I am trying to create an invoicing system that does not persist to a database, but passes through to a third party system. Hence, my models are not ActiveRecord as there is no table to persist to. How can I accept nested attributes for invoice line items in my invoice model?
This is an example of the resulting params from my form
{"payportal_invoice"=>{"invoice_lines"=>{"quantity"=>["1", "2"], "units"=>["hours", "hours"], "price"=>["10", "20"], "description"=>["desc", "d"]}, "dueDate"=>"10/10/2013", "invoiceNumber"=>"", "description"=>"notes"}, "attachment_name"=>""}
I can easily create the invoice model from this params set, but am not sure how to create the line items
Have you tried using a tableless gem, such as https://github.com/softace/activerecord-tableless?
I've used them for similar situations in the past - you can do all of the standard validations, etc, but without needing to invoke ActiveRecord.
I need a new field inside Contact model that would hold information about Allowed companies of the related user.
Now there is only field about Currently picked company by that user (and it is not enough for me to make a record rule).
The field I want to copy values from is inside model Users and it is called company_ids.
I’m trying to add this field in the developer mode (Settings > Technical > Fields) like this:
But I’m having trouble with code that would fill my field with values from the another model.
for record in self:
record[("x_company_ids")] = env['res.users'].company_ids
I’m guessing that the record is referring to a record inside Contact model and it does not contain fields from another models like Users. So I can’t figure it out how to reference a field from another model.
Something similar to this: env['res.users'].company_ids?
It is even harder for me because it is many2many field and should always update when the source changes.
Maybe better solution would be to use Automatic action to write values to this field?
I saw some threads like this: Computed many2many field dependencies in Odoo 10.
But it seems like in those cases they had clear connection between the fields and I don't have it. I don't know how to get related user while I'm inside Contact model. I know only how to this oposite way (from user to contact): user.partner_id.id
Here in below given code you haven't specified related user from which you will get company_ids, you have directly accessing company_ids
for record in self:
record[("x_company_ids")] = env['res.users'].company_ids
You can write as following :
for record in self:
record["x_company_ids"] = self.env['res.users'].search([('partner_id','=',record.id)]).company_ids
I have run into a little roadblock in regards to joining mantle entities. I would like to have a single depicting fields from two mantle entities, but am unsuccessful in joining them. Specifically, I have linked a list of party relationships (as contacts) to a single partyId (vendor), with the goal to make a vendor contacts page. However I am unable to link that form-list with the PartyContactMech and ContactMech entities (in order to display email and phone number in the same form-list). More generally, my question is how can one map lists to each other the same way one can map a list to a single object (using entity-find-one and value-field does not work when tried with entity-find)?
There is no need to make a view-entity (join entities) to do that. Simply do a query on the PartyRelationship entity in the main 'actions' part of your screen specifying the toParty (vendor). Then in your Form-List, use 'row-actions' to query the PartyContactMech and so on for each fromPartyId (contact) entry that the previous query returned. Also have a look at the PartyViewEntities file in Mantle USL. There are some helpful view-enties already defined for you there such as PartyToAndRelationship, PartyFromAndRelationship etc. Also note that entity-find-one returns a single "map" (value-field) as it queries on the PK. Whereas entity-find returns a list of maps (list). They are separate query types. If I understand your question correctly.
I am working in odoo9. Now I needed a view that permits the user to select partner and get his sale history.
Now I created a model "sale.history" but it saves the selected data as a record in db. I really don't need this.
How can I create a view for this.
Please also see this image.
You have two options for such views/reports.
Use TransientModel instead of Model for the model inheritance. Transient model records in database will be deleted by a frequently running cron job. The email message PopUp/Wizard is a nice example for that.
Write your own report (database view) for sales order. Actually there already is one report for that: Reporting/Sales/Sales Analysis. The model for that report is sale.report if you want to know, how it's done.
Aside from using a TransientModel (old api) or AbstractModel (new api)...you can simply set the store property of field to false, that way your field will never be persisted to the database, it will simply be a 'view field'.
class sale_history(model.Model):
partner = fields.Many2one('res.partner', store=False)
The partner field will never get saved to the database
You can use store=False on the field in the model (as danidee suggested).
You can also overwrite the create method on the model.
Question - what is the purpose of the "sale.history" model? If it does not store any data at all then you may be better off creating a new view against "res.partner" rather than creating a new model.
I'm just getting into Yii. I have a simple relational db. I have a "client" table related to "orders" table (client:id to orders:client_id). If I build my CRUD for orders i naturally see client_id, however I'd rather add a lookup for client name somehow
I have found how to do this on new and update _forms by adding a dropDownList. The list based views seem a little more complex. I can see that actionIndex() in the controller is gathering data and passing it to index.php, finally through to _view, but I can't find any help on where and how I should break into this with my lookup returning the client name
I'd appreciate any help
Check the Yii documentation about relations. You will need to create a relation in your orders table, lets call it client, Then in your list view where it generates client_id you can put client.name instead. Now you will need to make sure that you have the appropriate label because in the generated model it will only have a label for client_id, and you need a label for client.name. Yii will guess, or you can add it, or you can modify the label for client_id, and instead of using client.name in the view you can use
I tend to gravitate towards more explicit definitions rather than shortcuts, but to each his own.
E.g. I have a model called Book which belongs_to model Shelf with fields :bookcase and :number.
I wonder, if I call to book.shelf.bookcase and then later to book.shelf.number does Rails actually load corresponding shelf each time? Or does it cache book.shelf somewhere? Shouldn't I make a new variable shelf = book.shelf and use shelf.bookcase and shelf.number instead?
Rails will cache association information, so you get whatever is in the cache when you access it. It does not reload it from the database each time.
There are cases when you do want a reload from the database, in which case the following syntax is used:
See section 3.1 in A Guide to Active Record Associations.