How can i check TCP connection status when keep alive? - mule

I am using a client TCP connector with the keepalive property set to true. It works fine when the connection is established. The problem arises when the server goes down, I do not know the connection status before i send data.
Is there any way I can find the Server/Connection before sending data by raising an exception or an event?


WebRTC Connection State management

What I wish to achieve:
When establish a connection, prevent user from sending any message until the connection had finished all the setup (with STUN/TURN server etc)
When there is a sudden disconnect, prevent the user from sending any message until the connection is re-established.
My best guess is either one of the event handler below will do the trick, but I don't know which one, and don't know what are the differences between the two.
oniceconnectionstatechange doesn't include the establishment of the DTLS handshake on top of the ice connection.
Use onconnectionstatechange to detect when the connection is fully established and also to detect disconnections.

Why MongooseIM closes the websocket connection after 60 seconds?

I am using MongooseIM as chat server and connecting it over websocket using xmpp.js inside react-native application. The server forcefully closes the connection after 60s on inactivity. I want to know:
If this is the default config?
Should/Can I change it?
Should I set up ping mechanism such that my client must send some pings after every 60s to avoid disconnect
WebSocket connections have default timeout value for inactivity set to infinity. Your configuration most probably contains "{timeout, 60000}" in the "mod_websockets" configuration. In order to keep idle connections connected to the server you can send WebSocket ping frames from time to time.
More info about "mod_websockets" configuration is here::
You can even configure the server to send WebSocket's ping frames by specifying the option {ping_rate, ValueInMilliSeconds}

WCF client becomes unusuable after internet is lost and reconnected

On this previous question: Tell when wcf client lost connection One of the commenters states:
Your service should not care whether a network cable was disconnected.
One feature of TCP is that unless someone is actively sending data, it
can tolerate momentary interruptions in network connectivity.
This is even more true in WCF, where there are layers of extra
framework to help protect you against network unreliability.
I'm having an issue where this is not working correctly. I have WCF client that makes a connection to the server using a DuplexChannelFactory. The connection stays open for 3 minutes. I disconnect the client from the internet and reconnect. The client regains internet connection, however any calls made from the server to that client fail. Once the client reconnects it begins working again.
When I pull the plug on the internet, the client throws several exceptions but the channel is still listed as being in an open state. Once the connection is regained and I made a request from the server to the client, I get errors such as: The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it has been Aborted.
Obviously if the request comes in when the client is offline it won't work, but I'm trying to get it so this channel will recover once the internet comes back without having to set up a new connection.
Should this be working as-is, based on the comment I listed above? Or is there something I need to change to make that actually work?
The issue here is that the channel you're trying to use is in a faulted state, and cannot be used any longer (as the error message indicates).
Your client needs to trap (catch) that exception, and then abort the current channel and create a new one. WCF will not do that for you automatically, you have to code for it yourself.
You could also check the CommunicationState of the channel to see if it is faulted, and recover that way.
A final option would be to use the OnFaulted event handler, and when the channel is faulted, abort the channel and create a new one.

recv() fails on UDP

I’m writing a simple client-server app which for the time being will be for my own personal use. I’m using Winsock for the net communication. I have not done any networking for the last 10 years, so I am quite rusty. I’d like to use as little external code as possible, so I have written a home-made server discovery mechanism, as follows.
The client broadcasts a message containing the ‘name’ of a client UDP socket bound to an arbitrary port, which I will call the client’s discovery socket. The server recv() the broadcast and then sendto() the client discovery socket the ‘name’ of its listening socket. The client then uses this info to connect to the server (on a different socket). This mechanism should allow the server to bind its listening socket to the first port it can within the dynamic port range (49152-65535) and to the clients to discover where the server is and on which port it is listening.
The server part works fine: the server receives the broadcast messages and successfully sends its response.
On the client side the firewall log shows that the server’s response arrives to the machine and that it is addressed to the correct port (to the client’s discovery socket).
But the message never makes it to the client app. I’ve tried doing a recv() in blocking and non-blocking mode, and there is never any data available. ioctlsocket() always shows no data is available, even though I know the packet got it to the machine.
The server succeeds on doing a recv() on broadcasted data. But the client fails on doing a recv() of the server’s response which is addressed to its discovery socket.
The question is very vague: what gotchas should I watch for in this scenario? Why would recv() fail to get a packet which has actually arrived to the machine? The sockets are UDP, so the fact that they are not connected is irrelevant. Or is it?
Many thanks in advance.
The client broadcasts a message containing the ‘name’ of a client UDP socket bound to an arbitrary port, which I will call the client’s discovery socket.
The message doesn't need to contain anything. Just broadcast an empty message from the 'discovery socket'. recvfrom() will tell the server where it came from, and it can just reply directly.
The server recv() the broadcast and then sendto() the client discovery socket the ‘name’ of its listening socket.
Fair enough, although actually the server could just broadcast its own TCP listening port every 5 seconds or whatever.
On the client side the firewall log shows that the server’s response arrives to the machine and that it is addressed to the correct port (to the client’s discovery socket). But the message never makes it to the client app
If it got to the host it must get to the application. You must have got the ports mixed up somehow. Simplify it as above and retry.
Well, it was one of those stupid situations: Windows Firewall was active, besides the other firewall, and silently dropping packets. Deactivating it solved the problem.
But I still don’t understand how it works, as it was allowing the server to receive packets sent through broadcasting. And when I got at my wits end and set the server to answer back through a broadcast, THOSE packets got dropped.
Two days of frustration. I hope someone profits from my experience.

Socket connection was aborted - WCF

I have a simple client server apps that uses WCF (netTcpBinding) when i'm launching the server and sending messages through the client everythings works fine , but when i'm closing the server manually and open it again (without closing the client app at all) the next time the client tries to send a message to the server i get this exception (on the client side):
The socket connection was aborted. This could be caused by an error processing y
our message or a receive timeout being exceeded by the remote host, or an underl
ying network resource issue. Local socket timeout was '00:00:59.9843903'.
if i use basicHttpBinding the problem doesn't occur.
is any one knows why this problem occurs ???
This is expected behavior. When you close the server, TCP connection on the server is closed and you can't call it from the client anymore. Starting the server again will not help. You have to catch the exception on the client, Abort current proxy and create and open new one.
With BasicHttpBinding it works because NetTcpBinding uses single channel for whole life of the proxy (the cannel is bound to TCP connection) whereas BasicHttpBinding creates new one for each call (it reuses existing HTTP connection or create new one if connection doesn't exist).