Flexslider carousel show two images when width is 768px - flexslider

I use the flexslider carousel to a number of images to show. What I want now is, when the browser has a certain width drop a break, which for example is incidental to 768px 2 images are shown. Currently you see an image at a certain width but half and wants to these points with javascript / jquery to give many pictures there must fully show.
So my question is, how I can make an if statement for when the browser width is for example 768px width, is must show two images...
animation: "slide",
animationLoop: true,
itemWidth: 320,
itemMargin: 0,
minItems: 2,
maxItems: 5,
start: function(slider){
Check code on JSFiddle

You can use an if statement for widths like this:
if ($(window).width() < 960) {
alert('Less than 960');
else {
alert('More than 960');
... and to contain that, you might like to combine your document ready function with a window resize function.
function myfunction() {
// Pace the if/else here, do whatever
In terms of showing two images it think you should be able to be achieve that by setting slide widths and offsets in the flexslider function - or with css. here are the options i'm talking about:
itemWidth: 490, // or whatever is 1/2 of your width
itemMargin: 30, // experiment here!
minItems: 1, // or 2
Here's an edited version of your JS fiddle demo! http://jsfiddle.net/tM2a8/


QML (KDE Plasmoid): Can't get seamless scrolling text to loop accordingly

I'm working on a plasmoid for KDE Plasma and can't figure out how to implement a scrolling header bar, similar to ones you see at the bottom of the screen on news channels. I want to have a line of text which horizontally scrolls inside a colored box at a fixed speed, looping forever and seamlessly starting over once it reaches the end. I figured out the basic part of the looping transition, allowing the text to move outside of its box then come out the other end:
Rectangle {
width: myItem.width
height: myItem.height
color: myColor
Text {
width: myItem.width
wrapMode: "NoWrap"
maximumLineCount: 1
color: theme.textColor
text: "Whatever goes here."
SequentialAnimation on x {
running: true
loops: Animation.Infinite
NumberAnimation { from: -myItem.width; to: myItem.width; duration: 1000; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
PauseAnimation { duration: 250 }
But this doesn't take into account the length of the text string in order to adjust the start / end position and duration to its real width. It also requires moving the text completely out of bounds then back in, leaving the box empty for one frame... I wonder if there's a way to make it connect seamlessly. It also doesn't notice when I resize the plasmoid and adapt the animation range, only the scale detected at the start is taken into account. How do you suggest redoing that definition to work around scale issues and get consistent results with any box size and text length?

Dynamically setting max-height of Bootstrap modal body

I'm trying to dynamically set the max-height of Bootstraps modal-body elements for all modal dialog boxes. I've written the following, which seems to work when the dialog is opened. I'm depending on the enforceFocus method to exist and to be called once the dialog is rendered. I realize there may be moment before the CSS property is set where the dialog will not be rendered exactly right, but I'm okay with that. Is there anything wrong with this solution? I know I have yet to account for resizing the screen with a modal open, but that seems the easier problem to solve.
(function ($) {
$.fn.modal.Constructor.DEFAULTS.backdrop = 'static';
$.fn.modal.Constructor.DEFAULTS.keyword = false;
var oldEnforceFocus = $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus;
$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function () {
var $element = this.$element;
var maxHeight =
$("body").height() // full page
- $element.find(".modal-header").outerHeight(true) // modal header
- $element.find(".modal-footer").outerHeight(true) // modal footer
- ($element.find(".modal-dialog").outerHeight(true) - $element.find(".modal-dialog").height()) // dialog margins
- 5; // fudge factor
$element.find(".modal-body").css("max-height", maxHeight);
edit: To give credit where credit is due, this is based on
Correct way to extend Bootstrap Modal - lock, unlock.
If you don't want to use javascript, you can use CSS media queries and get close-ish to the height you need by using min-height. For example, define a media query on min-height: 540px, and set the max-height of the modal to something like max-height: 500px. Then define a media query at say min-height: 680px and set the modal to max-height: 640px. It's not fluid, and it requires several media queries to inch up to the largest size you want to plan for, but it will get you there.
#Josh solution is good with CSS and media queries but writing so many media queries where small devices has different screen heights e.g Iphone and SamSung G and N series, required alot of media queries to even calculate close-ish modal height on different screen sizes.
so setting height of modal (modal-body) dynamically according to media screen size and on small devices where there will be 2 types of media screen landscape and portrait, following few lines of code will put you very close-ish to your goal
Rendering modal HTML according to screen size with-in sec and later if screen size changes adjust it's height according to screen size
$(document).ready(function () {
setInterval(Dimension, 100);
function Dimension() {
var doc = $(document).height(); // document height
var head = $(".modal-header").height(); // modal header height
var footer = $(".modal-footer").height(); // modal footer height
var modheight = doc - head - footer - 65; // 65 is extra margins and it will not effect the height of modal any way if not changed.
$('.modal-body').css('height', modheight);
Few Changes required in Modal CSS
.modal-dialog {
margin: 0px auto !important;
.modal-body {
overflow-y: scroll; // In-case the content in modal-body overflow so it will have scrolling.
You can check the modal height adjust itself by increasing and decreasing the fiddle result window's height and width.

