phpmailer, requre() and include_path combined - ssl

After 5 long day trying to set up sending e-mail from php script, I finaly did it from my local server, i use apache.
From the host, i can't do it.
I get this error->
SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host
So, I've searched around stack overflow, among others. I tried using SMTPSecure = 'ssl', did nothing. I checked is extension=php_openssl.dll commented out, but it doesn't even exist on my host. I mean, there is no file in php.ini named php_openssl.dll. There is only information that Openssl is installed under Curl section and what version is it. Under openssl section says that it is enabled. The same configuration is on my computer and on the host but mails wont be sent on host.
Thank you in advance for your answers.

Your host setup will be different to your local server, so you'll need a different configuration. It would seem your host has installed an email server. Unless you have set one up on your local machine, your PHP script, when using the same settings, will fail. Also, your host will probably have restrictions on it's email server, meaning you probably can't use it to send emails from your local server. (You should ask them). The alternative is outlined in this post:
How can I configure the mail function of PHP on Windows Vista?
If you are having trouble sending mail on your host, you should ask them for the details of how to connect to the email server. It is quite possible they restrict the use to stop spam mails being sent.


MAMP PRO: The 'Path' to your remote document root is incorrect. but is not true - all files are there

The problem is incorrect path to remote host, but is not true. I have acces to my server via ftp without problems. All WP files are there and the site is working fine (frontend/backent). I have also access to phpMyAdmin to MySQL datepase binded to this site.
I have notce that paht to the web files is differ depend on FTP or SFTP is. In FTP app is such stright:
/[all wp files]
in editor app (such TextWrangler), after the samy access id/pass, I have got such path:
/home/[accountname]/public_html/[all wp files]
After click on detect button, app changing the path filed on:
- blanc - under FTP connection
- public_html - under SFTP
so it mean conection between MAMP and my server is working. Fine. But after this when I trying to Check URLs & credentials or when I trying Import Host... I received:
Error code: -3010 (The 'Path' to your remote document root is incorrect. The 'Path' field on the remote tab is the document root of your remote site that will be accessed via your Public Site URL (e.g.: 'public_html').) - Start auto detect not solved the problem.
Error code: -3113 (The 'Path' to your remote document root is incorrect. The 'Path' field on the remote tab is the document root of your remote site that will be accessed via your Public Site URL (e.g.: 'public_html').)
But it is not true! All files are there!
Please help. Should I use some special code under Apache tab (Additional parameters for VirtualHost directive or Directory directive?
Should I know something more from my serverprovider ( and solved this problem with them (there is no, in my subscription plan, access via cPanel or so, to set up something)?
Should I change something in https.conf file?
I'm not so using server coding so please forgive me but I have no idea where is the problem (but I'm trying to learn) :o)
My environment is:
MacOS X: 10.13.6
MAMP Pro: 5.2.2 (17923)
Thanx for any help or redirection to the answers someware else (I used searching ;o) but without success or I used wrong ask).
Just ran into this and found a solution that worked for me. I just had to switch the Public URL from https to http and it worked.
I had this error too.
Here's what I did to fix it:
Logged into my remote CPanel account
Created an FTP account for
Defined the user directory in the FTP user settings similar to this /home/[site]/public_html
Ensured that this user had read/write permissions on the remote server (otherwise importing a site in MAMP Pro might fail)
Then, in MAMP Pro (v 6.0.1) created a new host following these steps:
I found that once the correct FTP permissions were set at the server, MAMP was OK and functioned as planned.
Good luck, hope this works for you too.

Changing the hostname/domain for Sylius-Shop

I've just installed Sylius to test it for possible production use and integrated Paypal through the payum-gateway.
I'm running Sylius with the included webserver on through a nginx reverse SSL proxy for security reasons and so that it is accessible through a regular URI.
After the PayPal-Payment, I'm forwarded back to the page as it should but instead of the origin-page it sends to
The "Show Shop"-link from the admin-menu did this as well until I changed the server name in the "channel settings".
I figured I have to set the public hostname somewhere else, too, but I cannot figure out where I have to do so.
Grepping for '' yields a lot of results. For example vendor/sensio/distribution-bundle/Resources/skeleton/web/config.php, but that doesn't seem to be the right place.
I don't know the answer to the original question so I won't delete it in case someone else wants to answer.
I solved this specific problem by not using nginx as a proxy but as the webserver itself and deacitivating the webserver that is shipped with Sylius.

