WCF Service in Windows Form Application - wcf

I'm newbie in WCF. I have some questions need to be answered.
Can I use WCF to make a simple chat application from a client to a client (via WCF Service) ?
I have tried follow many examples, And i got a problem. I don't think that IIS need to be installed when i using WCF Selft Hosted, right ?
Sorry about my English !

You don't need IIS for self-hosted WCF services. Look at the ServiceHost class.
Yes, you can make a chat application (client to client) using a service "in the middle". The clients would have to register with the service and then a callback contract should do the job.


How do use WCF to communicate between an Application and a Windows Service?

I've gone through some tutorials on creating a WCF service. I'm using Visual Studio 2012. I got a very simple WCF Service Library (vb.net) and Windows Application (vb.net) communicating via WCF. That's a start.
However, my project requires I do the following:
My Windows Service - This is already an application that has it's tasks.
My Application - This is an application that is already developed as well.
I need the service to talk to the application. The service will need to send the following information to the windows application:
Status Updates
Metric Information (mostly integers for counts)
I need the application to send information to the service. It would need to send:
Reload Configuration command
Should be relatively simple, but I've never worked with WCF until today. So I have some questions...
Do I need to re-work my current windows service into a WCF Service?
Since it won't be in IIS, do I also create a WCF Service Library or do I roll this into the windows service somehow?
What is the best way to set up the different types of communication? (i.e., sending over specific metrics and reload commands)
Probably the main question is what components, in addition to my current windows service and application, will I need to make this work?
I hope that was clear :( I think I'm confusing it all... but I hope not
Your Windows service can host the WCF service. Similarly, if you want, your application can host a WCF service. The application could talk to the WCF service in the Windows Service, and the Windows Service's WCF could talk to the one in the application. Depending on the nature of the communication, you could also just use a callback channel to permit the Windows Service's WCF to call back to the application.
I suppose you should configure your WCF windows service to use named pipes. If your windows service is already built then the easiest way to do it would be to build another one as a WCF windows service and wrap the already existing functionality.
Hope I helped!

Combining an HttpListener service and a Wcf service

I'm building a self-hosted service to be consumed by Silverlight. This service is not a straight Wcf service, but it uses HttpListener to implement a streaming service for Silverligt. To mkae it accessible by Silverlight, I've created another service (that is a Wcf service) to serve the clientaccesspolicy.xml file.
My problem is that once my clientaccesspolicy service is registered at http://localhost:9001 I cannot access my streaming service that is listening at http://localhost:9001/silverlightstream.
I've a couple of other Wcf services registered at http://localhost:9001/xxx which can seamlessly coexist with the clientaccesspolicy service.
What do I need to do to get the streaming service to work together with the clientaccesspolicy service?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I've answered a similar question before, I don't know how much it fits your situation, but it does look like it might help you out a little:
How can I host a Silverlight 4 application in a WPF 4 application?
In my project, I took it further and delivered the html/xap files via said self hosted service (so as not to require IIS, as IIS was a bit too much bloat for what I required).

RESTful WCF hosting

I have a RESTFul WCF service and it needs to be deployed now. I am really confused whether to deploy in windows service or IIS 7. I need to implement SSL also so the protocol would be HTTPS. It is just a simple service consumed by client using HTTPS protocol.
Please let me know which one is better.
Your question seems to have been asked (and answered) previously.
The following link provides a good discussion:
IIS WCF service hosting vs Windows Service
If your RESTFul WCF Service needs to be accessed via http (or https) protocol, then deploy in IIS7.

Calling ServiceStack Service from WCF

I work in a company that is only using WCF and i am trying to introduce service stack. Now i understand we are better off using the service stackclients that wcf clients but for some of our stuff and to keep people happy that will not always be possible. Can anyone provide a basic example of a ServiceStack service that can be added as a client into a VS2012 project using the add service reference inside visual studio as you normally do for a WCF service? Basically is there a way to make ServiceStack seem like a WCF service to people that don't know about ServiceStack?
If i can show this i think i can convince my company to make the switch but if not it will be difficult as everything else is WCF based. We are already using the ServiceStack clients to hook into other online websites so it seems a good time to try to convince them to move to the service stack services and clients as long as they feel they can fall back to the WCF client if needed.
Provided you adhere to the SOAP guidelines and limitations in ServiceStack you should be able to add a Service Reference by pointing the client to the ServiceStack wsdl at /soap12, e.g:
You can also find a link to the soap 1.1/1.2 wsdl (and XSDs) on ServiceStack's /metadata page.

Reverse WCF that will connect to a non .net tcpip application

I am new to .net and am trying to use c# as the basis of my .net learning. I have a project where I need a service to connect to mutliple tcpip applications that are a 3rd party application written in vb6. Someone has mentioned using WCF as the base, but i'm not sure how it would make an outbound connection (instead of receiving incoming ones) to a non .net application? Please help
With C# and WCF, you can either create:
a WCF service which will offer up some functionality that other applications can call
a client that connects to some other SOAP or REST service to consume functionality.
So which one is it you're looking for??
Also: WCF is a SOAP or REST based service stack - you cannot use it to connect to low-level TCP calls (socket programming). Your "other" side must understand either SOAP (the web service protocol) or REST (the URL-based lightweight protocol). If you other sides don't speak neither SOAP nor REST, you're out of luck and can't really use WCF for that.
You'll have to deal with socket programming, WCF won't help you here.
Try reading this: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/socketsincsharp.aspx