Trouble with adding multiple pins and animating background position in Scrollmagic?

I have added a TimeLineMax to a scene that I am working on. The functionality is working great but I am having trouble with a few details.
I would like my scene to pin like this site http://www.google.com/inbox/#bundles . By this I want multiple pins within one scene so that a user can't scroll through my animations without viewing them.
Here is a demo site of my work so far : https://so-staging.herokuapp.com/users/sign_in#publisher-demo-container
You can see my progress if you scroll down. Three steps will pop up and then animate away. I also have adjusted the background position of #publisher-demo-steps based on scroll.
However this isn't the desired goal. I would like this:
1. Pin #publisher-demo
2. Fire step 1 animated background-position on scroll.
3. Fire step 2
4. Fire step 3
I would like each step to be pinned so that a user can't go to the next step until the animation is complete.
I know this is confusing and I have been staring at it way too long. Thanks for the help. Here is my scrollmagic and GSAP code.
var controller = new ScrollMagic();
var tween = new TimelineMax()
.add(TweenMax.to("#publisher-demo-steps", 0.5, {backgroundPosition : "50% 23%"}))
.add(TweenMax.to(".blue-circle", 1, {display: "block"}))
.add(TweenMax.to(".blue-circle", 1, {className: "+=animated zoomOut", display: "none", delay:3}))
.add(TweenMax.to("#publisher-demo-steps", 0.5, {backgroundPosition : "22% 52%"}))
.add(TweenMax.to(".red-circle", 1, {display: "block"}))
.add(TweenMax.to(".red-circle", 1, {className: "+=animated zoomOut", display: "none", delay:3}))
.add(TweenMax.to("#publisher-demo-steps", 0.5, {backgroundPosition : "76% 50%"}))
.add(TweenMax.to(".green-circle", 1, {display: "block"}))
.add(TweenMax.to(".green-circle", 1, {className: "+=animated zoomOut", display: "none", delay:3}));
var scene = new ScrollScene({triggerElement: "#publisher-demo", duration: 4000, triggerHook: -100})
If I understand you correctly you would like to trigger the animations to play unbound from scroll progress.
The way you do this is by not linking the scene that does the pin.
As soon as a scene has a duration it will link animation progress to scroll progress.
Then you just add a scene for each animation trigger point.
i.e. like this:
new ScrollScene({triggerElement: "#trigger-element", duration: 4000, triggerHook: 0})
new ScrollScene({triggerElement: "#trigger-element", triggerHook: 0})
.setTween(new TimelineMax()
.to("#publisher-demo-steps", 0.5, {backgroundPosition : "50% 23%"})
.to(".blue-circle", 1, {display: "block"})
new ScrollScene({triggerElement: "#trigger-element", triggerHook: 0, offset: 300)
.setTween(TweenMax.to(".blue-circle", 1, {className: "+=animated zoomOut", display: "none", delay:3}))
General notes:
As you see I used a trigger element that is different from the pinned element. It should be positioned absolute and located at the same position as the pinned element. the reason I do this is, because the pinned element moves and would supply a wrong start position for the other scenes.
A triggerHook of -100 doesn't make any sense. The value can by definition only be between 0 and 1.
instead of TimelineMax().add(TweenMax.to()) you can use the shorthand TimelineMax().to() (see http://greensock.com/docs/#/HTML5/GSAP/TimelineMax/to/)
Note, that ScrollMagic 2 has been released for a while now. The syntax is very similar so you should consider upgrading.

