Passing default values of parameters to Table Valued Functions - sql

create function Xtest
(#d1 varchar(3)=null
,#d2 varchar(3)=null)
returns table
with code_list(code_pattern)
select x.code_pattern
from (values (#d1),(#d2)) as x(code_pattern)
where x.code_pattern is not null
select substring(code,1,3) as code
from tblicd
where substring(code,1,3) in
select * from code_list
select * from y
is my function which will make sense when it's fully finished. If I try to run this query and I don't supply two parameters, it will fail. I have the same code as a stored procedure and if I only enter one parameter, it works fine and assigns the second parameter null. Is there a way that I can pass null as a parameter value if the parameter isn't supplied, like one can do with stored procedures?
The function does compile.

You can't omit the parameters when you call a function. This isn't anything you're doing wrong in the syntax, it's just simply not supported by SQL Server. Stored procedures have optional parameters, but functions do not.
You can, however, supply default:
SELECT code FROM dbo.Xtest(default, default);
Or in this case if you know the defaults are NULL you can do:
SELECT code FROM dbo.Xtest(NULL, NULL);
Also please always use the schema prefix (in this case dbo.) when creating and referencing any object, especially functions.


FnSplit not working for SQL stored procedure to take multiple parameters

I have a stored procedure that currently takes in one value(ChainId) for a parameter. I am trying to allow the user to select multiple values of(ChainId). My where statement is below. Could someone help point me in a better direction than I am going now. Currently the query will run and return no data if I select multiple values for the parameter.
WHERE EndAuth is null AND CL.CHIND in(
SELECT [Value] FROM dbo.FnSplit(#ChainId, ','))
This is a popular function in SQL Server, so I'll assume you're working with that. Make sure your parameter is of type Varchar(MAX). #ChainId is passed as your string (ideally for SSRS) and ',' is passed as your delimiter. In SSRS, if you have a text box for your users to manually enter multiple values, they will enter something like 'value1, value2, value3'.
Test this out:
Declare #Yes_No Varchar(Max)
Set #Yes_No = 'y,n'
Select #yes_no
Select * from SplitString('y,n',',')
Select * from SplitString(#Yes_No,',')
Your results will be
Why I say to use Varchar(Max) and not int, or Varchar(10) for example, is because that would stop the function from reading all the values prematurely.
Try this:
Declare #Yes_No Varchar(1)
Set #Yes_No = 'y,n'
Select * from SplitString(#Yes_No,',')
The result will be:
The reason is because the function only accepts a value of 1 character in length, and splits that. As you can see, there isn't much to split.
This is just the way SSRS accepts parameters. FN_Split isn't necessarily a built-in function, but a widely popular one designed to allow you to pass multiple values to a string, with a pre-specified delimiter. So make sure you also go to your parameter in the report and specify that it will allow for multiple values. You will also want to supply a list of potential values for your users to select from. You'll either do this by manually populating a small list or providing another data source in the form of a stored procedure or table.

How do I use collection as a parameter in SQL Server (2008) SP?

So, I have this stored procedure (let's call it SP1) that gets as parameters two strings (say string1 and string2)
However, I need to call this stored procedure a lot from my code, so in order to make things faster, I was thinking of doing it in bulk. Collecting all of the parameters into a collection of some sort, and then send this.
From what I understand I need to use a DataTable on the code side, and a custom table type as the parameter on the SQL Server side - ok, cool. what?
But... how do I get from there to the point where I actually go
EXEC SP1 string1, string2 or something along those lines?
Not sure whether this is what you like to achieve, instead of parsing those two string parameters, you would like to get a table holding all of the string row?
If so, you could you use UDF within SP,
Check here:
col1 varchar(50),
col2 varchar(50)
**the query that inserts each records to TABLE**
Then using this [Name] UDF in your SP
Create a table type
CREATE TYPE Strings AS TABLE ( String1 VARCHAR(50), String2 VARCHAR(50) )
Alter your procedure to accept table type as input
ALTER PROCEDURE Usp_procname (#strings STRINGS Readonly)
To call the procedure
INSERT INTO #strings
SELECT 'String1','String2'
SELECT 'String3','String4'
SELECT 'String5','String6'
EXEC Usp_procname #strings
By this way you can pass more than one string in a single call. Make sure you update the logic inside the procedure to handle more than one string
In a case like this one, I usually concatenate strings and split them on the server side or pass even an xml if I have multiple columns. Sql it's very fast when processing xml. You can try all the methods and check the processing time and after that choose the best method.

How to make this SQL Query more dynamic and linear?

