Standard install of VSExpress2012 on Win8, the IDE will not launch - windows-8

I have a windows 8 x64 machine, pretty new image, and I just installed VS2012 C# express, and the install completed fine. but when I launch the IDE, nothing happens, I do not see a new process starting in Task Manager either.
After googling a bit, people suggest that it may be extensions and to run "devenv.exe /safemode". I did not install any extensions, and "devenv.exe" does not exist in my system. all I can find is %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\WDExpress.exe. This is where the shortcut created on my desktop points too. I have tried using the " /safemode" switch with that .exe, but nothing happens.
I am currently running a repair on the program now, maybe that will fix it.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I found the issue, The Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.6 was locking some files. After removing it. VS2012 opened right up.


VB application built using visual studio 2015 installation to windows xp

I updated a vb windows forms application using visual studio 2015. I need to install this on a windows xp machine.
I updated my application to run using .net framework 4.0, the same as the one installed in the xp machine.
When I tried to install it the first time, it asked me to restart the machine, which I did. after restarting it gave me the error that installation is incomplete.
I have been researching all morning on how to fix it, i tried the dpca.dll solution, i tried restarting the windows installer service, i used msiexec to view the logs, and now it gives me the error that a dll required for this install to complete could not be run. I have no idea which dll, it doesn't say.
My application is fine. It builds and installs beautifully on windows 7 and above.
Please help me before I smash the windows xp machine into pieces.
I came across a comment that i can run the executable itself, just needed to copy all the dll files and put it in the same folder as the executable. So I just copied the whole folder and run the exe on the xp machine and it works.

Uninstall Atomineer

Looks like I am being held hostage by the Atomineer Pro Documentation add-in for Visual Studio! The trail period is over, I have no use for it! But now everytime I do something in Visual Studio I get an error message and get sent to their web site!
I have looked all over to find out how to uninstall it and have not found away to uninstall it!
WARNING TO EVERYONE - This Atomineer Pro is not easy to uninstall!! Just from the problems of uninstalling it, I would highly recomend no one ever installs it!
I ran into this too running on Windows 10 and VS 2013. Ended up installing and running IObit Uninstaller, which clean up the registry, but Atomineer was still loading in Visual Studio. My second pass was to search my C: drive for "Atomineer" which got several hits including some in a VS AddIns folder (I think). I just deleted everything and that did the trick.
Visual Studio 2015 onwards (Standard VS Extension)
In Visual Studio, go to Tools > Extensions and Updates, select Atomineer from the list, and click the Uninstall button.
Visual Studio 2005-2013 (Standard VS Add-in)
Use Control Panel > Programs and Features to uninstall it just like any other app, or
Run the Atomineer installer and select "uninstall", or
In the unlikely case that neither of the above work, you can manually search your drive and delete any "AtomineerUtils.Addin" files you find.
In any case if you have any problems, email Atomineer support and we'll be happy to help.

Unable to start program "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe"

I've installed .NET Core 1.0.1 to use with VS 2015 Update 3 and I'm running as Administrator (on Windows 8.1 x64).
If I create any .NET Core project, be it console or web and attempt to run it Visual Studio then comes up with an error:
However I'm unable to ascertain why. VS builds it fine and I can run it from the CLI. I can also run Core fine through VSCode.
I've tried:
Deleting project.lock.json
Deleting the .vs folder
Repairing the .NET Core install
Repairing the VS 2015 install
Uninstalling and reinstalling .NET Core/SDK/Tooling & VS
And it still refuses to work!
I've raised this on the Core Tooling GitHub as well as can be seen here but as yet we're all a little stumped.
There are some people who have problems with Internet Explorer and Visual Studio.
Attempt to install Internet Explorer 9, or set a different default browser.
Other approaches:
Was the data path checked?
Perhaps there are wrong configured environment variables?
Are you sure that the configuration was reset by the installation?
Perhaps the path for the temporary data has been changed?
Try re-installing needed redistributables, as they are needed for executing .Net Core on Windows, as it is stated here :
"NET Core requires the VC++ Redistributable when running on Windows"
If it don't work, add a try/catch at the highest level of your application and log all System.Exceptions that may occur. It may give you more informations about this error.
This error occurs if you change the name of the project. To work around this error You will have to delete all files under \object and \bin folders. After that rebuild application.
Restart the visual studio in administrator mode. This solved my problem.

