Format initialization list different from function parameter lists - uncrustify

I have as a C++ class constuctor
Status::Status(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
, m_currentPage(Status::UndefinedPage)
, m_lastPage(Status::UndefinedPage) ,
m_currentSubPage(Status::UndefinedSubPage), m_lastSubPage(Status::UndefinedSubPage)
, m_ptr(0)
and would like to see it like this
Status::Status(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, m_currentPage(Status::UndefinedPage)
, m_lastPage(Status::UndefinedPage)
, m_currentSubPage(Status::UndefinedSubPage)
, m_lastSubPage(Status::UndefinedSubPage)
, m_ptr(0)
I have found the relevant options:
nl_class_colon = remove
nl_class_init_args = remove
pos_comma = lead_force
pos_class_comma = lead_force
pos_class_colon = lead_force
but this also affects normal function parameters which I do not want. As soon as I alter pos_comma all my member initialization list gets crowded.
How is it possible to define the look of constructor initialization list different from function parameter lists?
EDIT: I want the function parameter list to look like
int r = myFuntion("a", "b",

No, as of Uncrustify 0.60 this is impossible. You have to either stick with different style or look for another formatter. You could also submit a feature request.


Dynamic form with composable-form

I'm trying to implement a dynamic form in Elm 0.19 using hecrj/composable-form.
I receive a json with the fields, their descriptions, etc, so I don't know beforehand how many fields it will have.
So the traditional way of defining a form:
Form.succeed OutputValues
|> Form.append field1
|> Form.append field2
doesn't work because I don't know the OutputValues structure beforehand.
I've seen there is a function Form.list which looks like a promising path, though it seems to expect all fields equal, which is not my case, I may have a text field and a select field for example.
Is there any straight forward way of doing this with this library?
Thank you.
The form library doesn't explicitly support what you're trying to do, but we can make it work!
Here's my example of how you can take JSON and create a form:
How to get there
Form.list is definitely the promising path. You're also exactly right that Form.list requires all of the fields to be of the same type. So let's start there! We can make one data structure that can hold them by making a custom type. In my example, I called it DynamicFormFieldValue. We'll make a variant for each kind of field. I created ones for text, integer, and select list. Each one will need to hold the value of the field and all of the extras (like title and default value) to make it show up nicely. This will be what we decode the JSON into, what the form value is, and what the form output will be. The resulting types looks like this:
type alias TextFieldRequirements =
{ name : String
, default : Maybe String
type alias IntFieldRequirements =
{ name : String
, default : Maybe Int
type alias SelectFieldRequirements =
{ name : String
, default : Maybe String
, options : List ( String, String )
type DynamicFormFieldValue
= TextField String TextFieldRequirements
| IntField Int IntFieldRequirements
| SelectField String SelectFieldRequirements
To display the form, you just need a function that can take the form value and display the appropriate form widget. The form library provides Form.meta to change the form based on the value. So, we will pattern match on the custom type and return Form.textField, Form.numberField, or Form.selectField. Something like this:
dynamicFormField : Int -> Form DynamicFormFieldValue DynamicFormFieldValue
dynamicFormField fieldPosition =
(\field ->
case field of
TextField textValue ({ name } as requirements) ->
{ parser = \_ -> Ok field
, value = \_ -> textValue
, update = \value oldValue -> TextField value requirements
, error = always Nothing
, attributes =
{ label = name
, placeholder = ""
IntField intValue ({ name } as requirements) ->
{ parser = \_ -> Ok field
, value = \_ -> String.fromInt intValue
, update = \value oldValue -> IntField (Maybe.withDefault intValue (String.toInt value)) requirements
, error = always Nothing
, attributes =
{ label = name
, placeholder = ""
, step = Nothing
, min = Nothing
, max = Nothing
SelectField selectValue ({ name, options } as requirements) ->
{ parser = \_ -> Ok field
, value = \_ -> selectValue
, update = \value oldValue -> SelectField value requirements
, error = always Nothing
, attributes =
{ label = name
, placeholder = ""
, options = options
Hooking this display function up is a bit awkward with the library. Form.list wasn't designed with use-case in mind. We want the list to stay the same length and just be iterated over. To achieve this, we will remove the "add" and "delete" buttons and be forced to provide a dummy default value (which will never get used).
dynamicForm : Form (List DynamicFormFieldValue) (List DynamicFormFieldValue)
dynamicForm =
{ default =
-- This will never get used
TextField "" { name = "", default = Nothing }
, value = \value -> value
, update = \value oldValue -> value
, attributes =
{ label = "Dynamic Field Example"
, add = Nothing
, delete = Nothing
Hopefully the ellie example demonstrates the rest and you can adapt it to your needs!

