Differences between $.ajax type put and model.save in backbone.js? - serialization

There seems to be some differences between saving a model using this.model.save() and using jquery ajax type PUT?
I have the following method in my api controller
public void Put(string id, [FromBody]IContent value) {
// save
I have also enabled TypeNameHandling on JSON formatter serializer setting like this:
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto;
If I PUT some data using jquery ajax like this
url: "/api/page/articles/1",
type: "PUT",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify({"$type": "BrickPile.Samples.Models.Article,BrickPile.Samples","id": "articles/1", "heading": "Some heading..." })
my object binds correct in the put method but when I try to save my object using model.save() in backbone the input value is null and it cannot bind the object?
This is how I do it:
this.model.set({ heading: 'foo' });
the request headers seem to look ok and the payload is seems to be JSON, at least if I look in firebug. It's also possible to PUT some data to my api using fiddler with the same payload but not if I copy the payload source from firebug see: http://cl.ly/Nked
Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong here?

Without knowing more about your model implementation it is hard to say for sure. One thing I can see from your firebug screenshot is that the id attribute is being passed as "articles/1" which is unusual for standard Backbone. If you were saving a model object then the id would normally be "1". So a model.save() would generate a HTTP PUT to articles/1 and pass the json as something including {"id":"1", ... }. The Backbone.sync documentation has more details on the default behaviour.


How to translate the following rally lookback api request to the Ext request equivalent?

So I have this lookback API request:
How can I make that request using the Ext equivalent. I have tried many ways, including this one:
let snapshot = Ext.create('Rally.data.lookback.SnapshotStore', {
find: {
ObjectID: 92444754348,
__At: "2017-02-23T00:00:00Z"
return snapshot.load();
This example returns an object that has the field "raw", which to my understanding is supposed to have all the artifact's fields along with the values they had at the specified time. But, "raw" only has ObjectID, Project, _ValidFrom, and _ValidTo.
Right now I'm able to solve my issue by using an ajax GET request and parsing the JSON; but I would like to use the Ext solution instead (which seems to be the recommended one).
If you include a fetch in your config when you're creating the store it will autocreate the correct model for you.
let snapshot = Ext.create('Rally.data.lookback.SnapshotStore', {
find: {
ObjectID: 92444754348,
__At: "2017-02-23T00:00:00Z"
fetch: ['ObjectID'] //add all the fields you want here
fields=true is a nice shorthand to get all the data back, but the store/model have no idea how to interpret that...
The store also has config properties for compress, removeUnauthorizedSnapshots and most of the other parameters Lookback Api supports.

Getting results from api

I am trying to do a domain availability search using an API from free domain API.
After i create an account, it shows:
**Make a REST request using this URL:**
And looking in the documentation page, it has only:
Request http://freedomainapi.com?key=YOUR_API_KEY&domain=DOMAIN_NAME
"status": "success",
"domain": "freedomainapi.com",
"available": false
I am very new to APIs...
What I need is to show a domain search box, and when the user enters, it should return with result.
It claims to show domain suggestions as well. I hope it will also work.
Using jquery and a jsonp proxy
type: 'GET',
url: "https://jsonp.nodejitsu.com/?callback=?",
data: {url: 'http://freedomainapi.com?key=14ejhzc5h9&domain=freedomainapi.com'},
dataType: "jsonp",
success: myfn
function myfn(data) {
you have to use the proxy because cross domain json is not permitted
i made an update to show the result in a div (stringified)
EDIT #2: i created a test key on that site, you have to use your own
EDIT #3: and there's your combo: http://jsfiddle.net/mp8pukbm/4/
Assuming that you will use java script for showing the search box, you can use AJAX feature of java script (or jQuery or Dojo) ... All you need to do is a "GET" request that like you can pasted and you will get the result back on the response object. To try out the API you can use "Postman" application in Chrome. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/postman-rest-client/fdmmgilgnpjigdojojpjoooidkmcomcm?hl=en
In the response object of the AJAX call you will get a JSON object which you can parse and display the result.
Normally when we use REST we need to differentiate one REST call from another.
Assuming this url
In Application layer we need to write an interface
public ReturnObject getDomainAvailability(#QueryParam("key") String key,
#QueryParam("domain") String doaminName );
Once interface is done you need to write your implementation class.
This class will intract with business layer and perform search task and based on
result collected will create ReturnObject.
ReturnObject => will contain status, domain and availability
On screen
type: "GET",
url: 'root/checkAvailability',
success: function(jsonData)
// read json and perform operation
error: function (error)
// handle error
If you are using JAVA as backend then you can use gson to parse the result, which is a json. After parsing you can read the values from result and display accordingly :)
Any API is a way to extend a given software. (Might be a website or an application)
In both ways there is a certain way to communicate with the software. In your example freedomainapi.com allows you to fetch if given domain is avaiable. There is no such thing as a suggestion tho, atleast i cannot find any suggestions at all.
Given output is a message format know as JSON. It can be easily interpreted by many major Languages such as Java, Javascript and PHP.
Given String might be easily interpreted as a Map consisting of a status (String), a domain (string) and avaiable (boolean)
A domain availability search could not be easier, assuming K is your key, D is your search input (Domain):
Download http://freedomainapi.com/checkAvailability?key=K&domain=D as input
Parse JSON from input as json
return json["status"] == "success" and json["avaiable"]
Depending on your language you might need to use methods to access properties of json, but that does not influence the basic usage of this api.
on user enters, it calls click_button function and I am assuming your result displaying div id is "main_container" you can give domain suggestions by passing related DOMAIN_NAME s as arguments to click_button function
function click_button(DOMAIN_NAME){
url : 'http://freedomainapi.com?key=YOUR_API_KEY&domain=DOMAIN_NAME',
type: 'GET',
crossDomain: true,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function(data) {
$('#main_container').html($('#main_container').html()+'<br>'+DOMAIN_NAME+': Available');
$('#main_container').html($('#main_container').html($('#main_container').html()+'<br>'+DOMAIN_NAME+': Not Available');
hope it helpful !

