To have or not to have enums [duplicate] - dynamic
How do I automatically create an enum and subsequently use its values in C# based on values in a database lookup table (using enterprise library data layer)?
For example, If I add a new lookup value in the database, I don't want to have to manually add the extra static enum value declaration in code - I'd like to keep the enum in sync with the database.
Is there such a thing as this?
I don't want to create a code generated static enum (as per The Code Project article Enum Code Generator - Generating enum code automatically from database look up tables) and would prefer it to be completely automatic.
I'm doing this exact thing, but you need to do some kind of code generation for this to work.
In my solution, I added a project "EnumeratedTypes". This is a console application which gets all of the values from the database and constructs the enums from them. Then it saves all of the enums to an assembly.
The enum generation code is like this:
// Get the current application domain for the current thread
AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
// Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain,
// and allow it to be executed and saved to disk.
AssemblyName name = new AssemblyName("MyEnums");
AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = currentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name,
// Define a dynamic module in "MyEnums" assembly.
// For a single-module assembly, the module has the same name as the assembly.
ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(name.Name,
name.Name + ".dll");
// Define a public enumeration with the name "MyEnum" and an underlying type of Integer.
EnumBuilder myEnum = moduleBuilder.DefineEnum("EnumeratedTypes.MyEnum",
TypeAttributes.Public, typeof(int));
// Get data from database
MyDataAdapter someAdapter = new MyDataAdapter();
MyDataSet.MyDataTable myData = myDataAdapter.GetMyData();
foreach (MyDataSet.MyDataRow row in myData.Rows)
myEnum.DefineLiteral(row.Name, row.Key);
// Create the enum
// Finally, save the assembly
assemblyBuilder.Save(name.Name + ".dll");
My other projects in the solution reference this generated assembly. As a result, I can then use the dynamic enums in code, complete with intellisense.
Then, I added a post-build event so that after this "EnumeratedTypes" project is built, it runs itself and generates the "MyEnums.dll" file.
By the way, it helps to change the build order of your project so that "EnumeratedTypes" is built first. Otherwise, once you start using your dynamically generated .dll, you won't be able to do a build if the .dll ever gets deleted. (Chicken and egg kind of problem -- your other projects in the solution need this .dll to build properly, and you can't create the .dll until you build your solution...)
I got most of the above code from this msdn article.
Enums must be specified at compile time, you can't dynamically add enums during run-time - and why would you, there would be no use/reference to them in the code?
From Professional C# 2008:
The real power of enums in C# is that behind the scenes they are instantiated as structs derived from the base class, System.Enum . This means it is possible to call methods against them to perform some useful tasks. Note that because of the way the .NET Framework is implemented there is no performance loss associated with treating the enums syntactically as structs. In practice, once your code is compiled, enums will exist as primitive types, just like int and float .
So, I'm not sure you can use Enums the way you want to.
Does it have to be an actual enum? How about using a Dictionary<string,int> instead?
for example
Dictionary<string, int> MyEnum = new Dictionary(){{"One", 1}, {"Two", 2}};
I've done this with a T4 template. It is fairly trivial to drop a .tt file into your project, and set up Visual Studio to run the T4 template as a pre-build step.
The T4 generates a .cs file, which means you can have it just query the database and build an enum in a .cs file from the result. Wired up as a pre-build task, it would re-create your enum on every build, or you can run the T4 manually as needed instead.
Let's say you have the following in your DB:
table enums
| id | name |
| 0 | MyEnum |
| 1 | YourEnum |
table enum_values
| id | enums_id | value | key |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | Apple |
| 1 | 0 | 1 | Banana |
| 2 | 0 | 2 | Pear |
| 3 | 0 | 3 | Cherry |
| 4 | 1 | 0 | Red |
| 5 | 1 | 1 | Green |
| 6 | 1 | 2 | Yellow |
Construct a select to get the values you need:
select * from enums e inner join enum_values ev on where
Construct the source code for the enum and you'll get something like:
String enumSourceCode = "enum " + enumName + "{" + enumKey1 + "=" enumValue1 + "," + enumKey2 + ... + "}";
(obviously this is constructed in a loop of some kind.)
Then comes the fun part, Compiling your enum and using it:
CodeDomProvider provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp");
CompilerParameters cs = new CompilerParameters();
cp.GenerateInMemory = True;
CompilerResult result = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, enumSourceCode);
Type enumType = result.CompiledAssembly.GetType(enumName);
Now you have the type compiled and ready for use.
To get a enum value stored in the DB you can use:
[Enum].Parse(enumType, value);
where value can be either the integer value (0, 1, etc.) or the enum text/key (Apple, Banana, etc.)
Just showing the answer of Pandincus with "of the shelf" code and some explanation:
You need two solutions for this example ( I know it could be done via one also ; ), let the advanced students present it ...
So here is the DDL SQL for the table :
USE [ocms_dev]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Role](
[RoleId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[RoleName] [varchar](50) NULL
So here is the console program producing the dll:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace DynamicEnums
class EnumCreator
// after running for first time rename this method to Main1
static void Main ()
string strAssemblyName = "MyEnums";
bool flagFileExists = System.IO.File.Exists (
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase +
strAssemblyName + ".dll"
// Get the current application domain for the current thread
AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
// Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain,
// and allow it to be executed and saved to disk.
