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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to creat a billboard that is 7m width and 3m height.
I started in Photoshop, and after I saw that the clean file is about 18gb, i said like hmmmm... Then i tried Adobe illustrator but it allows maximum file width 577,95cm which is 5.7m.
How can create the billboard?
Billboards that big are usually printed in very low resolution. For image that size you will probably need no more than 15-30 DPI and it will drastically reduce your file size.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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how to resize width on 500 pictures with adobe photophop at one time?
Lets say if all 500 pictures have 1080 width how you can do 500 width on all of the pictures instead each of them?
I don't know about Adobe, and I do not think this questions belongs to Stackoverflow.
But it is easy to be done with IrfanView free program. Install program, open it, press b, add your photos and select bulk resize option
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Closed 10 years ago.
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Hey I am trying to design an interface for android application. Since I am a beginner to Android and Photoshop, I am having a few issues.
Most important of them is that I try to draw on larger than required canvas ( say, A4 siza; because i am not used to precise drawing) and then duplicate those high resolution (300dpi) layers to a smaller canvas with high resolution to create nine-patch files.
But I am unable to copy those layers; nothing shows up on canvas even if I have layers in the side box.
I have tried it multiple times but same result. Kindly guide me how to properly make a nine-patch image?
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've noticed that google sometimes show thumbnail, total reviews, total pages, time needed, price, total matches, and even rating (with star images), etc..
How can I let google display such specific short info and small thumbnail image?
You're probably looking for Google's Microdata, similar to Facebook's OpenGraph.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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The size of my PDF-files i can see is 90% embedded fonts. However if i try to remove the fonts using the PDF Optimizer in Adobe Acrobat size of the file don't change.
Here is a calculation of the space usage done by Acrobat:
And if i remove the fonts in the fonts options dialog the size remains the same. Is there anything else that i can do to remove the fonts, or am i doing something wrong?
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Closed 12 years ago.
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how can you gradually reduce the size of a text in photoshop or illustrator? should start from a higher font size and end in a lower one.