How do I handle JSONP with WebAPI? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
JSONP with MVC 4 WebApi
I have a get method for my WebAPI which is as follows:
private T Get<T>(string uri)
T result = default(T);
bool isSuccess = true;
.ContinueWith(task =>
// EnsureStatus
isSuccess = task.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode;
.ContinueWith(t => result = t.Result)
return result;
The result is produced in a JSON format but I want it for JSONP.
I have read that ReadAsSync only handles built in mediaformatters. So is there a way I can change it to handle JsonP?
Stealing liberally from this duplicate....
To accomplish what you want you need three things :
to add a media formatter that outputs JSONP
register the media formatter (traditionally done through global.asx)
ensure the client requests jsonP.
You can steal this JSONP media formatter.
Then, you need to register the media formatter. You can do this programatically with the following code snippet:
var config = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration;
config.Formatters.Insert(0, new JsonpMediaTypeFormatter());
Since you apparently don't use global.asax you're going to need to make sure the formatter is registered somehow. YOU don't provide enough information on how to do it, but i suspect a judiciously placed IF statement and a static variable indicating registration would get you there.
I still don't quite know what type of client you're using, but if it's jquery something like the following will get you there:
url: 'http://myurl.com',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function (data) {
The important part is the accept header sent matches the accept header your shiny new jsonp formatter is listening for. The top two choices in my opinion are either: application/javascript or text/javascript.

Urlfetch blobs multipart/m

I am trying to use UlrFetch to submit CSV data to Zoho reports. I am using the following code:
function doImport(tabla,file) {
var url="https://reportsapi.zoho.com/api/xxxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyyyy/"+tabla;
var ticket="zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" ;//getTicket();
var params={"ZOHO_API_KEY":"vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv"
var options =
"method" : "post",
"payload" : params,
"contentType": "multipart/form-data"
var response=UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
var tableDataString=response.getContentText();
return tableDataString;
However, the data is not submitted in correct multiform format (getting error 500 status). This issue backtracks to early 2011. Please, one or two examples of how to submit blob files in multipart/form-data format would be welcome.
For payload, you are passing it as an Object, which looks correct. This will be interpreted as an HTTP form (which you want).
To fix your script, try the following:
Make sure the value you're using for ZOHO_FILE is a Blob. This makes sure the HTTP form will automatically be sent with:Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=[automatically determined]
Do not specify contentType for the HTTP POST. This allows UrlFetchApp to automatically use its own contentType value, which includes the boundary field. (Minor detail: It's ok to still specify contentType on the Blob itself, just not the overall post request. This allows specifying the contentType of each Blob within the post, if that interests you.)
UrlFetchApp will use multipart/form-data encoding automatically if you pass a Blob as a payload value. You may need to use:
"ZOHO_FILE": file.getBlob()

Where does the response get stored after a Dojo JSONP request?