AssemblyName name = new AssemblyName ( strAssemblyName );
AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder =
currentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly ( name,
AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave );
// Define a dynamic module in "MyEnums" assembly.
// For a single-module assembly, the module has the same name as
// the assembly.
ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule (
name.Name, name.Name + ".dll" );
// Define a public enumeration with the name "MyEnum" and
// an underlying type of Integer.
EnumBuilder myEnum = moduleBuilder.DefineEnum (
typeof ( int )
#region GetTheDataFromTheDatabase
DataTable tableData = new DataTable ( "enumSourceDataTable" );
string connectionString = "Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist " +
"Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=ocms_dev;Data " +
using (SqlConnection connection =
new SqlConnection ( connectionString ))
SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand ();
command.CommandText = string.Format ( "SELECT [RoleId], " +
"[RoleName] FROM [ocms_dev].[dbo].[Role]" );
Console.WriteLine ( "command.CommandText is " +
command.CommandText );
connection.Open ();
tableData.Load ( command.ExecuteReader (
) );
} //eof using
foreach (DataRow dr in tableData.Rows)
myEnum.DefineLiteral ( dr[1].ToString (),
Convert.ToInt32 ( dr[0].ToString () ) );
#endregion GetTheDataFromTheDatabase
// Create the enum
myEnum.CreateType ();
// Finally, save the assembly
assemblyBuilder.Save ( name.Name + ".dll" );
} //eof Main
} //eof Program
} //eof namespace
Here is the Console programming printing the output ( remember that it has to reference the dll ). Let the advance students present the solution for combining everything in one solution with dynamic loading and checking if there is already build dll.
// add the reference to the newly generated dll
use MyEnums ;
class Program
static void Main ()
Array values = Enum.GetValues ( typeof ( EnumeratedTypes.MyEnum ) );
foreach (EnumeratedTypes.MyEnum val in values)
Console.WriteLine ( String.Format ( "{0}: {1}",
Enum.GetName ( typeof ( EnumeratedTypes.MyEnum ), val ),
val ) );
Console.WriteLine ( "Hit enter to exit " );
Console.ReadLine ();
} //eof Main
} //eof Program
Aren't we coming to this from the wrong direction?
If the data is likely to change at all during the lifetime of the deployed release then an enum is just not appropriate, and you need to use a dictionary, hash or other dynamic collection.
If you know the set of possible values is fixed for the life of the deployed release, then an enum is preferable.
If you must have something in your database that replicates the enumerated set, then why not add a deployment step to clear and repopulate the database table with the definitive set of enum values?
I always like to write my own "custom enum". Than I have one class that is a little bit more complex, but I can reuse it:
public abstract class CustomEnum
private readonly string _name;
private readonly object _id;
protected CustomEnum( string name, object id )
_name = name;
_id = id;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
public object Id
get { return _id; }
public override string ToString()
return _name;
public abstract class CustomEnum<TEnumType, TIdType> : CustomEnum
where TEnumType : CustomEnum<TEnumType, TIdType>
protected CustomEnum( string name, TIdType id )
: base( name, id )
{ }
public new TIdType Id
get { return (TIdType)base.Id; }
public static TEnumType FromName( string name )
return FromDelegate( entry => entry.Name.Equals( name ) );
catch (ArgumentException ae)
throw new ArgumentException( "Illegal name for custom enum '" + typeof( TEnumType ).Name + "'", ae );
public static TEnumType FromId( TIdType id )
return FromDelegate( entry => entry.Id.Equals( id ) );
catch (ArgumentException ae)
throw new ArgumentException( "Illegal id for custom enum '" + typeof( TEnumType ).Name + "'", ae );
public static IEnumerable<TEnumType> GetAll()
var elements = new Collection<TEnumType>();
var infoArray = typeof( TEnumType ).GetFields( BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static );
foreach (var info in infoArray)
var type = info.GetValue( null ) as TEnumType;
elements.Add( type );
return elements;
protected static TEnumType FromDelegate( Predicate<TEnumType> predicate )
if(predicate == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException( "predicate" );
foreach (var entry in GetAll())
if (predicate( entry ))
return entry;
throw new ArgumentException( "Element not found while using predicate" );
Now I just need to create my enum I want to use:
public sealed class SampleEnum : CustomEnum<SampleEnum, int>
public static readonly SampleEnum Element1 = new SampleEnum( "Element1", 1, "foo" );
public static readonly SampleEnum Element2 = new SampleEnum( "Element2", 2, "bar" );
private SampleEnum( string name, int id, string additionalText )
: base( name, id )
AdditionalText = additionalText;
public string AdditionalText { get; private set; }
At last I can use it like I want:
static void Main( string[] args )
foreach (var element in SampleEnum.GetAll())
Console.WriteLine( "{0}: {1}", element, element.AdditionalText );
Console.WriteLine( "Is 'Element2': {0}", element == SampleEnum.Element2 );
And my output would be:
Element1: foo
Is 'Element2': False
Element2: bar
Is 'Element2': True
You want System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvider
I also doubt the wisdom of doing this, but then there maybe a good use case that I can't think of.
