Running large queries in the background MS SQL - sql

I am using MS SQL Server 2008
i have a table which is constantly in use (data is always changing and inserted to it)
it contains now ~70 Mill rows,
I am trying to run a simple query over the table with a stored procedure that should properly take a few days,
I need the table to keep being usable, now I executed the stored procedure and after a while every simple select by identity query that I try to execute on the table is not responding/running too much time that I break it
what should I do?
here is how my stored procedure looks like:
[some_col] = dbo.ufn_SomeFunction(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(500), another_column))
[some_col] = 243
even if i try it with this on the where clause (with an 'and' logic..) :
ID_COL > 57000000 and ID_COL < 60000000 and
it still doesn't work
BTW- SomeFunction does some simple mathematics actions and looks up rows in another table that contains about 300k items, but is never changed

From my perspective your server has a serious performance problem. Even if we assume that none of the records in the query
select some_col with (nolock) where id_col between 57000000 and 57001000
was in memory, it shouldn't take 21 seconds to read the few pages sequentially from disk (your clustered index on the id_col should not be fragmented if it's an auto-identity and you didn't do something stupid like adding a "desc" to the index definition).
But if you can't/won't fix that, my advice would be to make the update in small packages like 100-1000 records at a time (depending on how much time the lookup function consumes). One update/transaction should take no more than 30 seconds.
You see each update keeps an exclusive lock on all the records it modified until the transaction is complete. If you don't use an explicit transaction, each statement is executed in a single, automatic transaction context, so the locks get released when the update statement is done.
But you can still run into deadlocks that way, depending on what the other processes do. If they modify more than one record at a time, too, or even if they gather and hold read locks on several rows, you can get deadlocks.
To avoid the deadlocks, your update statement needs to take a lock on all the records it will modify at once. The way to do this is to place the single update statement (with only the few rows limited by the id_col) in a serializable transaction like
-- Error: You are in a transaction context already
-- Insert Loop here to work "x" through the id range
SET [some_col] = dbo.ufn_SomeFunction(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(500), another_column))
WHERE [some_col] = 243 AND id_col BETWEEN x AND x+500 -- or whatever keeps the update in the small timerange
-- Next loop
-- Get all new records while you where running the loop. If these are too many you may have to paginate this also:
SET [some_col] = dbo.ufn_SomeFunction(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(500), another_column))
WHERE [some_col] = 243 AND id_col >= x
For each update this will take an update/exclusive key-range lock on the given records (but only them, because you limit the update through the clustered index key). It will wait for any other updates on the same records to finish, then get it's lock (causing blocking for all other transactions, but still only for the given records), then update the records and release the lock.
The last extra statement is important, because it will take a key range lock up to "infinity" and thus prevent even inserts on the end of the range while the update statement runs.


In sybase, how would I lock a stored procedure that is executing and alter the table that the stored procedure returns?