For example, I have the following JavaScript code (Dojo 1.6 is already loaded):
var jsonpArgs = {
url: "http://myapp.appspot.com/query",
content: {
id: "1234",
name: "Juan",
start_date: "2000-01-01",
callback: "recover"
dojo.io.script.get(jsonpArgs).then(function(data) {
function recover(data) {
Direct query from browser
I understand that my server will receive the query as though I typed the following into the address bar:
Expected response
If I directly queried my server using the browser address bar, I'll receive, in MIME type application/json and plaintext rendered in browser, something like this:
id: 1234,
name: Juan,
data: [
["2000-01-01", 1234],
["2000-01-02", 5678]
Now, looking back at Part II of the JavaScript, I'd execute the JSONP request with dojo.io.script.get(jsonpArgs). This returns a Deferred object, which I can take advantage of by chaining .then after it. Note that I defined the handler for the .then event to output that captured data to the console.
However, all I get in the console is an Event. I tried to search its data tree, but I could not find the data I expected.
Where is the response for a JSONP request stored? How do I find it?
My server (which I control) only outputs a plaintext rendering of the data requested, wrapped in the callback function (here specified as recover), and specifies a application/json MIME type. Is there anything else I need to set up on my server, so that the response data is captured by the Deferred object?
Attempted solution
I can actually recover the response by defining the callback function (in this case recover in Part III of the JavaScript). However, in the Dojo tutorials, they just recovered the data using the Deferred (and .then) framework. How do I do it using Dojo Deferreds?
Update (using the Twitter example from Dojo tutorial)
Take for example this script from the Dojo tutorial, Getting Jiggy With JSONP. I edited it to log data to the console.
url: "http://search.twitter.com/search.json",
callbackParamName: "callback",
content: {q: "#dojo"}
//we're only interested in data.results, so strip it off and return it
console.log(data); // I get an Object, not an Event, but no Twitter data when browsing the results property
console.log(data.results) // I get an array of Objects
return data.results;
For console.log(data), I get an Object, not an Event as illustrated by my case. Since the example implies that the data resides in data.results, I also try to browse this tree, but I don't see my expected data from Twitter. I'm at a loss.
For console.log(data.results), I get an array of Objects. If I query Twitter directly, this is what I'd get in plaintext. Each Object contains the usual tweet meta-data like username, time, user portrait, and the tweet itself. Easy enough.
This one hits me right on the head. The handler for the .then chain, an anonymous function, receives only one argument data. But why is it that the results property in console.log(data) and the returned object I get from console.log(data.results) are different?
I got it.
Manual callback implementation
function recover(data) {
var jsonpArgs = {
url: "http://myapp.appspot.com/query",
content: {
id: "1234",
name: "Juan",
start_date: "2000-01-01",
callback: "recover"
This is the request that my server will receive:
In this case, I'll expect the following output from my server:
id: 1234,
name: Juan,
data: [
["2000-01-01", 1234],
["2000-01-02", 5678]
Three things to note:
Server will expect callback in the query URL string. callback is implemented as a property of jsonpArgs.
Because I specified callback=recover, my server will attach recover( + the_data_I_need + ), returns the whole string to the browser, and browser will execute recover(the_data_I_need). This means...
That I'll have to define, for example, function recover(one_argument_only) {doAnythingYouWantWith(one_argument_only)}
The problem with this approach is that I cannot take advantage of Deferred chaining using .then. For example:
dojo.io.script.get(jsonpArgs).then(function(response_from_server) {
This will give me an Event, with no trace of the expected response at all.
Taking advantage of Dojo's implementation of JSONP requests
var jsonpArgs = {
url: "http://myapp.appspot.com/query",
callbackParamName: "callback",
content: {
id: "1234",
name: "Juan",
start_date: "2000-01-01"
This is the request that my server will receive:
In this case, I'll expect the following output from my server:
id: 1234,
name: Juan,
data: [
["2000-01-01", 1234],
["2000-01-02", 5678]
Things to note:
Note the property of jsonpArgs, callbackParamName. The value of this property must be the name of the variable (in the query URL string) expected by the server. If my server expects callbackfoo, then callbackParamName: "callbackfoo". In my case, my server expects the name callback, therefore callbackParamName: "callback".
In the previous example, I specified in the query URL callback=recover and proceeded to implement function recover(...) {...}. This time, I do not need to worry about it. Dojo will insert its own preferred function callback=some_function_name_generated_by_dojo.
I imagine some_function_name_generated_by_dojo to be defined as:
function some_function_name_generated_by_dojo(response_from_server) {
return response_from_server;
Of course the definition is not that simple, but the advantage of this approach is that I can take advantage of Dojo's Deferred framework. See the code below, which is identical to the previous example:
dojo.io.script.get(jsonpArgs).then(function(response_from_server) {
This will give me the exact data I need:
id: 1234,
name: Juan,
data: [
["2000-01-01", 1234],
["2000-01-02", 5678]