MVC - Application Assembly -

If I have multiple projects in one solution is it still considered a single assembly?
Background Information:
I'm aware the 'MyApplication/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs' file exists. Further, I confirmed that when I:
Add a project to the solution.
Appropriately reference the newly added project.
Lastly, Build the solution.
The 'MyApplication/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs' file has not changed. This leaves me to believe, and please correct me if I'm wrong that I'll have met the demand.
Thank you

Each project is compiled into one assembly in your case. The assemblyinfo.cs file (for each project) should not change at all when you compile anything. Also, that file's name is not important at all; it's the global attributes inside it that cause various properties of the assembly being created to be set. That file's name and location are simply a convention.


.Net Core: Using Directive Without Adding Package?

For example this happened to me when I added configuration (IConfigurationRoot) in the Startup.cs file, to be able to access appsettings.json file which has a connection string.
So the first time I write IConfigurationRoot it is obviously marked as not recognized, so I put my mouse over it and expand the Visual Studio suggestions from the light bulb, which are:
using Microsoft.Extension.Configuration:
Generate Type
Add package Microsoft.Extension.Configuration.Abstractions 1.1.0
So if I pick "using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration",a using directive is added at the top of my file and VS recognices IConfigurationRoot, everything works fine. But checking the References in my project, this library was not added to it:
No Reference Added
So if instead of picking the using directive, I pick "Add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions 1.1.0", Visual Studio also adds the using directive but additionally it adds a new Reference:
Reference Added
I'm not understanding why this happens, why adding the using directive (first suggestion) works fine, is it because the reference is already contained in another library?, if so, why should I add the package individually?. Is it better to add it individually?, what happens if I do, am I adding a reference to the same library twice?
Thanks in advance. it because the reference is already contained in another library?
Yes, look under the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions or Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json and you eventually get to the Abstractions package.
If so, why should I add the package individually?
There is no need. The light bulb tooling might not quite up to speed with the whole package dependency stuff.
Is it better to add it individually?
Not really, but if your ever removed some of those base package then adding it individually from Nuget would ensure that it would remain.
What happens if I do, am I adding a reference to the same library twice?
In an indirect way, yes, but there's no harm. The Dependency tree view drills down into each layer of dependencies. You will see lots of "duplicates" if start expanding those nodes.

Error getting when adding reference of service class in console(.exe)

Getting error
A reference to "file path\file.sln"could not be added. please make
sure that the file is accessible and that its is a valid assembly or
COM component
You mean adding a reference inside a project?
If is this, you canĀ“t add a reference to a whole .sln, you will need to choose, for example, a valid .dll of the service you are trying to reference.
A reference to "file path\file.sln" could not be added.
That's a solution file.
[...] and that its is a valid assembly or COM component
A solution file is not an assembly or a COM component, hence the error. You need to add a reference to an actual assembly. If it's a project in your current solution, add a Project Reference. If it's not in your solution (and for whatever reason can't be added, though I highly recommend adding it if at all possible) then you'll need to add a reference to the compiled .dll of the referenced project.
You can't add references to solution files, project files, anything like that. Those are just XML metadata about projects. You need the compiled output, the assembly.

boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object::remove fails

I made some test and I was able to create and remove boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object in a C++/CLI executable without problems. In a C++/CLI dll plugin I'm only able to create the boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object but the removal fails. I verified that the file exists at the time of removal - it is present in boost::interprocess folder in a subfolder named "20110606204418.125000". The memory hasn't been mapped by any other process. Any ideas what might be the cause? At the beginning I thought it may have something to do with the project being a dll and targeting CLR but honestly I don't know.
EDIT: the removal code is called by a different thread than the creation code - is this disallowed?
During debugging I noticed that the file path that is to be removed inside boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object::remove is different from the file created by boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object constructor - the path to be removed points at the root of "boost_interprocess" folder while the actually created file is in the "boost_interprocess/20110606204418.125000" folder. So I reported a bug to boost. We will see what they do about it.