I have a table as follows:
id status
-- ------
1 pass
1 fail
1 pass
1 na
1 na
Also, I have a stored procedure that returns a table with top 100 records having status as 'na'. The stored procedure can be called by multiple nodes in an environment and I don't want them to fetch duplicate data. So, I want to lock the stored procedure while it is executing and set the status of the records obtained from the stored procedure to 'In Progress' and return that table and then release the lock, so that different nodes don't fetch the same data. How would I accomplish this?
There is already a solution provided for similar question in ms sql but it shows errors when using in sybase.
Assuming Sybase ASE ...
The bigger issue you'll likely want to consider is whether you want a single process to lock the entire table while you're grabbing your top 100 rows, or if you want other processes to still access the table?
Another question is whether you'd like multiple processes to concurrently pull 100 rows from the table without blocking each other?
I'm going to assume that you a) don't want to lock the entire table and b) you may want to allow multiple processes to concurrently pull rows from the table.
1 - if possible, make sure the table is using datarows locking (default is usually allpages); this will reduce the granularity of locks to the row level (as opposed to page level for allpages); the table will need to be datarows if you want to allow multiple processes to concurrently find/update rows in the table
2 - make sure the lock escalation setting on the table is high enough to ensure a single process's 100 row update doesn't lock the table (sp_setpglockpromote for allpages, sp_setrowlockpromote for datarows); the key here is to make sure your update doesn't escalate to a table-level lock!
3 - when it comes time to grab your set of 100 rows you'll want to ... inside a transaction ... update the 100 rows with a status value that's unique to your session, select the associated id's, then update the status again to 'In Progress'
The gist of the operation looks like the following:
declare #mysession varchar(10)
select #mysession = convert(varchar(10),##spid) -- replace ##spid with anything that
-- uniquely identifies your session
set rowcount 100 -- limit the update to 100 rows
begin tran get_my_rows
-- start with an update so that get exclusive access to the desired rows;
-- update the first 100 rows you find with your ##spid
update mytable
set status = #mysession -- need to distinguish your locked rows from
-- other processes; if we used 'In Progress'
-- we wouldn't be able to distinguish between
-- rows update earlier in the day or updated
-- by other/concurrent processes
from mytable readpast -- 'readpast' allows your query to skip over
-- locks held by other processes but it only
-- works for datarows tables
where status = 'na'
-- select your reserved id's and send back to the client/calling process
select id
from mytable
where status = #mysession
-- update your rows with a status of 'In Progress'
update mytable
set status = 'In Progress'
where status = #mysession
commit -- close out txn and release our locks
set rowcount 0 -- set back to default of 'unlimited' rows
Potential issues:
if your table is large and you don't have an index on status then your queries could take longer than necessary to run; by making sure lock escalation is high enough and you're using datarows locking (so the readpast works) you should see minimal blocking of other processes regardless of how long it takes to find the desired rows
with an index on the status column, consider that all of these updates are going to force a lot of index updates which is probably going to lead to some expensive deferred updates
if using datarows and your lock escalation is too low then an update could look the entire table, which would cause another (concurrent) process to readpast the table lock and find no rows to process
if using allpages you won't be able to use readpast so concurrent processes will block on your locks (ie, they won't be able to read around your lock)
if you've got an index on status, and several concurrent processes locking different rows in the table, there could be a chance for deadlocks to occur (likely in the index tree of the index on the status column) which in turn would require your client/application to be coded to expect and address deadlocks
To think about:
if the table is relatively small such that table scanning isn't a big cost, you could drop any index on the status column and this should reduce the performance overhead of deferred updates (related to updating the indexes)
if you can work with a session specific status value (eg, 'In Progress - #mysession') then you could eliminate the 2nd update statement (could come in handy if you're incurring deferred updates on an indexed status column)
if you have another column(s) in the table that you could use to uniquely identifier your session's rows (eg, last_updated_by_spid = ##spid, last_updated_date = #mydate - where #mydate is initially set to getdate()) then your first update could set the status = 'In Progress', the select would use ##spid and #mydate for the where clause, and the second update would not be needed [NOTE: This is, effectively, the same thing Gordon is trying to address with his session column.]
assuming you can work with a session specific status value, consider using something that will allow you to track, and fix, orphaned rows (eg, row status remains 'In Progress - #mysession' because the calling process died and never came back to (re)set the status)
if you can pass the id list back to the calling program as a single string of concatenated id values you could use the method I outline in this answer to append the id's into a #variable during the first update, allowing you to set status = 'In Progress' in the first update and also allowing you to eliminate the select and the second update
how would you tell which rows have been orphaned? you may want the ability to update a (small)datetime column with the getdate() of when you issued your update; then, if you would normally expect the status to be updated within, say, 5 minutes, you could have a monitoring process that looks for orphaned rows where status = 'In Progress' and its been more than, say, 10 minutes since the last update
If the datarows, readpast, lock escalation settings and/or deadlock potential is too much, and you can live with brief table-level locks on the table, you could have the process obtain an exclusive table level lock before performing the update and select statements; the exclusive lock would need to be obtained within a user-defined transaction in order to 'hold' the lock for the duration of your work; a quick example:
begin tran get_my_rows
-- request an exclusive table lock; wait until it's granted
lock table mytable in exclusive mode
update ...
select ...
update ...
I'm not 100% sure how to do this in Sybase. But, the idea is the following.
First, add a new column to the table that represents the session or connection used to change the data. You will use this column to provide isolation.
Then, update the rows:
update top (100) t
set status = 'in progress',
session = #session
where status = 'na'
order by ?; -- however you define the "top" records
Then, you can return or process the 100 ids that are "in progress" for the given connection.
Create another table, proc_lock, that has one row
When control enters the stored procedure, start a transaction and do a select for update on the row in proc_lock (see this link). If that doesn't work for Sybase, then you could try the technique from this answer to lock the row.
Before the procedure exits, make sure to commit the transaction.
This will ensure that only one user can execute the proc at a time. When the second user tries to execute the proc, it will block until the first user's lock on the proc_lock row is released (e.g. when transaction is committed)

if we execute a update statement and a delete statement parallel in sql server 2008 having isolation level at Read committed. What will be the output

if a transaction is having multiple select statements feteching data from a table and parallel to it another query runs that is deleting the set of records fetched in the previoius transaction. What will be the result of select statement within the transaction that executes after the delete query.
isolation level is set to Read committed.
Begin Trans A
select * from myTable where id >100 and id <1000
//while loop //some time taking operation. Here parallel the delete query executes
select * from myTable where id >100 and id <1000 //**what would be the output of this query ?**
commit trans A
//some other delete query delete from myTable where id > 500 and id <1000
Since RCI only holds the locks for the duration of the statement then it's all going to depend on timing. Assuming the order you have and that the delete also happens in RCI and in its own transaction the first select will bring back all of the data, the delete starts and the other select starts. Their could be a deadlock (depending) but most likely one of the statements is going to get its locks granted first and the other will wait until it can acquire the locks. It's a timing problem at this point.
If you run these in a tight enough loop you'll hit some interesting results. If you wanted a more stable return value set then use snapshot isolation.