Magnific Popup - taller mfp-bottom-bar causes max image height issue

I am customizing the title of the Magnific popup/lightbox to include more than one row of content by using the 'change' callback, and modifying the content of
within the callback. It is working correctly, except for the fact that if the image within the popup is very tall, or the window re-sizes to a smaller height, the calculation that Magnific is doing to adjust the 'max-height' of the image seems to only take into account a single row of text for the title.
Does anyone know what is needed to adjust the max-height calculation of the image to take into account a taller title box?
Thank you
** Edit
A quick hack to jquery.magnific-popup.js around line 461 in the "updateSize:" callback has allowed me to get around this problem. It seems reasonable to for this popup/lightbox to accept a max height in percentage so that it doesn't fill the screen.
Here's my change, I'd appreciate some feedback if possible. Thanks!
updateSize: function(winHeight) {
if(mfp.isIOS) {
// fixes iOS nav bars https://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup/issues/2
var zoomLevel = document.documentElement.clientWidth / window.innerWidth;
var height = window.innerHeight * zoomLevel;
mfp.wrap.css('height', height);
mfp.wH = height;
} else {
mfp.wH = winHeight || _window.height();
// ########################################
// ########################################
mfp.wH *= 0.8;
// Fixes #84: popup incorrectly positioned with position:relative on body
if(!mfp.fixedContentPos) {
mfp.wrap.css('height', mfp.wH);
You can limit the max height of the image in the resize callback, which will allow more room for the title:
type: 'image',
callbacks: {
resize: function() {
var img = this.content.find('img');
img.css('max-height', parseFloat(img.css('max-height')) * 0.95);
I'd like to add my contribution. As I wanted to include both titles and descriptions to images. This meant that I couldn't fit all this information in the viewport space. The description was cut off and I was left with a scrollbar.
#alexantd - I tried your callback addition which only works when the window is being resized.
#ajhuddy - Your solution worked perfectly for me. I was able to fit the text in fine. Though the image was considerably small with a lot of space at the top.
I adjusted the padding as to regain 40px space to display a slightly larger image. Here's my CSS to do so. The CSS below allowed me to reduce images to 0.85 (85%).
.mfp-img {
padding: 0px 0px 40px !important;
.mfp-close {
margin-top: -40px;
else b.wH=a||v.height()**,b.wH*=.9**;b.fixedContentPos

Flexslider - Navigation "one-by-one" - one click on arrow / one swipe / one keypress = movement of only one image

I'm using Flexslider for a project of gallery and I want to modify the navigation system.
On keypress/swipe/click on arrows, four images displayed disappear and are replaced by four new.
Is it possible to modify the behavior of the navigation to move images one by one ?
Thank you very much for your help !
You may want to use property move, which is defined as
//{NEW} Integer: Number of carousel items that should move on
animation. If 0, slider will move all visible items.
So, your code will look like this
$(window).load(function() {
animation: "slide",
animationLoop: true,
itemWidth: 210,
controlNav: false,
itemMargin: 0,
slideshow: false,
move: 1,
minItems = 4,
maxItems = 4
plus, of course, your customization of width, etc.