Bitnami Trac apache set domain name

I recently installed Bitnami trac and now I want to access it using my domain name.
I've made the necessary changes to the apache config file (httpd.conf) found in C:\Bitnami\trac-1.0.5-0\apache2\conf\ directory. I've installed trac in port 8080.
So this is the only change I made.
I had trac in another server before, and that time also this was the only change I made to get my domain work with it. But this time it doesn't work.
Can somebody please tell me where I've missed? Do I have to update any other place?
According to your comment, you can access the server fine by using the IP address, but can't access it at all when using the domain name. This sounds like it might not be related to Trac at all. Here are a couple of things to try:
Run "nslookup". You should get a result that says "Addresses:" and lists your server's IP address. If you don't (or if you get a "Non-existent domain" error), then your DNS server isn't mapping your domain name to your IP address correctly.
Look through Apache's various log files on your server and see if there is any evidence of your request ever reaching your server. Whenever I do this, I first change LogLevel to debug in the Apache config files so that I get as much output as possible (restart Apache after changing the config file). If a 'debug'-level log doesn't even show that Apache saw the request, then something between your server and your local system is causing problems (a firewall perhaps). If the Apache logs do show that the request made it through, then the problem is likely an Apache configuration problem and the log output should provide hints as to how to continue.
Try connecting via VPN and then accessing your server by domain name (not IP address). If you can access the server by IP but not by name, then the server may not know its own domain name.
Bitnami developer here. By default bitnami installations accept petitions from any IP so you don't have to set the ServerName.
Although, if you want your page to be accessible using, you should consider using apache virtualHosts, could you try to follow this documentation page?

Pushing my Mercurial Repository through HTTP with Apache and Windows

So I have managed it. I can clone mercurial-repositories remotely using HTTP to my Windows Server 2003 machine and the ipaddress from that machine. Although I did deactivate IIS6 and am using Apache 2.2.x now. But not all works right now...darn! Here's the thing:
Cloning goes smooth! But when I want to push my changes to the original repository I get the message "cannot lock static http-repository". On the internet I get to read several explanations that Mercurial wasn't designed to push over HTTP connections. Still, on the Mercurial website there's something about configuring an hgrc file.
There's also the possibilty to configure Apache to host via HTTPS (or SSL). For this you have to load the module enabling OpenSSL and generating keys.
Configuring the hgrc file
Just add "push_ssl = false" under the [web] line. But where to put this file when pushing your changes back?! Because I placed it in the root of the server, in the ".hg" directory, nothing works.
Using SSL/HTTPS with Apache
When I try to access 'https://myipaddress' it fails, displaying a dutch message which would mean something like "server taking too long to respond". Trying to push also gives me a dutch error message which means about the same. It can not connect to my server via https although I followed the steps exactly at this blog.
I don't care which of the above solutions will work for me. Turns out none of them work so far. So please, can anyone help me with one of the solutions above? Pick the easiest! Help will be greatly appreciated, not only from me.
-Windows Server 2003
-Apache 2.2 with OpenSSL
-Mercurial 1.8.2
-I can clone, but not push!
Thank you!
Maarten Baar(s)
It seems like you might have apache configured incorrectly for getting it to do what you want. Based on your question it sounds like you have a path (maybe the root of the server) pointing to the repository you want to serve.
Mercurial comes with a script for this exact purpose, in the latest version it is hgweb.cgi. There are reasonably good instructions for setting it up on the mercurial site. It should allow both cloning and pushing. You will need the push_ssl=false if you will not be configuring https and also an allow_push line which will let certain users, or all (*) push to the repository. But all that should be part of the setup docs.

How to test SSL is set up and configured correctly on dev?

I am moving a site from one server to a new server. Currently the new server is the development site and is accessed via IP.
I have copied and set up the SSL on the new server but there doesn't seem to be anyway of testing that the SSL is properly installed until I point the domain.
Is there a way I can test that the SSL it setup and configured correctly before I point the domain?
Ideally I'd like to launch the site and know that everything is working correctly!
You could try adding the new IP address for the host to your /etc/hosts (or wherever Windows stores the hosts file; look in C:\Windows\System32\hosts as a starting point) file on your client. It's just like updating DNS for a single machine.
Don't forget to remove the entry after you're done testing.
When you set up that entry in the hosts file it should have the form:
"IP address of dev server" ""
and when you remove the entry you can simply comment it out with a "#" at the beginning of the line