Convert milliseconds to Timestamp - sql

I know that to convert a Unix timestamp in milliseconds to an SQL timestamp I can use
SELECT TO_DATE('1970-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') +
(:timestamp / (1000*60*60*24)) FROM DUAL;
But I need a Timestamp, so I tried with
SELECT TO_TIMESTAMP('1970-01-01 00:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SSFF3') +
(:timestamp) from DUAL
Which gives me the error:
Error: ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
It seems that adding 1 to the timestamp always converts it to a day.
How can I do the same to get a real timestamp?

You will get a timestamp if you add an interval to a timestamp (see date/interval arithmetics).
As Benoit noticed, you can't specify an interval with seconds when there are more than about 2.1e9 of them:
SQL> SELECT numtodsinterval(2.2e9, 'SECOND'),
2 numtodsinterval(2.3e9, 'SECOND')
3 FROM dual;
------------------------------- -------------------------------
+000024855 03:14:07.147483647 +000024855 03:14:07.147483647
This is why you should use minutes which do not lose precision. For example, assuming :TS is the unix timestamp (i.e. a number):
SQL> variable ts number;
SQL> -- determining unix timestamp with nanosecond precision
2 :ts := (to_date('2099-01-01 01:02:03', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
3 - date '1970-01-01') * 1000*60*60*24
4 + 123.456789;
5 END;
6 /
SQL> select timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00'
2 + numtodsinterval((:ts)/1000/60, 'MINUTE')
3 from dual;
2099-01-01 01:02:03.123456789

There are two types:
Intervals is what you get when you subtract timestamps, and it is nonsensical to add timestamps together.
If you need to get a millisecond interval, I would suggest to use a second interval and divide it by 1000:
I could suggest:
SELECT timestamp'1970-01-01 00:00:00' + (interval '1888' second(9) / 1000)
FROM dual
The problem here is that you cannot use more than 9 digits in a same timestamp literal.
If you need to ad 2,061,464,797,255 milliseconds to the epoch I can suggest:
SELECT TIMESTAMP'1970-01-01 00:00:00'
+ INTERVAL '2' SECOND(9) * 1000000000
+ INTERVAL '061464797' SECOND(9)
+ INTERVAL '255' SECOND(3) / 1000
FROM dual
You get 2035-04-29 13:06:37.255000000
It seems to be subject to the 2038 bug: TIMESTAMP'1970-01-01 00:00:00' + 3 billion seconds does not work, whereas it works with 2 billion.

I've posted here some methods to convert nanoseconds to timestamp and timestamp to nanoseconds. These methods are not affected by time zones and have a nanosecond precision.
You just need to adjust it to use milliseconds instead of nanoseconds.
SELECT TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC' + numtodsinterval(
1598434427263 --Replace line with desired milliseconds
26/08/20 09:33:47,263000000 UTC

SELECT TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:00.1234' + INTERVAL '1 00:00:00' DAY TO SECOND
AS ts
FROM dual;


Timestamp conversion to EPOCH time in Oracle SQL

I have input date as a column in table "22/03/2022 06:59:59"
I need to convert into EPOCH time -
Expected output- "1647932399" timezone(jakarta, Indonesia)
reference link-
time zone of input data is - UTC +7:00(Jakarta)
Tried with this-SQL CODE
SELECT (CAST(SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(to_timestamp('22/03/2022 06:59:59','dd/mm/yyyy HH:MI:SS' )) AS DATE) - TO_DATE('01/01/1970','DD/MM/YYYY')) * 24 * 60 * 60 FROM DUAL;
Result displayed is 1647907199
But didn't get the expected output
1647932399 is the epoch for 2022-03-22 06:59:59 UTC. Your start time is 22-03-22 06:59:59 Asia/Jakarta, which is 22-03-21 23:59:59 UTC, and the epoch for that is 1647907199 - which is what you're getting. So your result is correct; but risky.
You are relying on implicit conversion.
to_timestamp('22/03/2022 06:59:59','dd/mm/yyyy HH:MI:SS') gives you a plain timestamp, with no time zone information. When you then do SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(...) the plain timestamp is implicitly converted to a timestamp with time zone using your session time zone - which happens to be Jakarta, it seems. So it works - for you, in this session. If you change your session time zone, or more likely if someone else runs the same code from a session with a different time zone, then the reslut will be different.
To be more explicit, you can convert your string to a plain timestamp, then declare that it represents a Jakarta time, and then convert that to UTC:
sys_extract_utc(from_tz(to_timestamp('22/03/2022 06:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 'Asia/Jakarta'))
21-MAR-22 UTC
There are then basically two ways to convert that to an epoch number; either cast it to a date, subtract 1970-01-01 as a date, and manipulate the resulting number of days (as in your question):
sys_extract_utc(from_tz(to_timestamp('22/03/2022 06:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 'Asia/Jakarta'))
as date)
- date '1970-01-01'
) * 24 * 60 * 60
) as result
from dual;
Or leave it as a timestamp, subtract 1970-01-01 as a timestamp, and manipulate the resulting interval:
(extract(day from diff) * 24 * 60 * 60)
+ (extract(hour from diff) * 60 * 60)
+ (extract(minute from diff) * 60)
+ extract(second from diff)
as result
from (
select sys_extract_utc(from_tz(to_timestamp('22/03/2022 06:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 'Asia/Jakarta'))
- timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00' as diff
from dual
Note that either way you can easily get the short result that was the basis for your previous question, by truncating the number or extracting just the days, without explicitly subtracting the 23:59:59 part. Either gives you 19072.

