What is the difference between MSSQL and TSQL? - sql

MSSQL and T-SQL are often thrown around as interchangeable synonyms on the web.
I know that T-SQL is a flavor of SQL used in many Microsoft products. Is MS-SQL actually another flavor of Microsoft owned SQL or is it just an umbrella term used by the Microsoft’s marketing department to refer to their server database solutions?
As a side question, what flavor SQL, if any, does MS Access use?

MS SQL is simply a short version of the (complete) product name Microsoft SQL Server. (Similar to "MS Office", "MS Windows" or "MS Access").
T-SQL is the SQL dialect that the product Microsoft SQL Server is using - and is short for "Transact-SQL" (thanks Aaron for reminding me!)
I wouldn't call the dialect that Microsoft Access is using SQL. It's a query language that somehow resembles SQL

The MS SQL Stands for ( Microsoft SQL). This is the product of Microsoft which they released MS SQL 2005, 2008 and recently released 2012.
T- SQL stands for Transact SQL. This is the syntax of writing the expression in the sql database. You can write T- SQL statments in MS SQL Server Database
Link to Refer


Is IS_ROLEMEMBER available in SQL Server 2012 or 2008R2

Are these functions available in SQL Server 2012 or older?
select IS_ROLEMEMBER ('db_owner');
select IS_SRVROLEMEMBER ('sysadmin');
I can not find any compatibility information in the online documentation here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/is-rolemember-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15
Is_RoleMember was introduced in SQL Server 2012.
Is_SrvRoleMember was introduced in SQL Server 2005 itself.
You can see when a particular feature was introduced by going through below links. These changes are coming under Database Engine Enhancements => Database Engine Security Enhancements
What is New in SQL 2005
What is New in SQL 2012
To see all the historical information about SQL Server versions, below link is very helpful: https://www.sqlshack.com/history-sql-server-evolution-sql-server-features/

SQL Server 2008 - With Clause

In the Oracle database we had extensively used WITH clause in earlier project.
Now we are on SQL Server 2008 database. Do you suggest we can still use the WITH Clause in our SQL codes ? Does SQL Server 2008 support WITH clause ?
I mean does it improve the performance or does using WITH affect query performance in SQL Server 2008 ?
You can read more about it here:
and here:
Depending on what it is you were specifically looking at.
Performance is very much dependent on what it is you are doing, you would need to post some examples.

Equivalent T-SQL to Microsoft Access

I am trying to replicate my T-SQL script written in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to Microsoft Access Query Design.
I have pretty much figured out most of the script except the following;
convert(char, 'Approved') as status
or rather
status = 'Approved'
How would i write any of those two into Microsoft Access SQL Designer?

How to get star query optimization in SQL Server 2005

I have a star schema but SQL Server 2005 always uses the clustered indexes to access a table. What parameters do I have to set to enable this optimization.
According to http://blogs.msdn.com/sqlqueryprocessing/archive/2007/04/09/how-to-check-whether-the-final-query-plan-is-optimized-for-star-join.aspx and the DWH datasheet of SQL Server 2005 both claim, that SQL Server 2005 support this feature.
What edition do you use? IIRC star query optimization is ONLY in the enterprise version of SQL Server 2005.

SQL Server 2005 query multiple Access databases?

Is there a way to get SQL Server 2005 to query 3 or more separate Access databases (each returning 1 record) in one SQL statement?
Yes, but it will require you to create a Linked Server instance for each Access database. See here for details about creating Linked Server instances on SQL Server 2005 to MS Access.
Once you have those in place, you can query SQL Server and it will pass on the queries to the respective Access databases based on using the Linked Server instance notation when specifying tables in your SQL Server queries.
What you want is a Linked Server for each of the Access databases.
Just be aware that in SQL 2005 64-bit you won't be querying current versions of Access or Excel through linked servers any time soon.
Yes, set them up as linked servers using sp_addlinkedserver.