Custom ListView in Worklight using Dojo - dojo

I am working on a Worklight project, and I am trying to use custom listview. I use the Dojo toolkit to implement it, but it's not coming up to my expectations. Regarding design I am confuse. Here is my code:
<div id="bookmarks" data-dojo-type="">
<h1 data-dojo-type="dojox/mobile/Heading">Some Heading</h1>
<ul data-dojo-type="">
<li data-dojo-type="" data-dojo-props="label:'Item'"><button
I want this type of listView which include image tag, icon tag and a checkbox in each list item

Check out the Dojo documentation on ListItems for examples of adding built in options like icons.
For more complex layout, such as the larger title, small sub-title, and timestamp, you can use span tags and css.


Aurelia eating my Bookmarks

I am working on a legacy application that is being rewritten using Aurelia, the application has a bunch of static html in a tblHelp that needs to be displayed. I am using innerhtml.bind on a div in my view to databind the stored static HTML into the view. Each record is essentially a document complete with a full table of contents that links to other divs within the document (Bookmarks).
Something like:
<div id="toc">
<h1>Table of Contents</h1>
<li>Section 1<li>
<li>Section 2<li>
<div id="section1">
<h2>Section 1</h2>
<p>Paragraph Text...</p>
<p>Back to Table of Contents</p>
<div id="section2">
<h2>Section 2</h2>
<p>Paragraph Text...</p>
<p>Back to Table of Contents</p>
When I display the resulting page in my Aurelia view and click on the links, rather than moving to the proper Div on the current page, it seems to be attempting to route to an unknown route and ends up returning to the home page (that is my unknown route behavior). How do I make the Aurelia Router know that I am just moving around the same page and do not require it to route to another page?
I think you need to change your <div id= to <a id= which is the correct syntax for anchors. Hopefully Aurelia will recognize them as legitimate anchors when formatted correctly.
Also, since an anchor tag shouldn't wrap the whole content, you'll just open and close it at the top of the div. You can even leave the divs there but should not duplicate the id.
That being said, I created a GistRun that actually demonstrates that Aurelia should be able to handle the <div id= anchor targets. So, I'm not exactly sure why you're having problems.
Maybe this GistRun or the more standard <a id= approach will help you.

Bigcommerce SideProductsRelated snippet

I am editing product template on my Bigcommerce website and i am stuck at related products section.
Panel called "SideProductRelated.html" (inside Panels directory) is in charge for that section but the items themselves are being pulled by "%%SNIPPET_SideProductsRelated%%".
Aka, the code looks like this:
<div class="Block SideRelatedProducts Moveable Panel" style="display:%%GLOBAL_HideRelatedProductsPanel%%" id="SideProductRelated">
<div class="BlockContent">
<ul class="ProductList">
%%SNIPPET_SideProductsRelated%% <-- this is calling the items
But, i searched and searched, and i cant find that snippet anywhere...
Anybody knows where that little dude hidden himself?
Even though the Panel SideProductRelated calls for %%SNIPPET_SideProductsRelated%%, you are looking for the SideRelatedProducts snippet which would be found in Snippets/SideRelatedProducts.html.