What you're looking for are Build Providers i.e. System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvider
They're used very effectively by SubSonic, you can download the source and see how they use them, you won't need anything half as intricate as what they're doing.
Hope this helps.
Using dynamic enums is bad no matter which way. You will have to go through the trouble of "duplicating" the data to ensure clear and easy code easy to maintain in the future.
If you start introducing automatic generated libraries, you are for sure causing more confusion to future developers having to upgrade your code than simply making your enum coded within the appropriate class object.
The other examples given sound nice and exciting, but think about the overhead on code maintenance versus what you get from it. Also, are those values going to change that frequently?
Word up, I as well got tired of writing out enumerations based on Id / Name db table columns, copying and pasting stuff from queries in SSMS.
Below is a super dirty stored procedure that takes as input a table name, the column name you want to use for the c# enumeration name, and the column name that you want to use for the c# enumeration value.
Most of theses table names I work with a) end with "s" b) have a [TABLENAME]Id column and c) have a [TABLENAME]Name column, so there are a couple if statements that will assume that structure, in which case, the column name parameters are not required.
A little context for these examples - "Stonk" here doesn't really mean "stock" but kinda, the way I'm using "stonk" it means "a thing that has some numbers associated to it for a time period" But that's not important, it's just an example of table with this Id / Name schema. It looks like this:
StonkTypeName VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT UQ_StonkTypes_StonkTypeName UNIQUE (StonkTypeName)
After I create the proc, this statement:
EXEC CreateCSharpEnum 'StonkTypes'
Selects this string:
public enum StonkTypes { Stonk = 1, Bond = 2, Index = 3, Fund = 4, Commodity = 5,
PutCallRatio = 6, }
Which I can copy and paste into a C# file.
I have a Stonks table and it has StonkId and StonkName columns so this exec:
EXEC CreateCSharpEnum 'Stonks'
Spits out:
public enum Stonks { SP500 = 1, DowJonesIndustrialAverage = 2, ..... }
But for that enum I want to use the "Symbol" column for the enum name values so this:
EXEC CreateCSharpEnum 'Stonks', 'Symbol'
Does the trick and renders:
public enum Stonks { SPY = 1, DIA = 2, ..... }
Without further ado, here is this dirty piece of craziness. Yeah, very dirty, but I'm kind of pleased with myself - it's SQL code that constructs SQL code that constructs C# code. Couple layers involved.
#TableName VARCHAR(MAX),
#EnumNameColumnName VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL,
#EnumValueColumnName VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL
DECLARE #LastCharOfTableName VARCHAR(1)
SELECT #LastCharOfTableName = RIGHT(#TableName, 1)
PRINT 'Last char = [' + #LastCharOfTableName + ']'
IF UPPER(#LastCharOfTableName) = 'S'
SET #TableNameWithoutS = LEFT(#TableName, LEN(#TableName) - 1)
SET #TableNameWithoutS = #TableName
PRINT 'Table name without trailing s = [' + #TableNameWithoutS + ']'
IF #EnumNameColumnName IS NULL
SET #EnumNameColumnName = #TableNameWithoutS + 'Name'
PRINT 'name col name = [' + #EnumNameColumnName + ']'
IF #EnumValueColumnName IS NULL
SET #EnumValueColumnName = #TableNameWithoutS + 'Id'
PRINT 'value col name = [' + #EnumValueColumnName + ']'
-- replace spaces and punctuation
SET #EnumNameColumnName = 'REPLACE(' + #EnumNameColumnName + ', '' '', '''')'
SET #EnumNameColumnName = 'REPLACE(' + #EnumNameColumnName + ', ''&'', '''')'
SET #EnumNameColumnName = 'REPLACE(' + #EnumNameColumnName + ', ''.'', '''')'
SET #EnumNameColumnName = 'REPLACE(' + #EnumNameColumnName + ', ''('', '''')'
SET #EnumNameColumnName = 'REPLACE(' + #EnumNameColumnName + ', '')'', '''')'
PRINT 'name col name with replace sql = [' + #EnumNameColumnName + ']'
DECLARE #SqlStr VARCHAR(MAX) = 'SELECT ' + #EnumNameColumnName
+ ' + '' = '''
+ ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(' + #EnumValueColumnName + '))) + '','' FROM ' + #TableName + ' ORDER BY ' + #EnumValueColumnName
PRINT 'sql that gets rows for enum body = [' + #SqlStr + ']'
INTO #EnumRowsTemp
--SELECT * FROM #EnumRowsTemp
DECLARE #csharpenumbody VARCHAR(MAX)
SELECT #csharpenumbody = COALESCE(#csharpenumbody + ' ', '') + s FROM #EnumRowsTemp
--PRINT #csharpenumbody
DECLARE #csharpenum VARCHAR(MAX) = 'public enum ' + #TableName + ' { ' + #csharpenumbody + ' }'
PRINT #csharpenum
SELECT #csharpenum
DROP TABLE #EnumRowsTemp
Please, be critical. One funky thing I didn't understand, how come I have to create and drop this #EnumRowsTemp table and not just "SELECT INTO #EnumRowsTemp" to create the temp table on the fly? I don't know the answer, I tried that and it didn't work. That's probably the least of the problems of this code...
