Calculated member based on a particular level in a hierarchy in SSAS - ssas

I have a particular dimension which has a multi level hierarchy because of the self join that i have in the dimension table.
In a particular level of hierarchy, I have values like Revenues and Expenses. I have a to frame a calculated member to get the Total Revenues and Expenses
I tried this and i am getting NULL while browsing the cube
AGGREGATE({[Account Hierarchy].[Account Hierarchy].Properties( "Account Name" )="Revenues"},[Measures].[Budget]))
Please let me know what i am missing here.

Probably you should be using a Member reference not accessing the Properties.
I would use the BIDS Cube / Calculations / Metadata pane to find that Member and drag it into the calculation to get the correct syntax.


Sum-up and then calculate vs. calculate and then sum-up (SSAS-MDX)

I have a cube in SSAS multidimensional mode.
I have created a calculating measure in visual studio called "Total Cost". The formula is:
[Measures].[Unit Cost]*[Measures].[Qty]
It is in the lowest level of granularity (i.e. - the transnational level information has these fields).
The formula works well, as long as I present the data in this same level of granularity (for example, when I create a pivot and the rows are transaction IDs - like the source file)
However, when I present it in an aggregate format (for example - by customer) - then instead of making the calculation and then sum it up, it sum up and then calculate.
Here is what I expected:
Expected results vs. What I get
My understanding, that this is regardless a (correct/incorrect) hierarchy structure. In other words, I expected this calculation to work even without defining any hierarchy between the transaction ID level and the customer level.
I'd appreciate your help!
In your SSAS project ->datasource view, you need to add a named calculation. This would be "[Unit Cost]*[Qty]". Now add this named calculation as a Measure in your Cube. This do the job. This problem was already addressed in the following link.

Calculated Members with multiple Attribute Hierarchy - MDX

I found this little code where it dynamically calculates TOTALs for all Dimension/Hierarchy I want.
This is close to what I need but will not work for Dimensions that have different number of Hierarchy Levels (Attribute Hierarchy). Current Code only works if there is only one Attribute Hierarchy because of CurrentMember.Parent. I could use CurrentMember.Parent.Parent for Dimension.Hierarchy that have two levels and so on but would not work for the the ones with only one Attribute Hierarchy (Level).
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Total On Hand Amount]
AS ([Measures].[On Hand Amount],Axis(1).Item(0).Item(0).Dimension.CurrentMember.Parent),
I would like to make this MDX code work for any Dimension.Hierarchy regardless of number of Attribute Hierarchy (Level/s).
Any help is appreciated!!
You can use the ancestors function instead of parent. It takes a dimension parameter and a second parameter which shows how many levels you want to get (how deep in the tree to go). So if you know how many levels your dimension has you can use something like:
Ancestors(Axis(1).Item(0).Item(0).Dimension.CurrentMember, 5)
Instead of a number you can also add a dimension level as a second parameter. Then it will go as deep as the dimension level specified - so if you add the root dimension level it should get to there
(Axis(1).Item(0).Item(0).Dimension.Levels(0).Item(0), [Measures].[On Hand Amount])
Above gave me the correct answer, total for a measure for dynamic selection of any dimension but this MDX calculation would not work from PowerBI(DAX) report, which is merely PowerBI's limitation.
I got the TOTAL working now with this -
[Measures].[Total On Hand Amount] = (ROOT([Warehouses]),[Measures].[On Hand Amount]);
I just have to repeat this SCOPE for each [Dimension].[Hierarchy] in the cube to make the TOTAL work for any selection including multiple dimensions from Power BI. It does not have dynamic functionality like Axis() did, but it yields the result I needed.
Hope this would help someone else too!!

MDX Dimension Navigation

I am on an MDX adventure and I'm at a point where I need to ask some questions.
I have a very basic dimension named Car. The attributes which comprise Car are as follows-
My fact table contains a sales measure ([Measures].[Sales]). I would like to know , without explicitly defining a user hierarchy, how to sum the sales from
a specific group in this hierarchy
For example, I want to sum the sales of all red Trucks made in 2002. My attempt errors out-
sum([Cars].[Make].[Make].&[Truck]&[Red]&[2002], [Measures].[Sales])
How can I navigate the attribute hierarchy in this way? I will be browsing the cube in excel
If you open an mdx query in SSMS and drag a member from one of your attribute hierarchies into the query pain you will see the full name.
You definitely cannot chain hierarchies like this ...].&[Truck]&[Red]&[2002]
Each full name will likely be similar to what MrHappyHead has detailed but usually the attribute name is repeated e.g. for Make:
MrHappyHead have wrapped it all in the Sum function but this is not required - just wrap the coordinates in braces and a tuple is then formed which will point to the required area of the cube:
note: square brackets are pretty standard in mdx.
Is it something like:

Creating Calculated Member in SSAS cube after renaming Dimension Attribute

I am very new to SSAS Cubes, and do not know MDX.
I need help in creating a calculated member. The dimension attribute that I am using in the calculated member calculation, is renamed, and that is why the calculation is not working.
I have a dimension named "IN" in the cube, and I am trying to count the "CounterKey" in the measures group when the value of attribute "C 1" in the "IN" dimension is 1.
I used the calculation below and it worked fine.
([Measures].[CounterKey count],([Dim IN].[C 1 Top Box].&[1]))
I had to rename "C 1" to a more user friendly/descriptive name i.e. "Courtesy TB". After changing the name, I made the change in the calculated member as below as below
([Measures].[CounterKey count],([Dim IN].[Courtesy TB].&[1]))
but the calculation is not working any more, and I am just getting a null as a result.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
It seems this is the wrong renaming or something else. Try to drag'n'drop the member from your cube and insert into the formula. Will the following return the null?
[Dim IN].[C 1 Top Box].&[1].UniqueName
If null, it means the member doesn't exist any more within a cube. It's a naming issue.

SSAS Dimension attribute as Calculated Measure

I am having some issues trying to implement an average of a dimension attribute.
The basic structure is:
Booking Header Dimension
Fact Table (multiple rows per Booking Header
On the booking header dimension I have a numerical attribute called Booking Window, and I want to be able to create a calculated measure that averages this value.
We are using SQL Server 2012 standard edition.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The best approach would be to create a measure group from the dimension table (in BIDS, go to cube designer, tab "Cube Structure", right-click the cube object in the Measures list, and select "New Measure Group", select your dimension table). BIDS will generate some measures, and you can remove all but two: the one based on your numeric attribute (I will call it "YourSummedAttrib" to have a name to refer to below), and the count measure. The aggregate function for the measure "YourSummedAttrib" will probably be "sum", leave that as it is.
Then, create a calculated measure which divides "YourSummedAttrib" by the count measure, which gives the average. Finally, if you have tested everything, make the two measures "YourSummedAttrib" and the count measure invisible before you give the cube to the users, as they only need to see the average, which is the calculated measure.
You can try this which should give you the average of that attribute across all members.
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Booking Window Value] AS
[Booking Header].[Booking Window].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_VALUE
MEMBER [Measures].[Avg Booking Window Value] AS
AVG([Booking Header].[Booking Window].[Booking Window].MEMBERS,[Measures].[Booking Window Value])
[Measures].[Avg Booking Window Value] ON COLUMNS
Hope that helps and apologies for any confusion on my part.
I tried to use the same idea, but without success. The solution I found was create a view with the calculated average and include a new group of measures.