System.NullReferenceException occurs in xaml designer

I've created a C++ UWP Windows 10 app using Visual Studio 2015. However, I'm not able to visualize any xaml in the designer because I'm always getting a System.NullReferenceException error. How can I fix this?
That's very odd but I solved following these steps:
Close any instance of Visual Studio
Open Visual studio and create a new C# UWP empty project (name it as you like, do not matter)
Run the "useless" created project then close it as Visual Studio
Open again your previous C++ UWP project
In my case everything started working!
Switching solution platform to x86 worked for me.
I'm experiencing exactly the same problem on my primary development machine but not on another. The reason is... I think... When I installed Visual Studio 2015 on the 2nd machine, the first time I created a Universal Solution (C#) I was shown a dialog asking me to OK "elevated permissions" (custom permissions) for the VS2015 installation folder. I OK'd it and Designer works on that machine in both Blend2015 and VS2015 (community edition)
On the other machine I was never shown the dialog asking me to confirm elevated permissions and Designer does NOT work on that machine (VS2015 Enterprise). This machine also has VS2013 update 5) on it.
I am thinking that I might have to completely wipe off VS2015 and try to clean the registry of all VS2105 references AND remove the VS2015 installation directories on C:\ AND when I reinstall, create a installation directory with a different name (if I can). What a PAIN though... I'm waiting to see if MS delivers a simple solution since I'm quite positive that this whole issue boils down to a bug (feature... grrr) having to do with custom permissions that can't be changed (or added) after installation.
Would be nice is MS would confirm this...
(please note, none of this involved c++... it was all C#)
this is the dialog I was shown on the machine where Designer works]1
Installing the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 10 solved the issue for me. It may ask to unistall the previous version of Windows 10 RTM SDK
This is fixed in Update 1 of Visual Studio 2015

How can I install Office Interop Assemblies for VS2015 after a Win 10 clean install?

I have a Win10 clean install with VS2015 installed. I have Office 2010 for Home and Student. My VB.NET app's msi file was built in 2011 on a machine with Office 2000 installed, and it still works now to install my app in Win10. The installed app exports data to Excel and that still works.
Now I want to update the app with VS2015, but I get build errors, e.g.: Type 'Excel.Workbook' is not defined. I found out that I should load the Office Interop Assemblies.
I downloaded and ran o2010pia.msi, but nothing showed up in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Visual Studio Tools for Office" where I think they should live. Possibly the installation code is not yet recognizing VS2015 as Visual Studio 14.0?
In searching for answers, I found references to "PIAs in the GAC" and "reference a local copy of the PIAs in your source control tree". But I don't know what these mean!
How can I fix this?
I also missing Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll after installing Win10.
I find it in
Maybe you can search it in C:\Windows\assembly.
I found a solution to my problem. I had spent days googling around for answers about missing PIAs and error messages about .NET 3.5 not found. I tried many suggested workarounds, but none worked for me. But...
Because I have ReSharper from JetBrains installed, I stumbled upon this from a left-click on my project folder which shows a context menu with this link: "Optimize References..."
So as an experiment, I clicked it. It ran and did whatever it does (besides reporting). I did nothing! Now my project builds, runs, and automates Office Excel just like it did before my Windows 10 and VS2015 upgrade.
Here's a reference: Hope this helps somebody.
Just had the same issue after an upgrade from Windows 7 to 10. I resolved it by bringing up the references, writing down the path to the Microsoft.Office.Interopt.Excel.dll, removing the reference, re-adding it, then rebuilding the project.