Casting a specific hour and minute and getting the time difference

I have the following:
trunc(sysdate - to_timestamp(trunc(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') || ' 12:30', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH245:MI') * 1440,1)
What I'm trying to do is, using the date portion of sysdate and casting 12:30 to the time part. Then calculating the difference between sysdate#12:30 and the current sysdate.
I'm getting:
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got TIMESTAMP
after the minus sign.
Any ideas?
You're getting that error because you're trying to multiply a timestamp by 1440, rather than the difference between the date and timestamp - multiplication has higher precedence than subtraction. You also have HH245 instead of HH24 in your format model; trunc(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') will throw "ORA-01898: too many precision specifiers"; and if you changed that to to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') || ... you would be subtracting a timestamp from a date which gives you an interval, not a number, and would throw a different ORA-00932 error.
Fixing all of those issues, you would end up with:
trunc((sysdate - to_date(to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') || ' 12:30', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI')) * 1440, 1)
which would evaluate to 354.2 for me at the moment.
You don't need to convert to or from string though. You can get 12:30 today with:
trunc(sysdate) + (12.5/24)
where trunc(sysdate) gives you midnight today, and 12.5/24 gives you the fraction of a day for 12.5 hours. You can then subtract that from the current time:
sysdate - (trunc(sysdate) + (12.5/24))
to get the difference in days, then multiple that result by 1440 for the number of minutes, and truncate to a single decimal place.
Quick demo with current date and 12:30 today plus the difference three ways:
select sysdate,
trunc(sysdate) + (12.5/24) as "12:30",
sysdate - (trunc(sysdate) + (12.5/24)) as diff_days,
(sysdate - (trunc(sysdate) + (12.5/24))) * 1440 as diff_mins,
trunc((sysdate - (trunc(sysdate) + (12.5/24))) * 1440, 1) as result
from dual;
------------------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
2019-08-14 18:24:16 2019-08-14 12:30:00 .246018519 354.266667 354.2
As #GordonLinoff hinted, the today-at-12:30 part could be achieved with an interval instead of a fractional day, e.g.:
trunc(sysdate) + 12.5 * interval '1' hour
or more simply and explicitly:
trunc(sysdate) + interval '12:30' hour to minute
You seem to want your final result as the number of minutes, but you could also get it as an interval, either by converting the current number-of-days intermediate result (or number of minutes) with numtodsinterval():
numtodsinterval(sysdate - (trunc(sysdate) + interval '12:30' hour to minute), 'DAY')
which is a bit convoluted, or directly:
select systimestamp,
systimestamp - trunc(sysdate) - interval '12:30' hour to minute as result
from dual;
------------------------------------ -------------------
2019-08-14 18:24:16.830116000 +01:00 +00 05:54:16.830116

How to truncate timestamp to minutes?

