Xtext DSL embedded editor in a dialog - eclipse-plugin

I am new to xtext, and i have created a DSL using xtext and i have generated the artifacts, which has generated the editor which has many features like content assist and syntax coloring now the problem is i want to embed the editor inside a dialog.
For achieving this im using EmbeddedEditor, i am able to get the embedded editor and place it in the dialog, but the embedded editor is not displaying the contents of the file.
The file C:/Eclipse_Work/workspace/runtime_workspace/apa/ex.mydsl contains:
import com.ex.test;
element a;
The code in the createcontrol() of dialog is :
IEditedResourceProvider resourceProvider=new IEditedResourceProvider() {
public XtextResource createResource() {
try {
Resource resource = resourceSet.createResource(URI.createURI("C:/Eclipse_Work/workspace/runtime_workspace/apa/ex.mydsl"));
XtextResource resource2=(XtextResource)resource;
return (XtextResource) resource;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
MyDslActivator activator = MyDslActivator.getInstance();
Injector injector = activator
EmbeddedEditorFactory factory = injector.getInstance(EmbeddedEditorFactory.class);
EmbeddedEditor handle= factory.newEditor(resourceProvider).withParent(
EmbeddedEditorModelAccess partialEditor= handle.createPartialEditor();
handle.getViewer().getControl().setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL, GridData.FILL, true, true, 2, 0));
When i run the project the dialog opens with a editor area but it is not displaying the code present in ex.mydsl, the editor is empty.
Please tell me how to show the code in the embedded editor

You have to specify the editor's initial contents as the editablePart parameter of createPartialEditor(String prefix, String editablePart, String suffix, boolean insertLineBreaks). To obtain your XtextResource's contents as text, save it to a ByteArrayOutputStream, then convert it to a string using toString.


Null pointer when adding action listeners in IntelliJ GUI form

I'm using an IntelliJ GUI form to create a toolwindow as part of an IntelliJ plugin. This is some code in the class bound to the form:
private JButton checkNifi;
NifiToolWindow(ToolWindow toolWindow) {
checkNifi.addActionListener(e -> toolWindow.hide(null));
I understand that when this action listener is added the button is still null and this is the issue, however even if I do checkNifi = new JButton("Some text");, the null pointer instead gets thrown on this line.
I should add I also have a ToolWindowFactory class which looks like this:
public void createToolWindowContent(#NotNull Project project, #NotNull com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindow toolWindow) {
NifiToolWindow nifiToolWindow = new NifiToolWindow(toolWindow);
ContentFactory contentFactory = new ContentFactoryImpl();
Content content = contentFactory.createContent(nifiToolWindow.getContent(), "", false);
This is taken from the example here https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-sdk-docs/tree/master/code_samples/tool_window/src/myToolWindow
Any help or ideas would be great.
I found the solution, I had create custom box ticked in the gui designer, but an empty createGuiComponents() method. Therefore it was null.

How can I retrieve the contents a multi page editor plugin when selecting "Run as" in Eclipse Plugin Development?

An eclipse plugin is needed to allow users to input a script and run that script through the IDE. For this I've implemented an eclipse plugin, using the multi-page editor template. I added the extension org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts and provided a reference to my implementation of the interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.ILaunchShortcut. This interface requires to provide an implementation of these methods:
public void launch(final ISelection selection, final String mode);
public void launch(final IEditorPart editor, final String mode);
When the user - e.g. me - right clicks the file from the project explorer, selects "run as" and selects the launcher I provided, then the implementation of this launch method is hit. The first method - i.e. the ISelection version - is hit when selecting the file from the project explorer. The second method - i.e. the IEditorPart version - is hit when right clicking the editor zone and selecting the launcher through the "run as" option from the context menu.
I now need to find out how I can retrieve the contents of that editor page. In the first method I believe I could retrieve the filename with the below code:
IFile file = (IFile) ((IStructuredSelection) selection).getFirstElement();
String path = file.getFullPath().makeAbsolute().toString();
However, the that path is relevant with respect to the root of the project. I don't know how to retrieve the path of the root of the project.
The implementation of the second method is more problematic given I don't know how to find the path based on the IEditorPart.
I hope you can help. Many thanks
If you are asking how to get the file that the editor is current editing you can use something like:
IPath filepath = null;
IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput();
IFile file = input.getAdapter(IFile.class);
if (file != null) {
filepath = file.getFullPath();
if (filepath == null) {
ILocationProvider locationProvider = input.getAdapter(ILocationProvider.class);
if (locationProvider != null) {
filepath = locationProvider.getPath(input);
which tries to get the IFile frpm the editor directly and if that fails tries for a location provider.

