sqlite3_analyzer not working in Ubuntu missing shared object file - sql

I am learning more about sqlite3 and am trying to use the sqlite3_analyzer to view a bunch of data about my data. The problem is when I download the sqlite-analyzer-linux-x86-3071502.zip from https://www.sqlite.org/download.html and unzip this package and THEN try to run the program I receive THIS error: ./sqlite3_analyzer: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.6.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Does anyone know where to get this libtcl8.6.so file? Does anyone know how to install this after obtaining it?

Install the package tcl8.6, or download the analyzer source code and recompile it with the Tcl version in your distribution.

I ended up downloading an older version of sqlite3_analyzer from a third party website (do a search for sqlite-analyzer-linux-x86) that worked without the dependency. I won't post links as I can't ensure that they'll be available and serve the same file as I downloaded.
If you decide to do that, be sure to check the file for viruses on http://virustotal.com! Can't trust these Chinese file hostings ;)


Metaplex-master on github only has Readme file

I am trying to set up a Solana candy machine. I am using the Hasplips Metaplex-master but it only has one readme file. Its supposed to have a js folder, some .JSON files and more. Can any send me a link to the correct Metaplex-master for the candy machine? I can only find the Metaplex contain a readme file.
When I extracted the files all I found was a read me file. I created a js folder myself and tried to run some yarn commands in the Visual Studio code terminal but I need the other .json files that were supposed to be there to execute the commands.
You are using a very old guide. The js sdk has been deprecated and removed from that repo for months now.
It is way easier to create a candy machine with sugar, e.g. following this guide https://docs.metaplex.com/programs/candy-machine/how-to-guides/my-first-candy-machine-part1

Unable to find package location when creating application using yfiles-application generator

I am using the below documentation to get started with yfiles application.
I am stuck with the 2nd question the generator asks "Path of yFiles for HTML package".
What is the default location of this package? Is this a package.json file?
Resolved the issue.
No where in the documentation/read-me did it mention that I had to download the package separately.
I had to download and unzip the contents. And this directory becomes the location of the package.

Yii2 archive installation symbolic link issue

I am trying to install Yii framework via archive file in Windows 7...after downloading the file I tried extracting it into a folder in my C:\wamp\www\bid location, however, I encounter an error saying this:
! C:\wamp\www\bid\yii-basic-app-2.0.2.tgz: Cannot create symbolic link C:\wamp\www\bid\basic\vendor\bin\markdown
A required privilege is not held by the client.
! C:\wamp\www\bid\yii-basic-app-2.0.2.tgz: Cannot create symbolic link C:\wamp\www\bid\basic\vendor\bin\yii
A required privilege is not held by the client.
I thought that perhaps Winrar can't extract tgz files so I downloaded 7-zip...Using 7-zip it extracted into a tar file and the tar file was extracted with no errors...For some reason though I do not seem to have the framework folder that seem to be in other people's directory structure...Moreover after trying create my own framework folder and performing this command:
yiic webapp C:\wamp\www\bid
It states that yiic is not recognized as an internal or external command
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong...I've tried setting this up numerous times and failed
You need to run 7-Zip File Manager in administrator mode.
Right-click the icon of 7-Zip File Manager, and then click "Run as administrator".
you need to call the command with php since it is actually a external command, i do it like this
php ./yiic webapp NameOfApp
This way your terminal understand that yii is a program that runs with php.
Another solution is to add the yii path to your environmental variable, regards

where is open-ride.com's OpenRideServer.ear file located or generated?

I have downloaded the opensource code at open-ride.com in order to set up a rideshare server and associated services.
I am trying to find the ".ear" file that they talk about in the install manual.
does it have to be generated somehow from the downloaded source code?
It has to be generated either manually or through NetBeans. I haven't found out how to do it manually yet, but if you follow the NetBeans instructions you should be able to build it and run it. You might run into an error with the yui compressor where you just need to remove the ../ from the path to it in the configuration file. If you still have problems I may still be able to help.

Yii Documentation: Generate Html Help Project files

I need to generate MS html help project files (that is html/js/image files plus .hhp, .hhk, and .hhc) from Yii Docs build system but I'm yet to find how to do It. I don't need a compiled CHM, just the project files. I work from Ubuntu Linux
Any pointer or direct help is appreciated.
Installed PHP Unit and Selenium extension via pear
Then I went on to run phing in yii/build dir with commands
cd yiidir/build
phing doc
check API sub directory and it have all necessary files to make CHM.
Since I needed uncompiled files then I just ended here but you can go ahead and compile to CHM