In Sybase SUP, do you have suggestions for non-example startup? - sup

Maybe I'm thinking too much about this. All of the examples I have seen seem to cover starting a (iOS) native App from the AppDelegate. I'm not excited about this, but I can't get around it so that it feels more comfortable. Are you doing something different, and how?

You can simply move the processing of initializing the SUP connection from the AppDelegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching method to the viewDidLoad method of your main view controller class.
You would also need to move the NotificationCenter handler methods to your main view controller class.


Using viewDid/WillMoveToSuperview to setup an NSView

I'd like to know which is the best way to setup an NSView.
The only method suitable for this purpose, seems to be viewDidMoveToSuperview.
In this method I can add subviews and inviewWillMoveToSuperview I can do geometry operation on frame etc.
But these are only my suppositions... I can't find a useful documentation that explain where is the better function to perform setup operations.
What do you think about that?
The reason you don't find any documentation on where to set up your NSViews is probably that you can set up views, add subviews, etc. in pretty much any method, as long as it is called on the main thread.
For simple apps, applicationDidFinishLaunching: of the application delegate is a useful place.
When the app grows, you might want to consider doing this lazily, when a new window is opened or when a view is added.
For normal apps, you won't need to do anything in viewWillMoveToSuperview/viewDidMoveToSuperview.

Connecting App Delegate to Controller Class

I'm stuck on this step of developing an XCode application:
What I'm confused about is the role of the AppDelegate class that's created by default when creating a project initially in XCode 4. If I implement a custom controller, let's use the example link above and call it TrackController. Do I make that controller the app delegate? It seems any tutorial I read isn't very clear on this.
So, in AppDelegate, do I create a new instance of the controller class here? And if so, do I then hook up the outlet here? Or do I change the File's Owner to be the controller class? If that's the case, then how's that done in XCode 4?
Not a very well defined question I know, but I'm sure someone knows what I'm talking about.
The following screenshot shows what I mean. The blue box is now "Track Controller". I've shown the AppDelegate class in this case though to make it clear. What do I use, AppDelegate.m, or TrackController.m? How should it be done?
Going back to this, I've uploaded the code to GitHub here as I still haven't figured out how to hook everything up.
To re-explain, I need to figure out how AppDelegate and TrackController all relate and communicate with one another. The concepts are generally new to me and I've read the Apple documentation but they haven't really helped me. I've even had in-depth discussions with experts and I still fail to see how it should work.
My model is Track, then I have TrackController and of course AppDelegate. AppDelegate is instantiating TrackController and I was hoping that it'd be able to open up its window.
What am I doing wrong? Hopefully an expert can help me!
What it's describing is that the application delegate should focus on handling the delegate calls sent to the app.
You actually create a new class to act as the primary controller of the app, and then you add code to call it when the app is finished loading. From there on out, that app is (supposedly) your primary control point (except, of course, when it 'hands off' to another class).
I'm more familiar with how the process works on iOS than Macs, which have to worry about windows, but for an iOS app you'd add code to call your starting view controller from inside ApplicationDidFinishLaunching:WithOptions:. From there, the view controller takes off, and the easiest way to view the entire process is that you start at the view controller (that's how most tutorials handle it, in fact, letting XCode handle the fact that the app delegate creates that view controller).

Registering all view controllers for NSNotifications

I have a custom graphic that is to be displayed to a user when an event occurs. The graphic needs to be displayed on whichever viewController is currently being displayed to the user.
The way i have programmed it so far is by adding to ALL viewcontrtollers:
1) the .h file for the custom graphic class
2) an observer for the NSNotification event that is raised
3) the method which actually draws the graphic.
This doesnt feel like a very efficient way of doing things and i was wondering if anyone has a better way of doing things?
To me it sounds like you've done it in a fairly sane way. The only other way I can think is to just add the graphic to the window which would then overlay on the current view controller and you'd only need to have one object listening for the notification. You could use the app delegate for instance. But then you would have to worry about rotation of the screen yourself when adding the graphic over the top.
What you are doing is correct .. The only thing you can improve is to mauve the drawing graphics part to the custom graphic class.. (if you are not already doing so...
just Make a UIViewController variable as a member variable to the graphics class..and then set it up to the current view displaying..after you receive the notifications..and the class will itself draw the code based on the ViewController you set it up to
The reason it doesn't feel efficient is that you're duplicating a lot of code. That's more work at the outset, and it creates a maintenance headache. You should be taking advantage of the inheritance that's built into object oriented languages, including Objective-C.
If you want all your view controllers to share some behavior, then implement that behavior in a common superclass. Derive all your other view controllers from that superclass, and they'll all automatically get the desired behavior. Your superclass's initializer can take care of registering the view controller for the notification(s) that you care about, and -dealloc can unregister it. This way, you don't have to clutter up each view controller with the same repeated code, and if you want to change the code you only have to do it in one place.

Question about singletons in Cocoa Touch

I'm quite new to OOP and design patterns, but I've implemented the Singleton pattern once before to pass static arrays and string objects between different ViewControllers.
I was wondering if there was an easy way to have all my ViewControllers listen for a gesture or event, and then execute some code once said gesture/event occurs. I was thinking of either using the UIGestureRecognizer object or motionBegan method of the UIResponder class.
I've already gotten this working by making a new UIWindow class, lodging the code in there, and changing the class of MainWindow.xib to my custom class. This works, and is a nice solution, but I'm still wondering if there's a non-IB way of implementing this solution (e.g., singletons)
Thanks ahead of time for your guidance.
Sample code is greatly appreciated!
You subclassed UIWindow? That's very uncommon. Read about the UIApplication delegate object, and the delegate pattern in general. It's basically your app's main singleton in Cocoa.
If you don't want to pass it around, you can always retrieve the app's delegate by calling
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]
If you want lots of unconnected objects/controllers to be notified of a single event, you can trigger it however you like (target/action from a control(s) or gesture recognizer(s)).
You might want to look into NSNotificationCenter and NSNotification, you could have multiple objects listing for the notification of the event/change.

how to get uiview to talk to controller

I'm relatively new to Objective-C and Cocoa... I've been trying to understand how to correctly implement the MVC pattern in Cocoa/Cocoa Touch for a long time now... I understand the idea behind it; it makes complete sense conceptually: a model holds the data, a view is what that the user sees and can interact with, and the controller acts as the bridge between the two. View can't talk to the model, model can't talk to the view. Got it.
What doesn't make sense to me is how to use MVC efficiently… if the user can only interact with the view, and does something to interact with it (i.e. for an iPhone app, the user clicks/drags within a subclass of UIView, triggering the "touchesBegan" and "touchesMoved" methods, etc.), how does the view communicate these events to the controller?
I've looked at countless examples and forums online, but have yet to find a simplified all-purpose way of achieving this… I know how to communicate with a controller through buttons, sliders, and other things that you can connect to an outlet, but for things that don't have a target-action mechanism, what's the best way to do it?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions regarding what to do, or where to look.
The standard way in Cocoa to do this is the delegate pattern (cf. UITableViewDelegate). Your view class would declare a delegate protocol and the controller sets itself as the view's delegate. The view then calls one of the delegate methods you defined whenever it wants to communicate something to the controller.
An alternative would be to implement the target-action mechanism for your view yourself. You get this more or less for free if you subclass from UIControl (just call sendActionsForControlEvents:) but it is quite easy to implement a system that works the same way for any custom class.
(Edit: I suppose a third way is to have the controller observe properties of the view (with KVO). This wouldn't work well to communicate touch events but it is a feasible way if you want to notify the controller about a state change or something like that.)