Elm: accessing common fields in union

I am trying to model a type as a union where each member of that union has properties in common with all other members.
I am currently achieving this like so:
type alias File = {
name : String
type CommonFileState extra = CommonFileState {
id : String
, file : File
} extra
type alias ValidFileState = CommonFileState {
validatedAt : Int
type alias InvalidFileState = CommonFileState {
reason : String
type alias LoadingFileState = CommonFileState {}
type FileState = Valid ValidFileState | Invalid InvalidFileState | Loading LoadingFileState
Now if I want to read one of those common properties on any given FileState, I must match against each member of the union:
getId : FileState -> String
getId fileState = case fileState of
Valid (CommonFileState {id} extra) -> id
Invalid (CommonFileState {id} extra) -> id
Loading (CommonFileState {id} extra) -> id
This feels wrong to me, because I have to duplicate the property access for each member. If I needed to manipulate this property somehow (e.g. concatenating something onto the string), I would also have to duplicate this.
I want to be able to easily access common properties of my union, and operate on those common properties.
When I started searching for other ways to do this, I found one alternative was to nest the union inside a record, which also holds the common properties:
type alias ValidCurrentFileState = {
validatedAt : Int
type alias InvalidCurrentFileState = {
reason : String
type alias LoadingCurrentFileState = {}
type CurrentFileState = Valid ValidCurrentFileState | Invalid InvalidCurrentFileState| Loading LoadingCurrentFileState
type alias File = {
name : String
type alias FileState = {
id : String
, file : File
, currentState : CurrentFileState
getId : FileState -> String
getId {id} = id
However this is awkward because I have to name the nested union, which adds a level of unnecessary indirection: "file state" and "current file state" are conceptually the same.
Are there any other ways of doing this which don't have the problems I mentioned?
I think you are thinking about this the wrong way around.
The purpose of modelling (in Elm) is capture the possible states of your data, and to exclude - in your model - 'impossible' states, so that the compiler can statically prevent the code every creating such states.
Once you're happy with your model, you write the helpers you need to make your core logic easy to express and to maintain.
I suspect I would normally go with your second approach, but I don't know all the issues you need to account for.

ELM Models: How Can I Transfer A Value Into A List Of Values?

I want to add a certain value to a list. Both are inside my ELM-model:
type alias Model =
{ syllables : List Syllable
, words : List Word
, newSyllable : String
, newWord : String
I want to add the newSyllable value to the list of syllables, when I click the button.
I placed this attribute inside my view:
onClick TransferSyllable
Everything works right, but I wonder how I can transfer one value of my model into the list of values!?
This is my definition of "Syllable":
type alias Syllable =
{ content : String
, start : Bool
, mid : Bool
, end : Bool
I want to insert the value to the end of the list.
Since Syllable is a record type with four fields, and newSyllable is just a string, you'll need a function that turns a String into a Syllable. I'll assume that function has the signature:
makeSyllable : String -> Syllable
Adding the syllable onto the end of the list can be done using List.append. Since append takes a List a, you'll need to add brackets around newSyllable when passing it to append:
{ model | syllables = List.append model.syllables [ makeSyllable model.newSyllable ] }

Elm : initialise set in the model

I am new to Elm. What I want to do is I am trying to initialise model with a set instead of a List, but given elm doesn't have any initialisers for sets (which is a shame, it'd be good if it was #{1,2,3}, as in Clojure), it is problematic.
With the code (Elm tutorial code, a little bit modified), I am trying to
main =
{ init = init "cats"
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias Model =
{ topic : String
, gifUrl : String
, error : String
, history : Set String
init : String -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init topic =
( Model topic "waiting.gif" "" Set.fromList([topic])
, getRandomGif topic
Which throws me a compiler error of:
Function `Model` is expecting 4 arguments, but was given 5.
Which is strange because this doesn't throw an error in Elm repl and is a valid code in most cases.
How would I achieve this?
The problem originates from your use of parentheses.
Model topic "waiting.gif" "" Set.fromList([topic])
-- is the same as:
Model topic "waiting.gif" "" Set.fromList [topic]
You don't need to enclose arguments in parentheses in Elm, but you do need to enclose the entire fourth parameter of Set.fromList [topic] so that the compiler knows it's a single parameter. Change it to this and you should be all set:
Model topic "waiting.gif" "" (Set.fromList [topic])

Queuing system for actionscript

Is there an actionscript library providing a queuing system?
This system would have to allow me to pass the object, the function I want to invoke on it and the arguments, something like:
Queue.push(Object, function_to_invoke, array_of_arguments)
Alternatively, is it possible to (de-)serialize a function call? How would I evaluate the 'function_to_invoke' with the given arguments?
Thanks in advance for your help.
There's no specific queue or stack type data structure available in ActionScript 3.0 but you may be able to find a library (CasaLib perhaps) that provides something along those lines.
The following snippet should work for you but you should be aware that since it references the function name by string, you won't get any helpful compiler errors if the reference is incorrect.
The example makes use of the rest parameter which allows you to specify an array of arbitrary length as the arguments for your method.
function test(... args):void
var queue:Array = [];
queue.push({target: this, func: "test", args: [1, 2, "hello world"] });
queue.push({target: this, func: "test", args: ["apple", "pear", "hello world"] });
for (var i:int = 0; i < queue.length; i ++)
var queued:Object = queue[i];[queued.func].apply(null, queued.args);
Sure, that works similar to JavaScript
const name:String = 'addChild'
, container:Sprite = new Sprite()
, method:Function = container.hasOwnProperty(name) ? container[name] : null
, child:Sprite = new Sprite();
if (method)
method.apply(this, [child]);
So a query method could look like:
function queryFor(name:String, scope:*, args:Array = null):void
const method:Function = scope && name && scope.hasOwnProperty(name) ? scope[name] : null
if (method)
method.apply(this, args);