app view cache is not working - express

I'm fairly new to Express and am having an issue. I have node_env set to production and app.get('view cache') is returning true. However, it doesn't appear to be caching my jade baseed views. I can see get with a 304, but my view render is still being called every time.
Am I misunderstanding what this setting is for?
Edit: I guess this setting is really just to make views templates perform better in production. Am I to assume then the express does not support caching of dynamically generated view content?
I noticed adding res.header('Cache-Control', 'max-age=60, must-revalidate');
Is there a cleaner way to do this? thanks

When the 'view cache' setting is true, it caches the compiled javascript of the jade templates.
It doesn't however, cache the jade into a fully static document.
If you wished to do this, you could render the jade once in your app and store the result as a file or in memory. Then you just serve this rendered jade to your client.


IHP - Morphdom interfering with other JavaScript (e.g. DyGraph)

I am using IHP and IHP's use of Morphdom and / or Turbolinks seems to interfere with some other JavaScript things when the page isn't a fresh load. This includes things like Elm apps, and in this example, Dygraph:
Uncaught ReferenceError: Dygraph is not defined
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (<anonymous>:51:33)
at Function.each (jquery-3.6.0.slim.min.js:2:3209)
at E.fn.init.each (jquery-3.6.0.slim.min.js:2:1687)
at HTMLDocument.initCharts (<anonymous>:40:25)
at HTMLDocument.dispatch (jquery-3.6.0.slim.min.js:2:42842)
at HTMLDocument.v.handle (jquery-3.6.0.slim.min.js:2:40826)
at Object.e.dispatch (turbolinks.js:5:1411)
at r.notifyApplicationAfterPageLoad (turbolinks.js:6:1175)
at r.visitCompleted (turbolinks.js:6:1800)
at r.complete (turbolinks.js:5:24022)
In this case I am setting up a graph using Dygraph and using the following to try to initiate it upon the Turbolinks loading in:
$(document).on('ready turbolinks:load', initCharts);
which I thought would fix this because it would call the function only when Turbolinks had loaded the page. But this doesn't seem to have helped.
Essentially it seems like the Dygraph js is not loaded before it is called later in the page. This only seems to happen when we come from another page using Morphdom. The temporary fix is to refresh the page when the graphs won't load, but this is definitely not a great long-term solution.
How can I properly load in new JS files in IHP without Morphdom getting in the way? How might we fix such things?

Express.js render partial view without jade

I'm new to Node and Express. In the default app created by Express I found out that the partial rendering is done in jade through these lines (correct me if I'm wrong):
// layout.jade
block content
// index.jade
block content
h1= title
Having worked with a php framework, this is kind of new for me. Apparently, the partial rendering is not handled by Express anymore as of today. How does it work now?
Edit: by the way, anyone knows what happened to the Express documentation? The official site's guide section shrank by a lot (or perhaps it's just me).
The partial rendering is indeed done by the templating system now. Express 3.0+ decided to keep it simple and removed the built-in partial rendering functionality.

Rails and mongoid: What is going on with RC7 and embedded documents?

Until now I was using rc6 and I decided to upgrade, but it's totally
breaking my app ? Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I believe I
followed the documentation.
I have a model Content that embeds_many Localized_Content.
Once I have a content created and wanted to added a localized content
I would do the following:
#content = Content.find('xxx')
#new_content =
This is working perfectly fine under rc6 and updates correctly all the
timestamps in localized_contant (using include Mongoid::Timestamps)
But doing the same thing in rc7 break with the following error:
"Access to the collection for LocalizedContent is not allowed since it
is an embedded document, please access a collection from the root
Ok, maybe I need to save directly from the parent content then ok.
Doing a
works but will not trigger all the timestamping
and this breaks the logic of my apps... what should I do ? is the way to go. You should refactor your code to call save() on the parent object instead of the embedded document.

How to stop firefox from downloading and applying CSS via a firefox extension?

