What could be the causes that Hyper-V would pause running virtual machines by it self? - virtual-machine

What could be the causes that Hyper-V would pause running virtual machines by it self?
We have encountered that problem twice recently. Our 2 VMs have 4 Gb of ram each and does not have a lot of traffic. I think we have something like 50gb of space left reserved to VM backup. Could it be due to missing space to backup the snapshots of the VM?
Thanks in advance!

check Your logs why it paused. Event Viewer is Your friend :)
here is how to check logs for that: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2486243
I saw with Hyper-V VMs paused when I ran out of space so You may be correct.


I can not deploy windows 11 in hyper-v

Can i setup a virtual machine with windows 11? I tried it but it wont work. It doesn't have the right requirements but i gave the machine 12gb ram. 150 gb ssd. 4 cores processor. So I don't think that's the problem. Anyone that can help me?
yes that was the problem. I had to designate "generation 2" in the setup under "Specify Generation" and check the secure boot in the setting. That solved it.

Proxmox VM disk file is bigger than provisioned setting

I'm looking into one Proxmox server that is running out of space. It has some over provisioned storage. Everything looks to be fine except one VM disk. It is 10 GB disk according to configuration but the file itself on Proxmox is 15 GB big. I'm mostly using vmware and never seen such thing before.
Can someone tell why it is like that?
Is it the way Proxmox stores snapshots (this VM had one that was removed)? Or maybe it was resized?
I'm a bit worried for other VM disks.
Thanks a lot!
I had to migrate that disk to different storage. Disk file size become 10 GB big after this procedure.

Very slow response of the Virtual Machines

We have recently purchased the new server having 16 GB of RAM. We have created 5 virtual machine. Out of these 5 virtual machines three are windows VM and the remaining two are Linux VM.
We have been contsantly facing the poor response of the virtual machines and the network / infra team is not able to tell us the root cause of the problem and providing the solution.
Can you please let me know what could be the possible cause of the slow down.
Additionally, we want to have the audits conducted to see if the infrastructure / network for our company has been setup correctly. Can you please let me know what are the typical audit parameters we evalluate for the best performance of Network and SYstems resources.
Thanks for the help.
Memory (RAM) is being distributed among so many VMs, each VM has very less RAM available for its own use.

How to move VirtualBox all VMs to another PC at once?

In my windows 8 I have VirtualBox installed and it has lot of VMs running. I have another PC which has virtualbox installed on it.I want to move all VMs from my old PC to new PC at once. How do I do that in easy way?
Do a backup and restore would be an answer.
Be aware that virtualbox keeps track of the UUID of your virtual hard disk.
If you rephrase your question and tell the audience what you precisely want. Merely a copy and go on? Or just a move operation?
Having two PC's with the same VM's do have an impact on your home network if the VM's are connected to the internet.

VMWare Player - swapping to disk more if more memory allocated

Windows XP as base OS. Laptop has 4GB RAM and 2*2.2GHz cores. About 3 year old laptop
Am using Windows7 in VMWare Player. If I allocate more than 1GB of RAM to the Win7 machine in the VMWare player settings it goes so slow, and is continually swapping to disk.
I've turned off all Win7 processor intensive stuff.
The base OS only reports using aboiut 144MB of RAM to the player. Very weird.
I'm using 2 virtual disks: 20GB SCSI for c:\ and 25GB SCSI for data f:\
Problem: How to tweak Win7 VMware (ie VS2010, Sql2008R2) well on an older laptop. Or use something else?
The problem is that by default vmware player uses file as memory.
Read this for more info & fix
If you want to achieve this for all your VMs, you may just add/append following two lines:
prefvmx.minVmMemPct = 100
mainMem.useNamedFile = "false"
... inside the following VMware-wide configuration file:
C:/ProgramData/VMware/VMware Workstation/config.ini (or sometimes settings.ini)
The first line sets the percentage of configured VM memory that should fit into the host memory and the second (as already shown in the prior answer) disables default file-based memory usage.
If you want to apply this to a specific VM only, in order to not alter general VMware configuration, adding the following line to the VM's *.vmx file may be an alternative:
hard-disk.hostBuffer = "disabled"