avoid instantiating maven dependency plugin - maven-2

I would like to use the "deploy"-phase of maven to deploy some files to my appliance (using a custom maven plugin), but I don't need the maven-deploy-plugin.
There are several answers on stackoverflow and the rest of the web on how to avoid a plugin being run, for example:
maven exclude plugin defined in parent pom
Disable a Maven plugin defined in a parent POM
I have tried setting <phase>none, <skip>true and <inherited>false. However, the plugin is still configured, which fails with message:
failed to configure plugin parameters for org.apache.maven.plugins maven-deploy-plugin 2.4
because there is no distributionManagement-element in my pom.
Is there a way to completely remove the dependency-plugin from the maven lifecycle?

In my opinion, this is unlikely to work even with those workarounds simply because the maven-deploy-plugin is a core plugin, like it or not.
Therefore, here's another hack:
Create a profile.
Define your plugin in it and attach it to the install phase.
Trigger the deployment, by invoking your profile.
Not as fancy as you would have hoped for, but it should do the trick. If anyone has better ideas, I would also like to hear them, as I've faced this sort of issue as well.


IntelliJ - is there any good Maven plugin?

I am trying IntelliJ 12 and one thing is really disappointing.... this is the maven integration.
I am missing following functionality:
effective pom view
search for particular jar trough dependency hierarchy
classpath should be derived directly from maven pom, and not in some crazy random unknown way. I have the case now, where some dependencies are just omitted, and I can see them when executing mvn dependency:analyze
changes is pom.xml are sometimes not reflected in project (classpath does not change, or has still old dependency and new one), also when I click "reimport"
Does anyone know some other maven plugin? Something like m2e would be really nice ;)
As #tieTYT noticed, there is a 'Dependency popup' (Ctrl+Alt+U, Ctrl+F works there).
Idea can automatically detect changes made to your pom.xml and apply them to project. To enable this, press Ctrl+Shift+A, type 'maven auto', choose "Importing", checkbox "Import Maven project automatically";
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/19582120/417846 for my answer. It at least provides a relatively easy way to get the effective pom.
I just moved from eclipse and my idea was, that there are many different plugins for single technology, well not in this case - case closed.

How to override/prevent Maven Install Plugin behavior

this is an odd request but here is the scenario. I am writing custom maven plugins that basically manipulate build versions then will install or deploy the modified jar. The plugin is called both via command line and a build profile.
The plugins all have similar behavior, so the solution will work for all. Currently I am manipulating the project version in memory, via MavenProject.setVersion(newVersion);. This works and builds a local jar with the new version, but once the MavenInstaller executes the newVersion jar is installed in my local repo with the old version information and location. Is there a way I can prevent or override this behavior? The plugin is not using the Maven Installer or Deployer directly, and is just part of the build phase.
The file is executed as: mvn install -Pincrement and the increment profile is associated with the process-sources phase.
EDIT 1: I am looking into overriding the install/deploy lifecycle with a plugin that will basically handle what I plan on doing, while also still handling the normal behavior of install/deploy.
EDIT 2: Following Edit 1 I was able to override a default lifecycle, in this case install and deploy with a custom solution. I do not like that it requires a custom package, so packaging tag no longer refers to the true packaging type and requires me to set an additional tag so that I can lookup the type.

