Yii Framework - from url to route - yii

I searched, but couldnt find something.
So, I have route rules:
'/reg' => '/user/user/registration',
I couldn find any route information.
So, how can I get in module init function and having only url, route lile
/reg -> user/user/registration

The route is only available from the running controller. By the time when a module is initialized the controller is not yet available, thus you can't find out the route there. (You can follow CWebApplication::processRequest to see what happens when a request is resolved up to the point where the controller is run.)
It depends on what you try to achieve, but you could override WebModule::beforeControllerAction to do something before the module controller is run.

Today (next day after my question), I could solve this.
I will try to explain:
As Michael wrote, we cant know in module in which controller we are.
But I net get just reversed route, so, its quite esay.
This will return my reversed route

Solution for Yii 1.1.15 workes for me.
class HttpRequest extends CHttpRequest {
protected $_requestUri;
protected $_pathInfo;
public function setUri($uri){
$this->_requestUri = $uri;
public function setPathInfo($route){
$this->_pathInfo = $route;
public function getPathInfo(){
/* copy from parent */
public function getRequestUri(){
/* copy from parent */
The usage:
$uri_path = 'my/project-alias/wall';
/** #var HttpRequest $request */
$request = clone Yii::app()->getRequest();
$route = Yii::app()->getUrlManager()->parseUrl($request);
//$route equals 'project/profile/wall' etc here (like in route rules);

I'm using a slightly different sub-class of CHttpRequest:
class CustomHttpRequest extends \CHttpRequest
* #var string
var $pathInfo;
* #var string
private $method;
public function __construct($pathInfo, $method)
$this->pathInfo = $pathInfo;
$this->method = $method;
public function getPathInfo()
return $this->pathInfo; // Return our path info rather than the default
public function getRequestType()
return $this->method;
Then to call it (to create a controller, which is what I want):
$request = new CustomHttpRequest($uri, $method); // e.g. 'my/project-alias/wall' and 'GET'
$route = \Yii::app()->getUrlManager()->parseUrl($request);
list($jcontroller, $actionName) = \Yii::app()->createController($route);


Symfony 5 use getDoctrine() in another Controller

I try to call "class CltvController" from another class like this :
class StatLtvcController extends AbstractController
$cltv_temp = new CltvController();
return $this->render('admin/statltvc.html.twig', [ 'cltv_temp' => $cltv_temp->cltv(), ]);
but this class :
namespace App\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use App\Entity\Game;
use App\Entity\Adventure;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
class CltvController extends AbstractController
public function cltv(): float{
$periodh = '2021-06-01'; // $request->request->get('')
$periodi = '2021-07-31'; // $request->request->get('')
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$con = $em->getRepository(Game::class);
$con3 = $em->getRepository(Adventure::class);
$ncnt[] = $con->findByCountncn($periodh,$periodi);
$nadvt[] = $con3->findByCountadv($periodh,$periodi);
return $nadvt[0][0][1]/$ncnt[0][0][1];
is returning this error :
Call to a member function has() on null
in G:\Mes_TPs\TP_Symfony_PHP\Quaestyo\vendor\symfony\framework-bundle\Controller \AbstractController.php (line 345)
* #throws \LogicException If DoctrineBundle is not available
protected function getDoctrine(): ManagerRegistry
if (!$this->container->has('doctrine')) {
throw new \LogicException('The DoctrineBundle is not registered in your application. Try running "composer require symfony/orm-pack".');
return $this->container->get('doctrine');
I don't understand why $this->getDoctrine is returning an error?
Try to add this bloc over CltvController class:
* #method getDoctrine()
class CltvController extends AbstractController {
• If that didn't work, can you tell me the exact version of php & symfony of your project please?
Thanks for your answer. It's the same error message with your solution.Actually, Symfony is calling getDoctrine() in the class StatLtvcController. (i didn't put all because code was too long). How could i call getdoctrine() in the class CltvController ?
I use last versions : PHP 7.4.9 and Symfony 5.2.14

