Failed to build the worklight project in xcode - ibm-mobilefirst

I am new to Worklight and trying out various examples hosted on IBM worklight website for better understanding.
I have installed Eclipse Juno and IBM Worklight Studio kit on Mac OS X 10.6.8
I already had xcode 4.2 installed on Mac OS X 10.6.8
I had downloaded HelloWorklight example from and following for guidlines.
The example is successfully build in Eclipse and deployed to Worklight Server, it can be previewed on Worklight Console as well. Now I tried to Run as Xcode from Eclipse, example was successfully exported to Xcode but when I say Run in xcode, build fails. I see 2 issues under CordovaLib in Xcode, CDVLocation.m with Alert(Implicit conversion from enumeration type 'UIDeviceOrientation' to different enumeration type 'UIInterfaceOrientation') and CDVAccelerometer.m with Error(Receiver type 'CDVAccelerometer' for instance message does not declare a method with selector 'returnAccelInfo').
Please help me with above issues. If I am correct then it seems that library packaged by Worklight fails to compile in xcode.
Any kind of help would be appreciated.

Worklight supports OS X 10.7 and above, and Xcode 4.5 and above; At the very least make sure your Xcode version is up to date and try again with Worklight 5.0.6 and fresh sample applications that match this Worklight version.


Will Mac application developed in latest XCode work in old OS-X?

I have MacOS-X - 10.7 and Xcode - 4.6.2 and made a Mac application. The client side machine is also MacOS-X - 10.7. But in my mac application there was a small error with NSNumberFormatter which when I was changing, Xcode was crashing. So I edited the code in latest Xcode and OSX. And then I made the binary of it and run in MacOS-x - 10.7, its working fine. But the source code is no more opening in Xcode - 4.6.2. Its asking for the latest version of Xcode. My question is will the binary will work fine in older version of OS-X even if it is developed in latest Xcode?
The version of OS X which your application will run on is dictated by the OS X Deployment Target in the project settings. If that is set to support 10.7, then it doesn't matter which version of OS X you built it on: the built application will work on 10.7 and later.
This setting will also set the minimum allowed OS in the Info.plist, so people trying to run the build on earlier OSes will see an alert instead of the app just crashing.
More information on setting the deployment target and building for different OS versions with SDKs is available in the Apple documentation:

IBM Worklight - How to resolve "WebWorks SDK source file was not found" error?

I am using Worklight 6 on Windows 7.
I've installed the WebWorks SDK for BlackBerry and also set the environment path for the WebWorks SDK.
When trying to build my application (that has the blackberry10 environment) the following error is shown:
W: WebWorks SDK source file was not found. Make sure to set it in
application-decsriptor.xml: Replace it with path to WebWorks
The path to the BB10 SDK has got nothing to do with application-descriptor.xml file so I don't quite understand why would it complain about it there.
Here is a question with this same error; The problem in this case was about using an incorrect SDK version:
IBM Worklight 6.0 - "WebWorks SDK source file was not found" error
For BlackBerry 6 and 7, use:
For BlackBerry 10, use:
Also note that Worklight does not officially support BB10 WebWorks SDK 2.0 beta.
So make sure to use the previous version ( - direct download link), perhaps it will help in solving this.
I would also make sure that your WEBWORKS_HOME environment variable indeed points to the correct location; In my - working - setup it points to: C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry 10 WebWorks SDK

Installing jazz 4.0.2 plugin with IBM Worklight 6 (juno eclipse) causes functional degradation in worklight

I've installed worklight 6 into an existing juno 64 bit eclipse running in windows 7. Runs great. I then install the jazz RTC 4.0.2 plug in into that eclipse environment. After the plugin is installed, there is a noticeable loss of function. The following are examples:
On the create new Hybrid app page, the option for changing the dojo library used is gone. The dialog resembles the WL5 version.
after a dojo hybrid is created, the www folder is missing from the WL project
Some dojo widgets do not work (i.e., not presented on the mobile device emulator or in resulting adroid application) like
The only way to resolve is to uninstall the RTC plugin. Any suggestion on how to make this work? Using WL5.0.6.1 and same Jazz RTC plugin has no problems. We want to move to newer WL and upgrading RTC is not an easy option.
Are you using Eclipse Java EE 4.2.2? That's the only supported version for Worklight Studio (i.e. make sure you are not using 4.2.1 or 4.2 alone).
Other things I would try:
1) Use RTC 4.0.3 plug-in instead 4.0.2, that could make some difference and usually these clients have backwards compatibility with the server.
2) Install RTC before Worklight Studio, and see if it makes any difference.

IBM worklight 6.0 - Class org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver not found in Worklight platform or project

When i'm using worklight 5.0.6 every thing run ok,but when i upgrade worklight to 6.0.0, i've got that error when running my adapters.
Ok ,i've answer just download derbyclient- then copy to server/lib then every thing ok.

Compiling libogg using Xcode 4

I've just downloaded libogg from ( and I'm now trying to compile the Ogg.xcodeproj project provided in that package. When I try to build, I get the following error:
The run destination My Mac 64-bit is not valid for Running the scheme 'Ogg'.
The scheme 'Ogg' contains no buildables that can be built for the SDKs supported by the run destination My Mac 64-bit. Make sure your targets all specify SDKs that are supported by this version of Xcode.
I get a similar error if I attempt to build the static library instead of the framework:
The run destination My Mac 64-bit is not valid for Running the scheme 'libogg (static)'.
The scheme 'libogg (static)' contains no buildables that can be built for the SDKs supported by the run destination My Mac 64-bit. Make sure your targets all specify SDKs that are supported by this version of Xcode.
Again, this is just opening the project in Xcode 4.3.2 for the first time and attempting to build. I've made no changes to the project file at all.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a solution to get this to compile?
In my case, the Xcode project was linking against an old SDK on an old architecture (OS X 10.5 PPC, whereas I have OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion x64).
To fix this in Xcode 5, select the top-level project in Xcode (the top-most node in the project folder pane, with the blue "A" icon) followed by the Project. Change Architectures to something suitable for your current system, such as Native Architecture of Build machine and change Base SDK to an SDK currently installed in your Xcode environment, such as OS X 10.8.
Here is a screenshot of my project to help you find those settings (following the highlighted parts: kisshelper > kisshelper > Architectures):