NSTableView group row text field selection - objective-c

I want to make a custom text selection in my table view.
I found this awesome answer on how to set the colors, fonts, etc. of the cells.
However, there is one issue.
It does not work for group rows. I see that the method gets invoked, but I think the style gets overwritten somewhere in either the NSTableCellView, or in the NSTableView class.
How can I fix this?
It's a view based NSTableView


How can I make command-A select all the NSTextView text in rows in an NSTableView?

So if I have an NSView based tableview and inside the views are NSTextViews which are non-editable but selectable...
how can I get that nice functionality of command-A selects all the text? I don't mean row selection. I have row selection disabled for the tableview. I mean highlighting the text in blue so you can copy it to your clipboard. But not just 1 NSTextView's text from one row, all of them from all the rows.
And in addition to command-A click and drag should do this too. But out of the box it seems I can only select one row's text. Here is video showing problem:
(i keep clicking and dragging but can't highlight text on the next row)
here are two mac apps (skype and gabble) that do this:
Assuming they are NOT using WebViews with just HTML inside, how do you get this control over the clipboard? i.e. in Skype you select the text and only the conversation is highlighted, not the timestamp of each message. Also the text copied to the clipboard is formatted very nicely. Can you point me in the right direction to reverse engineer skype?
Unfortunately there's no way to do this easily. This is because only ONE control can be the first responder at a time. This means that, though you can have selection in multiple text views, there are several problems:
Only one text view's text will actually be highlighted with the "live" highlight color; the others will have the gray highlight of non-focused controls.
Copy commands will only apply to the first responder text view.
Drag session starts will be initiated from the control the mouse was actually pointing at (irrespective of first responder) and will only drag that control's text.
In a view-based table view, the controls may not even "exist" for a row not currently displayed, so it'll never get the message unless you forcibly create each row, which could be costly for a large table.
Knowing all this, you might be able to "fake it" by having your controller be complicit in a text view and table view subclass's special handling of a select-all message when it's first responder. On receiving this message, the text view subclass can call super then notify the controller (to get its default behavior AND to let you know it happened), at which point the controller can turn around and send the command to all (existing) text views. Highlighting can be spoofed by overriding the text view's drawing and a drag initiation could defer to a delegate (the controller), which would handle writing ALL the strings from your model to the pasteboard (not even touching the text views in possibly-nonexistent row views). The table view subclass would simply pass the same select-all message to the controller without calling super (and even forcibly making sure nothing is selected before returning for good measure).
I hope this helps. If I've forgotten any of your requirements, let me know.
Try like this:-
First create button programatically then write this code after you create button and also write this code in your load method or awakefromnib method.
NSButton *Buttn=// alloc initwithframe;
[Buttn setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:
[Buttn setKeyEquivalent:#"A"];
[Buttn setTarget:self];
// now when you press cmd a write
below code in action method
- (void)selectRowIndexes:(NSIndexSet
*)indexes byExtendingSelection:

UITableView Cell - Edit?

Is it possible to use a UITableView to be able to enter a value into a database's field.
For example, if I was to have a UITableView pointing to a field within a database and if I wanted to enter a new entry into the database - tap on the UITableView Cell that would then allow keyboard input into the cell which ultimately end up being a new record in the database??
This is possible, but if something is possible doesn't mean you should be doing so.
You might ask why?
Well! you are trying to input data from view directly to database, this is a very bad practice. There are many reason for it being bad, the major is efficiency and security reasons.
You should consider using MVC pattern.
Now since its completely possible, I will explain the idea on how to do it and conclude with links that will have real code examples.
In tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
add a TextField with tag (to get the reference back in future) and add it to contentView of the cell and have it hidden.
Now in tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: make the cells editing property to YES.
Then, in tableView:willBeginEditingRowAtIndexPath:
get the reference to the textfield in contentview using viewWithTag: method and hide the textLabela and unhide the textfield.
In textfield's delegate textFieldDidEndEditing: make cell's editing property as no (yea, you need to keep the reference) unhide the textlabel and hide textfield.
In tableView:didEndEditingRowAtIndexPath: write methods which will commit the changes to your db.
Below are list of links which will get you code examples:
Having a UITextField in a UITableViewCell
Accessing UITextField in a custom UITableViewCell
iOS Database Tutorial
There are no examples for your requirement 'coz it bit bad way of doing things.
Yes its possible....
You can use delegate methods to take data form you cells textfield to your parent view controller and then save data in database.

