HTTP sources with h5ai appear empty in XBMC - apache

I'm having some trouble adding a custom source to my XBMC set up. I've got an Apache2 server up and running that I use to stream movies to my computer and would like to include it as a source in XBMC. I'm no web server expert, but I managed to get h5ai style indexing on my server, which I'd like to keep. The problem is that when h5ai is enabled, XBMC can't locate any of the files. With h5ai disabled I have no issue browsing through my files.
The obvious solution is to keep h5ai off, but since I use my server outside of XBMC, I'd like to find a way to keep it on. I'm very new when it comes to web servers, so it's very possible I'm just doing something wrong. I merely followed the instructions of placing the _h5ai folder in my path and editing .htaccess. If anyone could shed some light on the issue (solution or simply an explanation) I would greatly appreciate it.
Additional info: I'm running XBMC 12.0. My server is a rented seedbox, so I have no root privileges.

Easiest solution is making a subdirectory specifically for XBMC and adding a .htaccess file that keeps h5ai indexing out of it:
DirectoryIndex index.html
Then have the HTTP source include the full path to said subdirectory.

I had the same issue and fixed it by removing "IndexOptions IconsAreLinks" from .htaccess


Cannot Get Index.html File Changes to be Read (Apache 2.4)

So I am at my wits end with this problem of trying to configure a simple Apache Web Server for one of my assignments. For some reason my changes to index.html are no longer being read, even though I got it to change previously.
I had this problem previously, where I would change index.html and it would still show the default "It works!" message. It ended up that, because my file extensions weren't shown, I had accidentally named the file index.html.html, and so obviously it wasn't locating it.
However, now that my file extensions are showing, I am having this problem again (the last fiasco was about a week or two ago). I tried changing the contents of index.html again, just a simple text change, and it is still loading my previous page. I have tried restarting Apache through Administrative Tools > Services since the Apache and httpd commands in the command line won't work for me. I even tried deleting the index.html file and leaving htdocs empty and it's still displaying my old web page!!!
I have no idea why it's doing this and I can't find any other answers. I checked my DirectoryRoot and DirectoryIndex values and they all point to index.html (and plus, I haven't touched httpd.conf since installation anyways). Running Windows 8.1. Any help greatly appreciated.
Modern Windows has a feature that copies some files when non-administrator edit them. You see the changes, but the service doesn't. Try editing your files as Administrator (not just someone with Administrator group privileges)

How can i know if my apache server is using .htaccess or not?

I want to know if my Apache server uses .htaccess files or not. If it uses them, then why and how?
How can I know if my Apache server is using .htaccess or not?
Thank you.
As for why, it's a convenient way for shared-hosting providers to give some access to users who would like to set some configuration options. You obviously wouldn't want everyone to have access to the main configuration file for security purposes. It's also useful for development purposes since you can set different options for different directories.
As for how Apache uses the file, I recommend reading the documentation.
As for how to know if Apache is using .htaccess files, it most likely is. I've yet to meet a shared hosting provider that doesn't. And if you are running your own server, I assume you would know how you set it up. Worst case scenario, you could follow this advice from the docs:
A good test for this is to put garbage in your .htaccess file and reload the page. If a server error is not generated, then you almost certainly have AllowOverride None in effect.

Wordpress says .htaccess file is unwriteable, but it's definitely writeable

I've just finished moving a Wordpress site to a new server. The domain has not changed, nor has the directory that Wordpress is installed in; the only thing that has changed is the machine it happens to be on.
The only problem I seem to have had as a result is that my permalinks aren't working, and when I go into the permalink settings, it claims that my .htaccess is unwrittable. For testing sake my .htaccess is currently CHMOD777, so it definitely is.
Any suggestions?
I have experienced problems in changing file permissions through FTP sometimes; CPanel always works. So try doing it from your host's control panel.
If that doesn't work, try editing .htaccess file manually. Follow this link to learn how to.
Your files may be 'owned' by a different user, especially if your hosting provider moved the files for you or if you used a script. If you continue to have problems, ask your hosting provider to check if the owner and permissions are set correctly on the files.
The permalinks themselves aren't working, i.e. the rules already in the .htaccess file from the previous server aren't taking effect. Mod rewrite, header and expire weren't installed. If a moderator wants to delete this silly question please feel free.

Moving Wordpress from Apache to IIS

I've encountered a problem when moving a Wordpress installation from a Linux Apache server to a Windows IIS server. Nearly all pages load blank, including /wp-admin/. I created a php file in the main directory to check phpinfo, and it loads fine.
I've copied the file system over, as well as the database. I've also updated the wp-config.php with the correct credentials.
I think it has something to do with .htaccess, but I'm not sure how to correct it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
.htaccess is not used on Windows IIS servers.
Sounds like you have a permalink problem, compounded by the fact that permalinks operate differently on IIS than Linux. See: Using Permalinks « WordPress Codex
Try resetting permalinks to default in Dashbord/Settings/Permalinks, if you can get into Admin. If not, you need to go into the database with phpmyadminand manually clear the permalink field in wp_options, usually around option 34.
Update: And, did you change domains? Or just hosting? See this, too: Moving WordPress « WordPress Codex

Updating Files on Apache

I'm having trouble with my Apache Web Server. I have a folder (htdocs\images) where I have a number of images already in place. I can browse them and see them on my web server (and access them via HTML). I added a new image in there today, and went to browse to it, and it can't be found. I double and triple checked the path and everything. I even restarted Apache and that didn't seem to help.
I'm really confused as to what's going on here. Anybody have any suggestions?
Thank you.
Edit I just turned on the ability for the images directory to be listed, browsed to it ( and I was able to see all the previous images that were in the folder, but not the new one.
Turn directory indexes on for htdocs\images, remove (or move out of the way) any index.* files, and point your browser at http://yoursite/images/
That should give you a full listing of files in that directory. If the file you're looking for isn't there, then Apache is looking at a different directory than you think it is. You'll have to search your httpd.conf for clues -- DocumentRoot, Alias, AliasMatch, Redirect, RedirectMatch, RewriteRule -- there are probably dozens of apache directives that could be causing the web server to get its documents from somewhere other than where you think it's looking.
make sure the caSE and spelling are 100% correct.
There is not magic in programming (some may disagree:), so look for silly errors. Wrong server? Case of your letters? Wrong extension?
There's a chance it could be due to the cookies stored on your device. I would delete all cookies to the website you're working on before you refresh again