Is there a eventlistener in eclipse core for "OnFileOpen"?

I am trying to write a plugin which parses the source code of any opened (java) file.
All I have found so far is IResourceChangeListener, but what I need is a Listener for some kind of "onRecourceOpenedEvent".
Does something like that exist?
The nearest you can get to this is to use an IPartListener to list to part events:
In the listener the partOpened tells you about a new part opening:
public void partOpened(IWorkbenchPart part) {
// Is this an editor
if (part instanceof IEditorPart) {
IEditorPart editor = (IEditorPart)part;
// Get file being edited
IFile file = (IFile)editor.getAdapter(IFile.class);
// TODO file is the current file - may be null

IntelliJ IDEA plugin: associating a source psi file with a icon in the package structure

I'm building a idea plugin which needs to create source file with the extension of ".java". I have created a file template and used it in an implementation of JavaCreateTemplateInPackageAction<PsiElement> class. In the constructor of the above mentioned class I called the constructor of the super class with a icon(which I loaded using IconLoader.getIcon before) like this
protected JavaCreateTemplateInPackageAction(String text, String description, Icon icon, boolean inSourceOnly) {
super(text, description, icon, inSourceOnly ? JavaModuleSourceRootTypes.SOURCES : null);
Finally I registered the implementation in plugin.xml as an action. The code works as a charm to create the source file with given template but the issue is in the package structure it doesn't shows the given custom icon, instead it shows the default icon for java classes(letter 'c'). But the given icon appears in the new menu when right click on the source package to create a source file. Can anybody help me out please.? Thanks.
PS: I tried to change the file extension something other than .java and it still doesn't show the expected icon but instead it shows the generic icon for java(letter 'j' icon)
The icon you provide in your JavaCreateTemplateInPackageAction is only used for that action. Icons in the project view can be overridden using an IconProvider, that you can register using the <iconProvider> tag in your plugin.xml:
<iconProvider implementation="org.intellij.plugins.ceylon.ide.presentation.CeylonIconProvider"/>
Java code:
public class CeylonIconProvider extends IconProvider {
public Icon getIcon(#NotNull PsiElement element, int flags) {
if (element instanceof CeylonFile) {
return ...
if (element instanceof CeyLightClass) {
return null;

Get project in Eclipse plugin without having an open editor

In a Eclipse plugin it's easy to get the current project(IProject) if there's an editor opened, you just need to use this snippet:
IEditorPart editor = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActiveEditor();
IFileEditorInput input = (IFileEditorInput)editor.getEditorInput();
IFile file = input.getFile();
IProject project = file.getProject();
But, is there a way to get the project if I don't have any kind of file opened in the editor?, i.e: imagine that you have a plugin that adds an option when you right click a project, and if you click this option a dialog window is launched, how can I print the project name in this dialog?
For menu items and the like which use a 'command' with a 'handler' you can use code in the handler which is something like:
public class CommandHandler extends AbstractHandler
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException
ISelection sel = HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelection(event);
if (sel instanceof IStructuredSelection)
Object selected = ((IStructuredSelection)sel).getFirstElement();
IResource resource = (IResource)Platform.getAdapterManager().getAdapter(selected, IResource.class);
if (resource != null)
IProject project = resource.getProject();
return null;
What do you mean by "The current project"? Getting a specific project will always require some way of uniquely identifying that specific project.
If by current project you mean that the project is open, then that's not a good criterion for uniqueness (in the general case), since multiple projects can be open at the same time.
A guarantee of uniquely defining a project is by getting a reference to a resource contained by that project. For example, this can be done through the editor input, as you state, or trough a selection, as greg pointed out.
If you have the project's name, then you can use IWorkspaceRoot#getProject(String), but I assume that's not the case. Still, for completeness:
You could also get a list of all projects, and iterate over that list to check for a property that you know the project has (or the projects have). See the example below. Of course, this again doesn't guarantee uniqueness in the general case, since there can be multiple projects that satisfy the criteria. That's why I used Lists in the example.
IProject[] projects = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects();
List<IProject> openProjects = new ArrayList<>();
List<IProject> myNatureProjects = new ArrayList<>();
for(IProject project : projects)