Expansion for a view-based NSTableView

I have a view-based NSTableView for which some cells have enough content that it doesn't fit. I would like to be able to have the cell automatically expand when a user hovers their cursor over the cell.
In searching for this, it seems that this is the default behavior for a cell-based NSTableView. There are even methods like shouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumn, which the doc says is for cell-based table views only. Somewhere else in the doc implies that this expansion behavior is even on by default for cell-based table views?
- (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView shouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row
I get the impression that I'm missing something obvious.
Be able to put multiple rows of NSTextField objects in a view-based cell (more than there is pace to handle)
If the content overflows, put a visual indicator into the cell
When the user does a tool-tip style hover on the cell, expand the view to show all the content
You seem to be on the right track as this should work for cell based NSTableViews. You need to put tableView:shouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumn:row: in the tableView's delegate. You could reply YES for the column of interest.
With a view based table where you use NSTextFields these scroll, truncate or wrap but there is not an expand on hover option. It is possible to set the tooltip text to be the same as the content which might be a reasonable solution.
Did you try to change the row height (tableView:heightOfRow:) triggered by some mouse action? You might have to reload the tableview.

Is there a way to display a different small image (icon) for each row of a NSTableColumn?

Is there a way to display a different small image (icon) for each row of a NSTableColumn ?
I don't necessarily need to add a new column for it, I was wondering if I can just add the icon in front of the text of each row.
I know there is the method: - (void)setDataCell:(NSCell *)aCell . However this method seems to use the same cell for all rows, which is not what I want.
Is there a solution to this problem which doesn't require to subclass the NSTableColumn ? If not, what should I subclass ?
Make the cell for the column in question an NSImageCell. You can do this in Interface Builder by dragging an "Image Cell" from the object library onto the column. Then select the column and you'll be able to bind to an image source via one of the Data, Value, Value Path, or Valueurl bindings. Which one you choose depends on whether the source property in your model returns NSData, NSImage, NSString path, or NSURL url, respectively. See the documentation on NSImageCell bindings for more complete information.
Cells are the same for each row, because they're a lightweight class used as a performance optimization for drawing. That doesn't mean that each row has to use the cell to draw the same image though, any more than the text columns' cells have to draw the same string for each row.
If you really need the image to be in the same column as text, you'll have to do something more like duDE explains. Off the top of my head, I believe bindings should be still possible in this case, but you'll have to write more code to make that work. Rather than do that, I would probably switch to using a view based NSTableView, which makes putting multiple views in a single column/row easy, and will let you continue to use bindings without any extra work.
EDIT: duDE's answer was deleted, but to summarize, it suggested creating a custom NSCell subclass that would draw both an image and text.

NSOutlineView selection does not work

I have an NSOutlineView with a custom datasource (I don't know if this is relevant).
I have only one column (again, I don't know if this is relevant) and I want to perform a specific action upon cell selection, so I thought I should override outlineViewSelectionDidChange. This what I did:
-(void)outlineViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
NSLog(#"selection changed");
But this is not working. I have been playing around in IB with the Outline View, the Table Column and the Text Field Cell properties but so far I had no luck. I don't know if I changed any property that caused this situation or if this is something specific to my specific implementation.
So, anyone's got any clue on what I may be missing?
EDIT: Just in case I'm mis-interpreting the selection concept within an OutlineView, I expected the cells to be selected if I just click on the text outside the area of the expand arrow.
Well after a long struggle, as always, just after I posted my question, I found the answer. The problem is I am using the NSOutlineView in an NSPanel and somehow the NSPanel is not allowing the cells to be selected. If I just move the NSOutlineView to an NSWindow it works just as intended.