As dirty as it may be... I hope this saves some of you fellow dorks a little bit of time.
I don't think there is a good way of doing what you want. And if you think about it I don't think this is what you really want.
If you would have a dynamic enum, it also means you have to feed it with a dynamic value when you reference it. Maybe with a lot of magic you could achieve some sort of IntelliSense that would take care of this and generate an enum for you in a DLL file. But consider the amount of work it would take, how uneffective it would be to access the database to fetch IntelliSense information as well as the nightmare of version controlling the generated DLL file.
If you really don't want to manually add the enum values (you'll have to add them to the database anyway) use a code generation tool instead, for example T4 templates. Right click+run and you got your enum statically defined in code and you get all the benefits of using enums.
One way to keep the Enums and to create a Dynamic list of values at the same time is to use the Enums that you currently have with a Dynamically created Dictionary.
Since most Enums are used in the context that they are defined to be used, and the "dynamic enums" will be supported by dynamic processes, you can distinguish the 2.
The first step is to create a table/collection that houses the IDs and References for the Dynamic Entries. In the table you will autoincrement much larger than your largest Enum value.
Now comes the part for your dynamic Enums, I am assuming that you will be using the Enums to create a set of conditions that apply a set of rules, some are dynamically generated.
Get integer from database
If Integer is in Enum -> create Enum -> then run Enum parts
If Integer is not a Enum -> create Dictionary from Table -> then run Dictionary parts.
enum builder class
public class XEnum
private EnumBuilder enumBuilder;
private int index;
private AssemblyBuilder _ab;
private AssemblyName _name;
public XEnum(string enumname)
AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
_name = new AssemblyName("MyAssembly");
_ab = currentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(
_name, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
ModuleBuilder mb = _ab.DefineDynamicModule("MyModule");
enumBuilder = mb.DefineEnum(enumname, TypeAttributes.Public, typeof(int));
/// <summary>
/// adding one string to enum
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public FieldBuilder add(string s)
FieldBuilder f = enumBuilder.DefineLiteral(s, index);
return f;
/// <summary>
/// adding array to enum
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s"></param>
public void addRange(string[] s)
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
enumBuilder.DefineLiteral(s[i], i);
/// <summary>
/// getting index 0
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public object getEnum()
Type finished = enumBuilder.CreateType();
_ab.Save(_name.Name + ".dll");
Object o1 = Enum.Parse(finished, "0");
return o1;
/// <summary>
/// getting with index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public object getEnum(int i)
Type finished = enumBuilder.CreateType();
_ab.Save(_name.Name + ".dll");
Object o1 = Enum.Parse(finished, i.ToString());
return o1;
create an object
string[] types = { "String", "Boolean", "Int32", "Enum", "Point", "Thickness", "long", "float" };
XEnum xe = new XEnum("Enum");
return xe.getEnum();
You could use CodeSmith to generate something like this:,guid,cef1b637-7d37-4691-8e49-138cbf1d51e9.aspx
dart - mirror - how to know variable name using mirrors
I am editing my question to fully describe what i need exactly is. I want to create sql query using reflection based on the model/fields as follows. here method getFieldName() is a dummy sample of my need because i don't know how to implement. import 'package:reflection_test2/common/reflect/Reflector.dart'; #reflector class Table { int id; String name; String sql = "SELECT " + getFieldName(name) + " FROM TABLE " "WHERE " + getFieldName(id) + "=" + 1.toString(); String getFieldName(dynamic field) { String fieldName = sameWayToGetFieldName(field); return fieldName; } }
You tagged your question with flutter. Flutter does not allow using dart:mirror package. So there is no way to retrieve the variable name. PS. Why do you need the name of the variable? If you need named numbers, you can use Map class.
You should wrap the variable in a class then use reflection...Like this class MyClass{ int myint = 9; } void getVariableNames(){ ClassMirror classMirror = reflectClass(MyClass); for(var attribute in classMirror.declarations.values){ if(attribute is VariableMirror){ var attributeName = MirrorSystem.getName(attribute.simpleName); print(attributeName); } } } main() { getVariableNames(); } PLEASE NOTE: Flutter doesn't support reflection/mirrors yet but you can try this out in dart.
