OpenFire - Google Talk Federation - openfire

I have a OpenFire 3.7.1 Server configured on I want to Google Talk Federation on this server, so that my users can chat with other GTalk users.
This is my SRV Records on GoDaddy.
I am very new to OpenFire & Jabber. I've a OpenFire which is configured on which runs on AWS EC2 Micro Instance.
But when I test this using it fails.
Please help me, Thanks in advance.

I've solved problem. The problem was with the DNS Records. I have changed the "Name" to "im" and renamed service to "_xmpp-client" from "_jabber".


Kafka SASL off domain

I have a POC domain in and AWS VPC with a kerberised Kafka cluster operating with SSL.
In the VPC which has Active Directory we can connect producer/consumers to the cluster over SASL_SSL and everything works fine.
Part of the POC requires an on-prem service to produce to the broker. I'd hope we could use LdapLoginModule in the jaas.conf and for now just user LDAP over SSL passing in the password till we got federated AD.
Can someone confirm if this is possible or any suggested workarounds?
If anyone has a similar question, it would seem SASL/PLAIN is the way to go

Microsoft Azure VPN WebApp not communicating with external SQL

The problem I have is that we're trying to use our WebApp in Microsoft Azure to connect to an external SQL-database (not our own) through a VPN. The SQL-database is only allowing connections from our local IP-addresses that we put up as a Network (for example
We are now connected to the same virtual private network, and through our Azure-VM we can now connect to the SQL-Server through SQL Server Management Studio.
Now we want to do the same with a WebApp, but we're not getting through to the server. It gets "Not authenticated" before reaching the SQL-Server (probably the server isn't accepting our IP from the WebApp).
The different problems I have tried to look through is:
Do we only try to connect through our Outbound IPs?
Is the WebApp not connected to the VPN?
I have unfortunatley not found any real answers, and neither any solutions to my problem. If you have any ideas of how to solve our problem, or maybe know how I could tunnel all of the SQL-calls through the VM, the help would be very much appreciated!
Hybrid connection is one option. What you can also do is enable point-to-site in your VPN. Once you do that, you can directly integrate your web app to the vnet and your connections will work. (Go to your web app -> Settings -> Networking -> VNet Integration)
If your Vnet is V1(older way of creating VNs) then enabling point to site is very straightforward. You can do it through portal. For V2 Vnets you have to do it through powershell commands.
Here is a link for the documentation which explains both the options.
There's a way to "tunnel all of the SQL-calls through the VM". You may want to use hybrid connections (cf
The principle is to have an agent installed on the VM that can access the database with the correct IP address.
Suppose you can access the SQL DB as mysqldbsrv from the VM. You add an hybrid connection associated to your web app, you install the agent on the VM. Then, when you connect to mysqldbsrv from the Web App, you go through the VM.

How to configure openfire to connect mysql cluster

I want the high availability of database for my Openfire server. Hence, I have successfully created a mysql cluster. But I am not able to configure Openfire to use that mysql cluster.
I have searched about it but not able to find much except using the following connection string : "jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://" + hosts + "/test".
But this does not seems to work.
Please help me to configure my Openfire server to use mysql cluster. Any kind of help or suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Can't connect apache running on Amazon EC2

Today I got one instance in Amazon EC2 with Ubuntu 14. Through SSH( A Java SSH Client directly from my browser (Java required) ) I am able to login and able to install LAMP server.
I also include Inbound rules in Security group.
But when I am trying to load apache from browser I got "This site is configured to require an SSL (https) connection." this error.
While trying with https then got unable to connect.
I didn't under the issue.
I have added ICMP in the security group and ping is working from my local.
Could you please help me to resolve this.
Thanks in advance.
I selected Ubuntu as operating system but I took another instance with Amazon Linux and it is working now.

CoovaChilli & FreeRadius: Apache server Authentication

What I'm using:
Ubiquiti AirRouter
AWS server with FreeRadius & Apache2
What I'm trying:
Set up a captive portal using the Ubiquiti AirRouter
Use CoovaChilli firmware to set up captive portal on Ubiquiti
Make the radius authentification with the FreeRadiusServer on AWS
Use apache2 server on AWS to create the web captive portal for the user to log in
I have the Ubiquiti AirRouter configured with the CoovaChilli firmware (no issues here). The AP generated by the router works as expected and when you try to see any page, you get redirected to the apache web server.
Where I'm stuck:
The communication between the captive portal and the router is my issue. I'm trying to use ChilliLibrary.js functions (ChilliJSON) to make the radius login but it seems I'm missing some configuration, the response I get when I'm trying to authenticate in the captive portal is:
I'm looking for information in CoovaChilli and Chilli documentation but cannot find anything helpfull here.
Anybody knows any good tutorial about this part of a captive portal ? The connection between the webserver and the router ?
Thanks in advance
GET and net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED says it all.
Check that you have a service running on port 1812 of localhost with netstat -ntl | grep 1812 then double check your firewall is allowing traffic through port 1812.
This may be of some use if you have not come across it before.