Push new row from SQL to vb.net - sql

I want to get the data that is inserted into a table in at close to real time as I can.
For simplicity, let say i have a table called
With the columns:
ID, Name, Time
What is the easiest way using VB.NET to get the row as soon as it gets inserted into the database?
Polling for a new record every second seems clunky.

For Sql Server - You can use Query Notifications
SQL Server 2005 introduced query notifications, new functionality that allows an application to request a notification from SQL Server when the results of a query change. Query notifications allow programmers to design applications that query the database only when there is a change to information that the application has previously retrieved.
Using Query Notifications
Working with Query Notifications
Also, for .Net have a look at:
SqlCacheDependency Class:
On all supported versions of SQL Server (Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and SQL Server 2005) the SqlCacheDependency class monitors a specific SQL Server database table. When the table changes, items associated with the table are removed from the Cache, and a new version of the item is added to the Cache.
Using and Monitoring SQL 2005 Query Notification


Connect PowerApps to Firebird

I want to connect PowerApps to my local Firebird SQL server, how do I go about it?
I want to make a Pricelist App that connects to a local Firebird SQL server. Excel only permits up to 15,000 items. I have 25,000 items. Also, I'd like for it to be updated every time someone edits the local database.
PowerApps do support many data sources, but firebird SQL isn't supported at this time. Consider creating a new issue on the PowerApps Ideas Board to have the product team investigate it.
In your shoes, I'd try spinning up a SQL Server (express edition?) and creating a connection to the firebird database as a linked server. Then you'll need to create a ssis package or stored procedure for moving data from the firebird server into the SQL server. Adjust the refresh timing to your liking.
This may seem like a PITA but it beats waiting for Microsoft to support other DBs.
Hope it helps,

Change Tracking in SQL Server 2005

I'm trying to enable Change Tracking on a SQL Server Database that was installed via a third party application. Looking at the Properties -> General -> Product of the Server shows:
Product: Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition
Version: 9...
Judging from the MS Support page and an SO comment this is a SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3.
Is Change Tracking supported by SQL Server Express 2005?
Is there a clean way to track changes for a database in SQL Express 2005 if there is no Change Tracking?
On that server viewing Properties of a table does not show the Change Tracking option as it would in newer versions of a SQL database.
Is Change Tracking supported by SQL Server Express 2005?
No. It's a new feature introduced with SQL Server 2008.
Is there a clean way to track changes for a database in SQL Express 2005 if there is no Change Tracking?
You can create a datetime column that defaults to the current time. This will tell what rows have been inserted since a time mark. For update, create a trigger to update that column to current time. For delete, use a trigger to insert the deleted row into a shadow table (something like TableA_History).

Is there a simple GUI to create SQL Server Queries and operations?

I have created a Database in SQL Server using MS SQL Management studio.
I'm looking for a simple GUI tool to easily search in the database or add new data to the database.
for example, if my database stores links for pictures - each picture has some tables like location, objects, animals, lighting etc.
I want to be able to search the database, so i can choose of a box list for each table instead of Querying through the SQL.
i understand this can be done with Sharepoint and MS Access, but i recon it's too complicated.
any thoughts and ideas?
Try using EMS SQL Manager for SQL Server - it has free Lite version which ones limitations are acceptable.
Also you may try DevArt's dbForge Studio for SQL Server - this product's progress is very impressive. It's one of the best solutions for managing SQL Server.

SQL Server table in Oracle SQL Developer

I connected SQL server database with Oracle SQL Developer, everything looks good except i can only browse data, i cannot change data in tables cannot insert new or delete rows. Query is also disabled (i got message: Query Builder is not supported for this connection type.) I used Third Party JDBC Drivers - jtds-1.2.6.jar as my connection to SQL server. Is there a way to change data in tables?
It helped me to rollback to Oracle SQL Developer v.
That Query Builder supports MS SQL Server tables
I just use SQL Server Management Studio. You see.. when you buy a complete STACK of software, it comes with tools for writing SQL. Don't worry, if you're too cheap to buy $49/developer's edition of SQL Server, you can still get SSMS for free.

Partial import of Sql server 2005 database for local developement

So at work, my team is using a central SQL server 2005 database server for integration testing and I want to move to testing on my local database. The only problem is that the central database is in excess of 10 Gb.
I am interested in importing the data objects and a rows for each table to ensure I can be up and running. Can you guys advise me on how I can do this?
I have VS 2008 professional and SQL Server management studio express. Would I need VS 2008 database edition?
EDIT : I will try logging into the central database server and seeing if the host machine has better tools. Thanks kpollock, I didn't think of that.
Both 2005 and 2008 Express editions have 4 gb limitation.
Have you thought about making a db copy on central server and dealing with it (just restore it into new db with other name)?
See also BACKUP and RESTORE in SQL Server -- Full Backups
Looks like an SSIS job to me - which I think Express version of Management Studio doesn't have.
Or you could do it in C# calling Stored procs on the source database to extract the data if that's where your skills lie. (this is how I would do it as I think it's more widely comprehensible - but that's just my opinion).
If the database is live and new data comes in all the time perhaps you could set up the schema and reference data only then use replication to get the new data as it comes in (if you think that will get you a representative sample).
You will have to code up the sample extraction based upon an understanding of the schema - i.e. ensure you get a full set of linked records (e.g detail records for orders and all lookups e.g. customer, addresses, etc.).