How to insert an ellipse (circle) in docX? - docx4j

I'm trying to insert an ellipse in a docx without sucess. It is possible to add an ellipse to docx with docx4j? I also tried to insert the XML "....." with org.docx4j.XmlUtils.unmarshalString but I received some errors.
Someone tried to do it?


Replace a Picture in MS Word header with another in VBA

Using MS access I need to open a word document and change certain images within the header. Whilst I have the code to find and replace any text that I need, I do not quite understand how to replace an image keeping it to a specific width and height.
The header within the Word document is constructed using a basic table with 3 columns as depicted below. The image in the right hand column will need to change for a specific logo.
I have managed so far to add an image to the document using the following code which gives the expected result...
With WordDoc.StoryRanges(wdPrimaryHeaderStory)
.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:="test.jpg"
End With
I understand that this is due to me not specifying a specific location, size etc but I am struggling to find resources which would instead allow me to either remove and add a new image to the right column or just swap the images out.

Store image in Word document to insert later

I am currently building a word-template for a report. In this report are used red separators as part of the design. The separators are basically just images of red, curved lines.
Instead of copy and pasting these separators when needing them, is there a way to store the image somewhere in the document, allowing it to be inserted with just the click of a button in the ribbon? My first bet would be to create a macro somehow that would insert the image, however that would require the image to be stored in a very specific path on the computer.
As this document is gonna be used by lots of people without this image stored on their harddrive, i need another way.
Thanks so much in advance!
You could insert the images into bookmarks created via SET fields in, say, the document header, then reproduce them elsewhere in the document via cross-references. The images in the SET fields wouldn't themselves be visible.
For example:
{SET Image1 "Actual image1"}
to create the bookmark and
{REF Image1}
to display the image.
No code required.
By default, the size of the pictures when inserted via a cross-reference will be the same size as they are in the SET field, plus they'll be formatted as in-line with text.
If they're meant to be full-width images, simply make sure to insert the cross-reference into a new paragraph with 0 indenting.
To constrain the images' displayed size to something smaller than the width they're inserted into the SET field at, insert them into a table whose row height and/or column width has the required fixed dimension.
To apply text-wrapping, insert the cross-references into a table and format the table's wrapping as 'around'.
Note: The field brace pairs (i.e. '{ }') for the above example are all created in the document itself, via Ctrl-F9 (Cmd-F9 on a Mac or, if you’re using a laptop, you might need to use Ctrl-Fn-F9); you can't simply type them or copy & paste them from this message.

VBA to insert a blank ContentControlPicture at a specific location in Word doc

I've tried:
ActiveDocument.Range.ContentControls.Add (wdContentControlPicture)
But I get an error that says "Picture controls cannot be inserted around a selection which contains non-image content, floating images, or more than a single inline image"
I need to insert this control after ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(55) - is there any way to do this?

How to add dynamically created image to powerpoint slide?

I am creating a PPT file with VB.NET and I would like to insert dynamically created images from memory into the slides, these images are screenshots being put into Image variables.
oSlide.Shapes.AddPicture("file location", False, True, 150, 150, 500, 350)
Is used to insert an image but it only accepts a file location.
I would rather not save all of the images I am creating to insert then delete off my drive. Does anyone have a solution?
Clipboard.SetImage(YouVariableHere) Load your image to the clipboard first
This function happens to take a System.Drawing.Image as it's argument
Shapes.Paste pastes whatever is currently on the clipboard.

VB.NET: Preserve image metadata when moved to clipboard as an image

Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4, VB.NET
I am writing a little program to convert LaTeX snippets to images which can be pasted into whatever program one can paste images into. It's working alright but the next obvious step is to include the source LaTeX code as a piece of metadata in the image so that the results can be modified without having to retype everything.
I have succeeded in adding a title PropertyItem with the latex encoded as an ASCII byte array as its value (id=800, type=2, value=System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(codestring)). I verify that the PropertyItem is really there before trying to put the image on the clipboard.
Then I do Clipboard.SetImage(myImage). The result is all of the PropertyItems are removed (my title plus anything else that was there)! I check this by doing MsgBox(Clipboard.GetImage.PropertyItems.Count.ToString) which gives zero.
This makes me very sad. Anyone know what's up?
Thanks in advance!
Update: I have figured out how to move the image onto the clipboard and then back off while preserving the PropertyItems like so:
Format = DataFormats.GetFormat(GetType(Image).FullName)
Dim dataObject As New DataObject
dataObject.SetData(Format.Name, image)
Dim copiedImage As Image = CType(Clipboard.GetDataObject.GetData(Format.Name), Image)
This way, the copiedImage has the same PropertyItems as the original. However, new problem:
Other programs don't recognize what's on the clipboard as an image anymore, which defeats the whole purpose. I.e., if I put an image on the clipboard this way, when I try pasting into some context that accepts pasted images, nothing happens.
What to do?!
I believe the Windows clipboard image has no metadata. If you change the format of the image to add metadata, it is no longer a clipboard image. If the other programs can accept it, you could copy and paste the image file (instead of the image) to the clipboard, and the metadata will of course be intact when it's read by the target app.
Have you tried Clipboard.SetData or Clipboard.SetDataObject? SetImage only copies the image in bitmap format, so I am not surprised that it strips the property items. You might try:
Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.EnhancedMetafile, myImage)
Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.MetafilePict, myImage)