Setting up a standard directory layout using Maven

I'm new to Maven and have skimmed over the documentation as I am following the Hibernate tutorial at http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/core/reference/en/html_single/#tutorial-firstapp-mvn.
I have installed Maven and successfully setup a web-app but this does not contain all of the standard directories mentioned in the tutorial. Am I going mad?
When building my Maven project I am using the maven-archetype-webapp. This gives me the arh-webapp\src\main\resources and arh-webapp\src\main\webapp directories but I'm missing quite a few directories mentioned on the link http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-standard-directory-layout.html.
Surely I don't have to manually add these? If not then the Hibernate documentation does not mention what archetype to use in order to achieve the directory structure used in their tutorial. Please can someone enlighten me.
What archetype do I need to use in order to have the above directory plus the src/main/java directory? If there is no such archetype then can easily append these using Maven? and how?
Surely you'll have to manually add these.
Just create those directories that according to the Maven convention are missing. Remember, a Maven Archetype is just a starting point to save you time configuring your workspace. After encountering many problems in some Archetypes myself I've been accustomed to just use a basic-web-app-archetype and then customize it myself, as a beginner with Maven you'll be better off doing that, and will learn a lot.
Not all the directories mentioned are required for your standard web application. In fact, the reason behind the presence of the src/main/java, src/main/resources and the src/main/webapp directories is due to the archetype that you've used.
IMHO, the book titled "Better Builds with Maven" will serve you better; the Sonatype books on Maven might also help. The complete Maven documentation is also available as a PDF file, for future reference.
But just in case, you need some clarity on the terms used, here's some:
Archetype: A pattern for projects. Simple web applications (with no dependencies on other frameworks/libraries) have their own archetypes, so do applications using Spring, Hibernate, Seam, etc. Some archetypes will result in creation of different directories, as they are coded that way. You might be able to change the directory structures in most cases, although I cannot vouch for every archetype. For instance, it is quite possible to place your sources in 'src' instead of 'src/main/java', although this requires additional configuration in the POM.
Lifecycles, Phases and Goals: A Maven build lifecycle is a series of phases, with each phase executing a set of goals. Maven can be commanded to execute a build phase, which results in execution of all phases until and including the specified phase.
Maven plugins: Maven plugins contain one or more goals. Goals need not be bound to phases, but usually you would bind them to particular phases. Plugins are the basis for everything operational in Maven; you're using plugins even though you are just compiling the application (the Maven compiler plugin is a core plugin that is present in the Maven distribution).
I hope the above helps, but I would suggest that the reference books be followed.

Why doesn't my Maven plugin pick up parent properties?

When I make one plugin extend another it normally inherits the properties from the parent. Sometimes it doesn't work though.
When the plugin is loaded up, the properties from the parent are all null
What might I be doing wrong? I package my project as a maven-plugin and it builds ok.
I've seen this myself and it drove me mad until I debugged the Plexus internals. I'm guessing the properties are not inherited when the parent is in another plugin?
If that is the case, the explanation below will help. If it is not, it might be a typo in the Javadoc annotations. Maven will skip any tags it doesn't recognise without warning.
If it's neither of these, can you post a little more detail? perhaps an example of the failing Mojo?
If the parent is in another project, here's the reason why you're having problems.
Maven plugins use Javadoc annotations to define the dependencies, goal declarations, and other configurations (Maven 2.1 introduced proper Java annotations but hardly any plugins use them yet). Once the plugin has been installed/deployed the Javadoc is lost, so any plugin that extends a plugin in another jar won't have access to the plexus-defined properties in the parent.
There is a workaround though. The plugin metadata is output to META-INF/maven/plugin.xml. There is a third-party plugin that reads the information from the parent Mojo's plugin.xml and merges the local plugin metadata with it. Your plugin should then work as normal.

find dependencies in target/classes instead of local repository?

Summary: I'm looking for a way to instruct maven to search for dependencies in target/classes instead of jar in the local repository
Say I have 2 modules, A and B where A depends on B. Both are listed in a module S. Normally I need to run 'mvn install' in S. I'm looking for a way to run 'mvn compile' so that when A is compiled its classpath will contain ../B/target/classes instead of ~/.m2/repository/com/company/b/1.0/b-1.0.jar.
(my reason is so that i can have continous compilation without the need to go through packaing and installation, or, more exactly, use 'mvn scala:cc' on multiple modules)
I don't think that this is possible without horrible hacking, this is just not how maven works. Maven uses binary dependencies and needs a local repository to resolve them. So, the maven way to handle this is to launch a reactor build on all modules. Just in case, have a look at Maven Tips and Tricks: Advanced Reactor Options.
But, during development, can't you just import all your projects in your IDE and use "project references" (i.e. configure your projects to depend on source code instead of a JAR) like most Java developers are doing? This is the common approach to avoid having to install an artifact to "see" the modifications.
If this is not possible and if you really don't want to install artifacts into your local repository, then you'll have to move your code into a unique module.
i know this is annoying. which helped me here is definitely IDE support. eclipse and IntelliJ are clever to collect all dependencies once a maven-project import is done. even cross module dependencies are compiled live.