Mapping multiple values enum types with Hibernate Annotations
In order to map Hibernate query result to a custom class containing an enum, I should do like this according to this post but I don't want to use enum field name but one of its multiple values : Properties params = new Properties(); params.put("enumClass", "MyStatusEnum"); params.put("useNamed", true) String sql = "SELECT " + "PRICE as price, " + "COMPANY as companyId, " + "NAME as name, " + "STATUS as statusEnum " + "FROM `FUC**** TABLE WITH SPACE`"; List <Item> items = session.createNativeQuert(sql) // Obliged to use this method // with deprecated transformer after because createQuery does not // recognize ` escape character and if I use session.createQuery(sql, Item.class), // Item is not recognized as an entity ... .addScalar(price) // Obliged to do it for all fields just because I need to do it for one field ?! .addScalar(companyId) .addScalar(name) .addScalar(statusEnum) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(Item.class)).list(); 1) The problem is for MyEnum.AVAILABLE for example, data will not be "available" but an int so this is my enum : public enum MyEnum { AVAILABLE(0, 1), TO_SENT(1, null), ARCHIVED(2, null); private final int stateNum; private final Integer nextStateNum; MyEnum(int stateNum, Integer nextStateNum) { this.stateNum = stateNum; this.nextStateNum = nextStateNum; } } And I want to map the STATUS (possible values : 0, 1, 2) in DB not to the name but to the first attribute code (stateNum), how to do that ? Coul I apply a function to get enum from code ? Properties params = new Properties(); params.put("enumClass", "Foo.ProfileStateEnum"); params.put("???", "???"); 2) How to get doc about properties mapping to enum and that for hibernate < 5, we must use params.put("type", "12");, where is corresponding doc ? Thank you very much,
Answer to 1) : Mapping Enum Types with Hibernate Example is a track I'm testing but I would not use annotation but code. Answer to 2) : Class EnumType
How to get Alfresco custom content model property information?
Is there any way to programmatically understand what properties there are for a custom model in Alfresco? For example, data dictionary in oracle helps you to find what tables are defined by which column names and column data types. My goal is a sample code in java which extracts all custom defined content models, their attributes, their attributes data types, etc. For example my sample code should return to me that there is a custom content Model which has an integer attribute with name 'No' and a string attribute with name 'Description'. I know this is possible with DictionaryComponent, But I don't know how should I use it.
Take a look at org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.DictionaryService. will your Java-code running in-context with alfresco (as part of the /alfresco webapp) or outside? If your running in-context, then Alfreso Java Foundation API is your choice where DictionaryService is part of. just inject the bean into your java code. If your code is running outside of alfresco, then Alfresco REST API or CMIS is your choice. If you're still lost, then train yourself first. Jeff wrote some good articles & also a book. Also a good starting point - Alfresco Developer Docs:
thanks a lot of alfresian responses, My code sample is something like below: I found the sample code from : this URL public void GetAllAvailableDataTypes() throws IOException { Session session = getSession(); boolean includePropertyDefintions = true; for (Tree t : session.getTypeDescendants( null, // start at the top of the tree -1, // infinite depth recursion includePropertyDefintions // include prop defs )) { printTypes(t, ""); } } public void printTypes(Tree tree, String tab) { ObjectType objType = (ObjectType) tree.getItem(); String type = objType.getId(); if(true)//type.endsWith("hstcase")) { System.out.println(tab + "TYPE:" + objType.getDisplayName() + " (" + objType.getDescription() + ")"); //Print some of the common attributes for this type System.out.print(tab + " Id:" + "-----"+ objType.getId() + "-----"); System.out.print(" Fileable:" + objType.isFileable()); System.out.print(" Queryable:" + objType.isQueryable()); if (objType instanceof DocumentType) { System.out.print(" [DOC Attrs->] Versionable:" + ((DocumentType)objType).isVersionable()); System.out.println(" Content:" + ((DocumentType)objType).getContentStreamAllowed()); Map<String, org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.definitions.PropertyDefinition<?>> props = objType.getPropertyDefinitions(); Set<String> keys = props.keySet(); Collection<org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.definitions.PropertyDefinition<?>> porpsAsCollection = props.values(); for(org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.definitions.PropertyDefinition<?> p: porpsAsCollection) { //System.out.println(p.getDescription()); PropertyType pt = p.getPropertyType(); System.out.println("Display Name: "+ p.getDisplayName()); System.out.println("Local Name: "+ p.getLocalName()); System.out.println("Attribute Type: "+ pt.value()); } } System.out.println(""); // end the line } List<Tree> childs = tree.getChildren(); for (Tree t : childs) { // there are more - call self for next level printTypes(t, tab + " "); } }
SharePoint 2010 - Custom calculated column
In a document library I need a custom calculated column, because the default Excel formula don't provide the functionality I need. I created a custom field inheriting from SPFieldText, that I then could customize at will. The question is: how is it possible, from my custom field, to access the content values of the other fields of the document library? In other world, in the overriden GetValidatedString method, how can I return a value that is dependent upon values from other fields, for the same record? How to implement getFieldValue() , below: public class MyCustomField : SPFieldText { .... public override string GetValidatedString(object value) { string value1 = getFieldValue("Column-Name1"); string value2 = getFieldValue("Column-Name2"); return value1 + ", " + value2; // any arbitrary operation on field values } } Thanks!