I have query as
select a.FormSl
where FormSl between convert(int,'113990') and convert(int,'1131000')
My objective:
I want to pass these two values inside the convert() function as a parameter
I want this query to be more linear, i.e. can I make these convertions earlier to this query so that I can use between operator without as simple as possible?
How about this?
select a.FormSl
where FormSl between #param1 and #param2
Where #param1 and #param2 are integer parameters?
To parameterise this, you could make a table valued function.
CREATE FUNCTION myFunction (#lower_bound AS VARCHAR(32), #upper_bound AS VARCHAR(32))
select a.FormSl
where FormSl between convert(int,#lower_bound) and convert(int,#upper_bound)
SELECT * FROM dbo.myFunction('11111', '22222')
In terms of optimising the Convert, what you have is as optimal as it will get.
If you want to improve it further, don't pass in strings, pass int integers in the first place.

Passing parameters from Stored Procedure to Function (inside Stored Procedure)

I have a problem and I have researched Stackoverflow for answers without any luck. I have manage to build a Stored Procedure that uses a function called GetSubtree_relvalue within it. The stored procedure and its function works just fine when the function has its parameters hard coded. But now I want the function to inherent the parameters that is sent in with the Stored procedure when it is executed.
When I replace XX and USA with #attribute_id and USA with #Client it doesn't return anything. I have debugged it so far so that I can conclude that the function doesn't get any values with it when it runs. This, even though these parameters in the Stored Procedure carries exactly the same value as the one that I have hard coded . (I checked with a regular select #client within the Procedure and it returns USA.)
Am I parametrizing the function wrongly? Do I need to initiate the functions parameter to be able to send it/pass it on to the function? How do get functions to inhere parameters?
I would be glad for all input regarding passing parameters forward from SP to functions.
Using SQL server 2008
Function values hard coded
Insert into att_value_lookup (t.attribute_ID, t.att_value)
t.attribute_ID, t.att_value
(Select attribute_id, att_value from relvalue
where attribute_id in (
Select attribute_id from (
select attribute_id
from dbo.GetSubtree_relvalue('XX','USA'))
) as t
Function values parameterized
Insert into att_value_lookup (t.attribute_ID, t.att_value)
t.attribute_ID, t.att_value
(Select attribute_id, att_value from relvalue
where attribute_id in (
Select attribute_id from (
select attribute_id
from dbo.GetSubtree_relvalue('#attribute_id','#client'))
) as t
remove the quotes!!
should be:
you only need them when passing in literal string values like 'XX' and 'USA', not when passing in variables. You were actually passing in strings that contained the variable names: '#attribute_id', '#client' and not the values contained within the variables.
you can check it out:
DECLARE #x varchar(10)
SET #x='wow wee!!'
print '#x'
print #x
Remove the quotes from around your parameters. You're currently passing strings that happen to be the names of the parameters, but not passing the parameters themselves.
from dbo.GetSubtree_relvalue(#attribute_id,#client)

T-SQL Foreach Loop

I have a stored procedure written in T-Sql using SQL Server 2005.
It accepts a unique string "AssetName".
It returns a table of values.
Instead of calling the stored procedure multiple times and having to make a database call everytime I do this, I want to create another stored procedure that accepts a list of all the "AssetNames", and calls the stored procedure "SEL_ValueByAssetName" for each assetname in the list, and then returns the ENTIRE TABLE OF VALUES.
Pseudo Code
foreach(value in #AllAssetsList)
#AssetName = value
UPDATE #TempTable
How would I go about doing this?
It will look quite crippled with using Stored Procedures. But can you use Table-Valued Functions instead?
In case of Table-Valued functions it would look something like:
SELECT al.Value AS AssetName, av.* FROM #AllAssetsList AS al
CROSS APPLY SEL_ValuesByAssetName(al.Value) AS av
Sample implementation:
First of all, we need to create a Table-Valued Parameter type:
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[tvpStringTable] AS TABLE(Value varchar(max) NOT NULL)
Then, we need a function to get a value of a specific asset:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[tvfGetAssetValue]
#assetName varchar(max)
-- Add the SELECT statement with parameter references here
SELECT 0 AS AssetValue
SELECT 5 AS AssetValue
SELECT 7 AS AssetValue
Next, a function to return a list AssetName, AssetValue for assets list:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[tvfGetAllAssets]
#assetsList tvpStringTable READONLY
-- Add the SELECT statement with parameter references here
SELECT al.Value AS AssetName, av.AssetValue FROM #assetsList al
CROSS APPLY tvfGetAssetValue(al.Value) AS av
Finally, we can test it:
DECLARE #names tvpStringTable
INSERT INTO #names VALUES ('name1'), ('name2'), ('name3')
SELECT * FROM [Test].[dbo].[tvfGetAllAssets] (#names)
In MSSQL 2000 I would make #allAssetsList a Varchar comma separated values list. (and keep in mind that maximum length is 8000)
I would create a temporary table in the memory, parse this string and insert into that table, then do a simple query with the condition where assetName in (select assetName from #tempTable)
I wrote about MSSQL 2000 because I am not sure whether MSSQL 2005 has some new data type like an array that can be passed as a literal to the SP.