Symfony, PHPUnit : Client Webdriver Authentication

I need to authenticate my WebDriver Client for functional tests.
For example,
In my integration tests, i'm doing something like that :
namespace Tests\Controller;
use App\Entity\Donor;
use App\Entity\User;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool;
use SebastianBergmann\Type\RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;
class DonorTest extends WebTestCase
private static $client;
* #var EntityManager
private $entityManager;
* #var SchemaTool
private $schemaTool;
public function __construct(?string $name = null, array $data = [], string $dataName = '')
parent::__construct($name, $data, $dataName);
if (!self::$client) {
self::$client = static::createClient([], [
'PHP_AUTH_USER' => 'Same Old User',
'PHP_AUTH_PW' => 'Same Old Password',
$this->entityManager = self::bootKernel()
$this->schemaTool = new SchemaTool($this->entityManager);
/** Safeguard */
$connection = $this->entityManager->getConnection()->getParams();
if ($connection['driver'] != 'pdo_sqlite' || $connection['path'] != '/tmp/test_db.sqlite') {
throw new RuntimeException('Wrong database, darling ! Please set-up your testing database correctly. See /config/packages/test/doctrine.yaml and /tests/README.md');
I'm just passing the credentials in paramaters, and it works.
But, in my functional tests, i'm using the WebDriver. It didn't accept credentials in arguments :
namespace App\Tests\Functional\Entities\Donor;
use App\Entity\Donor;
use App\Tests\Functional\Helpers\Carrier\CarrierHelper;
use App\Tests\Functional\Helpers\Donor\DonorHelper;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverBy;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
use Symfony\Component\Panther\PantherTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Panther\Client;
class DonorTest extends PantherTestCase
* #var EntityManager
private $entityManager;
* #var CarrierHelper
private $helper;
* #var Client
private $client;
public function __construct(?string $name = null, array $data = [], string $dataName = '')
parent::__construct($name, $data, $dataName);
$this->entityManager = self::bootKernel()
$this->helper = new DonorHelper();
public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
// Do something
public function setUp(): void
parent::setUp(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
$this->client = Client::createChromeClient();
I can't pass any login arguments in createChromeClient() method.
I think i have to play with cookies in cookieJar, or token, but i don't know how.
Feel free to ask me my ahtentication method, but i've followed the documentation :
I've just tried something else. Log in with my browser, for generate a cookie, and tried to handcraft an other with same PHPSESSID
public function setUp(): void
parent::setUp(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
$this->client = Client::createChromeClient();
$cookie = new Cookie('PHPSESSID', 'pafvg5nommcooa60q14nqhool0');
But get this error :
Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\InvalidCookieDomainException: invalid cookie domain
Domain is good, same as my web browser.
I will update as my investigations progressed.
Ok... Got It.
According to this thread : Unable to set cookies in Selenium Webdriver
For setting-up cookie['domain'], you have to request firstly on the domain, THEN set-up the cookie...
SO, this is almost working :
public function setUp(): void
parent::setUp(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
$this->client = Client::createChromeClient();
$this->client->request('GET', '');
$handcookie = Cookie::createFromArray([
'name' => 'PHPSESSID',
'value' => 'pcvbf3sjlla16rfb1b1274qk01',
'domain' => '',
'path' => '/'
Next step : Find a way to generate a permanent cookie, without lifetime.
I think nobody will read this but i will update it in case someone else gets stuck.

Empty result with findAll in FlexForm UserFunc in TYPO3 7.6.15

I get an empty result with findAll in FlexForm UserFunc in TYPO3 7.6.15.
The storagePid is set and in Frontend I get all results with findAll.
Here is my UserFunc-Method:
public function getBuldingOptions(&$config)
/** #var ObjectManager $om */
$om = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class);
/** #var BuildingRepository $repo */
$repo = $om->get(BuildingRepository::class);
$building = $repo->findAll();
DebuggerUtility::var_dump($building, '$building'); // Output: TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\QueryResultprototypeobject (empty)
// add empty value option
$config['items'][] = [LocalizationUtility::translate('BuildingUserFunc.building.emtpyValue', $this->extName), 0];
/** #var Building $entity */
foreach ($building as $entity) {
$config['items'][] = [$entity->getName(), $entity->getUid()];
return $config;
What can by still wrong? Anybody an idea?
I've found the problem and a suitable solution.
The problem is, that the configured storagePid does not work in plugin configuration scope. You have to solve the storagePid manually.
I have wrote a service for that and added to EXT:xm_tools:
And my repository have a initializeObject method:
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Typo3QuerySettings;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository;
use Xima\XmTools\Extensionmanager\ExtensionUtility;
class BaseRepository extends Repository
private $extName = 'my_extension_key';
public function initializeObject()
$pluginSetup = ExtensionUtility::getTypoScriptPluginSetup($this->extName);
/** #var Typo3QuerySettings $querySettings */
$querySettings = $this->objectManager->get(Typo3QuerySettings::class);
$querySettings->setStoragePageIds(array_merge($querySettings->getStoragePageIds(), explode(',', $pluginSetup['persistence']['storagePid'])));

