Get selected item of ListBox on another page -

I have made an application with two pages. When the user clicks an item on the listbox of the first page, the second page is supposed to show up with details about the clicked item.
I have a problem with accessing the selected item in the listbox of the first page from the second page.
How can I get this working?

You can't do that, because after navigation the first page no longer exists. You have to pass that value first:
How to pass values (parameters) between XAML pages?

Easiest way - to pass data by navigation parameter, it is just like GET HTTP method, Nokia has an example of how to do it here.
Second way - to store value in IsolatedStorage, for example in IsolatedStorageSettings , here Microsoft topic about it.


Passing search and filter parameters between Components

I am trying to implement breadcrum functionality in my application using Blazor.
My requirements are:
Search page - Click search: shows list of items using card
I have a filter box to filter data . e.g posted date, range
When I select a single item, it should go the detail page. On the detail page I should see a breadcrum like - Home -> View -> Detail
So when I click on the View breadcrum item it should take me back to view page with the previous search parameters and filters selected
I know how to pass single parameters between components but little confuse how can I pass multiple parameters to parent and again back to child component. Please advise. Thank you

How to reset search item on Master Detail page?

I have link which navigate to Master Detail page and perform search, it works well.
But, when I change page and back again to MD (through navigation) search item still hold the value from link.
How can I clear search item when I change page?
Clear its value in Pre-rendering process.

How do you disable / fix this specific default behavior wherein after you refresh the whole webpage the specific router-link is still selected

Take a look at this pictures and description that I'm going to describe in the most understandable way possible.... These are my router-links
and on the side is the router-view / ProfileView.vue component that will display the details of that person, just don't mind the reds, it's just that those are very private keys to be displayed online
How do you disable /fix this specific default behavior wherein after you refresh the whole webpage the specific router-link is still selected and the router-view is invisible. Refreshing the page returns like this
Best way is to update the url with the unique identifier (UUID) once the item get selected. Now when you refresh the page just identify the item using the (UUID) in url and apply the specific item using active state. As per the router-view case you can easily handle it with the url defined case - make /profile:id expect a parameter, which will only provided when you click any of the router-link else redirect back to items page with the last selected UUID to highlight the last selected item

How to query the data from content type without using content query webpart in SharePoint2010.How can i?

I want to query the data from content type without using content query webpart. How could I do this?
My scenario is, I have a page layout, from the page layout I have created a page that contains some site columns values. After clicking on the save button I need to update the field in the page library column. How can I query the data in item updating event of the Site Pages Library.
Any help would be appreciated.
The ItemUpdating event method is passed an SPItemEventProperties parameter named property. This object contains information about the item responsible for firing the event handler. You can access this by calling properties.ListItem[Fieldname] or properties.AfterProperties[fieldname].
Something to note. The value of the SPItemEventProperties.BeforeProperties and SPItemEventProperties.AfterProperties as well as the properties of the SPItemEventProperties.ListItem, varies depending on the Event you are overriding and the type of SP List (List or Document Library). This chart shows these relationships.

Set page using the org.displaytag.tags.el.ELTableTag

I'm using the org.displaytag.tags.el.ELTableTag tag for displaying a list of objects. Is it possible to set the page manually, e.g. to the 6th page. I want to implement a back button which doesn't return to the first page, but to the last page displayed.
Is there a way to read the current page number without accessing the automatically generated page parameter?
You can set it in initParameters. There's an internal "pagenumber" attribute which gets set there.