SELECT COUNT(SomeId) with INSERT later to same SomeId: Appropriate locking strategy?

I am using SQL Server 2012. I have a repeatable read transaction where I perform this query:
select count(SomeId)
from dbo.MyTable
where SomeId = #SomeId
SomeId is a column whose value may repeat in the table (think foreign key). However, SomeId is not a member of any index nor is it a foreign key.
Later in the transaction, I insert a record into dbo.MyTable with the same #SomeId, thus changing what the select count(*) would return were I to run it again:
insert into dbo.MyTable (SomeId, ...)
values (#SomeId, ...)
Several threads in my application can execute this transaction at the same time. Because of this, I'm getting deadlocks on the insert statement. At first, I thought an updlock would be appropriate on the select statement, but I quickly realized that it wouldn't work because I'm not actually updating the rows selected by the select count(SomeId).
My question is this: is there any way to avoid a potentially expensive table lock? Is there any way to lock just rows that involve SomeId, even if they haven't been inserted yet (strange, I know)? I want to force other threads to wait while the original transaction completes its work but I don't want to lock rows unnecessarily.
Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:
I only want to insert up to eight rows for a particular SomeId. There are several unrelated processes that can start one of these transactions, potentially at the same time. The select count detects whether there are already eight rows and causes the operation to fail for that process. If the count is less than eight, that same transaction performs additional work, then inserts a record at the end, thus effectively incrementing the count were the select count to be run again. I am hitting the deadlock on the insert statement.
If you have several processes that try to do the same thing and you don't want to have more records than some number, you will need to actually prevent those processes from running at the the same time.
One way would be to read the counts with exclusive lock:
select count(SomeId)
from dbo.MyTable with (xlock)
where SomeId = #SomeId
This way those records will be blocked until the transaction completes.
You should create an index for the SomeId column though as it will be most likely that the locks will be on held on the index level this way.

Batch transaction - why is this going into an infinite loop?

So, I came across some code that is supposed to help me to update a massive table (100m+ records) by doing it in batches, as follows:
--Declare variable for row count
set rowcount 50000
Declare #rc int
Set #rc=50000
While #rc=50000
Begin Transaction
--Use tablockx and holdlock to obtain and hold
--an immediate exclusive table lock. This unusually
--speeds the update because only one lock is needed.
update MyTable With (tablockx, holdlock)
set TestField='ABC'
----Get number of rows updated
----Process will continue until less than 50000
select #rc=##rowcount
Problem is, this goes into an infinite loop, priting (50000 row(s) affected) until the end of days. Incidentally, if the table has less than 50000 records the code above exits correctly. Anyone know how to fix this?
if there are 50000 or more records in MyTable, then it will always update. You have no where clause in your update that would narrow the field to eventually getting you to <50000 records updated.
Presumably you intended to only update records where TestField <> 'ABC' so you didn't perform the same update again.
When you're thinking about what where clause to use, consider making use of the clustered index so you can perform an index seek/partial scan on your updates instead of a full table scan.
Incidentally,There is no need for the HOLDLOCK hint since it is released as soon as the transaction commits, nor the explicit transaction since the update itself is a transaction. The tablock may yield a slight improvement since it avoids lock escalation.

What does this do?

Once in a while, I need to clear out the anonymous user profiles from the database. A colleague has suggested I use this procedure because it allows a little breathing space from time to time for other procedures to run.
WHERE userID IN (SELECT UserID FROM #AspnetUsersToDelete))
DELETE FROM aspnet_users WHERE userID IN (SELECT UserID FROM #AspnetUsersToDelete )
print 'aspnet_Users deleted: ' + CONVERT(varchar(255), ##ROWCOUNT)
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'
This is the first time I've seen the NOLOCK keyword used and the logic for the rowcount seems backwards to me. Does anyone else use a similar sort of technique for providing windows in long running procedures and is this the best way of doing things?
Any time I anticipate deleting a very large number of rows, I'll do something similar to this to keep transaction batch sizes reasonable.
For SQL Server 2005+, you could use DELETE TOP (1000)... instead of the SET ROWCOUNT statements. I usually do:
SELECT NULL; /* Fudge ##ROWCOUNT value for first time in loop */
The SET ROWCOUNT 1000 means it will only process one thousand rows in the following statements (i.e., DELETE statement). SET ROWCOUNT 0 means each statement processes however many rows are relevant.
So basically, over all it deletes one thousand rows, waits a second, deletes another thousand, and continues that until there are no more to delete.
The WITH (NOLOCK) prevents the data from being locked, meaning that multiple queries running simultaneously can access the data. This allows your query to be a little faster. For more information about NOLOCK, consult the following link:
(NOLOCK) allows dirty reads. Basically, there is a chance that if you are reading data out of the table while it is in the process of being updated, you could read the wrong data. You can also read data that has been modified by transactions that have not been committed yet as well as a slew of other problems.
Best practice is not to use NOLOCK unless you are reading from tables that really don't change (such as a table containing states) or from a data warehouse type DB that is not constantly updated.