VB.NET Modifying Microsoft Report Textbox Text at runtime - vb.net

I want to create a Microsoft report in which should contain only one text-box and the text will be able to modify...
I have added a report WITHOUT using wizard. and have only one text-box on the report in the body section...
I wish to edit the text at run time but
me.reportviewer1.controls("textbox1").text= myrequiredtext
doesnt work...
I also tried
me.reportviewer1.controls("body").controls("textbox1").text = myrequiredtext
still doesnt work...


Can't change value of empty PDF form field from VBA

I'm trying to automate populating a PDF form from MS Access VBA. The form itself is maintained online and so my process is:
Download the form
Open it in Adobe
Auto-populate fields
Save / send it on to others
All of this I'm doing from Access VBA. I've encountered an issue on step 3, however.
What I noticed was, if I try to populate the field from VBA, it works fine if the field already has a value. However, on a new / blank form, it generates an error.
Specifically, I call it using the document Javascript object (jso) thusly:
jso.xfa.resolveNode("form." & jso.getNthFieldName(0)).rawValue = 'test'
If the form field is not populated, VBA errors, saying the object doesn't have the rawValue property.
I'm guessing some sort of model initialization is forestalled until the form is populated at least once. The field reference exists in the jso.xfa model, but the property itself is otherwise inaccessible.
Is there a way around this other than pre-populating a "dummy" form? I'd rather not have to maintain / update it as the original gets changed online.

Search text file and put matching results in listbox

I have a VB.NET project in which there is a form where there is a TextBox control, a ListBox control and an external text file that contains a list of outlook folder paths for client emails.
Essentially, the user enters into the text box the name of a client and/or their unique reference number, presses the search button (yes - I know I could make the results appear as they type, I want a button!) and it comes up with the matching results for the company name or serial number that are in the text file and puts them in the list box, with the full path of the outlook email folder.
For example:
If I put into the textbox: "06967759-274D-40B2-A3EB-D7F9E73727D7"
It would put the following result into the listbox:
"EIS Admin\Contacts{06967759-274D-40B2-A3EB-D7F9E73727D7}"
And the user can then go to that folder and find the email(s).
I have gone through several revisions both of my own code and code pasted from online with people having the same issue, only to have Visual Studio throw no errors, run the code and have no luck, with it doing nothing but clearing the list box, and not showing matching results of any kind.
I understand this may be a repeat question but I am extremely confused, can't get anything to work and need some help regarding my issue.
Here is the current code (from online - not mine):
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To lbx_OFL_Results.Items.Count - 1
If i > lbx_OFL_Results.Items.Count - 1 Then Exit For
If Not lbx_OFL_Results.Items(i).Contains(tbx_FindText.Text) Then
i -= 1
End If
The list box is called "lbx_OFL_Results"
The textbox is called "tbx_FindText"
I start by clearing the list box of all items (when the form loads, it fills the list box will all lines of the text file, so I need to clear it).
Form Load Event Code:
Dim lines1() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:\ProgramData\WPSECHELPER\.data\Outlook Folder Wizard\outlookfolders.txt")
For the rest of the code it seems to be doing some form of a 'sort search' then removing any excess results.
If anyone can suggest edits to my code, or new code then that would be sublime.
Thanks to #Jimi for the answer.
For i as Integer = 0 To lines1().Length - 1
If lines1(i).Contains(searchbox.Text) Then
End If
I have another question which solves how to make this search non case-sensitive. It can be found here.

Combo box auto completing is not working properly

Iam working with Vb in VS 2008.
I have a combobox with auto completed mode = suggestappend and auto complete source = List items.
Text appending like this
text is not completely appending to the combobox. appending text stops at /
and .
i want to append complete text.
How can i rectify this problem.

Visual Basic read, split, modify .txt file

I'm using visual basic 2010 and im a new user. I have my project called mini database.
I want to export and display my text file in my program.
42348564041|Not Working|Jean
I have my 3 columns table and i want an unlimited rows. The rows and depends on how many lines are there in the text file.
The first column a text box, which i can modify what i like to enter on it.
The second column is a combo box which i can select if it is working or not.
And the third column is also a textbox which i can type the name of a user.
Please help me to have my project. Thank you stackoverflow!
Make a form with a textbox, combo box, and a second textbox.
Add a command button to save the data, one to show data, and possibly one to cancel and one to exit.
Fill the combobox with the appropriate items.
In the click handler for the save button, write the data to a file with "append".
The show data button can read the file display the text in a multiline text box or rich text box.

Microsoft Access 2013 Form Objects

I have a database that was create in Access 2010. We recently updated our systems to Access 2013. In Access 2010 I have no errors accessing a form object with
However, when using Access 2013 I get a runtime 2424 error stating that "The expression you entered has a field, control, or property name that Microsoft Access can't find. I am accessing from a module.
The module sets these fields visible using
With Form_frmName
.txtFieldName.Visible = True
End With
before attempting to access them.
Has there been any changes in the way form objects are accessed between 2010 and 2013? Is this an issue others have faced?
In Response to #WayneGDunn's questions below
I need to know exactly what and how you are using this.
1. You have a bound textbox named 'txtFieldName' on a form. As #brad asked, is there a subform, and if so, is this field on the subform?
2. You said the code is in a module, but is the code in the form where the field is defined?
3. Please explain where/what form 'frmQAtab' is (you said your form name was 'frmName', so what is the other, how related?)
4. Is the code in an event? Can you share the entire subroutine?
5. Have you tried creating a dummy query and using the builder to reference the field?
1. I have a form (frmMain) with multiple tabbed pages. frmName is one of those tabs, containing the bound field txtFieldName.
2. The module is run from the form the field is in.
3. My apologies frmQAtab is frmName, I just neglected to make that generic in my copy-paste.
4. The event is a button click. The button click runs a sub from a module. That sub makes visible the fields, runs a query based on user input (two date fields), populates the bound fields with the returned record set, then attempts to access them for processing (another query is run to process a complete other set of fields). To post the entire subroutine would be a bit more than I would ask you to chew on. This is legacy code I'm trying to fix, and it's rather large.
5. I have not tried a dummy query. Access is not my field (I'm mainly a C#, scripting, guy.) Is there some suggestions in this area you could give?
One of the following references to your fields should work. I created a form (named 'frmMain'), then created a Tab Control with two tabs. On the first tab, I inserted another form (named 'frm3197'). I also created a text box on the tab control named 'txtFieldName' AND in form 'frm3197'. From a button click on 'frmMain', the following will reference each of those fields.
Private Sub cmdButton1_Click()
Forms![frmMain]![txtFieldName] = Now()
Forms![frmMain]![frm3197].Form![txtFieldName] = Now()
End Sub