Thanks to everyone in advance -
So I have been banging on this issue for quite a while now and have burned through all my options. My current approach to canceling css requests is with nsIRequest.cancel inside of nsIWebProgressListener.onStateChange. This works most of the time, except when things are a little laggy a few will slip through and jump out of the loadgroup before I can get to them. This is obviously a dirty solution.
I have read through the following links to try and get a better idea of how to disable css before a nsIRequest is dice.'s_Eye_View_of_the_Mozilla_Framework
How do I disable css via presentation objects/interfaces? Is this possible? Inside of nsIDocShell there are a few attributes that kind of imply you can disable css via the browsers docshell - allowPlugins, allowJavascript, allowMetaRedirects, allowSubframes, allowImages.
Any suggestions?
The menu option that disables style sheets uses a function
so you probably can just call this function whenever new browser tab is created. Style sheets are still requested from server, but not applied. This function is not very sophisticated and doesn't mess with nsIRequest, source:
function setStyleDisabled(disabled) {
getMarkupDocumentViewer().authorStyleDisabled = disabled;
Digging in Web Developer Toolbar source code I have noticed that their "disable stylesheets" function loops trough all document.styleSheets and sets the disabled property to true, like:
/* if DOM content is loaded */
var sheets = document.styleSheets;
for(var i in sheets){ sheets[i].disabled = true; }
So if the key is to not apply CSS to pages, one of the above solutions should work. But if you really need to stop style sheets from being downloaded from servers, I'm affraid nsIRequest interception is your only option.
Set permissions.default.stylesheet to 2 and voilĂ !
You can actually use the permissions manager to block or allow stylesheets on a host-by-host basis.
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a simple flag like allowImages. The bugzilla adding for that is You can now vote for it using the new bugzilla voting functionality. You can also add yourself to the CC list to be notified if anyone ever works on it.
A related request is to just give us basic HTML parsing support, which may be what you are trying to do. Unfortunately that isn't supported yet either, but you can vote/track the bugzilla for that at
So the only workable solution seems to be some sort of interception as #pawal suggests. Here is a link that talks about the basics of interception to at least get you/us started It lists several options that I list below.
These first few seem to just be at the page/document level so I don't think they help:
Load Events (addEventListener load)
Web Progress Listeners (nsIWebProgressListener) - I tried this approach, it only seems to be called for the page itself, not for content within the page.
Document Loader Service - A global version of nsIWebProgressListener so I think it has the same problem (page level only)
That leaves two others I have not tried yet. They work globally so you would need to filter them to just the browser/pages you care about.
HTTP Observers - Seems like it might work, need to verify it calls back for CSS
Content Policy - Seems like the best option to me since it explicitly is called for CSS, someday I hope to try it :)

Solve IE6 static content caching issues on IIS6

I'm currently experiencing problems with static content - most noticeably jQuery datepicker images, but also other static files - which results in images/static content loaded many times - I can clearly see it in IE6 status bar (not to mention SLOW rendering).
The problem and possible solutions seems to be described here: However, I use IIS6 not Apache, and static files that I don't want to feed through php or asp.
How do I make IE6 cache static images properly? How do I add custom response header for specific files/folders?
Hm, let met re-phrase it. I'm not sure it is caused by the bugs above. Actually, I tried appcmd to apply cacheControlMode/etc and it doesn't seem to work. As far as I remember, IE6 also does not cache for XMLHttpRequest calls? So, the biggest problem that I need to solve is:
in jQuery calendar, moving mouse over image buttons (prev/next) causes them to be reloaded-refreshed
in jQuery dialog, each dialog('open') causes images from theme (like header background) to be re-loaded/refreshed
This link probably gives a better explanation:
How do I solve this - that is, without feeding images through ASP.NET to setup headers?
Thanks everybody for listening, the trick with appcmd seems to work ;-) The problem was that I used jQuery theme from googleapis... which obviously was not affected by appcmd ;-) Moving theme to local folder did the trick. These are the commands:
\Windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config "Default Web Site/images" -section:system.webServer/staticContent -clientCache.cacheControlMode:UseMaxAge
\Windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config "Default Web Site/images" -section:system.webServer/staticContent -clientCache.cacheControlMaxAge:"01:00:00"