You should be able to grab other values from the form using the Item property of the FormComponent or the Item property of the ItemContext. Either of these should work from the FieldControl class: Code Snippet if ((this.ControlMode == SPControlMode.New) || (this.ControlMode == SPControlMode.Edit)) { object obj = this.Item["Name"]; if (obj != null) string name = obj.ToString(); object obj2 = base.ItemContext.Item["Name"]; if (obj2 != null) string name2 = obj2.ToString(); } where "Name" is the internal name of the field that you wish to retrieve.
error, string or binary data would be truncated when trying to insert
I am running data.bat file with the following lines: Rem Tis batch file will populate tables cd\program files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL osql -U sa -P Password -d MyBusiness -i c:\data.sql The contents of the data.sql file is: insert Customers (CustomerID, CompanyName, Phone) Values('101','Southwinds','19126602729') There are 8 more similar lines for adding records. When I run this with start > run > cmd > c:\data.bat, I get this error message: 1>2>3>4>5>....<1 row affected> Msg 8152, Level 16, State 4, Server SP1001, Line 1 string or binary data would be truncated. <1 row affected> <1 row affected> <1 row affected> <1 row affected> <1 row affected> <1 row affected> Also, I am a newbie obviously, but what do Level #, and state # mean, and how do I look up error messages such as the one above: 8152?
From #gmmastros's answer Whenever you see the message.... string or binary data would be truncated Think to yourself... The field is NOT big enough to hold my data. Check the table structure for the customers table. I think you'll find that the length of one or more fields is NOT big enough to hold the data you are trying to insert. For example, if the Phone field is a varchar(8) field, and you try to put 11 characters in to it, you will get this error.
I had this issue although data length was shorter than the field length. It turned out that the problem was having another log table (for audit trail), filled by a trigger on the main table, where the column size also had to be changed.
In one of the INSERT statements you are attempting to insert a too long string into a string (varchar or nvarchar) column. If it's not obvious which INSERT is the offender by a mere look at the script, you could count the <1 row affected> lines that occur before the error message. The obtained number plus one gives you the statement number. In your case it seems to be the second INSERT that produces the error.
Just want to contribute with additional information: I had the same issue and it was because of the field wasn't big enough for the incoming data and this thread helped me to solve it (the top answer clarifies it all). BUT it is very important to know what are the possible reasons that may cause it. In my case i was creating the table with a field like this: Select '' as Period, * From Transactions Into #NewTable Therefore the field "Period" had a length of Zero and causing the Insert operations to fail. I changed it to "XXXXXX" that is the length of the incoming data and it now worked properly (because field now had a lentgh of 6). I hope this help anyone with same issue :)
Some of your data cannot fit into your database column (small). It is not easy to find what is wrong. If you use C# and Linq2Sql, you can list the field which would be truncated: First create helper class: public class SqlTruncationExceptionWithDetails : ArgumentOutOfRangeException { public SqlTruncationExceptionWithDetails(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException inner, DataContext context) : base(inner.Message + " " + GetSqlTruncationExceptionWithDetailsString(context)) { } /// <summary> /// PArt of code from following link /// /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns></returns> static string GetSqlTruncationExceptionWithDetailsString(DataContext context) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (object update in context.GetChangeSet().Updates) { FindLongStrings(update, sb); } foreach (object insert in context.GetChangeSet().Inserts) { FindLongStrings(insert, sb); } return sb.ToString(); } public static void FindLongStrings(object testObject, StringBuilder sb) { foreach (var propInfo in testObject.GetType().GetProperties()) { foreach (System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute attribute in propInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute), true)) { if (attribute.DbType.ToLower().Contains("varchar")) { string dbType = attribute.DbType.ToLower(); int numberStartIndex = dbType.IndexOf("varchar(") + 8; int numberEndIndex = dbType.IndexOf(")", numberStartIndex); string lengthString = dbType.Substring(numberStartIndex, (numberEndIndex - numberStartIndex)); int maxLength = 0; int.TryParse(lengthString, out maxLength); string currentValue = (string)propInfo.GetValue(testObject, null); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentValue) && maxLength != 0 && currentValue.Length > maxLength) { //string is too long sb.AppendLine(testObject.GetType().Name + "." + propInfo.Name + " " + currentValue + " Max: " + maxLength); } } } } } } Then prepare the wrapper for SubmitChanges: public static class DataContextExtensions { public static void SubmitChangesWithDetailException(this DataContext dataContext) { // try { //this can failed on data truncation dataContext.SubmitChanges(); } catch (SqlException sqlException) //when (sqlException.Message == "String or binary data would be truncated.") { if (sqlException.Message == "String or binary data would be truncated.") //only for EN windows - if you are running different window language, invoke the sqlException.getMessage on thread with EN culture throw new SqlTruncationExceptionWithDetails(sqlException, dataContext); else throw; } } } Prepare global exception handler and log truncation details: protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { Exception ex = Server.GetLastError(); string message = ex.Message; //TODO - log to file } Finally use the code: Datamodel.SubmitChangesWithDetailException();
Another situation in which you can get this error is the following: I had the same error and the reason was that in an INSERT statement that received data from an UNION, the order of the columns was different from the original table. If you change the order in #table3 to a, b, c, you will fix the error. select a, b, c into #table1 from #table0 insert into #table1 select a, b, c from #table2 union select a, c, b from #table3
on sql server you can use SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF like this: using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=XRAYGOAT\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog='Healthy Care';Integrated Security=True")) { conn.Open(); using (var trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { using cmd = new SqlCommand("", conn, trans)) { cmd.CommandText = "SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.CommandText = "YOUR INSERT HERE"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Parameters.Clear(); cmd.CommandText = "SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); trans.Commit(); } } catch (Exception) { trans.Rollback(); } } conn.Close(); }
I had the same issue. The length of my column was too short. What you can do is either increase the length or shorten the text you want to put in the database.
