How to Handle URL Link Tap Events using PSPDFKit for Titanium - titanium

I am using the PSPDFKit Module (v2.8) for Titanium Mobile (3.0.2GA) to both display cloud based and local PDF files within my App. The module works a treat (great job by the developer), however I've run into a problem.
Some of the PDF files have links to external websites within them, and when they are tapped I am getting a No system handler registered warning. I've checked the documentation and forums / google and cannot seem to located how these events should be handled.
Does anyone have any idea – any help would be appreciated!

Now external links are supported, so this might be a bug. In older releases there was an issue where URLs like "Http" or "hTTp" (note the uppercase) weren't properly detected. That's all fixed in the later releases (2.12 and up). Please update and let me know if this is fixed or if you're still seeing problems. Thanks!


Adobe air - download links not working

I'm trying to turn a website of mine into an executable for Windows with Adobe Air.
Everything seems to be in order, but I couldn't quite figure out how to save a file from a download link.
I saw this answer that is suggesting that this is not supported by air, but it is possible to download links via an installed browser (IE for example?)
I also tried to search the official documation and found that there are loading external data possibilites but as I didn't see a way to save the incoming result locally, i couldn't get that to work.
1) How can I accomplish this? Are there working code examples available anywhere?
2) How can I make files download on a web browser from an AIR app?
3) What other options do I have?
Thanks a lot.
I couldn't get a download to work with the HTMLLoader class too.
The only working solution might be to start the download with a browser.
var url:String = "";
var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest(url);
navigateToURL(request, '_blank');

sencha touch 2 api docs

I'm currently working on a project with Sencha Touch 2 and was wondering if anyone has a working link of the API docs page.
I've tried accessing!/api, but I'm constantly getting redirected to:!/api and am finally given a 'The page you’re trying to reach could not be found.' error from Sencha Touch's homepage.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? I'm seeing the same link given on all my searches and hence I'm starting to get the feeling that this isn't just a faulty link problem, but perhaps something else.
The missing page error is occurring on Chrome. IE seems to be handling the link OK.
I don't know why you got that strange problem because the link is still Ok for me, maybe you need to clear your browser cache or something else.
But instead of that way, if you've already download and unzip the sencha touch 2 package from here and I think you've already did it, so you just need to open the index.html file in that folder, the API docs are already there :)
I've fixed the error by disabling the KB SSL Enforcer extension in Chrome.
Hope this info. helps others facing the same problem.
The inability to read the docs in chrome was driving me mad for a while.
You have downloaded the sdk right??? just go to your sdk folder and go to docs in your web browser the docs is right there...

One Click install for Safari Extensions

When a user downloads a plugin firefox (for example) the plugin installation begins as soon as the download has completed.
Is it possible to achieve the same thing in safari? i.e. user clicks link to download plugin, once it has downloaded it automatically begins the installation.
I don't think this is possible to do on any other domain except
I've done some extensive testing on this and the safari.installExtension() method is only present if the domain matches (probably controlled by the browser, similar to how certain Chrome APIs only shows up inside of extensions themselves).
I tested this theory by going to the JS file itself and opening the JS console:
After that JS file has loaded, type typeof(safari.installExtension) in the JS console and it should return "function". Notice that it exists on a non-HTML page, meaning it's being provided by the browser (since this script doesn't execute, nor has the code in it to provide this method).
I tried doing this on other sites and it doesn't exist: "undefined".
I also had a crazy thought that it just needs extensions as the subdomain, so I tested it on too, no dice. I can't seem to find an extensions sub-domain that's SSL though. That may work, but I seriously doubt it as the method appears to be regulated to only show up when on Apple's specific extensions sub-domain.
No solution for that here, but maybe this can help?
In apple extension gallery at the extensions do install in one click, and i wanted to achieve the same in a website of mine, so i went and checked their JS source code.
A javascript file there defines a "ExtensionOneClick" Object (
A method is dedicated to installing extensions:
// href : path to the extension ".safariextz" file
// id : com.whatever.myextension-<safaridevelopper10charsid>
safari.installExtension(id, href);
I tried to replicate this on my website, but i get "safari is undefined", so I guess a site specific hack in Safari is helping here? Ajax Partial Rendering using UpdatePanel not working in WebKit browsers

I am part of the developer team for a quite a large online system using ASP.NET(4). Ajax completely breaks down for Webkit browsers and we are getting full page postbacks when we should be getting partial only for the UpdatePanels.
I am starting to believe it has something to do with my Application Configuration, mainly for the following reasons.
If I move the ajax enabled controls to a new project they will work as expected for all browsers, including Webkit.
I created a static .aspx file with nothing but an UpdatePanel,ScriptManager and a button making a literal visible on click.
I get no Javascript errors from any browser, and i see an http request for the (ScriptResource.axd) in both Firebug and Chrome Developer tools
I tried ye'old safari fix from this highly referenced thread
Edit: After a bit more testing and http sniffing i noticed a major difference between the test application and the actual application. The test application generates 2 additional .axd files which are not generated from the actual application. These WebResource.axd, seem to contain data related to the async postback. However this is only the case for Webkit browsers. The WebResource.axd files are generated for Firefox as i can see them in firebug
What i am asking from the community, is any ideas or suggestions as to what could be the cause of this problem and if i am correct to assume that the problem is probably on the server side
Thanks for any help
The problem was due to a deprecated config file that's used to limit the content that bots/spiders/crawlers receive, which was loading by mistake thanks to our lovely inhouse CMS
In short if u get behavior similar to my case, check your or configs
I was having a similar issue however my problem was with all browsers and not just webkit. I ended up going through and tearing up the web.config file and found out that a line: <xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy"> was preventing webresource.axd from working properly. The fix was to simply remove that line from my web.config file.
For a little more information on xhtmlConformance, visit
If you scroll all the way to the bottom you'll notice it explicitly states that it causes issues with webresource.axd and scriptresource.axd.

Empty HTML page after OTA install on Symbian

I have some quite nasty issue I couldn't solve so far.
Whenever I do installation of Symbian application on Nokia platform, the browser loads blank HTML page, and needs to be closed manually.
It doesn't happens on WAP push installations - only on direct link installations via the browser.
It happens on installations both from JAD and JAR.
I tried specifying manifest entries, etc... - nothing helped.
Any idea how to prevent this blank page, as it confusing the users?
Thanks in advance.
You should make sure that the content types of the downloaded files are correct:
For .jad, the content type should be text/
For .jar, the content type should be application/java-archive
Setting the content type according to a file's extension is usually something you configure in your HTTP server.