How can i keep class that extends - proguard

How can i keep class that extends FragmentActivty ?
I used -keep public class * extends
after that the class exists but when i start the application it doesn't work and i have an error that he can't find the class


Sap Spartacus 4.3 extend ProductListComponent

I have this constructor in my class.
export class CustomProductListComponent extends ProductListComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
protected pageLayoutService: PageLayoutService,
protected productListComponentService: ProductListComponentService,
protected scrollConfig: ViewConfig,
) {
super(pageLayoutService, productListComponentService, scrollConfig);
However, it gives me an error of
"Class 'CustomProductListComponent' incorrectly extends base class 'ProductListComponent'.
Property 'pageLayoutService' is private in type 'ProductListComponent' but not in type 'CustomProductListComponent'.ts(2415)
Do you know to solve the pageLayoutService since its private in base class?

How to apply #OneToMany on super class getter method in multiple subclasses with different target entity

I'm using JPA2.0 with Eclipselink 2.6.3 and Spring 4(JTA).
I'm trying to override the class A attribute with #OneToMany mapping in class B and class C (which is similar to class B ) so that I can change the target entity to class X and Z respectively while fetching results for class B.
Class A has SINGLE_TABLE inheritance and class B & C are discriminator classes which is maintained by #classExtractor depending on some field value in class A.
Class Z has TABLE_PER_CLASS inheritance and class X & Y extends class Z with same table (just a hack for inheritance to avoid DTYPE).
Expected Result
When I query on class B or Class C and fetch getZList() then I should be able to see class X and Y type objects as mentioned in targetEntity in #OneToMany mapping in class B & C
I tried overriding the getter of class A in subclasses like below but the list is always empty.
Class A
#Cache( alwaysRefresh=true,
coordinationType = CacheCoordinationType.SEND_NEW_OBJECTS_WITH_CHANGES)
public class A implements Serializable {
private String abc;
private List zlist= new ArrayList<>();
Class B
public class B extends A{
//problem is here...this mappping doesn't populate super class object
#OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="class A", targetEntity=Z.class)
public List getZList() {
return super.getZList();
Class Z
public class Z{
//some fields
//and #oneToOne mapped with class A
class X
public class X extends Z{
//some fields

Kotlin: Visibility of static nested Java class declared inside a non-visible class

Using java my static-nested java class is visible, but using Kotlin it is not. See my example below. Is there a good reason it is not allowed, or is it a bug? And are there any workarounds so that I can extend NestedStaticClass from Kotlin?
I have a package-private java class containing the static-nested class
package javapackage;
class HiddenClass {
public static class NestedStaticClass {}
HiddenClass is extended by a public class.
package javapackage;
public class VisibleClass extends HiddenClass{}
From my java class extending VisibleClass, I can see NestedStaticClass (It compiles)
package otherpackage;
import javapackage.VisibleClass;
public class JavaClass extends VisibleClass {
public static class C4 extends NestedStaticClass {}
public JavaClass() {
new NestedStaticClass();
But from Kotlin this does not work. I get the compile error: "Unresolved reference NestedStaticClass"
package otherpackage
import javapackage.VisibleClass
class KotlinClass() : VisibleClass() {
class C1() : NestedStaticClass()
init {
val v = NestedStaticClass()

relationship between interface and abstract classes

Can an abstract class inherits from an interface class ?I want to design and implement a class diagram for public transportation system.So i have designed something like this.
1)Limo extends (Abstract)Taxi extends (Interface)Vehicle & (Abstract)public transportation
2)Subway extends (Abstract)public transportation
3)mid-buss extends (Abstract)Buss extends (Abstract)public
transportation & (Interface)Vehicle
4)large-buss extends (Abstract)Buss extends (Abstract)public
transportation & (Interface)Vehicle
So if i want to implement these classes i have to implement the structure of interface's method in the abstract class.what do you think? is it correct to design something like above ?
Can an abstract class inherits from an interface class ?
Yes for Java. The following examples use Java syntax.
Limo extends (Abstract)Taxi extends (Interface)Vehicle & (Abstract)public transportation
public class Limo extends AbstractTaxi{...}
public abstract class AbstractTaxi extends AbstractPublicTransportation implements Vehicle{...}
public interface Vehicle{...}
public abstract class AbstractPublicTransportation{...}
Subway extends (Abstract)public transportation
public class Subway extends AbstractPublicTransportation{...}
mid-buss extends (Abstract)Buss extends (Abstract)public transportation & (Interface)Vehicle
public class MidBuss extends AbstractBuss{...}
public abstract class AbstractBuss extends AbstractPublicTransportation implements Vehicle {...}
large-buss extends (Abstract)Buss extends (Abstract)public transportation & (Interface)Vehicle
public class LargeBuss extends AbstractBuss{...}
Note, that the AbstractTaxi doesn't seem useful yet, because there is only one subclass for that abstract class. However, it's not wrong to introduce additional abstractions to become extensible .

Can we create a Child (with interface MyView extends PopupView) that inherit a PresenterWidget (with interface MyView extends View) (GWTP)?

In GWTP, is there any way that we can create a Child (that has "interface MyView extends PopupView") that inherit a PresenterWidget (that has "interface MyView extends View")?
Here is my problem. I have a need to prompt (in a form of PopupView) user to enter shipping address if they didn't have one.
Of course, there is a UserShippingAddressPresenter presenter widget that is not a popup & locates in profile page.
public class UserShippingAddressPresenter extends
PresenterWidget<UserShippingAddressPresenter.MyView> {
public interface MyView extends View {
////...... more code///
Now I want to have a PopupUserShippingAddressPresenter that has exactly Gui & functionality like the UserShippingAddressPresenter, but it is a Popup like this
public class UserShippingAddressPopupPresenter extends
PresenterWidget<UserShippingAddressPresenter.MyView> {
public interface MyView extends PopupView {
////...... more code///
So This is the logic that i think it works but it didn't. That is I will use eclipse to create UserShippingAddressPopupPresenter with interface MyView extends PopupView then in UserShippingAddressPopupView I tried to setInSlot userShiopingAddress like the following
public class UserShippingAddressPopupView extends PopupViewImpl implements
UserShippingAddressPopupPresenter.MyView {
public void setInSlot(Object slot, Widget content){
super.setInSlot(slot, content);
in UserShippingAddressPopupPresenter
public class UserShippingAddressPopupPresenter extends
PresenterWidget<UserShippingAddressPopupPresenter.MyView> {
public static final Object SLOT_userShippingAddress=new Object();
public interface MyView extends PopupView {}
#Inject UserShippingAddressPresenter userShippingAddressPresenter;
protected void onReveal() {
setInSlot( SLOT_userShippingAddress, userShippingAddressPresenter);
After running, it showed a very small box in the middle of the page.
I tried onReset instead of onReveal but it didn't work either.
Can u find a better solution?
My logic is ok, it's working. I fixed it, the problem is that "if(slot==ProfilePresenter.SLOT_userShippingAddress){" is wrong, correct should be "if(slot==PopupUserShippingAddressPresenter.SLOT_userShippingAddress){"