Also had this problem occurring on the web application surface. Eventually found out that the same error message comes from the SQL update statement in the specific table. Finally then figured out that the column definition in the relating history table(s) did not map the original table column length of nvarchar types in some specific cases.
I had the same problem, even after increasing the size of the problematic columns in the table. tl;dr: The length of the matching columns in corresponding Table Types may also need to be increased. In my case, the error was coming from the Data Export service in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which allows CRM data to be synced to an SQL Server DB or Azure SQL DB. After a lengthy investigation, I concluded that the Data Export service must be using Table-Valued Parameters: You can use table-valued parameters to send multiple rows of data to a Transact-SQL statement or a routine, such as a stored procedure or function, without creating a temporary table or many parameters. As you can see in the documentation above, Table Types are used to create the data ingestion procedure: CREATE TYPE LocationTableType AS TABLE (...); CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_InsertProductionLocation #TVP LocationTableType READONLY Unfortunately, there is no way to alter a Table Type, so it has to be dropped & recreated entirely. Since my table has over 300 fields (😱), I created a query to facilitate the creation of the corresponding Table Type based on the table's columns definition (just replace [table_name] with your table's name): SELECT 'CREATE TYPE [table_name]Type AS TABLE (' + STRING_AGG(CAST(field AS VARCHAR(max)), ',' + CHAR(10)) + ');' AS create_type FROM ( SELECT TOP 5000 COLUMN_NAME + ' ' + DATA_TYPE + IIF(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH IS NULL, '', CONCAT('(', IIF(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = -1, 'max', CONCAT(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH,'')), ')')) + IIF(DATA_TYPE = 'decimal', CONCAT('(', NUMERIC_PRECISION, ',', NUMERIC_SCALE, ')'), '') AS field FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '[table_name]' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION) AS T; After updating the Table Type, the Data Export service started functioning properly once again! :)
When I tried to execute my stored procedure I had the same problem because the size of the column that I need to add some data is shorter than the data I want to add. You can increase the size of the column data type or reduce the length of your data.
A 2016/2017 update will show you the bad value and column. A new trace flag will swap the old error for a new 2628 error and will print out the column and offending value. Traceflag 460 is available in the latest cumulative update for 2016 and 2017: Just make sure that after you've installed the CU that you enable the trace flag, either globally/permanently on the server: ...or with DBCC TRACEON:
Another situation, in which this error may occur is in SQL Server Management Studio. If you have "text" or "ntext" fields in your table, no matter what kind of field you are updating (for example bit or integer). Seems that the Studio does not load entire "ntext" fields and also updates ALL fields instead of the modified one. To solve the problem, exclude "text" or "ntext" fields from the query in Management Studio
This Error Comes only When any of your field length is greater than the field length specified in sql server database table structure. To overcome this issue you have to reduce the length of the field Value . Or to increase the length of database table field .
