Phusion passenger-status active count is always pointing to zero - apache

I have installed phusion passenger 3 in my apache, which has a memory limit of 5GB and swap of 2GB, when i check the passenger status in the general information the active row always shows zero where as count will be 2 to 3 and inactive will be upto 6.
But my memory usage has crossed 4.8GB but still the active row is showing zero.
why so.. Please can anybody help me on this
It is like:-
active = 0
inactive = 6
Waiting on global queue: 0
The active row will always point to zero
Thanks in advance!!

active means that those processes exist, but are currently not handling any requests. If your site is idle then it's supposed to be 0.


concurrent testing of login functionality with 50 users/threads is not working

i have given the thread count = 50
rampup period =0
for 48 threaads it is getting passed , for 2 threads there is no failure captured in the selenium log files.
I am expecting concurrent login of 50 users with 0 rampup period , i am not able to find out the exact reason of failure . please suggest the fixes to handle this scenario.
Check jmeter.log file for any suspicious entries
Add View Results Tree listener to your test plan - it will allow you to inspect request and response details
50 real browsers might be too high for a single machin
as per WebDriver Sampler documentation
From experience, the number of browser (threads) that the reader creates should be limited by the following formula:
C = N + 1
C = Number of Cores of the host running the test
and N = Number of Browser (threads).
as per Firefox 62.0 system requirements
512MB of RAM / 2GB of RAM for the 64-bit version
So you will need a machine with 51 cores and 100 GB of RAM in order to ensure there will no be JMeter-side bottleneck. If your machine hardware specifications are lower - you will have to go for Remote Testing

Ignite TcpCommunicationSpi : Can slowClientQueueLimit be set to same value as messageQueueLimit as per docs?

I am not completely sure of the meaning or the interplay between slowClientQueueLimit and messageQueueLimit.
As per the documentation, they both should ideally be set to the same value,
However when i do set that i see this in the logs, is it a minor bug in the check or should i change this?
[WARN ] 2018-06-27 22:32:18.429 [main] org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp.TcpCommunicationSpi - Slow client queue limit is set to a value greater than message queue limit (slow client queue limit will have no effect) [msgQueueLimit=1024, slowClientQueueLimit=1024]
From code the warning is correct, but javadoc is not. slowClientQueueLimit has to be less than msgQueueLimit, because when message is being prepared to sending, first are checked back pressure limits, and only then slowClientQueueLimit. If these two numbers are equal, sender thread will be blocked by back pressure before it could go to slow client check. What means client would not be dropped.
Set slowClientQueueLimit to msgQueueLimit - 1 or less, and I'll suggest community to fix the docs.

What is the race condition for Redis INCR Rate Limiter 2?

I have read the INCR documentation here but I could not understand why the Rate limiter 2 has a race condition.
In addition, what does it mean by the key will be leaked until we'll see the same IP address again in the documentation?
Can anyone help explain? Thank you very much!
You are talking about the following code, which has two problems in multiple-threaded environment.
2. current = GET(ip)
3. IF current != NULL AND current > 10 THEN
4. ERROR "too many requests per second"
6. value = INCR(ip)
7. IF value == 1 THEN
8. EXPIRE(ip,1)
9. END
the key will be leaked until we'll see the same IP address again
If the client dies, e.g. client is killed or machine is down, before executing LINE 8. Then the key ip won't be set an expiration. If we'll never see this ip again, this key will always persist in Redis database, and is leaked.
Rate limiter 2 has a race condition
Suppose key ip doesn't exist in the database. If there are more than 10 clients, say, 20 clients, execute LINE 2 simultaneously. All of them will get a NULL current, and they all will go into the ELSE clause. Finally all these clients will execute LINE 10, and the API will be called more than 10 times.
This solution fails, because these's a time window between LINE 2 and LINE 3.
A Correct Solution
value = INCR(ip)
IF value == 1 THEN
EXPIRE(ip, 1)
IF value <= 10 THEN
return true
return false
Wrap the above code into a Lua script to ensure it runs atomically. If this script returns true, perform the API call. Otherwise, do nothing.

Reducers failing

We are using 3 cluster machine and mapreduce.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum property is set to 9. When I set no of reducer is equal to or less than 9 job is getting succeeded but if I set greater than 9 then it is failing with the exception "Task attempt_201701270751_0001_r_000000_0 failed to ping TT for 60 seconds. Killing!". Can any one guide me what will be the problem
There seem to be some bug in hadoop -0.20. (for reference ).
Can you please try to increase the task timeout ?
(mapreduce.task.timeout to a higher value ) ( 0 will disable the timeout )

Why is this monit config reminder syntax not resulting in repeated alerts?

I have setup a monit config to check that a jenkins build node is connected (its VPN connection is still up) by checking for its VPN IP address on a server that is inside the network already. It seems to work at least once when the computer is not connected. But it only seems to trigger once in a blue moon and not repeatedly like I want it to.
check host JenkinsMacOSXNode with address
if failed icmp type echo
count 5 with timeout 5 seconds
2 times within 3 cycles
then alert with reminder on 3 cycles
Is the above syntax correct for having an alert sent repeatedly when an expected computer is not pingable?
In case the next question is how often is the cycle set to, the /etc/monit/monitrc indicates set daemon 120 so each cycle should be every 2 minutes
Is there a better way to accomplish checking for a computer that should be connected via VPN to the network and alert if it is not?
Try setting the alert with reminder definition before the test:
set alert with reminder on 3 cycles
check host JenkinsMacOSXNode with address
if failed icmp type echo
count 5 with timeout 5 seconds
2 times within 3 cycles
then alert