how import ispell dictionary into hunspell? - spell-checking

I downloaded the dictionary : american-huge for ispell, and I'm trying to extract the words list from it. I tough of importing it into aspell and use aspell to dump it, but I want't able to :(
I read that hunspell I could use hunspell in my program, so the next option was to use hunspell dictionaries, but the problem is that I didn't find the equivalent dictionay (huge) for hunspell.
There is a way to import the ispell dictionary into hunspell ?


OpenStreetMap, Osmium, List, Pandas DataFrame, Python

I have a problem, which I do not understand.
I want to read some nodes out of a *.osm file with osmium in Python.
The example shows that I can append a list with all node information, that I want to save.
I understand, that I can not store the node object, because it just exists in the scope, but why can I not store the same data, which I store in the list, into a pandas dataframe?
Then I got the message "RuntimeError: Node callback keeps reference to OSM object. This is not allowed.". Also shown in the examples?
What is different in that case?
How can I speed up the reading process.

Use xls, csv or other type of file to make a float array in Objective-C

Hi all, I'm *very* new at the whole programming thing, but I really like it. Sorry if I do not have enough details
So pretty much, I have excel files that have columns with numbers ( I can't post a picture because I don't have 10 reputations yet.
I've been searching for a couple days and I haven't really found an answer to this. I was wondering if there is a way that I could either create multiple arrays from the file - I know we can't make matrices like matlab - that have the numbers in each column, i.e.
float numbers[] = {1.3, 1.2, 4.2};
Or create the excel file with numbers (the iWork version of excel), and import the numbers file into the xcode project and from there create the arrays
The issue I have is that there's around a thousand numbers so copying it one by one is extremely time consuming
sorry if this is confusing, please let me know if there's anything else I should add as information
There's two easy ways to do this, even if you are a beginner.
Open MS Excel, input your values, save excel document as .CSV file.
Then grab an objective-c CSV converter like this one here in github and you are done.
The second way, you could declare an array of numbers (in example, 'float matrix[5][5];') and use it however you see fit.
I've done both of my suggestions in seperate projects and both work very well. I used the first method for a 15 page excel document that I needed to use in my app, the second method I used in another app that I needed to constantly change the contents of the 2d array.
Once you declare the 'float matrix[5][5]' this is a 5x5 matrix (a.k.a. table) you can use it however you want. You could have the first array be the column and the second array be the row.
You mean generate objective-C source from a .csv file? One way to do this would be to use a scripting language like Perl:
use warnings;
use strict;
my #numbers = ();
while (<>) {
push #numbers, $_;
my $numbers = join(', ', #numbers);
print qq(float numbers[] = {$numbers};\n);
This assumes that your .csv file (say foo.csv) has numbers in the first column and nothing else. If the file contains:
And you pipe it to the script ( in this example):
cat foo.csv | perl
It will output this:
float numbers[] = {1.5, 2.5, 18842984, -4};
Is that what you're trying to do?

SBJSON append new data into existing JSON file without parsing it first

I am making an app that lets the user draw on the screen in different colors and brush sizes. I am storing the info about each drawn path in a JSON file once it has been drawn to keep it out of memory. Right now I have it parsing all existing paths, then adding the new one in and writing it all back out again. I want it to simply append the new data into the JSON file without having to read it in and parse it first, that will make it so only one path is ever in memory at a time.
I am using SBJSON, the JSONWriter has a few append functions but I think you need to have the JSON string to append it to first, not the file, meaning I would have to read in the file anyway. Is there a way to do this without reading in the file at all? I know exactly how the data is structured.
It's possible, but you have to cheat a little. You can just create a stand-alone JSON document per path, and append that to the file. So you'll have something like this in your file:
{"name":"path1", "from": [0,3], "to":[3, 9]}
{"name":"path2", "from": [0,3], "to":[3, 9]}
{"name":"path3", "from": [0,3], "to":[3, 9]}
Note that this is not ONE JSON document but THREE. Handily, however, SBJsonStreamParser supports reading multiple JSON documents in one go. Set the supportMultipleDocuments property and plug it into a SBJsonStreamParserAdapter, and off you go. This also has the benefit that if you have many, many paths in your file as you can start drawing before you're finished reading the whole file. (Because you get a callback for each path.)
You can see some information on the use case here.
I'm pretty sure its not possible...what I ended up doing was reading in the JSON file as a string then instead of wasting memory changing all that into Dictionaries and Arrays, I just looked for an instance of part of the string (ex: i wanted to insert something before the string "], "texts"" showed up) where I wanted to insert data and inserted it there and wrote it back out to file.
As far as I can tell this is the best solution.

How to find all keys used in NSKeyedArchiver/NSKeyedUnarchiver

I have an NSData that was created by using NSKeyedArchiver. Is there a way to iterate over all the values inside it? It must somehow be possible to get all the keys that were stored in it when using +[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:].
A NSKeyedArchived file "simply" is a property list. You would need to find out the structure of that plist, though.
I found the source code of Cocotron very helpful one day, as I tried to decode some NSKeyedUnarchived data: (Maybe look at line 39 (initForReadingWithData:) which is called by unarchiveObjectWithData: (line #164)).
Maybe you can find out more about the archived objects that way.

How to strip a text file into a single line, and then split that into a relevant list in python?

I'm a noob right now with pygame and I was wondering how to load a textfile, then strip that into a a single line. I believe that i would need to use the .rstrip('/n') function on my variable with the openned text file. But now, how do I turn this into a list? If I intentionally used two colons (::) to separate between my relevant pieces of information in the text file, how do I make it into a list with each list index being the contents in between two sets of ::? The purpose is to create save files in a menu GUI when closed, so is there a simpler way to save and open the contents of variables from one instance of the program to the next?
>>> "foo::bar::baz".split("::")
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
If you just want to save structured data, however, you might want to look at either the pickle or json libraries. Both of them give ways to dump Python objects to files and then load them back out again.