If someone is encountering this error in a C# application, I have created a simple way of finding offending fields by: Getting the column width of all the columns of a table where we're trying to make this insert/ update. (I'm getting this info directly from the database.) Comparing the column widths to the width of the values we're trying to insert/ update. Assumptions/ Limitations: The column names of the table in the database match with the C# entity fields. For eg: If you have a column like this in database: You need to have your Entity with the same column name: public class SomeTable { // Other fields public string SourceData { get; set; } } You're inserting/ updating 1 entity at a time. It'll be clearer in the demo code below. (If you're doing bulk inserts/ updates, you might want to either modify it or use some other solution.) Step 1: Get the column width of all the columns directly from the database: // For this, I took help from Microsoft docs website: // private static Dictionary<string, int> GetColumnSizesOfTableFromDatabase(string tableName, string connectionString) { var columnSizes = new Dictionary<string, int>(); using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { // Connect to the database then retrieve the schema information. connection.Open(); // You can specify the Catalog, Schema, Table Name, Column Name to get the specified column(s). // You can use four restrictions for Column, so you should create a 4 members array. String[] columnRestrictions = new String[4]; // For the array, 0-member represents Catalog; 1-member represents Schema; // 2-member represents Table Name; 3-member represents Column Name. // Now we specify the Table_Name and Column_Name of the columns what we want to get schema information. columnRestrictions[2] = tableName; DataTable allColumnsSchemaTable = connection.GetSchema("Columns", columnRestrictions); foreach (DataRow row in allColumnsSchemaTable.Rows) { var columnName = row.Field<string>("COLUMN_NAME"); //var dataType = row.Field<string>("DATA_TYPE"); var characterMaxLength = row.Field<int?>("CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"); // I'm only capturing columns whose Datatype is "varchar" or "char", i.e. their CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH won't be null. if(characterMaxLength != null) { columnSizes.Add(columnName, characterMaxLength.Value); } } connection.Close(); } return columnSizes; } Step 2: Compare the column widths with the width of the values we're trying to insert/ update: public static Dictionary<string, string> FindLongBinaryOrStringFields<T>(T entity, string connectionString) { var tableName = typeof(T).Name; Dictionary<string, string> longFields = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var objectProperties = GetProperties(entity); //var fieldNames = objectProperties.Select(p => p.Name).ToList(); var actualDatabaseColumnSizes = GetColumnSizesOfTableFromDatabase(tableName, connectionString); foreach (var dbColumn in actualDatabaseColumnSizes) { var maxLengthOfThisColumn = dbColumn.Value; var currentValueOfThisField = objectProperties.Where(f => f.Name == dbColumn.Key).First()?.GetValue(entity, null)?.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentValueOfThisField) && currentValueOfThisField.Length > maxLengthOfThisColumn) { longFields.Add(dbColumn.Key, $"'{dbColumn.Key}' column cannot take the value of '{currentValueOfThisField}' because the max length it can take is {maxLengthOfThisColumn}."); } } return longFields; } public static List<PropertyInfo> GetProperties<T>(T entity) { //The DeclaredOnly flag makes sure you only get properties of the object, not from the classes it derives from. var properties = entity.GetType() .GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly) .ToList(); return properties; } Demo: Let's say we're trying to insert someTableEntity of SomeTable class that is modeled in our app like so: public class SomeTable { [Key] public long TicketID { get; set; } public string SourceData { get; set; } } And it's inside our SomeDbContext like so: public class SomeDbContext : DbContext { public DbSet<SomeTable> SomeTables { get; set; } } This table in Db has SourceData field as varchar(16) like so: Now we'll try to insert value that is longer than 16 characters into this field and capture this information: public void SaveSomeTableEntity() { var connectionString = "server=SERVER_NAME;database=DB_NAME;User ID=SOME_ID;Password=SOME_PASSWORD;Connection Timeout=200"; using (var context = new SomeDbContext(connectionString)) { var someTableEntity = new SomeTable() { SourceData = "Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah" }; context.SomeTables.Add(someTableEntity); try { context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.GetBaseException().Message == "String or binary data would be truncated.\r\nThe statement has been terminated.") { var badFieldsReport = ""; List<string> badFields = new List<string>(); // YOU GOT YOUR FIELDS RIGHT HERE: var longFields = FindLongBinaryOrStringFields(someTableEntity, connectionString); foreach (var longField in longFields) { badFields.Add(longField.Key); badFieldsReport += longField.Value + "\n"; } } else throw; } } } The badFieldsReport will have this value: 'SourceData' column cannot take the value of 'Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah' because the max length it can take is 16.
Kevin Pope's comment under the accepted answer was what I needed. The problem, in my case, was that I had triggers defined on my table that would insert update/insert transactions into an audit table, but the audit table had a data type mismatch where a column with VARCHAR(MAX) in the original table was stored as VARCHAR(1) in the audit table, so my triggers were failing when I would insert anything greater than VARCHAR(1) in the original table column and I would get this error message.
I used a different tactic, fields that are allocated 8K in some places. Here only about 50/100 are used. declare #NVPN_list as table nvpn varchar(50) ,nvpn_revision varchar(5) ,nvpn_iteration INT ,mpn_lifecycle varchar(30) ,mfr varchar(100) ,mpn varchar(50) ,mpn_revision varchar(5) ,mpn_iteration INT -- ... ) INSERT INTO #NVPN_LIST SELECT left(nvpn ,50) as nvpn ,left(nvpn_revision ,10) as nvpn_revision ,nvpn_iteration ,left(mpn_lifecycle ,30) ,left(mfr ,100) ,left(mpn ,50) ,left(mpn_revision ,5) ,mpn_iteration ,left(mfr_order_num ,50) FROM [DASHBOARD].[dbo].[mpnAttributes] (NOLOCK) mpna I wanted speed, since I have 1M total records, and load 28K of them.
This error may be due to less field size than your entered data. For e.g. if you have data type nvarchar(7) and if your value is 'aaaaddddf' then error is shown as: string or binary data would be truncated
You simply can't beat SQL Server on this. You can insert into a new table like this: select foo, bar into tmp_new_table_to_dispose_later from my_table and compare the table definition with the real table you want to insert the data into. Sometime it's helpful sometimes it's not. If you try inserting in the final/real table from that temporary table it may just work (due to data conversion working differently than SSMS for example). Another alternative is to insert the data in chunks, instead of inserting everything immediately you insert with top 1000 and you repeat the process, till you find a chunk with an error. At least you have better visibility on what's not fitting into the table.