Xcode search paths for public headers in dependencies

I am trying to clean up some of my projects, and one of the things that are puzzling me is how to deal with header files in static libraries that I have added as "project dependencies" (by adding the project file itself). The basic structure is like this:
Now, the dependencies are all set up and built correctly, but how can I specify the public headers for "thirdPartyLibrary.xcodeproj" so that they are on the search path when building MyProject.xcodeproj. Right now, I have hard-coded the include directory in the thirdPartyLibrary.xcodeproj, but obviously this is clumsy and non-portable. I assume that, since the headers are public and already built to some temporary location in ~/Library (where the .a file goes as well), there is a neat way to reference this directory. Only.. how? An hour of Googling turned up blank, so any help is greatly appreciated!
If I understand correctly, I believe you want to add a path containing $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) to the HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS in your projects build settings.
As an example, I took an existing iOS project which contains a static library, which is included just in the way you describe, and set the libraries header files to public. I also noted that the PUBLIC_HEADERS_FOLDER_PATH for this project was set to "/usr/local/include" and these files are copied to $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/usr/local/include when the parent project builds the dependent project. So, the solution was to add $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/usr/local/include to HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS in my project's build settings.
Your situation may be slightly different but the exact path your looking for can probably be found in Xcode's build settings. Also you may find it helpful to add a Run Script build phase to your target and note the values of various settings at build time with something like:
I think that your solution is sufficient and a generally accepted one. One alternative would be to have all header files located under an umbrella directory that can describe the interface to using the depended-on libraries and put that in your include path. I see this as being similar to /usr/include. Another alternative that I have never personally tried, but I think would work would be to create references to all the headers of thirdPartyLibrary from MyProject so that they appear to be members of the MyProject. You would do this by dragging them from some location into MyProject, and then deselecting the checkbox that says to copy them into the project's top level directory. From one perspective this seems feasible to me because it is as if you are explicitly declaring that your project depends on those specific classes, but it is not directly responsible for compiling them.
One of the things to be wary of when addressing this issue is depending on implementation-specific details of Xcode for locating libraries automatically. Doing so may seem innocuous in the meantime but the workflows that it uses to build projects are subject to change with updates and could potentially break your project in subtle and confusing ways. If they are not well-defined in some documentation, I would take any effect as being coincidental and not worth leveraging in your project when you can enforce the desired behavior by some other means. In the end, you may have to define a convention that you follow or find one that you adopt from someone else. By doing so, you can rest assured that if your solution is documented and reproducible, any developer (including yourself in the future) can pick it up and proceed without tripping over it, and that it will stand the testament of time.
The way we do it is to go into build target settings for the main project and add:
User Header Search Path = "Contrib"
and check that it searches recursively. We don't see performance problems with searching recursively even with many (10-15 in some projects) dependencies.

Best practices when importing class files in xcode

I'm working with xcode and I have classes associated with other projects that I want to be included in new projects. I realize that the #import will do the job technically (although what should i do if it's out of the project root folder). But what do I do if I want to include the class "properly" --basically so i can double click and edit out of the main project window where you can see all your files and such.
I guess I'm just looking for the best and/or proper way to include/import (into the project) .h and .m files that I've already created outside of the current project I'm working on. Taking into consideration that I may want to modify the class from the original without subclassing. Hopefully this makes sense.
Xcode project file organization doesn't reflect the data files on disk. Files can be added to a project from anywhere in the file system. When you add the files, choosing not to copy the files to the current project's directory means that the original files are used. Selecting one of these files in Xcode for editing will alter the original file in that other project. When returning to that other project, Xcode will use the edited files in any further work.
This type of use can be quite handy while working on multiple projects with some shared code. Yet, it can also cause headaches for a versioning system.
Might be worth thinking about how to make the classes into a private framework - then you can import that as another dependency each time. Alternatively you could use a separate version control system location to store the shared classes and just check that out into the project folder.