Symfony 3 get current user inside entity

I was wondering if there is a way that i can initialize the property owner with an entity User of FOSUserBundle so that it contains the user who created the Post
I want to do this inside the constructor as shown below.
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* #ORM\Table(name="post")
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="AppBundle\Repository\PostRepository")
class Post
/* here are defined some attributs */
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="User", inversedBy="posts")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="owner", referencedColumnName="id")
private $owner;
public function __construct()
$this->owner = /* get current user */ ;
Is there a way to do this by replacing the comment in the constructor with something ?
Thank you for your answers
No, there isn't. [*]
There are at least two ways to deal with this:
Create your Post entities through a factory service which populates the
owner property:
namespace My\Bundle\EntityFactory;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface;
use My\Bundle\Entity\Post;
class PostFactory
private $tokenStorage;
public function __construct(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage)
$this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage;
public function createPost()
$user = $this->tokenStorage()->getToken()->getUser();
$post = new Post($user);
(for this example, you will have to modify your Post constructor to
accept the owner as a parameter)
In services.yml:
class: My\Bundle\EntityFactory\PostFactory
arguments: [#security.token_storage]
To create an entity from your controller:
$post = $this->container->get('post_factory')->createPost();
If you can tolerate that the owner will only be set once you persist the
entity, you can use a doctrine event listener:
namespace My\Bundle\EventListener;
use Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface;
use My\Bundle\Entity\Post;
class PostOwnerAssignmentListener
private $tokenStorage;
public function __construct(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage)
$this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage;
public function prePersist(LifecycleEventArgs $event)
$entity = $event->getEntity();
if ($entity instanceof Post && !$entity->getOwner()) {
In services.yml:
class: My\Bundle\EventListener\PostOwnerAssignmentListener
arguments: [#security.token_storage]
- { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: prePersit }
The advantage here is that the owner gets assigned no matter how and where
the Post is created.
[*]: Well, technically with the default app.php you could access the
kernel by declaring global $kernel; in your constructor and go from there,
however this is very strongly discouraged and may break in strange and subtle
I think you are way over-complicating this issue. When you create a new Post in your controller, either in the controller or in the repository do something like this:
use AppBundle\Entity\Post; //at top of controller
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$user = $this->container->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$post = new Post();
$em->persist( $post );
$post->setOwner( $user );
// set other fields in your post entity
For Symfony 4+ with Autowiring and Entity event listener:
In /EventListener/PostPrePersistListener.php:
namespace App\EventListener;
use App\Entity\Post;
use Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface;
class PostPrePersistListener
private $tokenStorage;
public function __construct(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage)
$this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage;
public function prePersist(Post $post, LifecycleEventArgs $event)
In services.yaml:
autowire: true
- { name: doctrine.orm.entity_listener, entity: 'App\Entity\Post', event: prePersist }
Modifying services.yaml is required as Symfony cannot know that this custom service is tagged to hook on doctrine.event_listener
This works at Entity-level as asked, to ensure Controller do not handle the owner value.

Sylius - Editable Product Code (SKU)

I need to implement an SKU code for products, I was just wondering has anybody any thought on the best way to do this. The SKU needs to be editable after creation.
I feel I have a couple of ways:
(Idealy) I would like to use Product.Code, but this is not an editable field after product creation. I would seem I need to override the ProductType#buildForm class/method to not use AddCodeFormSubscriber(). Although I can't seem to figure out how to get the system to use a different form.
Add SKU to the model of Product and figure out how to add it to the ProductType form and again try and figure out how to use a different form.
I am open to suggestions on how to do it the right way.
Would any of the Sylius developers care to elaborate why they decided to make the Code field un-editable?
If you want use product code as editable field in Sylius Beta.1, you can create ProductType extension to current product type and add your custom subscriber which will make code field editable. I did this in my bundle and it works:
create subscriber class wchich will change disabled state to false:
namespace App\Bundle\Form\EventListener;
/* add required namespaces */
* Custom code subscriber
class CustomCodeFormSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
private $type;
private $label;
* #param string $type
* #param string $label
public function __construct($type = TextType::class, $label = 'sylius.ui.code')
$this->type = $type;
$this->label = $label;
* {#inheritdoc}
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA => 'preSetData',
* #param FormEvent $event
public function preSetData(FormEvent $event)
$disabled = false;
$form = $event->getForm();
$form->add('code', $this->type, ['label' => $this->label, 'disabled' => $disabled]);
create form extension and use custom subscriber:
namespace App\Bundle\Form\Extension;
use App\Bundle\Form\EventListener\CustomCodeFormSubscriber;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractTypeExtension;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Sylius\Bundle\ProductBundle\Form\Type\ProductType;
/* use other required namespaces etc */
* Extended Product form type
class ProductTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
/* custom stuff for ur form */
$builder->addEventSubscriber(new CustomCodeFormSubscriber());
public function getExtendedType()
return ProductType::class;
register your form extension as a service:
class: App\Bundle\Form\Extension\ProductTypeExtension
- { name: form.type_extension, priority: -1, extended_type: Sylius\Bundle\ProductBundle\Form\Type\ProductType }