IBM Worklight 6.1 - Unable to have a working Dojo view transition

I am new to working with worklight enviroment and started working it on recently.
I am using dojo version 1.9 (the IBM supllied one) , worklight 6.1, OS windows 7, eclipse juno sr2 64bit, IE 10 (For RPE), Google chrome latest (As default browser).
I have tried many widgets in dojo mobile and all of them work fine, i have been through other questions too like "Worklight 6.1 Android Applicaiton renders all views with no widgets" and followed all steps given in the solution and successfully created and viewed the pages on both MBS and android emulator.
The only problem is when i am working with views. I add a tabBar from dojo and TabBarButtons for view transitions . Also add a few views in the pages and link them with the buttons. I also check and see that my main.js file is updated with all included elements.
Although the toolbar along with default view is visible it does not switch view when i click on other buttons in tabBar.
also onclicking the TabBarButtons an error popsup in chrome console -
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
This error pops up on each click .
here is the structure of my source code of in the body tag of index.html file :-
<body style="display: none;">
<div data-dojo-type="" id="view2"
<div data-dojo-type="" id="view0" data-dojo-props="selected:true" >
<div data-dojo-type=""
data-dojo-props="label:'Hello world'"></div>
<button data-dojo-type="">Hello</button>
<input data-dojo-type=""><input type="range"
<div data-dojo-type="" id="view1"
<div data-dojo-type=""
<div data-dojo-type="">
Hello, we are a leading company in innovations
<ul data-dojo-type="" fixed="bottom" id="Tab1">
<li data-dojo-type="" data-dojo-props="moveTo:view0,transition:'slide'" id="tabB1">Home</li>
<li data-dojo-type="" data-dojo-props="moveTo:view1,transition:'slide'" id="tabB2">About</li>
<script src="js/initOptions.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
<script src="js/messages.js"></script>
// Rest all is default code, no changes in jquery version or anything else
I have also tried the following things and none of them seem to work:-
-Copied and replaced files in www folder from dojoLib/dojo/dojo/nls/core-web-layer.js and mobile-web-layer.js files.
-Kept the Tabbar out of any view directly into body tag and linked views to it.
-Added id attribute to tabBar and tab button elements, and view elements.
-turned off provide missing library resources and included missing files (if any) ,rebuilt the project and ran again.
The main issue (causing the exception) is the missing quotes around the view ids of the moveto attributes. It should be:
Once fixed, your sample will work.
But there are another issue, this time a design one: the TabBar fixed property is only meaningful when used with a ScrollableView (this property ensures the tabbar is not scrolled and keeps its bottom position). So your outer view should be a ScrollableView instead.
Also, note that nesting views come with some limitations. In particular, using the 'moveto' attribute you cannot transition from a view to another view if the latter is contained in another parent.
Do not hesitate to look at the various tests in dojox/mobile/tests and to the documentation

easy durandal please wait while loading spinner

Is there an easy durandal way to clear the view and put a loading or please wait... on the screen so the user gets some feedback to know that it is working until the ajax content loads?
Right now when I click on a something that navigates to a child route and that child route loads a module that has to do a lot of stuff in activate(), it does not switch the nav or clear the screen or give any feedback to the user that it is working and I see them clicking many times over and over and getting frustrated, then just about when they want to give up, the page loads in fine.
I would like to make this default functionality for my app and not have to do something special in every module or on every page, is that possible?
Have you tried to use router.isNavigating? Original Durandal template contains a spinner like this:
<div class="loader pull-right" data-bind="css: { active: router.isNavigating }">
<i class="icon-spinner icon-2x icon-spin"></i>
A large percentage of the time, what you're looking for can be obtained very simply via:
<div data-bind="compose:ActiveVm">
<div class="text-center" style="margin : 75px">
<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>
The inner div can be any arbitrary markup which will display while the viewmodel is going through activation.
Note that this currently only displays the placeholder content the first time this dom section is composed. If you have a section of your application which is being updated via an observable viewmodel + compose approach, you could use the approach here:
Durandal: Showing a 'LOADING...' during composition
For anyone visiting from the future, this issue might be worth checking out in case native support for this is desired:

Dojo Dropdownbutton/TooltipDialog alternative

I'm wondering if there is an alternative for dijit.form.DropDownButton when it comes to the usage of TooltipDialog. On dojo guide reference it says "TooltipDialog can only be opened by other widget, usually DropDownButton", but I don't want that.
What I really want, and maybe a lot of people, is declarative way to call the dialog clicking on an image/link/or whatever, not only buttons. It's something like the Tooltip widget does with connectId.
See a sample what I am looking for:
<div dojoType="MyWidget">
<img src="test.png" /><!-- this image will be clickable to open dialog -->
<div dojoType="dijit.TooltipDialog">Text here</div>
Any thoughts?
You could extend the dijit.form.DropDownButton and provide a html template that is just the image.