Do you want to highlight them? Or something else?
Seems like I made a typo in the formula. Yes for large number of rows, CountIf does take minutes as you suggested.
Let me see if I can come up with a VBA code to suit your exact needs.
You can use VBA - the following function returns a list of unique entries within a list of 100,000 in less than a second. Usage: select a range, type the formula (=getUniqueListFromRange(YourRange)) and validate with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
Public Function getUniqueListFromRange(parRange As Range) As Variant
' Returns a (1 to n,1 to 1) array with all the values without duplicates
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim locKey As Variant
Dim locData As Variant
Dim locUniqueDict As Variant
Dim locUniqueList As Variant
On Error GoTo error_handler
locData = Intersect(parRange.Parent.UsedRange, parRange)
Set locUniqueDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To UBound(locData, 1)
For j = 1 To UBound(locData, 2)
locKey = UCase(locData(i, j))
If locKey <> "" Then locUniqueDict.Add locKey, locData(i, j)
Next j
Next i
If locUniqueDict.Count > 0 Then
ReDim locUniqueList(1 To locUniqueDict.Count, 1 To 1) As Variant
i = 1
For Each locKey In locUniqueDict
locUniqueList(i, 1) = locUniqueDict(locKey)
i = i + 1
getUniqueListFromRange = locUniqueList
End If
error_handler: 'Empty range
End Function
If using Excel 2007 or later (which is likely from the 100,000+ values) you can choose:
Home Tab | Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cell Rules > Duplicate Values...
Right-click a highlighted cell and filter by selected cell color to show just the duplicates (be aware however this can be slow with conditional formatting).
Alternatively run this code and filter for colored cells which takes only a second on 100,000 cells:
Sub HighlightDupes()
Dim i As Long, dic As Variant, v As Variant
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
i = 1
For Each v In Selection.Value2
If dic.exists(v) Then dic(v) = "" Else dic.Add v, i
i = i + 1
Next v
Selection.Font.Color = 255
For Each v In dic
If dic(v) <> "" Then Selection(dic(v)).Font.Color = 0
Next v
End Sub
To select only duplicate values without code or formulas, i have found this method useful:
Data Tab | Advanced Filter... Filter in Place, Unique Records Only, OK.
Now select the range of unique values and press Alt+; (Goto Special... Visible cells only). With this selection clear the filter and you will see that all unselected cells are duplicates, you can then press Ctrl+9 (Hide Rows) to show just the duplicates. These rows can be copied to another sheet if needed or marked with an "X".
You do not mention what you want to do when you find them. If you merely want to see where they are...
Sub HighLightCells()
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, Formula1:=ActiveCell
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
End Sub
Preventing Duplicates with Data Validation
You can use Data Validation to prevent you entering duplicate bird names. See Debra Dalgelish's site here
Handling existing duplicates
My free Duplicate Master addin will let you
But more importantly it will let you run more complex matching than exact strings, ie
Case Insensitive / Case Sensitive searches (sample below)
Trim/Clean data
Remove all blank spaces (including CHAR(160)) see the " mapgie" and "magpie" example below
Run regular expression matches (for example the sample below replaces s$ with "" to remove plurals)
Match on any combination of columns (ie Column A, all columns, Column A&B etc)
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the RemoveDuplicates method.
ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1
This will simply remove any duplicate entries on the active worksheet in column A. It takes milliseconds to run (tested with 200k rows). Mind you, this will strictly delete all the duplicate entries. Although that isn't how the original question was worded, I do believe that this still serves your purpose.
One simple way of finding unique values is to use the advance filter and filter for unique values only and copy and paste them into other sheet as when the pivot is removed you will get the whole data with the duplicate in them.
Sort the range
and in next column put `=if(a2=a1;1;if(a2=a3;1;0))
"1" will be displayed for duplicates.

How to find the number of expanded/collapsed master rows and grouped rows in a DevExpress GridView?

I am currently using DevExpress 10.2 within Visual Studio 2010. In a previous question I was trying to print the current user view of a DevExpress GridControl with the user's choice of expanded or collapsed master rows and/or group sections. I was told this was not possible at this time. I have now decided to use the following code:
gvPOinvoiceBanded.OptionsPrint.ExpandAllGroups = False
gvPOinvoiceBanded.OptionsPrint.ExpandAllDetails = False
when I want it to be completely collapsed while printing as by default these are set to true.
I was just wondering if there is someway to check either the total number of expanded master rows or the total number of collapsed master rows. I would also like to do the same thing for the groups as you can have the groups expanded while the master rows are not.
You can get the number of expanded group rows using a loop like this:
Dim ExpandedGroupCount As Integer = 0
Dim Handle As Integer = -1 'group rows have negative row handles
Do Until GridView1.GetRow(Handle) Is Nothing
If GridView1.GetRowExpanded(Handle) Then
ExpandedGroupCount += 1
End If
Handle -= 1
'Do whatever with expanded group count
MsgBox(String.Format("Number of Expanded Group Rows: {0}{2}Number of Group Rows: {1}",
ExpandedGroupCount, Math.Abs(Handle + 1), Environment.NewLine))
Similarly, you can do this to get the count of expanded master rows:
Handle = 0
Dim ExpandedMasterRowCount As Integer = 0
Do Until GridView1.GetRow(Handle) Is Nothing
If GridView1.IsMasterRow(Handle) Then
If GridView1.GetMasterRowExpanded(Handle) Then
ExpandedMasterRowCount += 1
End If
End If
Handle += 1
MsgBox(String.Format("Number of Expanded Master Rows: {0}", ExpandedMasterRowCount))
Of course, if you are only checking so that you can see if you need to set the collapse this probably isn't worth the effort. There is no direct property that provides the counts you are looking for.
You could also probably use the events that fire when rows are collapsed and expanded to track the count as it changes. You have to be careful with that though because the event only fires once when expand or collapse all happens. So if you go with that method be sure to check the rowHandle in the event arguments parameter for GridControl.InvalidRowHandle. That is the value used in the case of collapse or expand all.