I have to subtract 5 minutes from current timestamp and floor(truncate) it to nearest minute. Like '2016-02-23 06:10:39.0' should be '2016-02-23 06:05:00.0'.
I have found way to subtract 5 minutes as
systimestamp - interval '5' minute
I need timestamp in particular format,
TO_TIMESTAMP((systimestamp - interval '15' minute),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.ff')
But this is giving
ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
But I am not able to floor it to nearest minute.
Please help. Thanks
You could use TRUNC() with the precision you want. To trunc only till minutes, use MI.
For example,
2 FROM dual;
----------------------------------- -------------------
16-MAR-16 PM +05:30 03/16/2016 16:39:00
Remember, the above output will be a DATE and not TIMESTAMP. You can explicitly CAST the date as timestamp:
2 FROM dual;
----------------------------------- ------------------------------
16-MAR-16 PM +05:30 2016-03-16 04:48:00.000000
You can use trunc():
trunc(systimestamp - interval '5' minute, 'minute')

Convert number to date

In Oracle, I have column named Create_date with data returning as 1400003659, 1400072380, and 1403796514 as examples. The column type is NOT NULL NUMBER(15). I'm trying to edit my SELECT statement to return these values as dates (or are these dates and times?).
I've tried the below, but all are returning errors:
SELECT to_date(Create_date, 'YYMMDD'),
SELECT to_date(to_char(Create_date), 'YYMMDD'),
SELECT to_timestamp(Create_date, 'YYMMDD'),
SELECT to_date(LPAD(Create_date, 15, '0'), 'YYMMDD'),
SELECT to_date(LPAD(Create_date), 'YYMMDD'),
An example error message I'm receiving:
SQL Error: ORA-01843: not a valid month
01843. 00000 - "not a valid month"
This looks like a unix timestamp which is the number of seconds since 1/1/1970.
If you want just the date, you need to calculate the number of days and add it to 1/1/1970 like so:
to_date('1970-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD') + numtodsinterval(1400003659,'SECOND')
If you want to retain the timestamp, you can do so like this:
to_char(to_date('1970-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD') + numtodsinterval(1400003659,'SECOND'),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
See this for more information.
You need to know what that number means.
If those are UNIX dates (number of second since January 1, 1970), then you can use simple date arithmetic from that baseline by adding the value / 86400 (seconds in a day) to jan 1 1970:
select to_date('01011970','ddmmyyyy') + (1400003659/86400) from dual;
returns: 13/05/2014 5:54:19 PM
Try like this:
select to_date('01-01-1970 1:00:00','MM-DD-YYYY HH24:Mi:SS') + (1400003659/86400) from dual;
The answers are not precise! UNIX time is seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC!
So, unless your database server runs on UTC you should do it like this:
(TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:00' AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'
+ 1400003659 * INTERVAL '1' SECOND) AT LOCAL
FROM dual;
(TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:00' AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'
+ numtodsinterval(1400003659,'second')) AT LOCAL
FROM dual;
or to get the time at time zone of database server's operating system
(TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:00' AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'
+ numtodsinterval(1400003659,'second')) AT TO_CHAR(SYSTIMESTAMP, 'tzr')
FROM dual;

Oracle SQL - Column with unix timestamp, need dd-mm-yyyy timestamp

is there any way in Oracle, to get only the dd-mm-yyyy part from an unix timestamp in oracle?
select to_char(my_timestamp, 'ddmmyyyy') as my_new_timestamp from table
Given this data ...
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'
2 /
Session altered.
SQL> select * from t23
2 /
08-mar-2010 13:06:02
08-mar-2010 13:06:08
13-mar-1985 13:06:26
.. it is simply a matter of converting the time elapsed since 01-JAN-1970 into seconds:
SQL> select my_timestamp
2 , (my_timestamp - date '1970-01-01') * 86400 as unix_ts
3 from t23
4 /
-------------------- ----------
08-mar-2010 13:06:02 1268053562
08-mar-2010 13:06:08 1268053568
13-mar-1985 13:06:26 479567186
As I understand it, A Unix timestamp is defined as a number of seconds since 1970-01-01, in which case:
select DATE '1970-01-01' + my_timestamp/86400 from table;
(There are 86400 seconds in a day.)
To ignore the hours, minutes and seconds:
select TRUNC(DATE '1970-01-01' + my_timestamp/86400) from table;
However, if what you want is a "truncated" Unix timestamp then try this:
select floor(my_timestamp/84600)*84600 from dual;
I believe it's:
select to_char(my_timestamp, 'dd-mm-yyyy') as my_new_timestamp from table
See also this reference on Oracle's date format specifiers.
Unix timestamp is seconds since Jan 01 1970. (UTC).
To get Unix timestamp of now, try the follwing sql:
select (CAST(SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(current_timestamp) AS date) - to_date('1970-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')) * 86400 FROM dual;
You can replace current_timestamp with any timestamp-value.
BTW, some answers seem to return seconds since Jan 01, 1970 with local time zone. That's wrong.