remove shipping option using PayPal ButtonManager API - api

I'm using PayPal's ButtonManager API to dynamically create a hosted button.
When the user clicks on the "buy now" button, he's taken to a payment page where he can log in to his paypal account or pay by credit card.
Now what happens is that while giving his payment info, there's also shipping address info.
What I want to do is remove shipping address option entirely. My products are digital so I'm not doing any shipping and don't want any shipping to display.
Is there any HTML variable that I can pass through the button to ensure this? I know there's a no_shipping variable, which allows users to enter shipping address or not, but I don't even want this. I just want no shipping info at all. Is this possible?

Looking at this solution for Express Checkout:
Disable shipping address option in PayPal Express Checkout
I simply set L_BUTTONVAR4=no_shipping=1 in the NVP query string call to the Button Manager API, and it worked!


Shopify, make user land directly on checkout page from your website/app

When user click on the shopify link from my website (not shopify) I want to add products programmatically on cart and then take the user directly to the payment page.
Means I don't want user to go through a product selection process, I want app to do It all I want user to do is make a payment for the payable amount.
So the question is how to create a cart in your website/webapp and make user directly land on the checkout page in shopify store or what api to use.
thanks and open for suggestions.
It was simple, found it easily after some searching. All I needed was a checkout API.

Post an order to Shopify for unknown user

Is there a way to post an order, including payment information and shipping information, to Shopify for a new user?
For example, user ABC wants to purchase a product through my website (that is not a shopify website), and I gather all of the information required to make the purchase, including shipping address, credit card, etc. User ABC is not known to Spotify. Is there a way for me to use the Shopify API to process this transaction, including payment processing and everything else?
Shopify has a sales channel called Buy Button. You can use that for your purpose.
Buy Button
Creating a Buy Botton
Adding a Buy Button

how is possible? Buyers Can Checkout Without a PayPal Account

How is possible? Buyers Can Checkout Without a PayPal Account. Customers enter their name and shipping address.
They’re prompted for their credit card, email address, and phone number.
This is called "Guest Checkout". If you want to force that option you will need to use the Express Checkout APIs. Then you can add some specific parameters to ensure the guest checkout option is always prominently displayed.
Guest Checkout works with Standard Payments buttons too, but it is cookie based with Standard. As such, if anybody at any time has logged in to a PayPal account on the browser currently in use, the system will assume they are going to log again and sort of buries the guest checkout option.
Again, Express Checkout won't do that, and it's the #1 reason I get contacted by people about upgrading to Express Checkout.

Shopify / Paypal Express: Shipping cost not showing until after payment

Ok so I got the following problem with my Shopify shop: Because my shipping varies based on weight paypal does not show the shipping rate until after the customer has logged in and paid for it. It then gets send back to Shopify where it receives the message that it will be billed an additional $10 for shipping, which already got me some complaints.
So what I want is that it will already shows the shipping cost before the customer logs in and pays for it. I imagined that more people had this problem and perhaps found a solution to fix this?
Thank you
There are a number of ways to handle this with the PayPal system, but I'm not sure if Shopify is open enough for you to make any changes. You'll probably need to ask them how it's configured and see if you have any option to adjust it.
The standard flow for Express Checkout is that you would show the user their cart and any fees you've gathered at that point so you can generate the subtotal. Then you send them over to PayPal where they login and agree, and are then sent back to your site. Back at your site you would obtain the shipping address from PayPal and you could then display a final review page that breaks down any additional shipping, tax, etc. that might be applied now that you know their shipping address. No money would actually be charged until they approve this final review page.
In order to skip the additional review page on your own site, PayPal introduced the Instant Update API a few years ago. This gives you the ability to generate a web service that PayPal's review page will call and send the shipping address so that the service can calculate shipping and tax and return it back to PayPal. The PayPal review would then update accordingly so the buyer can choose their shipping option and see the grand total on the PayPal review page. That way they can finalize and would still be returned to your site, but you wouldn't need to show another review. You could simply show the thank you / receipt page.
I'm not sure if that first method I outlined is in fact what you're getting..?? It sounds like you're saying that Shopify is skipping the extra review, finalizing the payment, and then simply notifying the user that more money was charged than they agreed to. If that's the case, I would say that's very sloppy checkout design.
Again, though, as Shopify is a hosted solution, you probably won't have the ability to adjust this on your own. It's possible they have the Instant Update API available, though, and maybe you just need to enable it..??
You'll need to check with them for more details about your options.

Confused as to which PayPal api to use for generic payments?

I'm building a small cart app in PHP which needs to have PayPal integrated into it for payments.
Checking the PP developer site you get 100 different APIs for every kind of job, however there is no clear answer as to which is the GENERIC API I should use to accept payments in the classic manner most webshops implement:
1. Client clicks pay
2. Redirected to PP site where he is asked to login.
3. After login he is presented with confirmation, he clicks OK.
4. Browser redirects back to my cart which presents user with a "Thank you" message, order code etc, while in the background a request is sent to my cart with the transaction credentials (transaction id, success status etc).
By the way, I'm not looking for Express Checkout since in this case PP provides the shipping info.
You could use the DoDirectPayment API to process payments. This will keep the buyer on your site, and they will enter in the information on your site. Then you will pass the details over to PayPal through an API call, and PayPal will then send the response back to you if the payment is approved.
If you are not wanting to use the DoDirectPayment API and are wanting to direct the buyer over to PayPal's pages to complete the payment but do not want to use Express Checkout, you could use PayPal Payments Adv/Payflow.
Express Checkout is what you want. Shipping info can be set on your end or Paypal end. It makes no difference.